Lord of the World: I Became a Zombie

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Ready To Go

“The transmission has been completed, I wish you a prosperous martial arts.”

At this moment, a system prompt appeared in front of He Jun.

This proves that the troops have arrived successfully and have been temporarily commanded by Chen Feng.

He Jun: “Brother Feng, my team has passed! Did you see it?”

He Jun was excited and sent a message on the regional channel.

After a brief silence in the forum, Chen Feng’s message came:

Chen Feng: “Well, it’s already here. Ron is seriously injured!”

He Jun: “Yeah! I don’t agree with him. But it doesn’t matter. As long as I have your 10,000 competition coins, I will bet my luck again.”

Chen Feng: “Okay… I know you’re in a hurry!”

Chen Feng complained.

Then, 5 new prompt messages appeared in He Jun’s system:

“You received 5,000 contest coins from Chen Feng.”

“You received Ling Yongting’s 1,000 competition coins.”

“You received Cui Xuan’s 2000 competition coins.”

“You received 1,000 competition coins from Wang Kaiqing.”

“You received Qiao Yu’s 1,000 competition coins.”

Get rich!

He Jun jumped up happily, and had already put Rhode’s life and death aside.

This is 10 draws in a row!

10 generals!

Even if the quality of the generals drawn is once again, they are still better than ordinary shield guards and rangers, right?

And when they are born, they also bring their own basic equipment.

Simply the best!


Suddenly I feel a little invincible!

Hey, no, no, don’t be too happy.

What if the plan fails?

Covering his mouth and smirking secretly for a moment, He Jun trotted back to his lord’s mansion.

Pulling over a wooden chair and sitting down, I adjusted my excitement a little.

He didn’t reply, and waited for Chen Feng’s real-time battle situation.

Ah ya ya.

Will it be successful? !

Really nervous, but don’t fail!

He Jun’s eyes were fixed on the regional channel, and he was apprehensive in his heart.

But what neither he nor Chen Feng knew was that.

Just as the few people were talking, the other pair of eyes closely watched everything in the chat channel.

“Humans are ready to go, you go to prepare.”

Jiang Si squatted on the ground and suddenly said to Neva.

Neva tilted his head, blinked, and showed Jiang Si a real black question mark.

“My lord… What do you mean, ‘Humans are ready to go’?”

“Huh? Humans have already set off.”

Jiang Si turned his head and said lightly to Neva.

No way?

Neva murmured in his heart.

He looked hard into the distance.

The eagle eye is activated, and the instinctive perception of the shooter also radiates outward.

But the hillside where the two corpses were located was not high enough. From this position, it was impossible to see the situation of Chen Feng’s territory.

But why do adults say that? !

The more Neva thought about it, the less he understood.

But at this moment, Jiang Si’s big hand turned into a hand knife again.

It fell silently, with a bang, hitting the top of Neva’s head.

Pain, Banshee is not.

But the touch is still there.

Feeling the abnormality above her head, she subconsciously groaned.

Shyly turned around and saw Jiang Si smiling.

“Why? Go get ready! Humans are coming.”

“But… how did you know the humans were coming?!”

Neva quit, groaning in anger.

But this time Jiang Si was too lazy to explain the system.

Shrugging his shoulders, he said to her:

“Who knows, sixth sense?”

“You lied to a fool!”

Neva protested, and Xiaoquan kept throwing his fists.

Since dedicating all her loyalty to Jiang Si, her ladylike temperament has disappeared little by little.

Exposing the most candid side to Jiang Si is a kind of candor, right?

But no matter how playful she was, she was still clear in her heart.

This adult is definitely different, not only has many strange abilities, but also has quite high system permissions.

So, even if you say some amazing information, it’s not too strange.


never mind.

Since I don’t want to talk about it, I won’t ask any more.

Do what I’m supposed to do anyway.

As for extravagant things, it’s all about him!

With a smile, Neva stood up.

He untied the bow of the wind chaser behind him and disappeared into the distance in the blink of an eye.

And with her departure, several slender corpses walked out of the deteriorating assembled corpse team.

pat pat pat.

Wet all over.

The degraded slender limbs like a mermaid stepped forward and spread out around the territory where Chen Feng was.

After all, it is a matter of calculation, if it is too obvious, it will not be good.

This is directly related to his next plan, and he must not let the player have any doubts about his existence.

So the place to be played is still to be played well, especially the first step.

Chen Feng’s plan was for Rhodes to lead a larger army of shield guards to find Jiang Si’s scouts in the forest and kill them.

According to yesterday’s experience feedback, Jiang Si seems to be imagined as a very vengeful boss.

Once the undead in the forest died, he would lead the team to kill them immediately.

Chen Feng explained it as “the stress response of the undead”.

So he thought that as long as he did the same thing, he could still lure Jiang Si out today.

Does Jiang Si hold revenge?

A little grudge.

But it’s not enough to kill one of his subordinates, and you have to fight with you.

But since the other party guessed like this, it is not impossible to conform to their ideas.

And these corpses were the bait that Jiang Si scattered.

As long as one of them encounters Rhode’s shield guard army, the prepared decoy corpse decoy troops can also be dispatched.

And today’s battle can begin.

This will take some time.

After all, there is no minimap on the battlefield.

The chat content of the regional channel can only spy on the general direction of action of the players.

As for the specific location, both sides can only slowly explore.

Jiang Si waited, and Chen Feng on the other side also waited nervously.

ten minutes.

No response.

half an hour.

Still no response. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

In Jiang Si’s perception, several degraded corpses had already reached the center of the valley ahead.

This is just the right place to start a war.


Is my speed still faster than Rhodes?

Jiang Si pondered, and soon issued new instructions to several zombies.

“Stop moving and wait for the enemy to arrive!”

“Uh uh!”

The degraded corpses conveyed a positive emotion to Jiang Si with their thoughts.

Then Jiang Si felt that they had all stopped moving forward.

Gradually dispersed in the established locations, and simply explored the surroundings.

And just a few minutes after the order was issued, a familiar idea came again.

“Very delicious!”

It is such an idea.

And at the next moment, the same familiar kill prompt jumped out of the system.

“Your degraded corpse was destroyed by the shield fighter.”

The degraded and assembled corpse that sent the signal was almost unable to resist for a few seconds, and was instantly killed by the troops led by Rhodes.

high speed.

Obviously, the moment the degraded corpse entered the halo range, it rushed towards the enemy.

The brain is really bad.

The opponent’s team has no archers, won’t you run more to take off the time?


Jiang Si not only pouted.

But no matter how fast or slow this degraded corpse died, it would no longer affect the plans of both parties.

Jiang Si stood up and glanced at Neva, who had reached the designated location.

Neva immediately understood and nodded to Jiang Si.

Then he turned his head and headed towards the valley behind the degraded zombies.

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