
Chapter 71: Examining the Silver Hair

Yuuko-nee decided to acquit the assassins.

Yuuko-nee wanted the assassins to spread the information of how they were defeated before they could even attack in a one sided affair, but as a parting gift, she also gave them information to reveal how big a blunder they had made. She told them her own level and the accomplishments of Kazane and the others in the last two months, including them aiding the royal family of Tsuvara, which had a dramatic effect. The internal story (or the client's story) did not reveal that they would be antagonizing not only Minshiana but the unrelated Tsuvara as well, which was way too risky. The leader's beastman said that it was necessary to take a serious look at the fact that the contract agreement was excessively different from the actual facts. The meaning of that response was unknown, but it may not be unrelated to Loren Khan disappearing three days later and then being discovered a week after that with a tragic appearance.

And saying「If we meet again and you need a favor feel free to rely on us」to Yuuko-nee, they waved as as they returned home. Despite saying that, it seemed like they didn't want to remain any longer and receive a request.

◎ Inside Hot Spring Cottage, Open Air Bath - Next morning

「Well then.」

Yuuko-nee said across from Yumika.

「Below is silver too.」

She was also facing downwards.

「Yuuko-nee, don't look at strange places.」

Yumika submerged herself up to the neck with a splash.

Even though the meeting in the bath was to appreciate Yumika's Wolf God Transformation. What was wrong with looking? It was fine, wasn't it? It was only looking. Don't be stingy.

「Now now, that's the main place people are concerned with. Why not?」

「It's simple curiosity, isn't it?」

Whether the carpet matches the drapes. The source of this question is an eternal mystery.

「Mumumu. You're also growing a tail. On top of that the ears stand up like a dog-san.」

「After that is the nose. It's unusually dog-like.」

Kazane points to Yumika's nose. The current Yumika is close to a beastman. In terms of classification she would be called a Divine Beast.

「But it's pretty.」

Tiara said while spellbound and touching Yumika's hair. The silver hair on her head and body was brilliant and glossy. Wolf God Transformation had an invigorating effect on the body.

「No, wrong. I don't feel like... that?」

When Yumika's face turned red, Tiara tilted her head and asked「What are you saying?」

(Hmm, I wonder. Doesn't Yumika have some latent lesbian feelings?)

(Ah. She's at a sensitive age. That girl's interested in boys.)

While watching Yumika, Louise whispered to Yuuko-nee and she whispered back. Those two people had similar personalities and their relationship wasn't bad.

「Yuuko-nee, I can hear you?」

Yumika said with a glare.

「Well, you are, aren't you? Interested in boys?」

But Yuuko-nee nonchalantly counterattacked.

「Well, that is, I am...but...」

Yumika instantly revealed that her weak point had been struck.

「Fundamentally, Yumika is quick to fall in love.」

Kazane interjected. Although she hadn't met many people since she came to this world, in the original world there was a man called Chyoro Hana-san. She had a tendency to say things like「He's an excellent person, right?」By the way, the current crush seemed to be Mondorie due to their conversation in the carriage.

「But isn't she the innocent girl who broke up with Yuuji-kun around the time he said he wanted to touch her breasts?」

Kazane said to no one in particular.

「Shut up. I don't want to hear that from someone with no breasts to touch.」

「There areーthere's a little bitー」

Yumika and Kazane stood up with their faces turning red and Kazane made oppai missile firing gestures towards Yumika with her hands to emphasize her breasts. Well, there was nothing to emphasize, though.

「So immature.」

「They should act their age.」

「Yumika was dating a man. She's an adult.」

Three people floating lightly side by side said their impressions.



Yumika suddenly groaned and Kazane opened her eyes wide. Yumika suddenly glowed; her hair immediately returned to its usual light brown color, and the dog ears and tail disappeared.

「Below also returned to normal.」

Yuuko-nee confirmed it just in case, since Yumika was standing up.

「It would be more interesting if that was the only part that didn't change back.」

Louise giggled.

(What would make it more interesting?)

Kazane thought, but she thought she probably wouldn't get an answer even if she asked, so she didn't open her mouth. Naturally, Yumika once again sank into the bath.

「The duration is 20 minutes a day, once a day. It seems useful. Strength and Agility are doubled and the other ability scores are increased by roughly 1.5 times. Active skills granted are『Silver Wolf Magic Eyes』『Summon Silver Wolf』『Sneak』『Holy Voice』and Passives are『Dog's Sense of Smell』『Super Hearing』『Intuition』『Nimble』and『Animal Subordination』」

Kazane stated the Wolf God Transformation's effect on Yumika's Status. It was a very powerful ability increase, but that was natural, since it was the highest ranking combat artifact in this world. It could also be said that the effect of Kazane's Crimson Saint Coffin was too plain.

「Kazane has a few of the same skills.」

「It's probably because there have been many encounters with monsters. But I wanted to see the Silver Wolf Summon.」


Yuuko-nee, who was soaking in the bath, shook her head from her side. Because it was requested by Yumika, Kazane summoned her to let her soak in the bath.

「Dog is Out for Yuuko-nee?」


「Muu. Although it would be cute to be with both at the same time, since she's a cat I'll give up.」

Yumika was finally able to embrace Yuuko-nee after the Wolf God Transformation ended. She was afraid of the Wolf God condition, so she didn't let her come close.

「Does it feel good, Yuuko-neechan?」

Yuuko-nee asked while stroking Yuuko-nee's head. The answer was「nyaa.」

By the way, Kazane had a tendency to avoid bringing her face too close to Yuuko-nee, since the sight of the Elder Cat gnawing on the adventurers was seared into her brain. This was unconscious, and the person herself did not notice.

「You know what I'm saying. You're very clever.」

Yuuko-nee happily stroked the cat with the same name. Yuuko-nee was also a cat person.

「But, I think it would be a shame for today to be the last time we soak here.」

Kazane nodded at Louise's remark.

「That's true. We've already expanded it considerably, Yuuko-nee. Shouldn't we have people live in this place afterwards?」

「That's the plan. We'll have to look at the current situation and how to use the surrounding area to make a decision, but since this is close to the borders of both Tsuvara and Lindo, I think it's not a bad place to prepare something.」

Lindo was the kingdom in the peninsula to the south. They mainly trade with other lands and  continents using ships. Conrad and Winlard were connecting cities that imported and exported with it. The fact that the Ogre turmoil almost ended this route was fresh in her mind.

Yuuko-nee was considering whether this hot spring couldn't be used for a similar route. In other words, the scrapped hot spring town Rinri once spoke about was revived.

Incidentally, Kazane further expanded the structure of the hot springs, and there were several free rooms. This building was once a cottage(it was already too late to describe it as such), and if Kazane continued remodeling at the same brisk pace, doors and windows would soon need to be added.

「Anyway, I want to add doors and windows.」

Kazane muttered. The Golem Cottage was convenient, but the flaw was that doors etc. cannot be attached separately. Requiring Kazane to be there to open or close any entrances was inconvenient.

(Should I consult with Master?)

Kazane thought so.

So Kazane and the others dressed themselves, left the hot spring, and headed for Conrad on Hippo-kun. They stayed overnight again, took the carriage they had left there, and returned after a three day journey to the Royal Capital.

Incidentally, Kazane entrusted Yumika with a Mysterious Pouch with a loading capacity of 50 kg before she headed to Coral Temple. The purpose was to have an Indestructible Futon placed inside. And Yumika took the opportunity to place indestructible tableware and indestructible candlesticks and the like inside. It was a huge victory for Kazane.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Silver Breastplate, Silver Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Berserk Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring

Level : 22

Health: 77

Magic Power: 132+300

Strength: 33

Agility: 27

Endurance: 17

Wisdom : 34

Dexterity : 20

Spell : 『Fly』 『Torch』 『Fire』 『Heal』『Firestorm』

Skill : 『Goblin Language』 『Night Vision』 『Crushing Blow』 『Dog’s Sense of Smell』 『Golem Maker: Lv2』 『Rush』 『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』 『Healing Principle: Second Chapter』 『Air Jump』 『Killing Leg』 『Fear Voice』 『Invisible』 『Tiger Eye』 『Wall Walking』 『Intuition』 『Cheat Death』 『Nimble』

Kazane: 「Actually, the Mysterious Pouch is missing from the equipment of Yuuko-nee: 「Please. Indestructible Futons for me and Sieg please. I will give you the Kingdom.」

Yumika: 「Yuuko-nee is completely addicted.」

Kazane: 「It's scary, right? The Indestructible Futon.」

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