Manuke FPS


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『Found you』

The log in the chat window floating in my field of vision was filled with those words.

A large shadow was cast over the sunny parking lot in front of the large shopping center, and I sensed something big in the background. But, there were no bright spots on the map. It’s a story that can be done in retrospect, but it shouldn’t be the case now――for some reason it felt like that.

However, the chat log displayed a dizzying list of hieroglyphs, and the automatically translated sentences that filled my field of vision―― Why is this… Evil God contacting me at this timing? And what does she mean by [Found you]… did she find me?

The pressure I felt from behind stiffened my body, making it difficult to speak and breathe. And then the list of the same words stopped, and another character string began to flow.

『My cute, sweet, child』

『My child who was cut off from parent by that hateful one』

『However, I know that my child will find their way back to me』

『Take your life and grow strong』

『Now, time to open a hole in the narrow world』

『Now, come save your mother』

『Now, let’s restore the bond that was severed』




『Together, bring woe to her children』

『Together, bring turmoil to her world』

『Together, bring chaos to her world』




I held my breath, without making a sound or making any noise… no, I was just unable to move at all due to the suffocating pressure, but the Evil God’s appearance gradually changed――I could see that she was going insane.

The sound sensor continues to pick up something that cannot be heard――Is this the voice of the mad Goddess herself…? I wonder if the reason why I can’t hear anything is because magic dwells in every word she speaks.

The moment she felt that, the entire air of the shooting range shook.

『……my child?』

『……Where is my child?』

『……Let me hear your voice, my child?』

『……Remember the wave of my power?』




『……where are you?!』


『……where are you?!』

The shadows that covered the sky shook violently, and the air in the entire shooting range shook over and over again. It’s like――the realm itself is being hit from outside.

It was clear from the reaction of the maddened Goddess……To be honest, the pressure and the madness felt from the trembling of the air became even stronger, and I even felt fear. It may be the first time I’ve fallen into this world and felt definite fear.

The mad Goddess kept demanding that I show some movement. Voice—movement—VMB power—something roaring madly to show my presence.That’s probably because she could no longer sense me…

Thinking about it, my trembling fear eased a little. The jet-black shadows swaying greatly faded little by little, and the vibrations of the violently hitting air gradually weakened. The momentum of the chat log had weakened, and before I knew it, the sky in the parking lot had returned to clear skies.


The pressure disappeared, and the mad Goddess disappeared. Even if I turned around and looked up at the sky, there was no shadow or shape. Even when I looked around the unmanned parking lot, I no longer felt the eerie or cold feeling I felt in the shopping center. However――I couldn’t linger here for too long, even if the chance of her reappearing is unlikely. I collected the transfer circles, moved from the shooting range to my personal quarter, then transferred back to Amar.

“Schwartz, what happened?! Your face is pale!”

Ashley was waiting for me when I transferred to the basement of the Zephanel mansion where the copy magic circle was placed.

“I’m fine…maybe.”

“Maybe you said… Did something happen?”

Ashley’s worried face came right up to her eyes and nose. Should I tell her about the chat log――? No. me going alone on an expedition to the labyrinth island is already making her anxious. Adding more worries is… But, Ashley already knows my secret. That I wasn’t born in this world, but a『Trespasser』from another world. Moreover… I don’t want more secrets between me and Ashley.

“Let’s change places… I have something I want to talk to you about.”

After that, Ashley and I moved from the basement to my private room in the Zephanel mansion to see how much she knew about how I fell into this world. I hadn’t really talked to Ashley about that. We’ve talked about the previous world, but we’ve never talked about VR games or FPS.

No matter how I look at it, it’s impossible to understand in such a short notice. Besides, there was too little information about the existence of Evil God and Creation God.

The fortified city of Balga, the Royal Capital of Kurtmerga, and wherever I searched, I could find almost no literature about Gods. Even if there is any et al, all the documents are similar… It’s the origin of the Evil God that created the labyrinth, and how the Creation God sealed the Evil God somewhere. Information about the names of the Evil God and the Creation God has already been forgotten, and no proper lore remains.

Ashley didn’t know why I fell into this world――which was originally to become a labyrinth master. However, she had heard a similar story from Chancellor Zephanel. I also don’t want to say that I am the former master of the labyrinth… because that’s an unacceptable fact. And it makes me wonder if it’s really “original”.

However, when I thought about the Evil God that appeared at the shooting range, I couldn’t help but touch it forever.

“Evil God… Something like that in that realm…?”

“No… I think it’s outside the realm to be exact.”

“Umm…this “Chatlog” you talked about, can I take a look at it?”

Personal chat logs are stored in the VMB system. I floated the TSS window monitor in the air toward Ashley, who sat facing me in the private room, and displayed the chat log on the entire surface.

“Th, these are the messages from the Evil God…?”

“Just in case, you shouldn’t say it out loud. It’s what Malta-san told me, but he said that if you speak the name of Evil God or Creation God, it will consume the magic power in your body and it may lead to death.”


Ashley, who was about to read out the hieroglyphs aloud, froze. Her cute little mouth moved slightly, and her voice stopped responding to my words――.

“That said――can Ashley read it?”

“――I, I can’t…”

Needless to say, that statement caused a strange silence between me and Ashley.

“I, in any case… I will tell the predecessor and Chancellor Bergman to refrain from using the “Shopping Center” even after Schwartz returns from labyrinth island.”

I also agree with that. I only have a little information, but it’s easy to imagine that Evil God is sealed “outside” my territory, the shooting range. That world is neither my original world nor this world, it’s another world entirely. Evil Gods must exist in the interstitial worlds that are the boundaries of each.

In addition, judging from the automatic translation of the chat log, there are passages in which the Evil God reacted to the conversation at the shooting range, the use of the VMB’s power, and the restoration of the supplies obtained from the facility.

Of course, the collected mobile phones, food, and other supplies――no, not only the area of ​​the shooting range, but the VMB system and power itself were given by the Evil God. Using it――or consuming it might have sent a wave of power that is transmitted to the Evil God.

“If I consume supplies or act in that area, the Evil God will follow my movements. It’s better to think of it that way, and… I don’t think I can do anything about it now.”

That was――the pressure and fear that I felt at that time, and the conclusion that I could directly sense its presence. That mad Goddess is sealed in the interstitial world, There is no need to open a hole in that boundary and challenge her in a reckless battle.

As originally intended, I will destroy the labyrinth that was created in this world――destroy it――annihilate it. That should be one of the ways I can make the mad Goddess regret, and lead to an eternal seal.

“…But, it’s difficult to stop the techniques and tools that have been circulated.”

“There is no need for Schwartz to solve everything, and regarding the techniques and tools that have begun to spread, I will firmly manage them in the name of the next Head of the Zephanel family, Ashley Zephanel. That’s…our vow after all.”

“Very well. I’ll leave that to Ashley.”

That’s right――on that day at the dinner party in Flyhigh, Ashley and I made a vow to each other. I’ll try to use the shooting range as infrequently as possible and keep my distance so that the evil god can’t find me. It would be fine if I leave the rest to Ashley.

“Fufu, leave it to me!”

Perhaps satisfied with my reply, Ashley smiled broadly


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