Manuke FPS


Last one was just missed labeled :’3 Its the right in the order. Ignore it.


With Daikan, The Chairman of Yamigasa company tied up on my shoulders, I ran through the second district of the Royal Capital. Aiming for Duke Barga’s mansion in the first district――the same way I moved from Flyhigh, the venue for the banquet, to the second district, I did a wall run and landed on top of the castle walls.

The sky above the Royal Castle in the center of the Royal Capital was burning red.

The Royal Castle was surrounded by solid walls, but even from a distance, I could see that many of them had collapsed. In front of the suspension bridge that lead to the main gate of the Royal Castle, I could also see many bonfires burning. However, I didn’t sense that the battle was continuing across the castle gate.

The main gate had already been broken through, and the stage had shifted to the interior of the Royal Castle…

Was I too late in destroying the Demon Steel Soldiers?――but the results weren’t bad, considering that there was no guarantee that the defender would be able to do something about the Demon Steel Soldier. There is no doubt that I’ve dealt a huge blow to the strength of the revolting Rafflesia.

Turning my gaze to a place other than the Royal Castle, I could see several other red-burnt places. It is certain that multiple attacks were carried out at the same time, but I couldn’t judge the situation properly from this place.

Let’s hurry――.

With that in mind, the moment I turned my gaze to the bottom of the castle walls――thunder roared in the sky above the Royal Castle. Every time thunder roared, the outer wall of the Royal Castle was blown off and the spire collapsed――.

“Felix the Lightning Flash”…..

For some reason, I was convinced that he was behind the lightning strikes. Felix Mendoza, the Vice Master of the Rafflesia.

During the King’s Festival, when I chased the phantom thief Nekoyanagi, I was attacked by assassins sent by the Cactus. I managed to thwart them, but right afterward――I was mistaken for an undead and had to fight Felix for a short time.

I had not forgotten the cold jade eyes staring at me at that time.

A dazzling light flashed in the sky of the Royal Castle again, and a little later, a roar of thunder rang out. The fact that the thunder continues to roar is proof that the battle is still going on――I wonder if it’s from the clash between the Royal Guards and the Rafflesia.

Should I head to the Royal Castle to help instead of heading to the Duke’s mansion?

Standing still on the castle wall, I hesitated a little about whether to go to the Royal Castle or the duke’s mansion, but a change occurred in the Royal Castle I was staring at. A gigantic explosion of flames and a column of water appeared in the sky, which was previously filled with nothing but thunder.

In the next moment, a storm blew away the thunderclouds covering the sky of the Royal Castle, and the earthen walls rose up as if blocking the collapsed castle walls.

Someone is fighting Felix?

Was it the Royal guards, or one of the magic nobles――or is it the current King himself? In any case, it appeared that the Rafflesia wasn’t one-sidedly controlling the battle. If there’s still a little bit of time left, I should give priority to obtaining information.

Thinking that, the moment I tried to get off the castle wall to head to the Duke of Barga’s mansion――a number of dots entered the map that floated in my field of vision, and they approached me on the castle wall.

“Whoa there! Trying to cross the district wall by taking advantage of darkness, ain’t you? Can’t complain if anyone attacks you now!”

“Could it be, the ‘Black Mask Shaft’-nya?”

“The ‘Nobleman in Black’.”

“Notify Master that we have found a suspicious person, Malinda, Miche, don’t get too close.”

These voices are the four female adventurers of clan Sazanka――Malinda, Miche, Ruu, and Frau. There was one dot leaving the castle wall after Frau-san’s instructions, so it must be a member of the Sasanqua that I don’t know yet.

But, what to do now?

In the throne room of Mine Labyrinth, under the guise of Jonah, I clashed with the “Sazanka”. I haven’t seen them since then, but I got the gist of the level of their abilities already. However, to face each other again in the form of Shaft this time――No, this might be a good opportunity if you think about it the other way around.

Rafflesia, Cactus, Schuldtiana. With the Second Prince at the top, who knows how far their roots have extended. There are immeasurable numbers of adventurers, merchants, and nobles entwined in its roots, both seen and unseen.

However, these roots seem to ignore the likes of them――female adventurers.

The adventurers working in the Royal Capital would naturally seek to be connected to the Rafflesia. However, only the girls of the clan Sasanqua are different. Their membership is strictly female-only, including noble daughters who are undergoing bride training. Right now――the only adventurer clan I can trust in the Royal Capital――maybe only the Sasanqua.

“The one you’re carrying on your shoulder is Yamigasa Company’s Daikan, isn’t it? Where are you going to take him?”

“Are you involved in the battle at the Royal Castle too-nya?”


“Come on, say something!”

A tense air flows over the castle walls, and the siege of the four people gradually narrows, but I have no intention of arguing with them. So instead――

“Indeed, Malinda-san.”

I switched off my voice changer so that my original voice could be heard, then I slowly removed my kevlar mask and exposed my real face――Schwartz’s face to Malinda-san.

“――Schwartz? You are Schwartz, aren’t you-nya!”

“Good evening, Miche-san.”

Miche-san was the first to react after I removed the Kevlar mask. The other three immediately noticed, and the tension that had been floating around quickly dissipated.

“The true identity of the ‘Black Mask Shaft’ is Schwartz… what exactly is this?]

“Frau-san, about the details――”

The moment I was about to answer Frau-san’s obvious question――the thunder roared in the Royal Castle again, and a pillar of fire erupted with a roar to match it. Due to the excessive roar, everyone’s eyes on the castle wall turned to the burning Royal Castle.

“――I will tell you the details at Duke Barga’s residence. Can you come with me now?”

“…..I understand. Ruu, you should stay to inform Master about the situation.”

Ruu-san nodded in response to Frau-san’s instruction. We then descended from the castle wall and headed for Duke Barga’s residence. Duke Barga’s residence was quiet. However, there are more guards than usual standing on the border of the site, patrolling and guarding the gates.

Looking at the faces of the guards, it’s easy to tell the rising tension in their faces――but at the same time, there was also a sense of pride and elation.

No wonder. In this Duke Barga’s mansion, some of the most important people in the Kingdom, the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Kurtmerga, the Third Prince, and the Eternal Honorary Chancellor, are hiding. The honor of protecting the nobles who unexpectedly visited must’ve made them feel excited. With the capital being in a tight situation, the more meaningful it is to protect this place.

The guards guarding the gate had already noticed us approaching the Duke’s mansion. He didn’t panic, he didn’t make a fuss, and even while he was sending one of the guards to the mansion, he started to prepare for a quick response by gathering patrol guards in front of the gate.

“Stop there, this is the mansion of the lord of Barga, the Duke of Barga. Why did you visit at such a time?”

One of the gatekeepers came to visit with a slightly trembling voice.

After reuniting with the four Sasanqua, I’ve been moving with my Kevlar mask off. If only I came here still wearing Shaft’s mask, I might be able to get through to Duke Barga’s mansion, which I’ve visited for Lapitilica-sama’s escort request. But as of now, I have no way to prove to the gatekeeper that I’m the real Black Mask Shaft.

It’s possible that it was discussed in advance, but the counterfeit of my black mask is in circulation in the Royal Capital. Since there is a possibility that the assassins from the “Cactus” will wear a black mask and visit, the gatekeeper should not let them through easily.

That’s why it would be faster to act as my real self.

“I am Daikokuya Schwartz. The three behind me are Frau, Miche, and Malinda from the clan Sasanqua. As for this fainted man… well, let’s just say it’s a souvenir.”

While I was carrying him, the Yamigasa Company’s Daikan fainted because he had to experience the slide jump and wall run repeatedly. It would’ve been troublesome if he made a fuss, so it is actually more convenient not to wake him up.

[Schwartz――I’ve heard the story, but why is Sasanqua accompanying you?]

“I met them on the way here, and considering the current situation――Isn’t there a shortage of guards and escorts?”

I lowered my voice and whispered to one of the gatekeepers. The gatekeeper widened his eyes for a moment, cleared his throat once, and turned back as if to re-partition.

“Hmm, just in case, please present your guild card.”

When I turned my gaze behind me, Frau-san and others, who had followed me almost silently, presented their guild cards and began to show them to the gatekeeper――At the same time, I heard the sound of the mansion’s front door opening slowly and slightly――


Ashley’s voice echoed in the tense, quiet front yard of the Duke’s mansion. The front door was opened with great force, and Ashley rushed straight up to me――.


And, jumped into my chest.


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