Liver Progress From the Beginning

Chapter 34

Chapter 34 – Celestial Combination

Chapter 34 God Combination

During Zhong Chao’s ejection training, time passed quickly, and soon, three hours passed, and at 9:30 in the night, within ten meters, no matter where Zongsheng and the others threw it, they would be shot down immediately by Zhong Chao Come.

In this way, the first stage of practice in the third realm has also come to an end.

【Finger Skill: 3 Realm Mastery (900/2700)】

“The next step is the second stage of practice. According to the description of the flick of the finger, next I need to shoot a moving target 20 meters away, and then extend it in turn until it is 30 meters away. I can also hit a hundred shots. The third level Even if the practice is completely completed.”

“According to my experience in the afternoon, the farther the distance is, the more difficult it is for me to shoot, and the difficulty is doubled. When I reach the final 30 meters, I need to concentrate and shoot with all my strength. Such a Come on, three hours for each stage is impossible, but if you delay, three or five days, at most a week, I can complete the third stage of practice.”

It only takes a few words to complete it so quickly – only if you are familiar with it.

Hundreds of thousands of bullets, no matter how stupid a person is, he will have some experience.

And the reason why he was able to play so many times in a short period of time was all thanks to the pure yang golden bell cover and the powerful recovery ability of Yuanyang Qi. However, the supernatural ability of Yuanyang Qi did not surprise Zhong Chao. It’s just worry, he doesn’t believe that the senior management of the martial arts school will be so kind.

“Pure Yang Golden Bell Cover, there is definitely something wrong with this exercise!”

Worried for a while, Zhong Chao still shook his head:

“Forget it, don’t think too much… Even if there is a problem with this exercise, it is only before the pure yang energy, and as long as I practice quickly and condense the pure yang energy before the hidden dangers, everything will be fine. “

“So, what I have to do is to explode this exercise in the shortest possible time!”

Thinking of this, Zhong Chao made a decision: “Tomorrow, I will buy gold ointment, and I will also spend a little extravagantly. Try the five taels of silver ointment for its magical effect!”

The money to buy the gold ointment was given by Chi Ya in the morning. She bet thirty taels, and Jing Yifei raised twenty, which made Zhong Chao gain 50 taels on the spot. Well, minus half of the martial arts share, Zhong Chao still has Twenty-five taels.

At the same time, the 19 missions in the morning, after removing Zhong Chao and others, left 5 taels of silver. Yesterday, he earned a full 30 taels of silver.

However, Zhong Chao also knows that earning so much money in one go is a game between rich kids. Such a beautiful thing does not happen every day.

Gold ointment is bought tomorrow, but Zhong Chao’s training is not over yet.

After taking a look at the sky, Zhong Chao found it difficult to see moving objects 20 or 30 meters away, so Zhong Chao gave up the training of flicking skills and turned to training the pure yang golden bell cover.

Speaking of this, we have to talk about the steam turbine, which is also a magic skill.

After combining    with the internal training of the five internal organs, Zhong Chao even called the two together – the combination of gods.

This name is very big, but Zhong Chao thinks that both of them can afford it.

Today, Zhong Chao practiced duels in the morning, and focused on flicking skills in the afternoon and evening.

However, even so, the proficiency of his pure yang golden bell jar still increased by 240 points from morning to half past nine at night.

Yes, you heard it right, the hang-up increases by 240 points.

The reason for this is the effect of the steam turbine.

The master-level steam turbine has a blazing heat of 5, using this fiery steam to temper the internal organs. Once you hold your breath, the Zhongchao Pure Yang Admiralty Cover can gain 5 growth.

At the end of the day, Zhong Chao turned on the steam turbine most of the time, except for the time to slow down his breath. In this way, the cultivation speed of his pure yang golden bell cover naturally increased gradually.

Of course, the steam turbines in the four realms are not something that can be turned on at will—only with the Qi of Yuanyang and the internal five treasures, he can be unscrupulous.

And the two promote each other and cooperate with each other, which is why Zhong Chao called it the combination of gods.

As for the only shortcoming of this combination – “Gee…”

Just as he was getting ready to exercise, Zhong Chao’s stomach rang.

Seeing this, without Zhong Chaochao’s instructions, Jiang Liang quickly brought the steam pot that had been burning and boiled the broth.

While cooking, he was also smacking his face.

“I’m so stupid, I dare to question the boss… The boss has been boiling water, so naturally he foresaw today’s scene, knowing that he will eventually eat every hour, so he made preparations in advance!”

“To be able to foresee today’s events half a month ago, the boss is wise!”

He was lamenting and admiring Zhong Chao’s wisdom. As for Zhong Chao himself, he was extremely bitter.

“Fuck, more than a dozen meals a day, and a meal of big meat, I can’t live through this day.”

In fact, Zhong Chao doesn’t have to be like this… As the last hurdle of the martial arts journey, internal training of five treasures is a kind of transformation for Zhong Chao’s promotion. If he wants to, he can put his body functions in a state of low energy consumption. Come on, not only does he not need more than a dozen tons a day, he can even manage it for three days.

However, in the state of low energy consumption, it is naturally impossible to talk about cultivation.

“Hey, eat whatever you want… Being able to eat is not a bad thing for a warrior. If my stomach has not been improved, even if I want to eat, I can’t hold it.”

Di Hua felt deeply touched by these words. He reluctantly ate six meals, but couldn’t fall asleep with his stomach full.

While Zhong Chao was comforting himself, Jiang Liang, who was cooking, thought of something, and said a little embarrassedly: “Boss, the meal money you gave is gone again.”


Seeing Zhong Chao’s silence, Jiang Liang became a little anxious: “Boss, I have no trace of corruption. Meat is really expensive…”

“Okay, I didn’t say you were corrupt, I was just calculating how much you would spend a month if you eat like this.”

“I know this. According to the boss’s appetite, he gets one or seven taels of silver a day, which is 51 taels a month.”

51 taels, this number made Zhong Chao a little dizzy. After a while, he forced a smile and said, “It’s okay, isn’t it just a hundred duels? It’s easy.”

At this moment, Jiang Liang really wants to tell his boss that besides food, he also needs to buy gold ointment and blood-activating powder. A hundred duels are not enough.

It’s just that his boss’s twisted and hideous face made him decide to hide his words.

Needless to say, Jiang Liang, Zhong Chao also estimated that if he exercises in the optimal way, he will need more money than he imagined, and the number of tasks he will complete in a month will be around 300 to 500 games.

Zhong Chao is not afraid of this. The powerful strength after steaming through the body, as well as the super recovery and endurance brought by internal training of the five treasures, make him confident that he can complete more than ten tasks in a day.

He is only worried about one thing…whether the low-level tasks in the martial arts school are enough.

Soon, this worry was put down by Zhong Chao, and in the following training, he actually had the idea of hiring others.

At ten o’clock in the night, Zhong Chao’s training is naturally the pure yang admiralty. Although, with the steam turbine on-hook, with the heat it brings, the proficiency of the pure yang admiralty will increase accordingly.

But this kind of growth is too slow for Zhong Chao. If he is superimposed with external hammering, his advancement speed will be faster.

Hmm… Relying on external hammering, the total proficiency of Zhong Chao’s golden bell cover is higher than that of steam turbines.

【Pure Yang Golden Bell Cover: Level 2 Proficiency (4900/6000), Effect: Internal Training Five Treasures 1】

“Is it already 4900, nearly 2,000 proficiency more than the 3000 steam turbine… This is all thanks to external training.”

“Work harder, combine external hammering and internal training, and add golden ointment, I have a chance to fully complete the progress of the golden bell within three days.”

(end of this chapter)

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