Let the Villain Go

Chapter 212

Ye Peitian moved forward.

Xin Ziming grabbed his arm from behind and slowly shook his head toward him, “Don’t do silly things, it’s not worth it.”

Xin Ziming was most annoyed by the fools with benevolence. Because he knew that in such an era, such people generally didn’t live long. Just like his leader Feng Chengyu. He saved a wolf-hearted guy at the beginning, and finally was deliberately caught by that person at the critical moment while capturing a demon leading to his death.

After getting along with him, he had already discovered that most of the legends about Ye Peitian were fake. This frosty man on the surface was a person who was softer than Feng Chengyu. He wouldn’t sit back and watch a friend take Feng Chengyu’s path.

“Do you know how many patients are outside? How many people are coveting holy blood inside?” He said, lowering his voice word by word, “If you expose your identity in this place, and lose a lot of blood and the ability to fight, how dangerous will it be for you? Have you not considered it?”

The man’s eyes were blocked by a silver mask, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He gently and firmly pulled his hand away.

Xin Ziming was really angry, “After eating so much loss, why is your heart so soft? These are just irrelevant people, is it worth doing it for them?!”

“Old Xin, I understand what you mean.” Ye Peitian looked down at his just drawn arm, “My hands have also been covered with blood. I also gave up being a human being. Until one day, I was soaked in a sea of ​​corpses and a person came to me with a torch.”

Speaking of that memory, he looked up at Chu Qianxun across the crowd and found that she was also looking at him.

“At that time, I only had killing intentions in my heart, and I wanted to slay her. If it wasn’t for that little softness in her heart at that time, I would’ve become a cold-blooded machine, then I wouldn’t be standing here today.”

“Good and evil have been fixed in my heart. Whether it is worth it or not is not in my consideration. I have decided and am willing to bear the consequences. Thank you for worrying about me.”

Mu Jia’s delicate face was enveloped by a layer of black air. Although the concentration of the black blood she drank was so low that she did not die immediately, she still could not hold it for a long time because she was an ordinary person.

Han Youming could only pray desperately in his heart. He dared not ask for more. He felt that even if his wife was half demonized, as long as she had a consciousness, it would be fine. He just prayed for her to live.

He, who never believed in God, for the first time grievously begged God for his favor in his heart.

A man came to his side, drew his dagger from the ground, crouched in front of him, and suddenly cut out his hand with a knife.

The man’s speed was so fast that before he could respond, he already squeezed Mu Jia’s mouth with one hand, and dripped the blood from his hand into her mouth with the other hand.

After the blood dripped into Mu Jia’s mouth, the black gas quickly retreated, and the painful expression began to relax, revealing the original face.

It was like taking a magical medicine, she was obviously getting better!

Han Youming looked up dumbfounded.

The man withdrew his palm, and the wound in the palm of his hand healed within a few seconds.

Then, the man reached out and took off the mask that blocked his appearance. A gentle face was revealed.

A scary face that had been deeply engraved in everyone’s memory.

The Yellow Sand Emperor, the half demon Ye Peitian, personally saved his wife with his own blood.

There were sounds of breathing in the audience, and several people even knocked over the tables and chairs in excessive panic.

“Ye…Ye Peitian?”

“Gosh! It’s Ye Peitian.”

“This person…? No, Yellow Sand Emperor.”

“He actually mixed in.”

“What is he doing? Saving people?”

“Why did this man come to save people?”

Ye Peitian stood up and calmly faced the people there.

A warm hand stretched out from behind, held his palm and Chu Qianxun stood firmly beside him.

For Chu Qianxun, she couldn’t bear Ye Peitian making such a decision, but since he had already decided to do so, she would firmly support him.

In fact, she always knew that the man’s heart was too gentle and kind.

In this world, everyone did not think that kindness was a good thing in consciousness. The kindness of a person meant weaknesses. Such a person could be bullied, and even become a target of ridicule.

But in fact, she was attracted to the man who in the deepest darkness, still kept the light in his heart. After being tortured, he was still able to treat others gently. This was clearly commendable and needed care. The most precious person should not be let down, should not be destroyed.

What she could do now was to stand by his side and guard his unpolluted heart.

“President Gu, I’m here, so please use my blood to treat the poisoned people,” Ye Peitian turned his head and said to the organizer Gu Zhengqing.

Even a City Lord like Gu Zhengqing, who was restrained and stable, took a while to recover.

But he quickly converged his emotions.

He said in joy, “Ye…… Brother Ye, you are willing to make such a sacrifice, which is really admirable. It can be seen that everyone misunderstood you once. The situation is urgent, and I will arrange a clean room for you immediately. Another person will be sent to notify the critically ill people to receive holy blood, okay?”

He quickly figured out where he was, and while agreeing enthusiastically, he began to arrange things in an orderly manner.

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