Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 51: Jealousy

Clark rushed to the bathroom with a grim face. He quickly called someone when he got there. It didn't take long for his call to connect. The voice behind the phone was very loud.

"Who's this? I'm playing poker you know! Don't disturb!"

"I have a job for you, would you like it or not?" Clark's heart was still full of hatred for Ryan.

"What work?"

"Beating people."

"Gah, I don't have time for that. Stop calling, I'm still playing. "

Hearing this, Clark immediately understood that he had to put up a price first.

"Ten million."

"I told you, I don't have time."


"Hmmm okay, tomorrow we will take care of that person."

"Thirty and you have to beat him now!" Clark really wanted to see Ryan suck in front of Valerie.

"Fifty and I'm leaving now."

'You bastard, still have the time to bargain?' Clark had no choice but to grit his teeth. Even though he was rich, this feeling of being blackmailed didn't feel right.

"All right, hurry up and bring your men here. I'm at the bar any time of day." After hanging up the phone, Clark sighed.

Returning to his seat, he saw Ryan and Valerie who were busy chatting intimately while he was not there.

"Sorry I'm taking a while." Clark sat back down. Ryan looked at him and saw that the man's face had calmed down. He smiled in his heart.

"Finally you came back, here's a drink I just ordered. The taste is worth the price!" Ryan handed him his drink again.

Clark hesitated when offered the drink. He did not know what was in the drink.

"Sorry, my stomach is not feeling well. I'll stop drinking first." He made a reasonable excuse not to drink it.

"Too bad." Ryan shook his head. He then turned to Valerie and said, "Valerie it's time for us to go home."

"Ah, don't go yet! Stay with me for a moment." Clark immediately intercepted them. If they came home now, why would he pay 50 million?

Ryan and Valerie stare at each other, but Ryan knew that Clark wanted to prevent him from returning. The look in Clark's eyes showed that he had plotted something.

"Okay, we will accompany you for a moment. It's not good to suddenly leave you when you just returned." Ryan was actually curious about what cunning plans were prepared by him.

Clark began to worry in his heart. Did the man know what his plan was? He could only hope that Ryan wouldn't find out. After all, the thugs would come and he would be the real winner.

"By the way, how can this man melt your heart Valerie? Tell me your story." Clark immediately changed the topic and tried to buy time.

Valerie began to tell the story when she was fishing in the park and Ryan saved her. While she was telling the story, there was a noise from outside. All gazes in the bar then shifted towards the source of the commotion. It turned out a bunch of people stormed the place carrying metal sticks in their hands.

Clark couldn't stop smiling and couldn't wait to see Ryan's silly face soon.

"Why are you smiling at me? Sorry I'm not gay because I have Valerie." Ryan said casually.

"Hahaha we'll see if soon you can escape this without getting crippled. You have stolen Valerie from me and now you will pay dearly!" Clark said in a cold voice. Valerie was surprised by Clark's words as she quickly turned her gaze towards a group of men entering the bar, 'So those people serve him?'

"Wait for me here." Ryan whispered to Valerie. He then stood up and faced Clark up close, "It turns out that you are not all looks. Yeah, you sure are smart to call people here."

"Of course, I don't want to get my hands dirty with your despicable blood." Clark's calm appearance was completely gone and now he looked evil and cunning.

"You're wrong on one thing." Ryan sighed, "It's the despicable one who puts drugs in people's drinks."

"You!" Clark was really angry, "I'll beat you up myself!"

"Let's go outside, don't make a fuss here."

Ryan then walked out, followed by Clark and his friends.

When they all came out, the people on the street immediately stepped aside due to the terrifying atmosphere and the thugs' menacing looks. They immediately surrounded Ryan and played with their metal sticks, causing a commotion.

"Hmmm? Do you want me to beat you too?" Ryan said in a flat tone to the goons.

One of them came forward and said, "So you are our target?" He was the one Clark called before. This guy called Hector had done dirty work for him many times.

"Beat him to death and I'll give you 50 million afterwards."

When these thugs heard the par, they immediately cheered and their blood boiled. Hector was no less enthusiastic when he pointed at Ryan with his stick, "Shall I give you a choice, die quickly or die slowly?"

"Just slowly." Ryan said casually.

"Okay, I'll grant it." After that, Hector gave a signal to his subordinates to charge at Ryan.

"Wait! Do I need to use my hands?" Ryan pretended to be scared.

When he heard that, Hector and everyone were shocked and laughed, "Soon you won't be able to move your hands!"

"Okay then, I don't need to hold back."Ryan replied.

Ryan quickly lunged forward. The thugs were still busy laughing and couldn't react to his speed.


Once he attacked, one of them had flown and hit another. He could sense a metal rod was pointed at him, but Ryan did not avoid it. He punched the person's unguarded stomach and threw him unconscious.

Picking up the fallen stick, he threw it and hit one of the thugs' heads until it finally bled. One of them then roared and lunged forward, but Ryan just kicked him and his attacker instantly lying on the ground.

All the thugs attacked Ryan at the same time but the man only needed 2 minutes to rid them all.

Hector didn't move from his place and just stood beside Clark. Now he couldn't stop shaking. Neither did Clark, whose face grew paler every second.

What happened?

How come nobody told him that the man was good at fighting? Was he a former special forces member? How could he beat all of his servants? At this rate, even the special forces would be overwhelmed.

Seeing Ryan walk towards him, Hector shouted hoarsely, "What are you going to do?"

Ryan didn't answer and kept walking towards him.

"Not! Don't kill me!" Hector scampered away and stumbled after a few steps. The passerby who saw him immediately laughed.


Just as he was about to stand up, a stick was stuck between his thighs.

"Weren't you planning to kill me?" Ryan was already in front of him. Hector shivered as he couldn't stop being scared. Even though he was carrying his own weapon, he didn't have the strength to fight the man in front of him.

It didn't take long before he realized that he peed himself and cried. Ryan then pulled the stick from earlier and pointed it at Hector, "I'll give you three seconds to run from here. Otherwise your corpse will float in the river."

Hector then immediately fled from the place without caring about anything. His subordinates also ran off in a tinge. They brought their fallen comrades with them.

They were afraid of this demon-like man.

Ryan then felt satisfied that one problem had been resolved. He then turned to look at Clark who was still standing frozen to the side.

Clark still couldn't believe what had just happened in front of him. When he realized Ryan's gaze, his body began to shudder violently. He took a step back but tripped and fell when Ryan closed their distance.

Everyone at the bar laughed. Clark's pale face turned red when he heard the taunts of laughter. Today he lost everything. More importantly, his chance to get Valerie was completely gone and he no longer had the face to return to this bar.

When Ryan stood in front of Clark, the look on his arrogant face had completely turned white.

"Unlike you, I don't need to call people over to solve my problems." Ryan then raised Clark to his feet with one hand, "Go and never show your nose again!"

Ryan then threw Clark to the ground and turned towards the bar.

After that, he picked up Valerie and hugged her waist. The man then carried her away from the bar.

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