Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 57: Atrocity

Flint edged both his hands away from Jin's head. Then, he crouched down to Jin's level, and continued looking into his eyes with a smirk on his face.

Jin's eyes were widened. He was shocked. He understood everything in the vision. For so long the truth had been hidden from him. He didn't lose his ability to walk and his parents from a car accident…

He caused it all. He crippled himself. He killed his own parents. Epiphany.

Jin was stunned. He could not believe it. Flint was simply trying to catch him in a ruse, right? Surely, what he had just witnessed had to be a lie. Yet, it felt so … real.

It felt familiar. And that is why he couldn't utter a word in response. That peek of the past must've been the truth. His grandmother had been hiding something from him for a long time. He finally knew what it was.

Flint cocked his head. "You see it now, Jin? You had a telekinetic ability when you were younger. Perhaps you were a defect. People whose dosage of the pills weren't enough to suppress all the magic within them.

"The doctors gave you special Ability Suppressors, and your memory was wiped to get you out of trauma. Your own grandmother paid to get you out of that trauma. As I said, I know more about you than even yourself." he smirked again.

"You crippled yourself with powers. You killed your parents with powers. You bewitched your dog with powers. You bewitched your grandma with powers. Just come on, Jin. Give up already!"

His brows knitted. "You've put so many people in danger because of your magic. Just being near your friends is a hazard. I thought you cared about them!?

"You are putting everyone you love—in your circle—in danger! This," he circled a finger, "All of this is only happening because of magic! Magic's been more than a curse for you. It's only done you bad! And it will … CONTINUE TO DO YOU BAD … for the rest of your life."

He put out a hand. "So what's it gonna be, Jin? Did you make up your mind yet? Or do you need more proof. Proof that magic is ruining everything for you!?"

Jin heaved. "I'll … I'll pass the system on to you … but," he looked him in the eyes, "What do you plan to do if I give it to you?"

Flint smirked. "I'll be crowned prince. I'll be the God of Mischief instead of my brother. And I will change the world. Make a new world!"

Jin shook his head and started putting out his hand. Flint desperately watched on. He licked his lips.

When suddenly Dobby yelled, "Jin! Don't fucking do that! You're still gonna put us in danger either way, you arsehole! If you do th—"

Krod intertwined fingers in locks of Dobby's blonde hair, and hurled a fist into his face. Then, Krod released the locks, and stomped on him. Dobby curled up.

Yet, he continued his attempts to speak Jin out of passing down such power. "J-Jin … t-trust me … you've never trusted us. That's why you always go through these predica—" Krod stomped on him again. "Duh-do-don't give him what he wants. A new world? Didn't you … huh-hear him?"

Krod continued beating Dobby to a pulp. The hobgoblin leaned over and placed a hand around Dobby's neck. "Stop the fuck up, elf, or I'll kill ya'!"

Battered Dobby was bleeding. His face was swollen. Blood trickled down from his nostrils. His eyes were swollen. He brought up mucus from his throat. Then, he spat right in the hobgoblin's face. "Go … fuck yourself…"

Krod gritted his teeth. He charged a blow. But his fist stopped midway through reaching Dobby's face. He was cut by Flint's words, "Krod! Stop!" he turned his head to look at his boss.


"That's enough. Stop it! Or I'll gouge your eyes out!"

"Okay, whatever you say," he released Dobby.

Ashton was scared out of his mind so he remained silent. He wanted to cry but he held it in. He thought it was better to not show your weakness to your foes.

Flint looked at Jin again. "C'mon, Jin. I'm running out of patience here!" he looked down at his wristband, "An hour left," he looked up at Jin again. "Are you giving it to me, Jin? You've seen the troubles it can bring, you have no use for it whatsoever—aren't you gonna relinquish?"

Jin, still restrained by the pole, furrowed his brows. His face tinged. "Not after your Krod did that to Dobby … to hell with it. I'm not giving it to you unless you get a doctor to heal us up or something. You—"

Flint clasped his hands onto Jin's hoodie, and stood. He raised a hand as high as he could and swooped it at Jin's face. The slap sounded. Jin's head was veered to the left.

Flint wasn't done. He raised his hand again. Charging. Then he hurled his palm across Jin' face. Jin's head was veered to the right.

The others watched in silence as Flint relentlessly slapped Jin. The slaps resounded relentlessly, and sporadically at unpredictable speeds.

The slaps were so loud that one could hear it from far away. Slap, after slap. Flint continued to strike his hand. Jin's face was swollen and numb.

His vision was blurring. He began to feel dizzy.

Flint scowled. "Weak human. Passing out by mere slaps. Wake up!" he shook Jin aggressively. "Give the system to me!"

Jin's eyes were kept slits. "Fuck … you …"

Flint released Jin. He walked around in circles while rubbing his temples. Then he halted. "Alura, come forth."

Alura rocked her hips as he walked toward him. She stopped at his side, and uttered, "Yes, my prince…?"

Flint folded his arms. "Shoot him … with the bow…"

"No problem, your majesty…"

Jin's heart throbbed.

Alura slowly raised both her empty hands. One was extended out and straightened. The other was raised highly such that it was at the level of her temple.

There was nothing in her hands.

When suddenly her palms began to glow pink. Her eyes began to glow pink. A bow started to slowly manifest. Material conjured starting from the string, forming the bow, and then ending at the arrow.

The sparkling string was pulled back so firmly such that it made a horizontal 'V' shape.

The bow was pink, and looked as if it was made of light itself. It glowed luminously just like Alura's glimmering eyes. The arrow head—the bullet point—was a red, beaming heart.

Alura closed an eye to sharpen her aim.

Finally, she released the nock from her fingers. The shaft slid across the arrow rest, and darted toward Jin's body.

The arrow—made up of light—impaled Jin's heart. He gasped as his body jolted from the penetration. Strangely, he felt … no pain. No Magic. Nothing.

Flint approached him. "Okay. He should be under your Cupid spell now, right Alura?"

"His eyes didn't glow … but he should be…"

"Then command him," his eyes darkened, "to relinquish the system …"

The arrow disappeared. Alura, eyes narrowed, heaved. She folded her arms. "Alright, Jin. Give your system to Flint."

"Fuck you!" Jin snapped.

Alura gasped and placed a hand upon her heart. "It didn't … work."

"How did it not work?" Flint snapped.

Alura's eyes glowed pink. "Hold on … I'm looking. Wait," she furrowed her brows, "Some of your anti-magic energy is in his body Flint!"

She pressed her lips in a line and narrowed her eyes at Flint. "Oh great, now we can't manipulate him with the power of the Aphrodite."

Flint let out a long, stretched, stressful breath. Then, he looked over at Krod. "Krod, Baron. Bring those boys to me…" he said in a calmed tone.

Krod and Baron obeyed instructions. They carried Ashton and Dobby to Flint. Flint grabbed Ashton by his shirt. He pulled Ashton toward him.

"If I can't kill you or manipulate you! I'm going to have to hurt your friends!"

Jin's eyes widened.

He glared at Dobby. "Krod, you know what to do with him. That elf's been talking far too much. Insolent fool."

Ashton was held in a headlock from Flint, who stood behind him. Flint's other hand was free. He then penetrated Ashton's stomach with nothing but his bare hand. Flint then yanked his hand from the inside of the body, holding bloody flesh in his palms.


Ashton's eyes bulged. His body jolted. Then, he paused as if stunned.

Krod tugged on Dobby's hand and continued to pull on it with all his might. Dobby screamed to the top of his lungs as his bone, tissues, and flesh shredded and broke apart. Blood sprayed—like a water hose—from his injury.


Krod smiled as Dobby's blood splashed and doused his face. Then, the smile transitioned to a smirk as he poked out his tongue and slid it across his bloody face.

Dobby's entire arm was torn asunder.

Flint dropped Ashton's body.

Krod dropped Dobby's body.

Jin gasped. Then he screamed until veins popped up on his face. He screamed with all his breath. The shrieking noise sounded, wafting through the air.

His eyes began to glow green.

A system screen manifested before his dilated pupils.

[Your rage boils]

[Berserk: All skills strengthen by 100%, x2 reward]

[Deceptive Delusion increased by 100%]

[Your active skill has killed a being]

[+50 Exp, +20 UP]

[Your active skill has killed a being]

[+50 Exp, +20 UP]


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