Level 0 Master

Chapter 110 - Vol. 4 - Episode 23

Chapter 110: Vol. 4 – Episode 23

In the beginning, God said, “Let there be light,” to create light out of chaos, and the angel who followed the order had a sword with a power, a power that could cancel all abnormality from what it touched to bring back the right order. It cancelled every act of power in a second.

Dawn Bringer. It was the holy sword of the angel who had stood next to the God who created heaven. It had the glory of Genesis that created order out of chaos.

Sungjin was holding it to repeat the Genesis.

When he became level 1, the power of the sword that the Holy Pope Pedrian had been hiding unsealed for Sungjin. When Sungjin learned about the sword, he simply said what he thought. “Hmph, critically speaking, this is not an invincible sword.”

It clearly had its limits. It couldn’t destroy everything like Gungnir. It couldn’t fly in the sky like Durandal. Although it was a counter to all power, it could only affect the area the tip of the sword touched. It was not a complete destruction but just a momentary power cut-off. As soon as the sword lost contact, the artifacts could reactivate their power. The best case scenario would be cancelling the power. There was no way that this sword could give him the upper hand.

“But it’s enough for you Sungjin, isn’t it?” Ereka said with a smile, and Sungjin smiled back.

“Yeah, it’s enough for me.”

It was enough.

It didn’t have a transcendent power, but it could stop a transcendent power, and he had the next-level swordsmanship that he could use as soon as he could approach the enemy.

It was a battle between a sword and a spear.

If Kapitle got a moment to use his power, maybe he could push Sungjin away. But when he had Eustasia’s Stat and the holy sword of Genesis, Sungjin became a tiger with wings.

He pushed Kapitle without a break to bite Kapitle.

The heroes on Kapitle’s side tried to trop Sungjin, but Sungjin’s team wouldn’t let them. Sungjin’s sword cut Kapitle’s waist, stabbed his shoulder, and finally pierced Kapitle’s heart. Kapitle’s eye became large, and blood started to come out from his mouth. “This is impossible… the future I saw showed my victory…”

“I assumed that you had a treasure to see the future.” Sungjin wasn’t surprised. Although Kapitle was not a tactician, he was able to attack him with refined tactics. “But the future has changed.”

“No way… the Wisdom of Mimir is… reaching everything in this world… putting everything together to see the future…” Kapitle tried to deny the reality while blood was coming out of his mouth. The victory was his—that was the future he was able to see, and it was nature that the strong conquer the weak. The heaven was on his side. Kapitle couldn’t believe he was losing. “… is this because of that sword… ”

He looked at The Holy Sword of Halt and finally understood. It was a holy sword that no power could reach, so Kapitle figured that even his power to see the future couldn’t see it.

But Sungjin shook his head. “No, you are wrong. I told you already. The truth you couldn’t see was not the power of this sword―” Sungjin pointed to the people around him who had helped him. “—There are people who refuse to accept a world where the strong abuse the weak and the weak have to be slaves. You were only able to see half of the world…” The sword had only played a small part in the fight.

“Ha. Hahahaha.” Kapitle was vomiting blood, but he laughed out loud. “That’s it? Haha. Sure, I heard of the exception for who tried to use his power for others, but I thought that was a mere exception that couldn’t possibly affect anything in this world.” His eye was looking at the world for the last time. “So you expanded that exception even more to make the God’s eye miss it.” Kapitle stood up. “Okay. It was heaven’s will for me to have it, but now this continent is yours.”

“I won it.”

“Funny.” Kapitle pulled the sword out from his body and stepped back. When he had taken three steps back, he became ashes and disappeared. Kapitle accepted the fact that his jewel eye had failed to see the truth and that he was defeated by Sungjin, so he disappeared.

There was another sound.

[Hereby, we approve that Sungjin has won the war to take the continent.]

That was not the voice from the Valkyrie but from God. It was a promise for Sungjin to be the ruler of the continent.

[The loser would disappear, while the winner would remain.]

The light was upon Sungjin and everyone who followed him. God’s blessing was upon them. They felt incredible power sprouting from inside their bodies. All their wounds were gone, and everyone who was on the ground was able to stand up to celebrate the victory.

On the other side, the darkness dragged the losers down. People screamed as they were dragged down to the bottomless well.

The clash between powers who had dreamed of different worlds ended up with the victory of Sungjin. It was a turning point for the continent to head toward a future that had never been seen before.

While people cheered for Sungjin, Zakiya asked him discreetly, “Did you know this would happen?” His victory speech was way too refined to think it spontaneous.

“I knew that Kapitle was making secret promises to the heroes.” Sungjin smiled.

“That was it… when he was talking to that many people, he couldn’t be discreet… So you were prepared as well… So you knew about it.”

“No, not really,” said Sungjin, shaking his head.


“I didn’t expect a young extra boy to come up first.”

“… oh…” Zakiya bowed down deeply. “Let us fight with you for every fight that is in front of us.”

“Ok.” Sungjin smiled, showing his huge heart.


The unification of the continent.

Now that Sungjin had taken Kapitle’s Eldorado, he became the conqueror of the southern continent, and nobody could deny it.

The rebellious heroes, who could be a threat to his rulership, had taken Kapitle’s side only to disappear into the darkness of a bottomless well… The remaining people were Sungjin’s followers for different reasons.

He didn’t only conquer the continent but established his ground to rule the continent. As a winner, Sungjin sat in the hall alone to look at the map of the continent. Everything he could see belonged to him, from the north sea to the south sea. He was able to rule everything as he saw fit. He could create a country that was different from the one he lived in on earth. A country for the weak—that would be possible.

This world had a medieval level of human rights and a clear difference in power between the heroes and the extras. It wouldn’t be easy to make a world with natural human rights.

It was ironic that he held all the power so he was able to protect the people but all he could do with his power was financially support the extras and protect them from abuse from the heroes.

To create a world of natural human rights and true democracy, conquering is not enough. What he had to do was change the fundamental rule of this world, and there was only one way to do that. Unification of the continent is not enough.

Arc Master. That was the only being who could conquer the world and change the rules. That was the only way to make the world that he wanted. Conquering the continent was not the end but the beginning of the next chapter.

Center… what kind of strong opponents are waiting for me there? Sungjin’s eyes shone like those of a beast. He was really excited to have a great fight—that was the main reason for his pounding heart, and saving people followed it. Haha. Let’s go to the center.

Now that he was qualified, all he had to do was move forward. He had obtained a power level. Although he was only level 1, he knew that he would become stronger and stronger, and his sword was a great sword that was beyond the power of level 1.

Its ability is the perfect match for me, but too bad it is a sword of Lucifer.

Although Sungjin refused his offer every time, he couldn’t deny that they had some kind of strange link between them. Maybe Lucifer wanted him just like the girls he had met in this world, or maybe he was linked to Lucifer in an unknown way.

Maybe this is a present from him, although it could be the Holy Grail with poison in it. Ha. Good, but I don’t walk away out of fear.

He promised himself that he wouldn’t be played by the sword but would use it. He was ready to accept the challenge. There was only one thing he couldn’t quite figure out…

Why the Holy Magical Sword, if it was from Lucifer, wasn’t simply a magical sword but also had the power of the holy sword. It was strange. His instincts told him that there were more mysteries to solve about this sword.

The Holy Sword of Halt. And… the magical sword. “I will find a great use for it in the center,” he told the original owner of the sword, and stood up.

It was time to meet everyone.

When he opened the door to come out, everyone greeted him, starting with his girls. The heroes were behind the girls to greet him. The hall was filled with people who wanted to celebrate his victory, and on the big square, there were lower level heroes and extras gathered from all around the continent.

“Congratulations, Sungjin.”


Sungjin smiled at them. “Thanks, everyone.”

Listening to people congratulate him, Sungjin was able to feel that he really won. He had really unified the continent. Some of his enemies had been incredibly strong, but he had made it and had met many reliable team members, especially the girls around him.

“So when is the ceremony?” asked Eustasia.

“Haha. I don’t need a ceremony. All I want is to keep my place as your private dancer. I don’t expect you to take me as your wife. So what about tonight?” Zakiya smiled and pulled down her robe to show her cleavage.

“Oh, people. Don’t rush Sungjin.” Ereka didn’t know how to stop them but only smiled at Sungjin. “Sungjin, don’t feel any pressure. I can wait for you.” But her words only made Sungjiin feel more pressure, and they made Sungjin laugh without knowing what to say.

“Haha, that…”

Rachel suddenly started to shine her eyes and cut in. “Me, too! I will marry you Sungjin Oppa!”

“Don’t rush. We can wait.” Jenna stopped Rachel.

But that didn’t bother the other heroes. All were talking about the details.

“Master Sungjin is around that age, so he should…”

“Yes, he unified the continent, so it’s about time.”

“So all of them together?”

“No, they need an order, so maybe one by one with a few days gap.”

“That’s something that he has to decide.”

“Sure. Anyways, it’s about time…”

It was natural to have multiple women in the garden of a conqueror. People were only curious what kind of ceremony Sungjin would have, and that made Sungjin smile bitterly from feeling the cultural difference. “I need more time for that. I need to plan how to enter the center.”

Sungjin’s answer made Eustasia angry. “What? You told me you were going to think about it seriously!”

“I am. I will find the answer for sure.” Sungjin promised himself. I won’t take their heart and dedication toward me lightly. But he didn’t know what the right way was to react to it. He had to find out the answer. Maybe this is a more difficult task than becoming an Arc Master.

There was no way to run away from it.

Conquering the world. Finding the answer to love.

I will take both challenges.

<The end of Level 0 Master Vol. 4>

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Chapter 111: Vol. 5 – Episode 1


The unification of the continent; it was an achievement neither the Golden Wise King Kapitle nor the Holy Pope Pedrian had been able to make.

Sungjin was the undeniable king of the continent now. He was standing in front of a huge door. It wasn’t a door made by humans—it was as large as a mountain and all of its decoration was refined and glamorous.

It was the door of the great temple that would lead him to “the center.” It was told that the door would only open for those who deserved it, and the door was greeting Sungjin with a bright light while his girls and other heroes looked at the majestic scene. It was centuries ago when the door had last opened.

The Valkyries came from the door to kneel in front of him. Among the Valkyries, a special Valkyrie with golden wings walked toward Sungjin and handed him a platinum goblet decorated with jewels. “The conqueror of the continent, our gods granted you this goblet to acknowledge your great victories.”

“Hmm. This is the prize for the qualification round,” Sungjin commented, and took the goblet with a big smile on his face. This goblet is more glamorous than the ones I had before, and the liquid inside has a much stronger scent.

Although he was only able to awaken his power up to level 1, he wouldn’t mind having more power through taking goblets. He finished the drink in a second and felt more power flowing through him and spreading across his body.

“This is a goblet for a king. It gives you heroic power.”

“Huh. What am I getting?”

“Firstly, youth and health until your death and four hundred years of life. Nothing will be able to affect you, not poison or aging or even disease.”

“Ha… This is…” It was a reward that was beyond wealth or power. Sungjin was impressed by it. Four hundred years is the general lifespan of a country. Well, Gods wouldn’t give you something that was worthless, right?

There were countries that survived longer than that, but there were also countries that ended before a few hundred years, especially when it came to dynasties. There weren’t many dynasties that had lasted longer than four hundred years.

“Secondly, the women you take will keep their youth and youthful bodies until their deaths.”

“Pff.” Sungjin could feel beady eyes behind him without looking. Oh my.

It was the power to bless his women. It was a proper symbol for a chosen king, but it was a bit difficult for Sungjin. Shouldn’t I be happy to have a power to thank them like this?

The method to share the reward was difficult for him, although he couldn’t argue with the gods about it.

He felt the pressure of his responsibilities.

“Thirdly, your right to rule this continent and the right to try to conquer the center, but you should be careful before you decide to challenge the center.”

“I should be careful?”

“If you are satisfied with your achievements and stop here, you will be the ruler of the continent for four hundred years. If you try to conquer all three continents and go to the center, there’s a chance you will fail and never be able to come back.”

“Okay. I will keep that in mind.”

“We wish you glory in your future.” The Valkyries flew up and disappeared behind the door.

Conquering the center. He wanted to become an Arc Master, which was like a god in this world, and the unification of the continent was the first challenge to do it. The second challenge was conquering the center to unify the world. The last step was to pass the sacred area to become a god.

There were only two people who had made it to the second challenge. There was no one who had made it to the last challenge.

When he arrived in this world, he had nothing to lose, but now there were a lot of people who were counting on him, so the Valkyrie had asked him if it would be the right decision to keep going when he had a lot of responsibilities.

The Valkyrie’s right: I should just be satisfied and stay here with everything I have. Pff. But Sungjin didn’t announce his decision when he turned around.

“Congratulations.” All the noble heroes kneeled to celebrate the event.

“I’m happy for you.” Ereka smiled.

“Haha. You are a one-man dynasty.” Eustasia laughed with happiness.

“Sungjin Oppa, congratulations.”


Jenna and Rachel also smiled with happiness.

“Now you are a king who can bless your women.” Zakiya put her hands on her breast, as if she were offering her body to him.

“Haha. Thanks, everyone. Should we have a party today to celebrate?”


Sungjin offered a party without answering if he would or wouldn’t challenge the center. He thought it was time to celebrate and reward his people.

It was natural that Sungjin’s wealth and power were unimaginable. A president who served as a ruler for a short amount of time in a democratic country had strong power, but Sungjin was a king who would rule for the rest of his lifetime—his power was beyond comprehension. Therefore, although he didn’t like too much extravagance, the party he threw was grand and glamorous, and noble heroes from across the continent gathered to celebrate him, thinking simply being there with him was their honor.

All kinds of rare ingredients from all across the continent were there for him, and even regular-looking dishes were exquisite cuisine from top chefs.

Top musicians played music for him. In the other corner, servants took care of the details of the party in the hall to keep the place beautiful and enjoyable. The treasures Sungjin had behind the wall were so numerous that it would require an army just to count them.

He had everything.

But the noble heroes envied him not because of those things but because of the beautiful girls around him. He must be really happy. Well, that must be the privilege of the king.

Many of them had more than one wife, but Sungjin was the only one who had the best beauties from all around the continent. They were the best in beauty, social status and ability.

And when the king takes them to bed, they will keep their beauty and youth… forever

It was a next-level lifestyle to keep young beauties young next to him.

“Sungjin, taste this.” Ereka gave Sungjin a juicy piece of steak.


“Oh my god, I’m so happy. I cooked it to your taste.”

“You are right. It’s perfect.” Smiling Ereka and happy Sungjin looked like an item. If there was a painter to paint the scene, the painter would have named the painting “a luncheon of the conqueror and his queen.”

Eustasia cut another piece of steak to feed Sungjin. “I can’t cook, but I can feed you.”

“Haha. Sure, I will eat it as well,” Sungjin smiled, as if he wouldn’t let any of them feel lonely. With a princess on his right and a great general on his left, he looked like a powerful lion among beautiful lionesses.

“Sungjin Oppa, I will give you some cookies!” Rachel jumped on Sungjin’s lap with a long chocolate stick in her mouth and put the other end of the stick in front of his mouth.

“Hey, where did you even see this?” Sungjin laughed but took a tiny bite off the stick.

“Sungjin Oppa, here’s mine.” Jenna came to him with a tiny cookie in her mouth.

“…Jenna… This cookie is way too small,” said Sungjin, only to make Ereka hide a little cherry that she was holding.

If I tried with this cherry, would you think I’m trying too hard? I could jump up on your lap as well… but maybe I’m too heavy…

Zakiya put a glass in her cleavage. “I will offer you a drink.” The glass was full, but her tight breasts held it. It was a trick not many girls could do.

“Hey, there are kids here.”

“That’s why I should teach them how to serve you when they grow up.”

“No need.”

“Pff. You are a conqueror of the continent but you’re quite shy in this department.”

“I would say healthy.” Sungjin felt a bit troubled, but the heroes thought he was just enjoying himself with the girls.

Soon we will attend a ceremony.

For sure. He is old enough.

Hmm. Since he can keep his youth for four hundred years, he doesn’t have to rush to have kids….

Sungjin’s kids would be vassals for his bloodline but not his successors.

But he is too old to spend his nights alone.

He didn’t have to marry every woman he slept with, but since he cherished his girls, and since the girls were old enough for marriage, the heroes thought a marriage or several marriages were coming.

Would he marry them all at once?

One by one?

What would be the order?

“The saint is a bit young for marriage, but maybe he has slept with her already.”

The noble heroes whispered to each other and talked about the royal customs.

Sungjin knew what they were talking about. Sigh. I should take care of this first.

He was the only one with his knowledge from Earth. This world had its own culture and its reasons for such a culture.

He had to make his choice.

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