
Chapter 428: Let's Defend Ourselves

「Umm, what should we do about this?」

Kazane wore a cramped smile and looked at Tiara.

The ghost ship in front of them seemed to be a Tsuvaran naval warship from 600 years ago. And it was about to head for the royal capital to attack. She wondered what it would do about the land, but since it was a ghost ship, it may possess a means to travel on land.

Then Tiara frowned and opened her mouth.

「Although those gentlemen were once our country's swords and shields, we can't let monsters that are planning to harm people go. Let's defeat them.」

『Indeed. We can't let insults to the Hero King spread either.』

Mefirus also seemed to be motivated.

「So, um, what about those guys' words a moment ago?」

Then Naoki asked Mefirus. Naoki was more or less acquainted with Tatsuyoshi. It weighed on his mind a bit.

『It's a terrible misunderstanding. I hear the Hero King continued to abide by a law from his hometown called the『Jipohou』and watched over Mintia-sama as she grew with a heart like a sage. He continually endured Mintia-sama's seduction every day, and they only had relations after she turned 18 years old.』

Ah, so they did do it... Kazane thought, but Mefirus and Tiara were present, so of course they did. If there was no issue in terms of age, then there weren't any problems. However, setting aside feelings of loving or liking, it couldn't be helped that Kazane was a little depressed when she heard such a story about the man she had felt the greatest affection towards in her life.

Anyhow, Kazane looked at the Skeleton General and his subordinates on the deck of the warship in front of her.

Purple auras were floating from their bodies, and it looked like their reason was already disappearing due to anger. Astral monsters tended to fall into a thought loop when their minds went in a negative direction. And anger was swirling among them. A red light was shining strongly from their eye sockets.

『Kill the loliconーーーー』

『Kill the fattyーーーー』

『Return our Mintia-samaーーーー』

Like fans who go crazy when they find out their idol has a boyfriend, the Skeletons bellowed with anger as their gazes turned toward Kazane and the others. It seemed they were recognized as companions of Tatsuyoshi. Then, together with the shout『Hard starboarrrrd』, the ship started turning horizontally. The cannons started turning toward them.

「Ahーーー persuasion is impossible now. Prepare for battle!」

Hearing Kazane's words, everyone put themselves on guard. Then Kazane took the『Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor』out of her Item Box and instantly put it on. The Berserk Ogre and the others inside made it possible to equip in an instant. This armor was extremely useful in  emergencies like these.

However, the other members were still in swimsuits. As might be expected, this wasn't a situation where they could change, so Kazane used the Skill『Arms Creation: Black Flame』to immediately equip everyone with armor.

「Eh, school swimsuit?」

Yumika looked at the Black Flame equipment she was given. 3-4 Tachiki Yumika was written on the cloth bib. Louise, Tiara, and Yui were crammed tight into theirs, which was incredibly erotic. Emily was normal. Naoki was also in a school swimsuit. 2-1 Yuihama Naoki was written on it. There was nothing else to say in particular.

「Ah, I left the settings as they were.」

Kazane was making an「Oops!」face, but she huffed「Well, they have defensive power」and turned to the enemy. She had done what she could. Compared to bikini armor, the cloth area of ​​the swimsuits was high. Naturally, their defense power was also high.

「So then, me, Yuuko-nee, and Tiara's Flame Knights will take the middle one. Berserk Ogre and his pleasant companions will take the right one. Yumika, Naoki, and Tatsuo, take the left. Louise-san and Emily, support Yumika's group and defend the ship.」

After those words, everyone shouted「Roger!」

『Hmm, Tiara. Let's do that.』

「Yes, Grandfather.」

Then, Tiara started preparing for summoning. Kazane and Yuuko-nee used Air Jump to head towards the ship with the Skeleton General; Kazane also summoned the Berserk Ogre and the Dark Ogre army on the ship on the right-hand side. In accordance with Kazane's order, the crystal galley『Kazanemaru』also began to approach the warship on the left-hand side. Naoki reached his hand out to Yumika beside him and spoke.

「I'll jump. Grab on, Yumika.」

「Yeah, yeah. This is really convenient, isn't it?」

The moment Yumika grabbed Naoki's hand, Emily shouted「Ah」, and the sounds of the battle could be heard from the deck of the warship on the left side. Naoki and Yumika moved to the deck of the ship with a short distance Transfer using the Return Stake.

『Now then, show them what you can do, Tiara.』

「Yes, Grandfather.」

Next to Emily, who was despondent, Tiara powerfully replied to Mefirus' voice as 10 flames appeared in front of her.

They took shape in a short time, forming 10 Flame Griffons with 10 Flame Knights riding them. One among them was a Flame Knight Leader equipped with a Flame Lance and much heavier armor than the other Flame Knights. The Griffon it was riding was also one size larger than the others. And the gaze coming from inside that flame helmet possessed a will. It was a summoned being with the will of Tsuvara's late king, Mefirus.

This was Tiara's new power. They were Flame Griffon Knights riding the Ruby Griffon's subordinate Flame Griffons. Following Kazane's group, they successively flew toward the middle warship.

「Onee-sama, amazing.」

Yui was looking at that sight with surprised eyes. Yui had seen individual Flame Griffon Knights before. Audin and Mefirus were able to bring them out. However, being able to operate ten sets of Flame Griffon Knights at the same time was unusual.

As someone who was having a hard time operating even one Water Knight, Yui understood that well.

As a matter of fact, when Tiara summoned the Ruby Griffon in the fight against the assassins and fired『Destruction Flame』, her summoning ability blossomed even further. Furthermore, since her connection with Mefirus was strengthened, Mefirus himself became able to go into battle. With this, Mefirus, who had been treated like air until now, finally had his time to shine. How nice.

Then Tiara subsequently took Heaven Mirror Greatshield Zegai out of her Mysterious Bag.

「Onee-sama, what's that?」

Yui looked at the shield with curiosity. It didn't look like Tiara could possibly handle a shield of that size. In actuality, it felt like Tiara was only barely managing to hold the greatshield up by using the floor as support. However, before Tiara answered Yui's question, Louise addressed Tiara with a flustered voice.

「Tiara, the cannons are pointing at us.」


Tiara nodded after Louise's words and put her magical power into the Heaven Mirror Greatshield.

「Zegai. Protect us.」

Then, in accordance with Tiara's will, the three-dimensional pattern floating on the shield's surface spread out ahead of the ship. Then the sounds of explosions reverberated. Simultaneous bombardment from the warships had been done.


Yui screamed when she saw that, but the fired cannonballs were repelled by the hologram pattern. Judging from Tiara's expression, those impacts were a little tough on her, but none of the cannonballs passed through the defensive field.

「As expected of the same equipment used by Kazane's Heroic Spirit-kun.」

Louise said, seeming slightly shaken. Tiara's shield was the same shield Heroic Spirit Sieg used to block the attacks from the Black Rock Dragon.

If that firmness wasn't sufficient, Louise had planned to use the Lightning Sphere at full power to try and protect that place, but that burden was lifted from her shoulders. Then, she looked at the decks of the warships, which were now the focus of the battle.

「Be firm, everyone.」

While saying that, Louise sent the Lightning Sphere flying and started keeping in check the Skeletons that tried to approach their ship.

At the same time, via the Skill『Information Link』, an order from Kazane to prioritize destroying the cannons resounded in the heads of the members on the ships.

◎ Old Tsuvaran Naval Warship


And while instructing everyone through Information Link, Kazane confronted the opponents on the deck of the warship.

On the other warships, the Berserk Ogre's group were rampaging as they headed into the ship. In Yumika's group, Tatsuo was using Mega Beam to keep the Skeletons in check as Yumika protected him while defeating them. Meanwhile, it seemed Naoki had entered the ship and started destroying the cannons.

And on the warship with Kazane, Yuuko-nee entered the ship, and the Flame Griffon Knights started fighting the Skeletons on the deck. Inside that battlefield, Kazane was confronting the Skeleton General.

Kazane felt that he was likely the strongest of the Skeletons. The feeling he gave off was different from the other Skeletons.

「I'll tell you just in case.」

Kazane pointed at the Skeleton General and spoke.

「Tatsuyoshi-kun is a good person.」

『Death to the lolicon! Death to those who defend the lolicon!!』

While saying that, the Skeleton General took out his specialized weapons.

Kazane's eyes opened wide when she saw that equipment.

The Skeleton General used tonfas. The Skeleton General in front of her was a tonfa user, just like Kazane.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Dragon and Beast Ruling Tenma Monarch (Apprentice)

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator, Guardian

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) ×2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 40

Health: 156+20

Magic Power: 378+520

Strength: 81+45

Agility: 83+39

Endurance: 45+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 53

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』『Rabbit Speed』『Flare Mirage』

Skill : 『Apprenticeship Cancellation』『Nil Principle』『Skill Hand (1)』『Halo』『Evolution Hand (1)』『Kick Devil』『Kick Decapitation Wave』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv4』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition: Lv2』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv3「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur: Lv3』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』『Mental Attack Complete Protection』『Spider Web』『Wire Cutter』『Flexible』『Magic Power Absorption』『Red Body Transformation』『Friendship Tag-team』

Kazane: 「Look, see? Tatsuyoshi-kun was innocent.」

Yumika: 「Never mind that, let's settle this quickly.」

Kazane: 「Yumika is truly cold to Tatsuyoshi-kun, aren't you.」

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