Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 54: Epiphany

Jin's eyes expanded. "Clarke!?"

Flint smirked. "As you can most definitely tell, Clarke's been working for me. He's a slave of mine just like Alura, Krod, Baron and Sylvia. They're all my sheep.

"Remember the last day of school? Remember that troll woman? I was chasing after her for the asset. That's until you got it. I put Officer Clarke after you instead of her. Encountering Clarke so many times wasn't mere coincidence, Jin."

Jin was paralyzed. Shocked. Stunned. Stagnant. Silent. Speechless. At a loss for words.

That's when it was crystallized. All of this. Since the last day of school—the day the system was bestowed upon him, he was being marked by hunters with hunting rifles. They were watching him. Prowling beasts. Waiting … to attack.

They pretended to be his friends … they blinded him. They gave him highlights of his life. All to manipulate him … a ruse. This was the moment of truth. Betrayal.

Flint clasped his hands behind his back. "We know so much about you, Jin. You know nothing about us. But … let me enlighten you. But before I do that, let's explain things, shall we?"

He continued. "Ever since I've seen that mark below your eye—'619'—I knew you were the successor of the God's Asset. You are the 619th Successor—someone who could potentially become eligible to take the God of Mischief's place.

"This asset is no joke—and should never—never be underestimated. It can change the world itself. And trust me, I mean in a negative way. I want this boundless power. It belongs to ME. And I want it back."

"You're so frail and weak. The only reason why we didn't just take it from you the day you got it was because we thought you were strong. We thought you would kill us if we attacked you.

"So we decided to wait things out. Wait … until the asset can fall into my possession. Wait to take it from you…"

He tittered. "If only we knew you were so fucking pathetic. So weak. If it weren't for Officer Clarke, a mere human, attacking you … we wouldn't have known that you were weak."

"I couldn't believe it. None of us could. So this is exactly why I'm here. To take … what belongs to me!"

Alura tittered. "He actually fell in love with me. How pathetic. What a 'loser' according to you humans here. There's only one man I'll actually enjoy a kiss from." she glimpsed at Flint."

"I told you I smelt the weakness on 'im!" added Krod.

Officer Clarke then snapped, "I was the one who told you guys he was weak since the first time I attacked him. But no," he shook his head, "You guys said 'he's probably just not attacking you with his power because you're a cop', and 'don't underestimate a system user'," he mocked. "At that point, I, as a dirty cop being paid to do a deed, simply prolonged things so that I get paid to do more jobs, keeping my mouth shut."

Flint glared back at him. His eyes staring into the Officer's soul. "And you have … the nerve to let that slip your mouth?"

He quickly apologized. "Sorry, boss." he averted his eyes.

Flint looked at Jin again.

Baron remained silent. A nuance lingered on his visage. He held Ashton down. And unlike the rest, he uttered not a word.

Flint stepped forward. "You see, Jin. We are not humans like you, your friends, and the crook behind me," he glimpsed back at Clarke to which the latter averted his eyes.

He focused on Jin again. "We are not human. We are not … from here. We dwell in the shadows. We are all what you would call evil. Blood is as normal as sweat for us. I believe the correct term you humans call our kind is," his eyes flared, "… demons."

"For so many years, we hid. From your Global Government. The Government that wanted to war us for so long. We wanted to fight them too, but we relented. We hid on the Demon Continent for so long. Waiting … waiting for this moment."

Flint inched closer to Jin. "Our conspiracy will soon begin. The world will fall into our palms that were callous from countless hours of training. Power will course through our veins like blood. We will rule this world once and for all! Conspiracy."

"After I've proven my worth to my father, alas it will be time for us to reign over it all. Alas, I will be crowned prince!"

Jin furrowed his brows. "So you were just playing me all along?"

Alura tittered. "Well duh…"

Jin averted his eyes. "But … that's impossible. Demons? The government killed all hostile r—"

"Or did they?" interjected Flint. "You humans just believe whatever the superiors throw at you, don't you?" he scoffed.

"Then that begs the question, am I really a demon? If so, why do I look like a human? Maybe this will answer your questions, frail one."

A smirk molded itself on Flint's face. He walked forward, still towering over Jin. Then, the wind began to blow. His skin slowly became more pale. The shine in his eyes was gone as they darkened.

A pitch black cloak started conjuring on his body. Two black horns grew from his forehead. His hair lengthened. His eyes darkened further. Yet, he kept all of his elegance … and a smirk on his face.

Alura moaned as wings burst through the flesh of her back. The black wings jutted out from her body. Her eyes became red. Her hair grew incredibly long such that it touched her behind. She erupted into laughter as her dark apparel materialized.

Krod and Baron both had similar transformations. Jin watched as what he thought were his friends became monsters that silently threatened to take his life.

Flint grinned. "I am the son of the Demon King, and the brother of Death. I am … Nyx!"

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