Love (Fast Through)

Chapter 14

Chapter 13: The general took the initiative to be robbed (13)

Su Moxiu took the initiative to clean up the west wing.

Yan Jing also wanted to go, but Su Moxiu refused to let Yan Jing rest in the east wing.

Cai An: “…” Is the Second Young Master too anxious?

He was thinking like this, and Zhang Erque said, “Is the second young master too anxious?”

Su Moxiu was not there, and they coughed softly, and lowered their voices one after another, “It’s a bit…”

“It surprised me that…”

“Ahem, do we want to help?”

“Of course! You two will help the second young master to clean up.” Cai An pointed at the two people and came to Yan Jingze again. “Mr. Yan, I will get your pulse again?”

Yan Jing stretched out his hand, and Cai An took the pulse and said in a low voice: “Mr. Yan, your body is still not well… You can’t condone the second youngest… If it’s hurting and hurting…”

Yan Jing suddenly realized that Cai An had misunderstood.

He coughed slightly: “Mr. Cai, don’t worry, Mo Xiu will ride a horse. I won’t do anything to him.”

General Zhou said he wouldn’t do anything to the second young master? Cai An was taken aback for a moment, but soon reacted.

He was wrong before! Also, how could General Zhou be subjugated!

But if so…General Zhou these few days…Is this coaxing them into the Second Young Master?

The two young masters were stupid and stunned, and regarded General Zhou as a delicate and delicate flower…

The Second Young Master obviously felt that he had a “daughter-in-law”, and he didn’t know how he would feel in the future when his “daughter-in-law” turned over to take control.

Cai An suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Su Moxiu, and felt that General Zhou…different from what he had imagined…

Yan Jing noticed Cai An’s entanglement, coughed lightly, and chatted about other things.

Yan Jing asked about the situation of the Zhenbei Army and also said some of his views on the future situation.

Cai An suddenly felt crushed.

With Su Xingyin, he always felt that he was quite smart, if he was with Zhang Erque… then he would be a genius!

But chatting with General Zhou… He just mentioned the beginning, General Zhou already thought of a lot of the following, and he often couldn’t keep up with General Zhou’s thoughts.

As expected of General Zhou!

Cai An looked at Yan Jingze’s gaze and became enthusiastic again.

After cleaning up the room, I came to Su Moxiu from Yan Jingze: “…”

It’s really correct not to sleep in the same room with Cai An and the others!

The house here had been lived in before, so Su Moxiu quickly cleaned up the house on the west side, and he even lit a fire in the cave by the Kang.

Through the wind, the dust in the western room has dispersed, and the kang is also hot. Su Moxiu came to find Yan Jingze, but Yan Jing and Cai An got together again…

“I’ve packed up, let’s go over!” Su Mo Xiu said, hugged Yan Jingze, and walked to the next room.

Cai An turned his head and sighed.

He can’t control this matter, so he can only… gratify.

Yan Jing accepted her daughter-in-law’s princess very calmly.

After all… it’s not that I haven’t been hugged before!

However, small movements are required. After entering the house, Yan Jing kissed Su Moxiu’s chin…

Su Moxiu’s legs shook, and Yan Jing almost fell. He could only sternly said: “You… don’t be naughty!”

Yan Jing couldn’t help laughing.

His Ashiu is so cute!

The two soon arrived on the kang.

Su Moxiu was very nervous, lying upright, clutching his clothes and daring not to move.

He hasn’t taken a shower these days, and his body is dirty. It’s not a good idea to do something, but Yan Jing is still injured…

Even if He Yanjing sleeps in the same bed, he will be Liu Xiahui!

He must control himself!

“Don’t be nervous, I won’t do anything to you.” Yan Jing said.

Su Moxiu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and then faintly lost.

And… Yan Jing said weird things.

“Axiu, I have something to tell you.” Yan Jing said again.

“What are you going to say?” Su Moxiu asked.

“Axiu, what I’m going to say next is my truth,” Yan Jing looked at Su Moxiu gently, “I love you, and only you. The first time I saw you a few days ago, I just I know, I’m here for you, and my heart beats for you. You are the first person I like, and you must be the last. I want to grow old with you.”

Su Moxiu’s heart throbbed quickly.

He has grown up so much that no one has ever said this to him.

How could Yan Jing say so! It’s so blunt!

His heart doesn’t seem to belong to him anymore.

However, Yan Jing did not stop, and continued to say: “Axiu, I can’t live without you. I will be happy when I am with you… You promise me that you will never leave me, okay?”

“Good!” Su Moxiu did not hesitate.

Of course he will not leave Yan Jingze.

They are already so close… He will definitely be responsible for Yan Jing Ze, and will never abandon Yan Jing Ze!

“Axiu, you have agreed, and you can’t go back in the future.” Yan Jing said.

“I won’t regret it.” Su Mo Xiu said.

“If your father disagrees…”

“Even if my father disagrees, I will never go back,” Su Mo Xiudao, and comforted Yan Jingze, “Don’t worry, as long as I insist, my father can’t help me. My brother already has two sons and a daughter, I It doesn’t matter if you don’t start a family…”

“Then what if I did something that made you unhappy?” Yan Jing asked.

“What do you want to do that makes me unhappy?” Su Moxiu sat up abruptly, his sharp eyes falling on Yan Jingze, “I have something to say first, if you are with me, you must never get involved with others anymore. You cannot marry a wife and have children!”

“Don’t worry about this, I will only be with you, I’m talking about something else.” Yan Jing said.

“What are you talking about?” Su Moxiu asked.

“For example, I lied to you, my identity is problematic… Don’t worry, I am definitely not a soldier, and I have no hatred with the Zhenbei Army, I am…” Yan Jing looked like it was difficult to speak, and went to see Su Moxiu pitifully.

His stubble is a bit longer, it’s a little weird to make it like this, but as long as Su Moxiu eats it!

Seeing Yan Jing, Su Moxiu seemed afraid of being angry, and his heart softened: “Is your life experience complicated? What you told me before was false?”

“You can say that.” Yan Jing grabbed Su Moxiu’s hand and kissed him.

Su Moxiu suddenly thought of what he had discovered while communicating with Yan Jingze these past two days, and that Yan Jing was talking about extraordinary things.

This kind of language is not like what ordinary people can raise.

Yan Jing previously said that he was born in a village near Qiongnan City. This statement is probably false, and he may even be the child of an official.

But in the past few years, I haven’t heard of any official’s son being taken abducted by the military.

Is Yanjing not favored at home, or is… involved in the fight for the back house?

Su Moxiu felt more distressed as he thought about it, and said to Yanjing: “Don’t worry, no matter what your identity is, as long as you are like you said, and there is only me in your heart, I will stay with you and never leave.”

“Axiu, you are so kind.” Yan Jing was relieved, and said sweet words again.

Su Moxiu: This person is too good at talking! He is going to die!

Where did this man learn these blushing words?

It is said that the Rong people are very bold and unrestrained. Did he learn from the Rong people?

Su Moxiu felt hot all over when he heard it, and he didn’t know if he was reminding Yan Jing or reminding himself: “You hurt it!”

Yan Jing laughed: “Then I can help you with my hands?”

Su Moxiu swears that he wanted to refuse, but the speed of doing things was too fast because of the words!

He did not have time to refuse!

At night, Su Moxiu got up, blushed and sneaked to wash his trousers. After washing, he put them on the kang road to bake, and then carefully got into the quilt.

He went outside for a while, and his body was very cold, so he didn’t dare to get close to Yan Jing, and stay away from Yan Jing. However, he did not move, but Yan Jing leaned over and hugged him in his arms.

Su Moxiu fell asleep in a short while next to the warm words and scenes.

One night later, Su Moxiu and Yan Jing became even more crooked.

Zhang Erque asked Cai An secretly: “Lao Cai, did the second young man… put Yan Jing to sleep? I saw him get up to wash his pants last night…”

Cai An: “…” The Second Young Master is like that, which is General Zhou’s opponent, he must have failed, but General Zhou… If General Zhou wants to do it, it is estimated that he can succeed at any time!

“Oh, I have always wanted Yan Jing to cheer up and be a real man, but in the end he has to be a woman…” Zhang Erque’s expression of hatred was not irony.

Cai An: “…”

“No, I have to persuade.” Zhang Erque said again, and once again came to Yan Jingze, “Yan Jingze, I tell you, it is better to rely on others than to rely on yourself! You look good on your own. I’m the second master, I don’t know what will happen in the future…”

Zhang Erque’s words were earnest and thoughtful, which was very different from his usual carefree performance.

Zhang Erque often said all kinds of messy things to Yan Jing, but Yan Jing was not angry because he knew Zhang Erque was not bad-hearted.

Now that Zhang Erque said this, Yan Jing said seriously: “Don’t worry, although I am with Ashiu, I will not really rely on Ashiu only.”

“Really? After you go back, what do you plan to do for a living?” Zhang Erque asked.

Yan Jing said: “To be a general?”

Zhang Erque: “…brother, you still have to step on the ground a little bit.”

“down to earth?”

“It seems to say that, the meaning is similar.” Zhang Erque said.

“I will, thank you.” Yan Jing took out a rock candy the size of a fingernail and gave him, “I’m with Ah Xiu, please have candy.”

When Zhang Erque received the candy, he immediately put it in his mouth, and subconsciously said, “I wish you a good relationship for a hundred years!”

After speaking, he realized that something was wrong. He glanced at Yan Jing and sighed and left.

No matter what he says, this person doesn’t change…he can’t do anything!

On this day, they walked for another day, and in the evening, they came to a deserted village near Qiongshan.

The houses in this village have been broken down, and only one temple is still standing upright in the wind and snow.

They rested in the temple for one night and continued on their way the next day…

That is, on this day, it is snowing.

Yan Jing sat behind Su Moxiu, holding Su Moxiu’s waist, and wrapped him and Su Moxiu with a piece of sheepskin.

In the heavens and the earth, only the sound of their horses’ hoofs rang, while Yan Jing was looking at the surrounding scenes. Su Moxiu suddenly turned his head and said, “Look, we’re all gone together.”

Yan Jing found out that a layer of snow had accumulated on the hats they were wearing.

The “white-headed” Su Moxiu’s face was flushed with cold, and it was all cracked, but his eyebrows were crooked and he was particularly beautiful.

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