Level 0 Master

Chapter 74 - Vol. 3 - Episode 17

Chapter 74: Vol. 3 – Episode 17


Rachel could not stop crying.

“Now, now. Let’s stop that. You need to tell everyone you’re leaving to cure yourself from the curse.”

“Oppa can go ahead. I will be right with you after washing my face.”

“Okay, after that, please join us in the meeting room.”

“Yes.” Rachel teared up once again after she had sent Sungjin away. She was still glad.

“He is a very comforting presence to you,” Kuga said to Rachel.

“Hehe, I know.”

“He could have used God’s fruit to gain himself a level but gave it up for you.”

“He did?” Rachel’s eyes widened.

“Yes and without hesitation. He really does care for you.”

“Oppa…for me…” Rachel gathered her hands together. Her cheeks were colored a light red.


The one who guided her, gave her power, and taught her how to live was the goddess. But Oppa was the person who protected her in real life. She had already liked her brother, and now she liked him even more.

Oppa, thank you so much.

She swore to herself once again that she would do something for him in the near future. Something warm was starting to grow bigger within her chest.


Chapter 9

Sungjin gathered his teammates together immediately. Although surprised by Rachel’s story and the existence of God’s fruit, they agreed to join the search.

“To think, we may be able to save Miss Rachel; we should hurry.”

At Ereka’s words, Eustasia sighed. She gazed at Sungjin.

Did you not think how much more you could achieve by gaining your level with that fruit?

It was not as if she did not pity Rachel, but she believed that a king should look at the big picture. To gain some vigor as an emperor, one had to at least have a decisive personality. At the silent question, Sungjin only smirked.

And why leave Rachel out of that world?

After understanding Sungjin’s smile, Eustasisa gave up.

It’s hopeless. It’s just like him to desire victory even with the burden of a child.

It looked like she would have to be the one to discuss realistic matters.

“The problem is that if this fruit is such a great holy thing other major powers would be attempting to go after it also.”

“I suppose. If others knew of this matter they would surely be aiming for this fruit.”

Sungjin was not going to move with ignorant assumption.

“Kuga, if the oracle revealed this information to you, it’s highly probable that the High Priest know of it as well, right?”

Kuga thought for a moment before nodding his head.

“We can’t know for certain, but we should be prepared.”

“Eldorado may be further away in the southern continents, but we need to cover all of our bases.” Sungjin thought for a moment before pulling out the world map.

“Pinpoint exactly where the island is.”

“Here. It was originally a structure of six islands, but once every thousand years the seventh island emerges. It remains for only one half of the day before re-submerging.”

“That means we need to reach the island within that time period to obtain the fruit.”

“Correct. There is only one chance, and that chance is the next full moon.”

“Fine. It would be best to travel from Port Nandebrook. Eustasia, can you prepare the largest sailing ship?”

“I’ll need at least a week.”

“One week…would you be able to make it in time for the next full moon?”

Suddenly Rachel raised her hand.

“I will ask the wind and seas to help!”

“Is that possible?”

Rachel smiled widely.

“Of course! I need to try my best too!”

“Then there should be no problem. Now, all there’s left is understanding the movement of the other powers…I’ll take care of this.”


On the fifth day, the information department reported to him:

“Master Sungjin, a sailing ship has entered Port Schugrut of Rupellion, which you had ordered to be placed under watch. It seems to be preparing for immediate departure.”

“As expected. If Rupellion wishes to reach that island, their starting point would be that port.”

At the spy’s dispatch, Sungjin smiled widely and turned towards Kuga.

“It seems like the oracle you were given has been received on their end too.”

“It’s not the time to be smiling. If the fruit ends up in their hands, there will be no more paths to save Rachel.”

“I know.”

“Why are you smiling then?”

“It’s boring to have a fight without an opponent.”

It would be dull if his greatest foe did not have an information network as large as his; he was not disappointed in that regard.

Although, I am the one who will get the fruit.

To save Rachel.

“I’m going to win this fight.”

“Kuh, you’re full of it.”

“Ha. I didn’t say I would simply sit by and watch. Why do you think I ordered surveillance on Port Schugrut?”

As he thought more, an evil smile spread across his face.

This search for the fruit was different from all of the other fights before. This was not a formal battle one would proclaim and enter with two teams fighting against one another. The imaginary island where the fruit was to bear was not an ordinary place.

If it was a normal territory, it would have been divided and ruled with conditions and laws as a god’s realm, and the most important rule within those realms was the prevention of other heroes from clashing with one another. But the imaginary island did not have such rules, which meant if the battlefield’s play ended within the battlefield, it could mean actual life or death.

So what abilities could one have on the island? No one had pondered this question. Why would those living in the desert ponder on how to survive within the jungle?

“Was it not to understand their movements and take preventive measures?” Kuga was not ignorant.

“Of course, there’s that, but that’s not all.”

Only Sungjin who was unique enough to have planned another strategy. He looked towards Eustasia.

“Eustasia, are you ready?”

“Of course.”

“Didn’t you say it would normally take a week to prepare a sailing ship?” Kuga, who had thought there was yet two more days to prepare, tilted his head.

“Not that.”

“What else is there?”

“You will know soon enough. If I tell you, there will be no fun in watching the show.”


It was late night. The tide in Port Schugrut, where Rupellion’s sailing boats were docked, were turned towards shore. Tiny boats quietly floated into the port with the tide. No one knew of the nearing vessels in the deep night. This world did not have a system of a surprise attack on docked crafts in the middle of the night. A battle occurred on the battlefield. Why would they be wary of the port?

The night raid was a success. As soon as the small boats touched the shoreline, they started burning as one.

“Fire!” the people on the port shouted hurriedly, but it was too late.

The small boats full of gunpowder and oil had already set the sailing boats on fire with uncontrollable flames. Without time to repel or douse the flames, the sailing boats burned and sunk.

The High Priest now had no transportation to the imaginary island.


A moment later Eustasia reported to Sungjin:

“The fire attack succeeded. Rupellion’s boats were sunk.”

Sungjin smiled.

“Tell everyone they did a good job while and hand out the promised rewards.”

The meeting room’s atmosphere turned bright immediately.

“I suppose Miss Rachel would be saved with this sabotage.” Ereka smiled.

“It’s a strategy worthy of praise.” Rittier placed his hands on his chest to show his respect.

“There’s no need for exaggeration.”

“I think it was amazing too.” Eustasia looked at Rittier at the same time.

“Float small vessels down with the tide to stop the enemy from sailing. It was a simple but effective surprise attack.”

In a normal war, everyone else thought about how to fight against their hero enemies once already on the battlefield. That was war, after all. But Sungjin had to think a bit further because the imaginary island was outside of God’s realm; therefore, the fight could turn into a real life or death situation. To this world, war was about one’s allied heroes and the enemy’s heroes fighting head-on. That was the extent of their thoughts.

But Sungjin had revealed another side.

“It’s nothing special. It’s happened several times on Earth, something like the Battle of Calais.”

The British had used the same strategy when fighting the Spanish armada. It was a strategy learned easily with a bit of Earth’s history in warfare, but to this world it was a new tactic. Sungjin wasn’t confined to Valhalla’s way of thinking.

“Your strategy was incredible. With this, the High Priest will be unable to come to the island and wouldn’t that be a victory?”

“Right.” Ereka blinked her eyes as Eustasia had said everything she had wanted to say.

“Then it’s guaranteed we’ll get the fruit!” Rachel turned around and around in excitement as her skirt danced in the air.

“Yes, I will help you get it. But it’s too early to let our guard down. We should hurry and get going.” Sungjin smiled with this promise but still proceeded with caution.

We will succeed with everything after securing victory.

The sailing ship carrying them left the harbor.

The atmosphere was lively in Sungjin’s boat. If the High Priest could not come to the island at all, it was possible to achieve their objective without a fight. The fight against the Holy Nation could be delayed until after Rachel’s curse was released.

Although not a victory on the battlefield, it had been a triumph of strategy.


Sungjin’s boat moved across the sea quickly. Although they didn’t have a perfect map of the sea, it had its use.

“Goddess, please help move the boat faster.”

The prayer was simple, but it resounded greatly. Around Rachel, who was holding her hands together, a ripple expanded with pure light. Nature had listened to her request. Wind began to gather; the hanging sails started to stretch; the sea trembled as it pushed the boat. With Rachel’s wish, the wind and sea propelled them forward. Sungjin’s boat arrived to their destination in record time.

At the incredible picture, everyone cheered in admiration; it was a different type of otherworldliness to have nature respond to one’s wishes, one almost expected from God’s child.

But there was a small problem.

“Uu…I’m sorry, Sungjin.” Ereka, who had been suffering from seasickness, collapsed on the bed.

Beside her, Sungjin placed a wet towel on her head.

“It’s okay; you usually take care of all of my daily needs, don’t you?” She had prepared all the meals and teas to his tastes; the bedroom was always clean; his clothes were designed similar to the future he came from. He always knew Ereka was behind the maids’ movements and was always thankful.


“For now, don’t think of anything and take a break. It would be better to close your eyes too.”

“Yes, Sungjin.”

“Are you heating up? Your cheeks are red.”

“I think so.” Ereka smiled shyly.

To be honest, it’s not that… I’m sorry yet so happy that you’re nursing me.

She knew she was imposing, but she was happy. She told herself she could be greedy for just this one journey.

By the window, Jenna waved her tail.

Ahh. It’s a great atmosphere, My Queen, just like this.

Eustasia started swaying and came to lie down near Ereka.

“Sorry, I think traveling by boat is a little hard for me too.”


“Could you nurse me too?”

“There’s no need to be sorry. I’ll bring one more towel.” Sungjin stood from his seat.

“It seems you’re just like me with this, Eustasia.” Ereka smiled as she felt something in common with her.

Sorry, honestly, I’m fine.

Eustasia apologized in her mind.

She was someone who could absorb the movements of the water. The meager movements of the boat only amused her. But she did become jealous of the warm atmosphere these two were making.

Let’s enjoy it together.

Jenna’s tail stood up straight.

Kaa. That thing, she dares interrupt the two.

But if she moved too abruptly, she knew the ambience would be ruined.

I’ll hold back for now.

The thought of her direct rival, Rachel, busy in her prayers gave her some relief. At Jenna’s hostile glare, Rachel quickly defended herself.

“Ah. Um. It’s not that I don’t want to treat them. It’s just that we want to arrive as quickly as possible, so Oppa told me to concentrate on moving the wind and the sea.”

Jenna’s tail went down.

Sigh. What’s the point of fighting with a child.

What was the point of her being God’s child? She seemed blind to what was happening. Through the sometimes tumultuous waves, the boat pushed forward and finally arrived on the island, the non-existing but very real imaginary island.

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