Level 0 Master

Chapter 78 - Vol. 3 - Episode 21

Chapter 78: Vol. 3 – Episode 21


People gathered in the courtyard beyond the capital. These were people who did not wish to experience the hellish torture anymore.

“We must talk to the king!”

“He must save us and abandon the cursed child!” The spies Rupellion had planted shouted within the crowd.

With the promise of immediate release from their agony, minds were swayed easily.

“Why did the king have a cursed witch by his side?”

“Apparently, the cursed witch possesses a strong power that helps him.”

“I thought the new king was on our side.”

“Is he choosing a girl who promises him power over us?”

They believed the king had indulged himself in the witch’s power and abandoned them. The once savior king was now believed to be directly responsible for this torment. The rumor spread like wildfire. It must be true; the people started to shout in mass.

“Abandon the witch, my king!”

“Please return as our savior!”

They no longer sung praises of Sungjin as the hero who would protect them all. They were an angry mob prepared to accuse him as tyrant if he did not give up Rachel.

The scene had gone according to his plans; still, the High Priest had only hatred in his cold, emotionless eyes.

“Do you see, young lion of the south? These are the humans you wish to protect.”

His expression was full of anger that he kept hidden from even the great priests.

“They are lowly and disgusting.” He continued his monologue as if he were talking to Sungjin:

“You put your life on the line for those people.”

But humans weren’t worth such a fight. These were the same people who would turn their backs on 10 blessings if one thing did not suit their interests.

When there was something to gain, they sang praises of hero and savior. But when there was a loss, they criticized and dragged one down. Citizens could be so cowardly. The respect reserved for a king was nowhere to be found. Now that Sungjin seemed kind, they were whining.

“They are ignorant and detestable.”

They couldn’t even see through his tricks due to their pain. They would do anything to relieve it, including believing and rationalizing his lies.

“Humans are disgusting everywhere.”

It was the same within the walls of Rupellion. The faithful groveled on their knees for saving.

“Filthy people who would do anything to be saved.”

People were greedy, cruel, and foolish. They would condemn a fellow citizen to death if it meant saving their own skin. How vile they were, how evil. They would serve any God offering salvation, including Angramainyu, the creator of all evil.

They cheered for that name willingly and asked only for themselves to be saved on the last day of victory. They clung to the thought they would be in his favor. They would sacrifice neighbor and friend, leaving this country in the evil god’s command. They were worthless.


Sad cries resounded around Pedrian. Beside the High Priest were children who were mercilessly burned. These were spirits that appeared only when he was truly alone, pitiful children sacrificed by humans’ evil deeds; sad lives stepped on by lying sheep who pretended they were innocent victims. They were children bound to this earth, his uncompleted responsibilities.

Looking at the ghosts, the High Priest swore once more:

“It is soon.”

The truth of the human nature of hell will be revealing its form. The sacrifice and the sacred object will be in his hands, and the time will come. Only then would the devils known as humans be able to gain their salvation. Going to hell was their only salvation after all. The mirror before him reflected Sungjin’s capital once more.

“Now, what will you do, young lion? Will you throw Rachel away to maintain your popularity among the people?”

If he wished to maintain his popularity and trust, he had no choice but to give up the girl. Rachel was innocent; the young lion knew this. But convincing the people was another story.

Huhu. There used to be a food store once.

The popular store was ruined once its competition spread rumors it was putting unhealthy poison in the food. The people asked the store owner for compensation, held a riot, and the owner went to court to proclaim his innocence.

The government official concluded no such thing had happened, but the competitor once again spread rumors that the government official had received bribery to declare this. People who had rioted wanted to remain in a position of righteousness and attacked. The righteous will always think they are right. The corrupt will always be corrupt.

Ultimately, the store owner’s entire family committed suicide, and the people celebrated saying they had received their due punishment. Those were humans.

At this point, the victor had already been decided.

“Or will you push them back with soldiers to protect Rachel?”

Sungjin’s kingdom was on the brink of collapse.

“Now, show me your truth, young lion.”

“Bring forth the witch!” When Sungjin did not release the soldiers, the protesting voices grew louder.

Rachel trembled as she held on to Sungjin’s leg.

“Oppa…I…I need to go right? Right?” She had heard the shouts of the people.

“No, you don’t need to leave.” Sungjin shook his head firmly.

“But…those people are hurting. Like me…they will be hurt everyday.” Tears rained down from Rachel’s eyes.

“I…am the goddess’ child…saving ill people is my mission so…”

This was the life mission given to her. If she did not follow, there would be no salvation.

“I will…will be fine. The goddess will save me after all, right, Sir Kuga?”

“Rachel…” Kuga could only call out her name in pity; he had no answer to give.

“But…I thought the goddess’ salvation…was going to let me live…” Tears tumbled down her cheeks.

“It seems not…It seems it will be a place to go after I die…It seems like… Uu…”

“Rachel…” Kuga didn’t deny.

Rachel took that as a positive answer.

“It’s okay…I…Am the goddess’ child…If the goddess wishes it…I need to follow…”

At that moment, Sungjin gathered her up fiercely within his arms.


“You won’t go. I don’t care what the goddess has planned; I won’t let it happen.”

“But…” Sungjin gathered her crying face into his chest and hugged her tightly.

“Goddess and salvation of the soul and whatever else doesn’t matter. You’re a child, and you’re alive. You are entitled to all the good things in this world.”

It was a proclamation Sungjin made to everyone, both humans and gods. Rachel was a tortured child, who thought of others before herself. She hid her pain so as not to become a burden. She dreamed of growing up fast to become an adult and find love. Ensuring that her modest wish would be granted was the right world.

To think, she would even sacrifice herself. He would not run away and leave such a child to be stepped on. He would fight the enemy and win.

“But…Other people…Everyone…They’re saying they want me to disappear… wishing for it…”

“You said you wanted to become an adult. You wanted to live!”

“Uu… But…”

“We need to go to the mountains and sea, watch spring come around.”

“Uu…Uu…Uuwaa…I…I want to live. Uaah!” Rachel burst into tears.

“I don’t want to die. Uaah. Even if I go to a better place after death…I still have so much I want to do…I want to live. I will fix other people the best I can; I’ll do my best…So I… I…I just want to live.”

Even if her job was sacrificing herself for everyone, she still wanted to live. She wanted to live and see spring. She wanted to date Oppa. She wanted to do so many things. She had only just begun to learn what the outside world held.

“Then you will. Forget the goddess’ command and everyone else’s will. I can save you.”

Sungjin stood.

“Re…ally? Really…I can live?” Rachel’s cries died down.

It was a wish she wanted so desperately but could not dare to hope for.

Could Oppa really grant her that wish? Her heart started to beat. Her face heated. She felt something strange and inexplicably wonderful she had never felt in her life.

“Yes. Now, watch how I fight,” he said reassuringly before stepping towards the balcony of the castle.

High Priest, if this is how you wish to fight then so be it.

He would never hand over her; she was his sister. The stronger the evil was, the more it would be met with his unstoppable wisdom and determination. Rachel could only stare at his back.

She always thought Oppa was strong but now…

His back seemed to shine. Her heart thudded. Her face, once again, heated.

Sungjin stood on the balcony. Using the magic stone with the power of the wind, he made sure everyone heard his voice and shouted:

“Everyone, hear! I will answer your request!”

The people fell silent. Sungjin was a king who united the four kingdoms and had a firm charisma.

“This is a story of old: there once lived three buffalos that were close friends, so close, the lion knew he could not attack them easily. By using trickery, he demanded the white buffalo, telling his two friends if they didn’t hand them over he would attack them. The two gave him the white buffalo. Afterwards, the lion threatened the black buffalo; if he handed over the brown buffalo, he would not harm him. The black buffalo abandoned his friend. When he became the only one left, the lion ate him as well.”

This was a tale passed down on Earth and relatable in any region.

“Do you really believe you have been cursed due to Rachel? That is a lie! The truth is the High Priest is threatening you after having placed a curse on you!” His charismatic voice took control over the people.

“You think handing over Rachel will solve everything?” Sungjin pointed towards the edge with his hands. The people flinched.

“If the High Priest demands the people in the region of Saina to be submitted as sacrificial objects, are you going to let that happen? When he asks for the region of Asark, are you going to hand them over because they are not your family?”

Sungjin’s eyes scanned each and every one.

“One by one, because they are not your troubles or your family, you would hand them over? Who will be with you when evil finally descends on all?!” His words echoed around the arena.

“Do you think I abandoned you all to save one person?” Sungjin placed his hand on his chest.

“I am fighting because I cannot hand over a single one of you!”

That was his truth and his will as king, and he reported this to the people.

“Whoever serves me is under my protection! That goes for Rachel and any one of you!”

Man or woman, child or senior, Sungjin would not submit to the demands of evil. If they demanded a person of the mountains, a person of the rivers, a person of the capital…he would not hand over a single one.

The crowd fell silent. Sungjin was an emperor who ruled over everyone, and they were in awe. They knew he spoke truth when he said he would not hand over anyone. It was the heart of a king.

Despite his promise, would they continue their requests to hand over the child? Would he ever demand their personal sacrifice?

“It is my wish for everyone’s protection! You will not be able to stand on the battlefield or survive the violence of evil without standing together! I will fight at the forefront, and it is my wish for you all to fight behind me, a fight to defend each other!”

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