
Chapter 58

Episode 58 Return to the City

◎ Rock Hold Cave Entrance - Evening

「Is that so? There was a monster with a childstone on the fourth level?」

Kazane’s party told the guild administrator how the adventurers had died when they turned in the guild cards .

「We had better call for some adventurers over Rank B to come and do some cleaning at once . 」

Zinray nodded at the manager's words . Cleaning is the process of calling a large number of high rank adventurers to cull the lower tiers . It is done when a high level monster shows up in the lower tiers due to a dungeon’s expansion period, like what happened this time .

「What are you going to do with the childstone? We can buy it here . 」

「No, she has become a little attached, so I think we’ll keep it . 」

「Hou, that is to say, she can summon it?」

「Kazane was a golem summoner from the start, so you do not have to register it again . 」

「Oh, was that so? I understand . 」

By the way, a golem summoner would normally be considered a type of magical engineer, but since the guild dealt with combat matters they were simply categorized as summoners .

「Then I shall buy the Elder Cat fur and give you the reward for subjugating a childstone possessing monster . 」

「Then I shall leave it to you . 」

The administrator nodded at Zinray’s words and handed over about 10000 kirigia .

「It’s a lot . 」

「Well, that is because childstone possessor subjugation is the most difficult part of a dungeon . 」

After saying that Zinray looked at Kazane sternly .

「Accordingly, I want you to understand how risky it is . 」

「It’s good . While I know I can rely on you for many things I don’t want to do anything too unreasonable . 」

「Un, I’m glad you already understand . 」

Since the battle against the Ruby Griffon the way Zinray interacted with Kazane had subtly changed . Yumika was a disciple and so he treated her accordingly, but when it came to Kazane it felt like he was looking after a grandchild . Naturally, the correspondence became more easygoing .

「Well, since we’re going to the hot spring tomorrow, let's go to bed early today . 」

Zinray also agreed with those words . Originally they had planned to rest tomorrow and head for the hot spring the day after tomorrow, but they hadn’t imagined that there would be nothing interesting around the dungeon, so they decided to instead advance to the hot spring . Zinray’s arms also ached after their encounter with the Elder Cat and Diablo . He strongly felt the desire to submerge himself and relax in a hot spring .

( . . . I’m getting old)

He did not want to admit it, but he felt his age more year by year . He felt especially ill-suited to the succession of fantastical situations he had been in recently . Or perhaps it was that city life was too relaxed .

(I should train harder)

And this was the solution that Zinray finally reached . This old man was still full of spirit .

◎ Marukuni Hot Spring District - The Following Noon

Kazane and the others finally arrived at Marukuni Hot Spring District around noon . Hot spring manju was sold there as well . 「My honored ancestor seems to be the one who invented it」Tiara said while stuffing her cheeks . With a gentle feeling as if the two of them were about to cry, Kazane and Yumika embraced Tiara tightly . Since she was hugged by Yumika as well Tiara thought「???」 .

Since this hot spring styled itself as a health resort there was a medical building with healers, so Kazane and the others all went together to receive health inspections, but no particular problems were found . On the way Louise stealthily told Zinray「I might have become pregnant」and he choked . It had only been three days since they did it . This old man was too excitable .

As planned, Kazane’s group relaxed at the hot spring district the next day and departed the day after that .

◎ Zanbara Forest, Near the Akana Highway - Noon

◎ Zanbara Forest, Near the Akana Highway - Noon

In the forest there were two horses with the figures of five adventures riding them . Of course, it was Kazane and her party .

「It's been a long time since we were here . 」

「Yeah, we’ve been away for half a month . 」

While Kazane controlled Hippo-kun, Yumika nodded in agreement with Kazane’s words .

「It has also been a long time for me, although it didn’t leave a good impression on me . 」

This Zanbara forest was situated halfway between Winlard and the border of the Tsuvara Kingdom, and was the forest where Tiara was caught by Ogres .

「Now it’s time for revenge . Well . . . hmm, maybe that’s not quite right . 」

「Ee, it’s close enough . We may as well call it that . 」

Tiara nodded at Yumika’s words, although she wasn’t entirely convinced . Kazane and the others had already exterminated the ogres that originally attacked Tiara . Right now they weren’t ogre hunting for personal reasons but because of the request from the guild .

While Yumika and Kazane racked their brains at this question that didn’t have an answer, Kazane surveyed the surroundings and went 「hmm」 in a low voice .

「How does it look . Is there anything?」

Zinray asked from alongside Kazane and the others .

「No, there doesn’t seem to be anything around this area . I can’t smell any traces . 」

「Is that so . Well, being able to confirm that much is still good . 」

It was still useful information .

「Ara, we still have time . Should we visit a few more places?」

After Louise’s remark came from behind Zinray, Zinray asked Kazane「What do you think?」After all, since Kazane was the one searching for monsters with her nose, she was the best judge of how much area they could cover .

「Sure . Let's head straight north towards the area right before Zaltsu Pass and turn back once we reach it and return to Winlard . 」

「I see . We’ll still be able to reach Winlard during the evening if we return from there . 」

「I see . We’ll still be able to reach Winlard during the evening if we return from there . 」

Zinray thought it was reasonable and nodded . Compared with when they went to the hot spring, with Kazane’s raised level and the Crimson Saint Coffin, she had been working on improving Hippo-kun, and their travel speed and travel time were considerably increased . Compared to before the distance they could cover in a day was greatly increased and was now their strong point . Also, since her Golem Maker skill had risen to level 2, even if their magical power was exhausted they would keep their shape instead of crumbling, so being able to just replenish their magical power instead of making new ones was a big deal .

Although this was not limited to just Golem Maker, but to all magic of a similar type, most of the magical power expenditure was from the the initial construction process . Compared to generating new ones, them persisting represented a significant reduction in magical power costs . Kazane also produced multiple golems at the same time in one generation process, such as「Hippo-kun and Hippo-kun,」so due to saving the time and effort by only injecting magical power as fuel a substantial cost reduction was realized .

「Besides, I'd like to fight with Yukko-nee . 」

Kazane took the childstone out of her pocket . Kazane named the Elder Cat after her gaming buddy Yukko-nee . Tatsuyoshi-kun was also a candidate but Yumika was furiously opposed . Her reason seemed to be she thought it would get fat .

「I want to see also . 」

And it was the Yumika that opposed Tatsuyoshi-kun that quickly bit at Kazane’s words . Yumika was a big cat lover . To Tiara Yukko-nee was just a monster so she strongly disliked it .

「Hmm . I’m sure there will be an opportunity to see it . 」

Zinray did not say anything harsh to Yumika for that . Since that battle with Diablo, Yumika had mastered『Vibration . 』It could be said that Zinray's current attitude was a result of his respect for Yumika's constantly growing power . Well, depending on the degree .

Anyway, they headed for Zaltsu Pass, exactly as Kazane had said .

◎ Zanbara Forest, Near Akana Highway and Zaltsu Pass


Kazane’s stone horses halted near the forest .

「What's wrong?」

Yumika was the first one to promptly ask Kazane the question, as if it came as a matter of course . The question came at such perfect timing after the horses halted that Tiara thought something similar to「this girl is good」as she realized with a shiver that the difference in friendship history cannot be so easily overcome . Without knowing that Tiara was having such thoughts, Kazane answered Yumika's question .

「Garra-san and some others seem to be passing by . Jirou-kun also seems to be with them . There are 10 people in all . 」

「Hmm . Since Garra’s party only has 3 members now it may be a mixed party for ogre hunting . 」

「What shall we do?」

There wasn’t much sense in them joining the party . Kazane and the others can deal with ogres themselves and with that many people they wouldn’t be able to take advantage of Hippo-kun's mobility .

There wasn’t much sense in them joining the party . Kazane and the others can deal with ogres themselves and with that many people they wouldn’t be able to take advantage of Hippo-kun's mobility .

「If those guys are going ahead we can leave it to them . It would be nice to return to Winlard a little early, right?」

「Yeah . I wanted to see Jirou-kun and the others but it can’t be helped . 」

Saying that, Kazane turned Hippo-kun toward the city of Winlard . They didn’t encounter any monsters on the way and arrived at the city of Winlard .

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword 『Black Fang』, Silver Breastplate, Silver Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Berserk Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Spirit Summoning Ring

Level : 22

Health: 77

Magic Power: 132+300

Strength: 33

Agility: 27

Endurance: 17

Wisdom : 34

Dexterity : 20

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』

Skill : 『Goblin Language』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog’s Sense of Smell』『Golem Maker: Lv2』『Rush』『Fire Principle: Second Chapter』『Healing Principle: Second Chapter』『Air Jump』『Killing Leg』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Insight』『Cheat Death』

Kazane: This time is the Yukko-nee and Tatsuyoshi-kun edition .

Yumika: Yukko-nee is fine, but what’s this about Tatsuyoshi-kun?

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