Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 55: Man Down

When he returned to his village in the mountain, his grandfather had given him medicine so that he could use his internal power without worrying about the mysterious power in his body for a month. That way, he didn't have to hold back anymore.

The pedestrians who saw Ryan jump were shocked again. It was already a miracle that the man survived jumping from the 5th floor, and now he ran that fast?

It only took a few seconds for Ryan's figure to disappear from their line of sight.

Everyone felt that what they saw today was most likely a dream— how could that person still be human?

"Mom, he must be Superman!" Shouted one of the children in his mother's arms. His eyes were filled with admiration while his mother was still confused by what had happened.

Ryan didn't care about people talking about how he survived the jump, all he cared about was Valerie's safety.

He was the ruler of the underworld, how dare they steal what belonged to him? Even his fellow 12 Aesirs didn't dare to do it.

The kidnappers' car was fast, but Ryan was even faster. The distance between them quickly decreased.

The people who were hanging out by the side of the road suddenly felt a strong gust of wind passing them. They then realized that the wind was coming from a person who was running faster than the car.

They weren't the only one that got shocked, the car's drivers were also shocked when Ryan overtook them.

"Honey, I really came home yesterday and had work. Trust me, it's all a misunderstanding. I can't be weird with other people, you are the only one in my life." One of the car drivers who was on the phone suddenly felt a strong gust of wind passing him and saw Ryan pass him!

After that, he saw the speed of his car and asked his wife in confusion, "Hey, I was just overtaken by someone who ran on his feet even though I drove 100 km/hour. Could it be that I'm still asleep in the hotel?"

People also asked the same question, was that person a superhero?

Ryan overtook cars swiftly and flexibly. The kidnapper's car was right before his eyes! However, one of the kidnappers seemed to notice Ryan's enclosing presence and accelerated his pace.

Unfortunately, all of his effort was useless. Ryan continued to follow them as the distance between them was getting closer. No one could run from Nergal!

Soon they reached the crossroad. Drivers from the right and left were passing the road. However, these kidnappers didn't care and stepped on their gas as they tried to forcefully break through. All of the cars were bickering incessantly and collisions were inevitable. Even though the front car managed to stop, the other cars couldn't stop in time.


The drivers were confused, why did their front car suddenly stop? They all came down and blamed each other, asking for compensation for the damage.

While the situation was chaotic, the kidnappers' car broke through and sped up again on the deserted road.

"Hey, do you still see that person?" In the car, one of the kidnappers was seen breaking out in cold sweat after learning that Ryan had caught up with their car. How could a human run so fast like that? Could a normal person beat the speed of a car?

The person sitting behind turned his head and did not see Ryan's figure.

"We managed to outwit him."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The driver wanted to smoke a cigarette to cool off his heart that had been racing from earlier. He opened his car window and was shocked.

Ryan was running on their right!

"Bastard! He's on our right!" The driver immediately slammed to the left. "This person… definitely isn't human! Take out your weapons and kill him immediately! "

Valerie, whose face was covered in cloth, was shocked when the car slammed to the left. After that, the surrounding people seemed to be panicking and moving non-stop. Did Ryan come to save her?

She believed that the only one who could save her was Ryan. She prayed that the person she admired came to her rescue.

The car was still moving fast, but the driver drove it with one hand and the other hand was holding a gun and aiming it at Ryan.


Without hesitation he fired the gun but Ryan's figure had disappeared. He was so shocked that he almost lost control of the car. Wasn't that person there before? Had the bullet hit him and caused the man to fall?

But the figure of that person disappeared as soon as the gun fired, so it should have missed.

"Hey he is now behind us!" One of them shouted from the backseat.

"What does he want—hey he jumped!"


A loud sound was heard on the roof of their car.

"He's above us! KILL HIM!"

The person in the back took out an AK 47 and fired it at the roof of the car. The sound of the gunshot that was deafening was heard very loud.

"Ah!" Valerie immediately lowered her head and covered her ears while shouting loudly.

The entire roof looked hollow and there was still no trace of Ryan.

They all got goosebumps inside. The rear car's window suddenly got kicked hard and the glass shattered. The people inside were still confused and couldn't react immediately so they lowered their heads in shock.

The driver immediately aimed the gun to the right and back but Ryan was not there. Then, there was the sound of footsteps on the roof and they shot the roof again. At that moment, Ryan threw a punch at the driver's open window.

The driver who was also shooting at the roof of the car suddenly fell unconscious.

However, what was terrible was that his neck was broken and his head was facing backwards.

One hit and Ryan killed the guy!

The car went out of control at high speed and then without the need for orders, the person sitting in front immediately took control of the steering wheel. Meanwhile, Ryan's figure had disappeared again.

Then the person opened the driver's door and kicked his friend's corpse.

"Damn! That guy disappeared again!" These people seemed indifferent to their comrade's death.

The car went fast again.

At this time, the left rear window suddenly broke. They aimed their gun and again there was no one there. Then a pair of legs appeared from the rear right window and hit one of the kidnappers.

When his friend saw Ryan getting into the car, he was about to shoot him but his friend's body blocked him. By the time he was hesitating, Ryan had thrown several needles and stuck them in the man's wrist. His hands suddenly went limp and couldn't move.

"Ryan!" Valerie was grateful to see her superior's face after Ryan removed the clothes that covered her face.

The new driver was really surprised because his friend was helpless against Ryan. Ryan still ignored him and opened the door on his right and threw down the two kidnappers sitting behind him!


The car behind them was shocked when they saw the person jumping from the car. He slammed on the brakes but it was already too late. The person got run over by several cars as soon as he fell. His blood was spurting everywhere.

There were only Ryan, Valerie and the driver inside the car. When the driver was about to aim at Ryan, the knife had landed on his neck.

"If you want to survive, stop that car in the front alley." Ryan seemed like he wanted to catch this person alive. Since the previous Dell'inferno killer had said nothing, he had to get some information this time.

Surprisingly, this person did not fight back and obey Ryan's words. They then stopped in a quiet alley. Ryan then told Valerie to stay in the car for while he took care of the person.

As they got off, a car pulled up behind him. It turned out that they were followed by a car!

The car looked like enemy reinforcements. Five people got out of there.

"You think we came alone?" The driver was still being held hostage by Ryan with a knife to his neck.

He was surprised when Ryan suddenly let him go! Then, together with his friends, they surrounded Ryan.

The kidnappers said nothing and just looked at each other. Their gaze was filled with determination. Suddenly, one of them lunged at Ryan while the others took out their military knives and caught up with him.

The God of war only smiled when he saw them trying to kill him.

'Since when did bitches like you dare to challenge me?'

Ryan immediately turned into a shadow and beat the front person first. Since he rarely used his full strength, Ryan could not estimate his strength. Because when he hit the guy's chin hard, he sent the thug flying and landed on their car.

One enemy down.

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