Lord of the World: I Became a Zombie

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Degenerate Corpse’S Scheme

The idea is good, and the effect seems to be good.

Although the effect of the breathless halo is strong, when the army is marching, it will also come into contact with the obstacles around it.

With the halo around, the sound naturally cannot come out.

But with the march of the army, shrubs and dead branches will still swing and break unnaturally.

These subtle changes are impossible to detect with a ranger’s eyesight.

The effect of the breathless halo has already shown its power twice among humans, and it has already been noticed by players.

Therefore, once a similar abnormality appears in the forest, it can basically prove that the main force of the dead is coming!

Of course, Chen Feng hadn’t realized that his plan had been revealed, and the purpose of leaving a secret post was just in case.

The night in the woods is unknown, and after one night, it is impossible to know what kind of monsters will gather here.

What if?

If the army of the dead is stationed here by accident, wouldn’t the plan be cool?


Complete preparation is a good start.

Once the clues of the undead army are found, the plan can also be adjusted as soon as possible.


It’s a good idea.

But it’s a pity.

Everything was exposed unknowingly.

And the situation is getting worse.

The army of the dead is not only stationed at your planning point, but also finds out the location of all your secret posts.

With just a little deployment, the effect of the dark whistle will disappear completely.

Even some wrong signal transmission will lead the army into a more unfavorable situation.

very good.

All thanks to the value of intelligence!

This world spy is really easy to do.

As long as no one realizes it, a player has also been mixed in with the mutant creatures.

Then the chat channel is the best place for Jiang Si to obtain information.

The enemy is bright and we are dark.

You can fight this battle, do you think you can’t hold back?


The crack opened, and Jiang Si laughed twice.

After thinking for a moment, I took Neva back to the army.

Simple night.

Nothing more than fighting and killing.

Jiang Si took one-eyed and Neva, and led a small, highly mobile, thin-limbed elite to set off.

Instead of alerting the dark whistle, he went deep into the woods again to toss.

It was not until the sky got a little brighter that I returned with the team.

The corpses harvested a lot, and when the team returned to the camp, the number of corpses with thin limbs around them increased by 50.

Since bloated is the earliest type of assembled corpse that Jiang Si can create, a lot of them were built in the early days.

Now the number is a bit large, and the average level is already higher than other zombies.

Taking into account the mobility of the team, Jiang Si specially made more thin limbs this time.

In this way, the mobility of the team battle will be more guaranteed.

After the corpses entered the camp, Jiang Si asked the corpses to return to the team, and also let Neva go to rest and recover alone.

With one eye, he went to the camp where the degraded and assembled corpses were once again.

The two troops were stationed separately, the main purpose was to take into account Neva’s mood.

Of course, due to the characteristics of degraded corpses, they are not suitable for staying in the position where the main force is stationed for too long.

Their bodies are made up of fish and have amphibian characteristics.

It still secretes mucus to maintain the scales, and usually prefers to stay in places with water.

There is no shortage of water in the forest.

Here is another mountain col, Jiang Si can easily find a small stream for the degraded corpse to camp.

The specific location is a little further west of the main force, very close to the mountain pass, and more convenient for marching.

When the two corpses arrived, they saw that most of the degraded corpses were soaking in the stream to rest.

Open the item bar and take out more than half a ton of fish in one go.

Light and shadow flickered, and countless half-rotten fish were scattered all over the floor.

These fish carcasses were either badly rotten or too crushed in the pile.

Most of them can no longer be used to synthesize zombies, but there is no problem with eating them.

Zombies, especially low-level zombies.

It doesn’t matter if the food rots or not.

As long as it’s meat, it’s fine.

These degraded corpses ate something before going out.

But after marching all the way, and soaking in the stream all night, I was already hungry.

Seeing the boss coming over to give food, all of them immediately became excited.

Crazy sprang out of the stream and ran towards Jiang Si’s place.

Jiang Si smiled and looked at these lovely children.

Look carefully and compare with each other.

Using his mind, he quickly locked the fastest 30 degraded limbs.

“Take two more and come to me.”

With a slight smile, Jiang Si said to them.

This distance is still relatively far, and Jiang Si’s voice is not too loud, but there is a spiritual connection between the assembled corpse and Jiang Si.

Hearing the call of the boss, the front 30 degraded thin limbs quickly grabbed some rotten flesh with their hands.

He continued to run wildly towards Jiang Si, and at the same time he did not forget to shove food into his mouth.

“Uh uh?”

The deteriorating slender limbs running at the front gave Jiang Sier a few words.

After Jiang Si evolved, he could still understand the words of the zombies.

With a slight smile, he pointed behind him and said:

“If you have something to tell you later, stand behind me first.”


Deteriorated slender limbs nodded vigorously, and ran to stand behind Jiang Si.

At the same time, the one that gathered a little later also gathered with the first one.

Probing his head, he looked at Jiang Si and the tall one-eyed beside him.

At this time, behind the one-eyed, he was carrying the tower shield and the extreme frost warhammer.

Fully armed, very spiritual.

Zombies are neither jealous nor envious.

It’s just that the cold breath from the warhammer is very interesting, and they can’t help but take a few more glances.

Jiang Si ignored them, but continued to observe the zombies in front of him.

After deliberation and comparison, he called out the fastest 20 degraded and bloated corpses.

The bloated food intake is larger than that of the thin limbs.

However, due to the characteristics of the body, the hands are smaller than the slender limbs.

If you just catch a handful of fish, you won’t be full at all.

Called by the boss, I want to eat again.




These idiots!

The boss has given food, can there be no leftovers? !

Come here now!

If you want to eat, I still have it here!

Jiang Si complained in his heart, waved his hand, and there was another pool of rotten fish behind him.

Seeing that the boss also has delicious food~www.readwn.com~ The deteriorating and bloated people who were called stopped immediately.

Like a little child, he oiled his mucus-filled body, ran behind Jiang Si, and began to eat.

very good.

These corpses are the fastest in the team.

It is suitable as a surprise force in the bait!

There is still some time, and the sun will rise for more than an hour.

Waiting for the degraded and assembled corpses to be full, Jiang Si called the 50 corpses together.

Just like sending the slender limbs out to investigate yesterday, Jiang Si passed on a tactic to the corpses with his thoughts.

One is the coordinate point to be traveled to now, and the other is the position to rush to when the battle starts.

It turns out.

Communicating with thoughts and loss is much better than uhhh with them.

The corpses immediately understood.

They all slammed two mouthfuls of fish into their mouths, then stood up and moved towards the position prescribed by Jiang Si.

It probably takes dozens of minutes, right?

It’s definitely possible anyway.

There is still no news from the human side, and they are obviously still sleeping.

When I have enough food and drink, and then gather to station, everything will be ready on my side.

“When you’re full, gather and wait for my news, and we can set off! Understand?”

After Jiang Si thought about the question, he said to the many degraded corpses.

At this time, the mouths of all the corpses were filled with fish, and there was no mouth to spare at all, uh.

However, Jiang Si already understood that everyone understood what he meant.

This is very good. Sure enough, there is telepathy, which is easy to operate.

Nodding with satisfaction, Jiang Si turned around and returned to the camp of the main force with one eye.

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