Love (Fast Through)

Chapter 190

Chapter 189: Beta overwhelms Alpha (16)

Just look at it with your eyes, the leader of the Light Army in front of you is completely different from Hughes.

As for the perceptual pheromone… this person completely hides his pheromone!

But Yan Jing has very strong mental power.

He distinguishes people not by pheromone, but by looking directly at the spiritual power of others.

It is impossible for him to fail to recognize the mental power of Seuss.

Not to mention that he was like seeing Seuss for the first time. As soon as he saw Su Moxiu, he felt good.


Xius turned out to be Su Moxiu! ?

Unexpectedly, he would be deceived by the alpha that he has always felt very simple.

Even more unexpectedly… the leader of the Bright Army was so young and so innocent.

Wait, innocence is so innocent. Su Moxiu has been the leader of the rebel army for decades, how could he be so young!

Yan Jing recognized Seuss at a glance, but didn’t show it. As for Linna… she didn’t find the person in front of her, that was the Husse who was still dangling in front of her not long ago.

Linna and Yanjing greet Su Moxiu, and then Linna waited for Su Moxiu to ask her questions.

Linna already knew what happened to the capital star of the Werther Empire, and she felt that Su Moxiu should have a lot of questions to ask her.

However, Su Moxiu did not speak, sitting behind the desk and said nothing.

He was wearing a mask. Linna couldn’t see his expression clearly, but she felt an inexplicable pressure. She was considering how to speak, and listened to Su Moxiu’s voiceless mechanical voice: “Two, welcome to the light star. Madam, if you are willing to stay in Guangmingxing, you can ask what you want.”

Linna raised her eyes to look at him: “You are not afraid that we are here, don’t you have a plan?”

“Even if the two don’t have a plan, there is no need to take the initiative to get into danger.” Su Mo Xiu said.

He chatted with Signia these days and found that Signia had a bad relationship with the Marquis Will.

He believes that these two people will not do anything to endanger the star.

Even if he misses it… his side is still protected.

Linna was a little moved: “Thank you, Master Marshal, before I came, I discovered some things Will did.”

Linna was a very simple person. She directly arranged the Marquis of Will in the army, bypassed Kamila and went to war with the Light Army, and also talked about the assassination of Su Moxiu.

On the side of the Light Army, even though everyone joked in private that Marquis Will would take refuge in them, they knew that this was impossible.

What happened on Capital Star yesterday made them even more aware that the Marquis of Will was not simple. They also guessed that the previous events were related to the Marquis of Will, but now they have only been confirmed from Linna.

After listening to Linna, Su Moxiu said, “Don’t worry, I won’t anger you when he does it.”

“Thank you Marshal! Marshal, I learned from Will that you have been in a violent period. I have some drugs that can be used to treat the violent period alpha. You can try it on others first, and then use it yourself.” Try to show your value.

Su Moxiu said: “Thank you, energy production?” He does need this kind of medicine, of course not for his own use, but for other people in his army.

They lack omega here, and there are many alphas in the army who are in a violent period for a long time.

However, these people have milder symptoms than him, and can slowly recover after resting for a period of time without going to the battlefield.

“Yes, but if it is mass-produced, the effect of the medicine is not as good as what I personally configured.” Linna said, “As for the marshal’s condition…If your condition is very serious, even if you take the medicine, you may not be able to recover.”

Su Moxiu wrapped herself in airtight, and the mask even covered her eyes. Linna couldn’t even see Su Moxiu’s eyes.

And this situation… From Linna’s point of view, it was natural that Su Moxiu’s situation was very serious, and she didn’t want others to discover it.

Su Moxiu knew Linna’s thoughts, a little embarrassed.

Since he marked Sinia, he was all well. Staying with Sinia these days, there is no physical problem at all.

“Mother, I have a way to completely recover the Marshal’s body.” Yan Jing said suddenly.

Linna’s Su Moxiu’s eyes fell on Yan Jingze.

Yan Jing smiled at Su Moxiu: “As long as the Marshal marks me, I can return to normal.”

The original owner is beta, not a weak omega, so the stature has always been tall among people of the same age.

In order to prevent him from growing too tall and not enough omega, he has been dieting in moderation, and as expected, he hasn’t grown too tall.

But since Yan Jing came here, he has eaten as much as he wants, and cooperated with exercise… During this time, he has been much taller and stronger.

But his face looks too good.

At this moment, he smiled crookedly at Su Moxiu, unspeakably seduced.

Su Moxiu’s heartbeat speeded up unconsciously, because of his heartbeat and also because of his anger.

His omega let other alphas tag him!

Yan Jing smiled purely, without the slightest color on his face.

He is in a good mood right now.

When he first discovered that Xius was Su Moxiu, he was very angry, and anyone who was deceived could not be happy.

But after thinking about it, he felt a little funny again.

Su Moxiu, the commander of the Light Army, who has been sitting by his side all day long… also really did it!

And this can also tell… Su Moxiu really likes him.

He used to think that Seuss was someone who watched him and Selena’s Light Army through monitoring. After he fell into a violent period, he came to touch porcelain, and tried to force him to mark him… But if Seuss is Su Moxiu, then this matter does not exist. NS.

The reality should be… Su Moxiu has been in a violent period, but he didn’t want him, the omega who came to marry him. He didn’t even look at him or know his name until he was calculated by his father and was chased and killed. He couldn’t control himself. His mental strength fell beside him.

Then it happened to be rescued by him, by the way… fell in love with him.

Excluding his initial prejudice against Seuss, what Seuss did later… it was clear that he really liked him, not because of his identity as an omega.

Besides… Xius clearly did not mark him, but mistakenly thought that he was marked, so it was easy to explain.

After all, this body is defective.

They are really a match made in heaven.

Yan Jing looked at the face of the masked man in front of him, becoming more gentle.

Linna frowned when she heard what he said-her son is a beta and cannot be marked at all!

Compared to Su Moxiu, she felt that the deceitful Husseus was a lot more foolish…What on earth does her son want to do?

“Didn’t you have been marked by Hughes?” Su Moxiu still said mechanically, but the speed was much faster, and he looked a little impatient.

Yan Jing laughed: “Although he wanted to mark me, he didn’t succeed. It was just a temporary mark. Marshal, he didn’t mark me, and he could escape from the violent period. Marshal, if you mark me, you can definitely recover. Peak state.”

After analyzing the specific situation, he was no longer angry with Su Moxiu, but he wanted to amuse this person.

He wanted to see if he “derailed” in public, can this person stay calm!

Of course Su Moxiu can’t.

He was almost blown up with anger: “You…you…”

“Marshal, I have no feelings with Hughes. He suddenly appeared at the time and forcibly marked me so I had to be with him. I always like people like Marshal you.” Yan Jing blinked at Su Moxiu. blink.

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