Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 51: Dark Shadow Realm

" Hello readers. Thanks for the support this novel's been getting. For this chapter, you're about to read from a main villain's POV. It's a bit short but … enjoy ?


Dark Shadow Realm of the Demon King.

In a boundless domain; a shadow, lurks and meshes with the darkness of dusk. Quiescently, it was seated on a throne made of the thousands of bones and fossils swathed in gold and ash. The figure's wrathful power, to which the dead people of his throne fell victim, needn't be measured … for in and of itself it lingered immeasurable.

The figure's arms rested upon the arms of its throne. The fingers of both its hands entangled with the skeletal fingers of the Undead. Hand in hand. Thousands of tainted souls choruses his name like a cult as he sits.

Next to this daunting figure's throne, there was yet another. Unoccupied it was. A prince was to be crowned.

The figure sitting on the bigger throne was a monstrosity shrouded in human physique. Its cloak, blackest black can be, rested on its body. Its hood covered its head such that one could not see its face. Its face was not there. It was covered in darkness. Its eyes glowed white. White contrails of souls emanating from its eye sockets.

The orchestral choir sings on. When—

"Silence!" the Monarch's extraordinarily deep voice resounded like a shockwave. It quickly flooded the room in deafening echoes. The singing throne was quelled. Silence.

"I permit thee to enter…" its voice sounded like three beings uttering words in unison. Should one fail to keep up—perish it will.

After the King had granted permission, yet another shadow had manifested before the throne.

The figure slowly appeared, dust blowing as it took form. It slowly bowed to the king, for it knew that insolence would spell its certain death. "Þú hafminnr soul, fyrir þú eru konungrinn ór darkness. Demonrinn konungr." it uttered, its reverberating tone, deliberate.

It remained down on a knee. "I have come, father…"

"And why is that? Have you proven to me your value? Have you done what I asked?"

The shadow nodded its head. "Pardon me, my King. I am almost there."

The King's aura erupted. It spanned across the room. The entire area relentlessly quaked. "You have come to a Primordial God and his Spirit Domain to tell him that you have failed to do as he said!?" his tone erupted.

The shadow bowed. "I am sorry father. I beg your pardon. I request more time. Maybe until the end of the—"

"There is no such thing as 'more time' amidst my walls. You asked of me, I gave what I could. Nyx, you have held back my armies from reigning the world! We have hidden in the depths of the shadows for so long that we have become shadows ourselves. Lingering on this continent for as long as we can remember. It must be my sixty-ninth spouse—your mother is the cause of your incompetence!"

Another figure manifested. It bowed to the King. Except that this one was in its human form. It possessed long silky hair that touched its back. Pale skin of a vampire. Eyes as red as blood. Huge raven wings protruded from its back. It was male with feminine features.

It bowed to the king. "Þú hafminnr soul, fyrir þú eru konungrinn ór darkness. Demonrinn konungr. I have come father."

It stood, with a callous stature. A smirk on its face. The Norse word 'Hel', the embodiment of death, was his name. "I am here, father. I sensed that my beloved brother is as well so I came to see him." his accent was chic, his voice was flooded with arrogance and profound pomposity.

Hel turned to his brother. "Hello, Nyx—my favorite brother in the whole wide world." a smirk molded on his countenance.

Nyx snapped, "I am your only brother! And we're not by blood!"

Hel blew a kiss at Nyx. Nyx pretended to grab it with his hand and break it in half like a twig—to which Hel chuckled.

"Nyx, have you failed yet? I am utterly impatient. I certainly cannot wait a minute longer until I get to fill the world with lethal pestilence."

"I haven't failed yet, you arsehole!"

"Picking up human phrases, I see. You have become so frail due to your time spent in the human world."

Nyx's blood boiled. "Thanks for reminding me just who I'm going to kill first when I become prince!"

"Who? Yourself? What a pity … I was going to that first—no fair."

"Fuck y—"

"Silence!" the sonorous voice of the King shook the room.

Both Nyx and Hel were hushed. They stood stagnantly in instant quietude.

"Leave, Nyx. You have four days more—"

Hel quickly whined, "But father that's not—"

The King glared at him. "Speak a word more and suffer my insufferable wrath. I will cut you limb by limb. I will burn you to the bones. You will become a part of my throne."

Nyx moved forward such that his brother could see the smug on his countenance.

Hel gritted his teeth. "Fuck you."

"Picking up some human phrases too?"

"You cunt!"

Nyx began to walk backward with shrugging shoulders and raised forearms. "You have my honor, father. See you later, beloved brother." the smug took his face all over again.

He leaped into a manifested portal.

Hel, the embodiment of Death, scowled.


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