Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 47: Real Intentions

Hearing her father's words, Reyna wanted to interrupt him but was held back by Olivia. Tuning back she saw Olivia shaking her head and looking at her with a gentle smile. The words that Reyna was about to speak were pushed back down her throat.

Lucius caught this interaction in the corner of his eyes but ignored it. He followed behind Erik, till they both disappeared from the girls views.

Seeing that they were gone, Reyna turned around and asked Olivia, "Why did you stop me, Livia?"

Olivia just gave a gentle smile and explained, "Your father seemed to have something important to talk with Lucius. Therefore, you should let them go and have a chat." Saying so Olivia turned around and started to walk towards the exit of the Main Hall.

Reyna stood there thinking for a few seconds before she followed behind Olivia. She couldn't help but ask curiously, "What's so important, that my father wants to talk with Lucius all alone. This is the first time that they met after all."

"Who knows?", Olivia shrugged and lightly giggled, "Maybe it has something to do with you."

Reyna couldn't help but think of a possibility. Her face reddened as a result and she hurriedly spoke, "It can't be!"

However internally she felt a little happy. 'Why am I feeling so expectant? What's wrong with me!' Reyna shook her head and tapped her cheeks.

Olivia caught this action of hers and gave out a bitter smile. While she did feel happy for Reyna, she could not help but feel a little despondent.



Lucius who was following behind Erik was currently feeling a little annoyed. After asking Lucius to follow him, Erik did not speak about anything else and continued to walk silently.

Lucius' mind kept thinking about the various possibilities on why he was singled out. As far as he recalled, he did not do anything that would draw the attention of the Head of the Snowden Corporation.

'I checked the identity of all the people I killed at the Pit. The warehouse that I attacked also has nothing to do with the Snowden Corporation. I visited the Snowden building once, with Reyna. Even if he had been watching us in the lab, he should not have noticed any abnormalities. Is it because I acted too brilliantly? That doesn't warrant this action.' Lucius calmly analyzed.

As they continued to walk, they had already exited the Main Hall, from one of it's other exits. They walked atop a solitary path that was devoid of any students and teachers alike. The sides were lined with tall trees that blocked the excessive sunlight, only letting the perfect amount of light to fall. Although, it was currently winter, the academy artificially controlled the weather, bringing it to the peak of spring.

The sound of their leaves rustling, birds chirping and their footsteps endlessly echoed. Neither of them spoke, each dwelling in their own thoughts.

Just as this silence seemed to continue on forever, Erik broke the atmosphere with his words, "What do you think about the event I announced today?"

"Sounds interesting. It's a wonderful opportunity for the students to cultivate their talents." Lucius replied.

"Indeed. Diamonds are made under pressure, this event will either produce diamonds or just ordinary stones." Erik nodded his head.

He did not face Lucius as he spoke, but continued to glance straight. Although his question seemed relevant, both of them knew that this wasn't the main point.

"What about your family Lucius? I never heard you talk about them in our discussion earlier." Erik carefully asked.

Lucius plainly stated, "Don't have any. I was abandoned at birth. Olivia and her father took me in and raised me."

"Oh, I am sorry if that question was unpleasant." Erik immediately replied apologetically.

"It's fine, think nothing of it." Lucius spoke blandly as he waved his hands.

Erik who had been walking, suddenly stopped. Seeing him stop, Lucius gave out a light smile and also stopped.

Hesitating for a while, Erik suddenly let out a sigh and spoke, "Family. It's a special word isn't it. A bond that is closer than any other among all creatures. Something that nobody really explains or teaches you about. You just naturally feel it upon birth. That closeness and that warmth, it can never be replaced."

Erik continued to stare into the distance his eyes were blank as he was immersed into his thoughts. Lucius stood next to him quietly with a vague smile on his face, he did not intervene Erik's thoughts nor did he continue thinking about his motives.

"Reyna. Ever since her mother died upon giving birth, she was the closest person to me. My most precious treasure." Erik had a smile on his face as he continued, "I remember every moment from the second she was born. Her first words, the first time she walked, her interest in the field of science. That innocent smile and that adorable face. When my wife died, I thought my world was over. "

"But on laying my eyes on that little infant, crying with all it's might, wriggling her tiny little fingers, I realized maybe this wasn't the end. Maybe God had decided to take pity upon me and leave me with something."

He then slowly turned back to look at Lucius. Seeing that face which carried a light smile with no show of being confused, Erik stated, "I taught her, protected her, treasured her and spoilt her."

"One day, somebody might capture her heart and take her away from me, yet I am willing to give her up. I'd do anything just to see her happy."

He paused and took a deep breath, staring into Lucius' eyes he spoke, "But! Nobody shall use my little girl as a means to advance their schemes. No matter his status, his influence or his position, I will destroy anyone who holds such intentions,."

"So tell me Lucius. What are your intentions?" he growled.

"Ha." Lucius gave a short laugh. The smile in his face disappeared as he gazed back at Erik with an emotionless look, "Finally dropping the act are we? Although I have to confess, keeping that always smiling look on my face is honestly too annoying."

His tone was no longer the gentle one used previously. It had reverted back to his cold, cynical, mechanical voice.

"What are my intentions with your daughter you ask? Since you seem sincere about it, I might as well explain." Lucius calmly spoke.

Erik had also dropped his friendly demeanor as a wave of hostility and authority aimed at Lucius. Lucius simply shrugged off his gaze and continued, "Your daughter is required for an important plan. As for what the plan is, I cannot explain to you. Rest assured, I don't mean any harm to your daughter"

Hearing this Erik took a deep breath and spoke. His voice was like a volcano that was about to erupt, "Indeed, you do have a purpose after all. You are not simple"

Feeling the anger in his voice, Lucius paid it no mind as he curiously asked, "What gave me away? I remained as careful as possible in hiding my nature, taking care to carefully act in front of everybody."

"One of the men protecting my daughter, mentioned an overwhelming sense of danger when he saw you for the first time. My younger brother also told me that you were not as simple as you looked." Erik carefully explained.

"Ah, I see. So that gaze I noticed the first time was one of your men. Seems like I scared him a little by exposing my killing intent. My bad." Lucius suddenly felt everything connecting together and making sense.

"Anyway, I think our farce has gone on long enough. Since you have had this 'chat' that you wanted, I'll be taking my leave." Lucius said as he turned around to walk.

"You will not be leaving here alive!" Erik hoarsely screamed. His rage had already reached the tipping point.

"Oh really. Won't your daughter feel sad. I do seem to notice that she looks upon me a bit favorably. If I were to disappear, shortly after meeting with you, considering her intelligence, she would be able to make sense of the truth. Do you want your precious daughter to hate you, for killing her first friend?" Lucius looked at Erik, as he spoke lightly with an interested smile on his face.

"If killing you here means I can guarantee her safety. Even if I am hated by her forever, it is a sacrifice I am willing to make." Erik savagely spoke. His eyes were filled with the intention to kill.

Hearing him, Lucius clicked his tongue and shook his head, "All that talk about wanting to keep her happy, yet doing something hypocritical the next instant."

He then looked into Erik's eyes and spoke. His manner of speaking was unhurried and light. The fear of death did not seem to exist in his eyes, as if it was guaranteed that he would walk out of here alive.

"Unfortunately, I can't allow you to make her unhappy. I can't risk the possibility of the plan failing due to her unbalanced mental state." Lucius shook his head and turned back to continue walking

Seeing his demeanor Erik suddenly felt interested as he questioned Lucius, " It seems you are very confident of making it out of here alive. Do tell me, where is this confidence coming from."

Lucius did not stop as he continued speaking, "Do you honestly think you can kill me? I have to disappoint you, but these 12 pathetic lizards who have surrounded me can't do it."

Erik suddenly lost his composure. He stared at Lucius in shock. His mind was in chaos as he tried to understand the situation.

'HOW?! How did he notice them? They are wearing the latest complete-stealth gear manufactured for the Alliance super soldier program. No trace of their existence must be leaked!!' Erik's mind simply could not comprehend.

Lucius who walked in a calm and unhurried manner, did not seem to be afraid of the invisible assassins surrounding him. "So do you want to pull your men back or want me to send them on their way back. Although, my method is a one-way trip from which they will not be returning. It would be a shame for such talented lizards to die so young." Erik suddenly felt his mind, assaulted with a strong sense of fear.

He forcibly calmed his mind. Gritting his teeth he bellowed, "All of you stand down!"

Although he could have ignored Lucius words and ordered them to kill him, some inexplicable feeling told him not to do so. That if he chose to continue with his original course of action, something disastrous would happen.

"Smart choice. It would have been a shame if Reyna had suddenly been orphaned." he heard Lucius's voice tinged with appreciation.

Lucius had walked quite the distance away before his stopped. Standing unresponsive for a while, he then promised.

"You don't have to be worried about your daughter. As long as I am around, no harm will befall her." He then resumed walking.

Erik who had heard his words and felt a little better as he oddly felt reassured by his promise. Just as he was about to look up at Lucius, his heart dropped again. The wind carried the next part of Lucius' sentence, "Although, I can't guarantee her life after her role is complete."

Erik looked up and stared at Lucius' back until it slowly disappeared into the distance. Ever since Lucius had dropped his act, Erik had felt a sense of oppression and suffocation surrounding him. It felt like he was surrounded by hungry hyenas, waiting to pounce upon him. His fate unknown.

He opened and closed his hands repeatedly ,only to find them sweaty and stiff. His clothes suddenly felt heavier, as they were completely drenched in cold sweat.

He stood quietly and repeatedly took large gulps of air to calm his mind and alleviate his fear.

'That is no boy. That is a monster wearing human skin. How terrifying!'

'I can only hope that he remembers and honors his promise. As for what happens after that, I can only prepare for all cases.'

'My love, please protect our daughter, from up there. Don't let this monster succeed in his scheme!'

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