Level 0 Master

Chapter 64 - Vol. 3 Ep. 7

Chapter 64: Vol. 3 Ep. 7

The black priest, Pangnilin, carefully examined Sungjin. He possessed an appearance younger than that of the High Priest.

But you cannot approximate an age simply by looking at one’s features.

The High Priest was well over 100 years old. Who knew how old the other world king was; the fierce vivacious energy he possessed was truly strong. A man with a large ambition equipped with the skills to back it up. A man who has the disadvantage of being level zero but decided to overstep such a penalty as if flimsy.

He’s strong…

He felt the fierceness of a young champion but that was all.

His enemy, the Holy Nation, was built by the High Priest Pedrian from the foundations to its current status. This barrier planted with their god’s powers was akin to the tallest mountain range; even if the young warrior climbed it with fervor, he would starve and freeze to death.

Sungjin was amazing, but their High Priest was beyond him.

I’ll avoid any conflicts for now.

Both the Golden Wise King and Sungjin were bound to fall before their god when they recaptured the sacrifice and completed the temples. There was no need to complicate matters further.

“A child previously kept under strict surveillance has fled our country. I apologize.”

“There is no need for apologies.”

“Haha! Do accept it, please. It is rumored that due to that child, who is riddled with curses, your country has been plagued by an epidemic. How can we not ask pardon for losing her?”

Pangnilin apologized again.

The ministers started to whisper.

A cursed child was the reason behind the epidemic?

Impossible…or is it the truth?

No, you cannot trust everything Rupellion has to say…

But if it is the truth.

“Very well, and how will you make amends?” Sungjin leisurely asked.

“As recompensation for your nation’s loss, we will give you 10,000,000 dallants for every lost labor force.”

10,000,000 for one extra!

“On top of that, we will provide you with an extra 300,000,000 dallants for any damage caused.”


Even if it was a trade between countries, the ministers hesitated; they weren’t sure if they should be delighted or worried about the large sum being offered.

Even if the epidemic…was caused because of the girl Rupellion had lost…

Why would they recompense with such a large amount?

Even if Sungjin’s achievements were great, he was still a young leader compared to Rupellion. Why would they be so willing to give away such a large sum of money?

Nonetheless, they were ministers of a country, not simple AIs within computers willed by bribery. They knew that when such a country made such a grand offer within an exchange, it could not be considered a gift but a demand.

“And your request?”

“Through our god’s voice, we already know that the cursed child is here. Please hand her over so that we can seal her once more.”

“And what do you earn by sealing her?”

Sungjin’s question was sharp, but Pangnilin maintained a respectful smile.

At least it’s going according to plan so far.

He knew Sungjin was not a man greedy for money. In fact, the information they had collected portrayed him as the type of person to protect the weak. If he had seen the runaway sacrifice, they knew he would not hand her over so easily. To persuade such a man to change his mind, they would need to give him a compelling reason.

This was another type of game.

“What our country earns is for no more disease to spread further due to that girl. For no more innocents to be harmed by her, and for our god’s benevolence to reach this world…”

“You must think I’m a fool. Stop wasting my time.” Sungjin intercepted his speech.

“Haha. I understand. We can’t hide forever.” Pangnilin stepped back cooly.

I knew you wouldn’t be fooled.

He had made that introductory speech purposefully, so Sungjin would believe he had seen through his tricks. This set the stage to trust his next words easier.

“The fact that the child has a deep curse in her is true, and we have used that curse to maintain a borderline ward between my country and Eldorado.”

“A ward…”

“Yes, so do return the child. I believe we have promised enough compensation for your losses. You don’t even know how that child is being used.”

Pangnilin’s words turned more convincing.

After all, the war of the continent was between three countries and not two. If both countries could find an advantage, it was possible to compromise. Sungjin’s country would benefit more from the money than a curse they knew nothing about, and Rupellion recapturing the sacrifice was worth the monetary investment.

“So that is your suggestion?”

“It is so.”

Pangnilin was certain his words had moved Sungjin’s servants. It was going according to his predictions. The ministers said nothing aloud, but he knew they had decided to approve this offer within.

This should be accepted.

Of course, we cannot simply say, “Okay, we need to haggle the price.”

Rupellion must have suggested that price assuming we would raise it.

A cursed child that caused epidemics was a hot potato. If they could turn her in and receive the compensation that was enough. Pangnilin did not finish with simply that. Although the thread of compromise was logical, to Sungjin it had an unstable quality.

“This is not only for the trust between our two countries. Unless the child is sealed, this calamity will continue. We are doing this also for the well-being of the masses; our compensation can be used for caring after your people. Can’t you agree this is advantageous for everyone?”

It was also a matter of protecting the lives of the extras. He knew if he didn’t make such an offering, Sungjin would not consider cooperating. After throwing every bargain he had out there, Pangnilin smiled thinly under his expressionless face.

Retrieving the girl was the only thing that mattered. If he could use her as a sacrifice, he could give Sungjin what he had promised. For this one child, Sungjin would be given wealth that could improve the lives of many.

The two men negotiating and making a deal was considered national politics. Buying a person walking the path of greatness something that would complement his grand purpose was what politics was all about.


Rachel, listening in to the conversation in the next room, shivered with fear.

“It should be fine… Oppa… he said he promised… he wouldn’t turn me over, right?”

“That’s… yes, of course. Don’t worry.” Kuga hugged Rachel asking her to relax. But the lion’s back had started to sweat.

To think that the Holy Nation would do something like this.

He knew Rachel was not going to be turned over so easily but had not expected such a strong move from the Holy Nation. Besides, the promise with Sungjin was only a verbal agreement. There was nothing binding him to his promise.

It would be normal to change his mind.

He was a king. Although he was being praised as a kind king who took care of his people, he also found his extras valuable. His generosity would have made him accept a pitiful child’s request for a refuge; but as she was a cursed existence, it was right to throw her out for the greater good.

They were even offering additional compensation for his people tortured from the epidemic; how could he refuse? The black priest had come with the best negotiation for a king like Sungjin.

Sungjin replied, “Fine. Take her…”

“Thank you.”

“Master, don’t you think you should receive more compensation?”

The ministers tried to stop him but Sungjin continued.

“…after you defeat me.”

Pangnilin’s face turned to stone.

“Why? Our offer should be advantageous to us both.”

“But Rachel would be stomped on.” Rachel, the young naive child who ran to his arms believing in him.

“Do you think I am ignorant of what kind of country you are?”

The country of authoritative holiness that treated the ones who were accused of heretics with torture until the day turned as bleak as the graveness of their sins, not death but endless abuse. A country full of people who reported others as heretics so that themselves could be reassured of being faithful until the cycle repeated itself. Moreover, it was the country that had caused the epidemic and the deaths of the people whom he cared for.

“Are you about to ruin the relations between our countries to protect one child? We’ve already apologized for this matter.”


What they had apologized for was the damage of his wealth. It was not an apology made for the devastation within the lives of those who were killed and their families. Sungjin stood from his seat.

“Your apology should be towards the people who have lost their lives and the lives of their precious ones!”

His eyes were full of hate. Even the great black priest, Pangnilin, briefly withdrew before his blazing spirit, which seemed likely to torch whoever was standing before him.

“I don’t need a false apology like yours!”

To be swayed by money and swallow it with self-indulgence would turn him into the same type of tyrants out there. After all, he too had suffered being stepped on under the power of a higher authority.

Sungjin sat back into his chair and arrogantly proclaimed:

“I will no longer let you step on Rachel or anyone else. That is my stance.”

The great black priest repositioned himself and exuded a frosty air.

“We will take her by force if you do not accept our offer.”

It was a threat of a preemptive strike and to that, Sungjin…

“Stop barking and bite.”

He twitched his finger.

“What a rude-!”

“I’m asking you to attack. I have promised Rachel protection and safety. If you want to break a man’s promise, you should be prepared to forfeit your life.”

“You foolish man. This is your last warning. Bring me the child. Then we will provide you with the promised compensation. If you refuse, I have the right to declare the preemptive proclamation right here and now. Everyone will curse you as the fool who beckoned war to your country.”

“Do it,” Sungjin replied without fear.

“Fine! Be prepared!” The great black priest exploded in wrath.

“Five days from now, on the day of war, we will punish your arrogance under god’s name!”

The meeting had ended in disaster.

After the great black priest left, the ministers attempted to reason with Sungjin.

“Master Sungjin, please reconsider this matter.”

“Yes, keeping her is riskier than handing her over.”

“What is greater?”

“Well, the immediate conflict between the Holy Nation…”

“Exactly. As they have proclaimed a preemptive attack, they will soon be handing over new lands. Would that not be a greater gain than some money? It would be a step on the path towards conquering the Holy Nation in the future.”

His eyes were sharp like a predator who has seen its prey, and a sinister smile hung on his lips. He was confident he would be victorious despite the great fighting force behind his enemy.


The ministers’ mouths hung open. What they wanted to say was that it was obvious who was the stronger between the two, so with what evidence did he…

But if it weren’t for his spirit, he would not have even attempted to unite the four kingdoms.

Yes…he is this type of person.

They wouldn’t be able to stop him with their advice. They began to think of this as a defensive maneuver.

The High Priest is in a league of his own…

But it may be fine. It is said that the High Priest is busy with something else.

I see…he has aimed for that brief moment then.

Surely he had put some thought into it even if it seemed like an unreasonable competitive provocation.

I suppose. Master Sungjin did rush us in our preparations towards the next war campaigns; this could only mean he has already prepared something for the defensive maneuver.

Pedrian was strong. The four great priests below him were also great in their own rights. But they had already experienced how dangerous Sungjin’s strategies were in a defensive maneuver.

The ministers’ complaints had already dissipated.

“Well, if you win, it would be so.”

“Then you have your answer. There will be no more arguments over this matter.”

“We abide.”

The ministers went away without further word.

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