Later, He Became A Royal Healer

Chapter 108 - If we can gang fight, why solo?

Chapter 108 - If we can gang fight, why solo?

And after three days, without any notice or sound, You Liangxing departed for Beijing. Coincidentally, the military training for the new students came to an end, and the typical scheduling for the new and old students merged, leading to the spread of mournful wails all over the web forum over the course of the next two to three days.

【Oh my god QAQ!!! You-xuezhang has left for his internship!!!】

【This is too much abuse! I just freaking entered the school! For the separation to come so quickly... it’s not worth living in this world〖Smile Disappearing Completely〗】

【New students please hold on, if you have to know, You-xuezhang will be graduating after another year! Once you think about that, don’t you feel much better?】


【It’s really too sudden, my heart feels empty and hollow. Although I don’t see him regularly, but knowing that You-xuezhang is around gives rise to a certain excitement, but now...】

【Broken-hearted and inconsolable.】

Once You Liangxing left, countless female students in A University went through an entire month of dismay and gloom. It did not matter if they were old or new students; as long as they had an aesthetic conception, they would let out a long, sorrowful sigh, and one of them among the new students in the Liberal Arts College of A University was Kang Shengzhe, who was the most dedicated exemplar of expressing his grief and lack of spirit.

He had no energy no matter what he did. Everything else he did could be disregarded first; the indolence he exhibited in having to sigh once every three minutes alone had the capability of evolving several ranks at every given opportunity.

Liang Chulin was about to die from irritation because of him and he could not resist smacking him with a book. “Kang Shengzhe, are you ill or something? The matter of Brother Liang Liang leaving isn’t something that happened a few days ago.”

Sullen, Kang Shengzhe replied. “My lovesickness has become a disease.”

Liang Chulin: “... For farts!” Your lovesickness might be hovering over you or agitating you, but why are you making me carry your consequences!

It’s quite obvious that you’re the one with an illness! If you have an illness, don’t blame it on others ya!

With how morose Kang Shengzhe looked with his long-term dispiritedness, it seemed as though the pair had been separated like Heaven and Earth... but in reality, they were not deprived of their communications in the least.

This was not an exaggeration but You Liangxing spent two hours at minimum talking to him every day.

However, such communications could not compare to having the real person around, and the longer Kang Shengzhe talked to him, the more he missed him, which led to his sighs becoming longer. As he continued to ruminate, he tapped open You Liangxing’s WeChat and typed:

— It has been 701 hours since Liang Liang left me, I miss him.

You Liangxing: ......

That was about enough, it was getting annoying.

When You Liangxing left school, Kang Shengzhe’s interest in anything lowered by more than half, but the time that should be passing has passed, one second and one minute at a time. And in every instant, Kang Shengzhe was constantly being watched as a new student who had just enrolled into school.

By virtue of his height and face value, there were a lot of societies and clubs who were interested in recruiting him during the military training phase. Whether it was tennis, football, ping pong, cosplay, cartoon, animation and even dance societies, all of them had asked him to join without exception. However, the reply that Kang Shengzhe gave to all of the above was: NO.

Not going, not joining, impossible.

It was improbable to make him move; he was not going to move in this lifetime.

When the wave of mass campaigning and recruitment ended, Liang Chulin had joined three clubs while Kang Shengzhe joined none in the end. Not only that, his daily life epitomised the style of ‘I am really lazy’ and in one month, everyone around him understood his personality and spared him whenever there was something that needed doing.

But some things were bound to happen, even by coincidence; he might have escaped the first day of the month but he could not escape the fifteenth. After school had opened for one month, the university decided to hold a basketball competition between different faculties. Once the information got out, everyone in the college immediately stared at Kang Shengzhe.

“Your results are excellent and the coursework is not heavy, why don’t you come and play basketball with us? The basketball competition doesn’t take up a lot of time; we’re just training for a dozen of days and playing seven to eight matches.”

The person who came to persuade him was a secretary from the student union. He was male, a school senior and a member of the basketball team. The moment his eyes landed on Kang Shengzhe, they brightened, and he had been following Liao Su and Kang Shengzhe from the classroom all the way to their dormitory, exuding a heartfelt sincerity as he spoke.

“Schoolmate, with your height, it’s really wasted if you don’t play basketball!”

“It’s really wasted! Look, once you raise your hand, the ball will go in directly and that’s a natural gift! Join our basketball team, our Liberal Arts College might even win!”

“Schoolmate, schoolmate?”

At the side, Liao Su offered his sympathies. “Stop talking, he’s already asleep.”

School senior: “......”

People who were fervent about sports had never been one to admit to defeat and the school senior encouraged himself as he said: “Then I’ll come back in the afternoon.”

“... That works too,” Liao Su smacked his lips together, and he could not stop feeling that the school senior was a little pitiful. According to what he knew, the sun would be rising from the west the day Kang Shengzhe agreed to participate.

And just as many would expect, Kang Shengzhe ran off without even leaving a shadow the moment he woke up and evaded that school senior ruthlessly. In the afternoon, he and Liang Chulin were indulging in cold drinks in the only store in school that sold such beverages.

“Green tea with orange and lime, iced.”

Kang Shengzhe looked at the beverage that Liang Chulin pushed towards him. “Where’s the straw?”

Liang Chulin: “Get it yourself.”

Kang Shengzhe was extremely disappointed. “Why are you so lazy?”

Liang Chulin: “......”

I’m lazy???

Go screw yourself!

In the month that You Liangxing had not been around, Liang Chulin had told himself that the further he stayed away from Kang Shengzhe the better, but the reality was that he was getting closer and closer to him. Presently, basically the entire school knew about the ‘凹凸 combination’.

“Forget it.”

Just as Liang Chulin assumed that Kang Shengzhe was about to stand up and get his own straw, Kang Shengzhe’s shoulders slumped forward and he lay on the table. “I was not really thirsty to begin with; I’m not drinking it anymore.”

When someone was lazy to this extent, Liang Chulin could only say: “You reprobate.”

Kang Shengzhe flipped open his WeChat only to realise that the message he sent to You Liangxing just now had went unanswered. After staring at it dumbly for a while, Kang Shengzhe sighed: “Is Liang Liang very exhausted or something?”

Viciously, Liang Chulin stabbed a straw into Kang Shengzhe’s icy beverage as he said: “He should be very exhausted, I heard that the internship for year three students can be rather stressful, especially if they are undertaking an independent project like Brother Liang Liang. Speaking of which, did Brother Liang Liang tell you what he was doing exactly?”

Kang Shengzhe thought about it, “He didn’t say.”

Once You Liangxing was mentioned, Kang Shengzhe slowly exuded a sluggish feeling. Before the conversation could take off, he let out another long sigh.

Liang Chulin’s visage scrunched and he temporarily switched the topic. “Right, are you really choosing not to join the basketball team? The competition only takes place over the course of five days and there can only be so many matches. Why don’t you try and participate? If you play well, you might be able to secure a trophy for the Liberal Arts College. Wouldn’t that be nice?”

Lazily, Kang Shengzhe asked, “You like basketball?”

“I like it, yeah,” said Liang Chulin happily.

Kang Shengzhe said: “Then you go.”

“I do want to,” Liang Chulin suddenly furrowed his eyebrows. “I went but they didn’t want me. Just thinking about it makes me angry and yet here you are, being this tall.”

Kang Shengzhe eyed him and said calmly, “Yes, fault me for the fact that you’re short.”

Liang Chulin: “......”

Will you die if you don’t speak! Big bastard!

While Liang Chulin was fuming with rage, Kang Shengzhe could not extricate himself from wanting to wait on You Liangxing’s reply. Despite waiting for a while, he got nothing out of it and he could only exit from WeChat and enter King’s Glory for the moment. He asked: “Do you want to game?”

Liang Chulin: “Not playing.”

Simultaneously, someone spoke from behind him. “I’ll play.”

Before Kang Shengzhe could turn around, the person who spoke had already planted himself in front of him. It was the school senior from the basketball team.

Kang Shengzhe glanced at him. Although he had been stalked, there were no bad intentions behind his actions so he did not feel repulsed by it. “Duo queue?”

The school senior shook his head and said: “No, I want to PK with you.”

Blinking, an imperceptible amusement filtered into Kang Shengzhe’s tone. “You want to PK with me?”

The school senior did not conceal it and reinforced his statement with a nod. “Yes, PK. I’ve heard from Liao-xuezhang that you’re very skilled in games but I’m not bad at them either. Let’s duke it out in a match. If I win, you’ll play in the basketball competition, if you win, I won’t come and find you again. How about that?”

It was evident from his conditions that Kang Shengzhe did not stand to gain anything from the arrangement. However, it was equally evident that Kang Shengzhe did not mind and he seemed quite intrigued as he said: “Do you think you can win against me?”

The school senior: “Just state whether you dare to or not.”

He seemed to be nudging him with how he phrased his sentence. After a month of indolence, Kang Shengzhe abruptly showed some vigour as he revealed a faint smile and said in an unhurried manner: “... Sure.”

Wanting to PK him despite knowing that he was skilled— now that made Kang Shengzhe curious as to what skill level this school senior was at. He flipped open his search bar and added the school senior in front of him as a friend. He asked: “Open a room?”

The school senior appeared to be a touch nervous, “En, we’ll open a room and fight. I’ll open the room.”

Since it was a PK, it did not matter who opened a room. Kang Shengzhe said, “Anything.”

Very quickly, the school senior sent out an invite and Kang Shengzhe’s eyes narrowed upon realising that the room was not meant for one against one matches, but five versus five.

If they were going to PK between themselves, was a five versus five room necessary?

Kang Shengzhe did not voice his doubts and he swiftly pressed accept. In the next second, he entered the opposing team’s bracket and he had four empty slots below him while the other side was completely full. Apart from the school senior, four other people were already present.

One in King’s division, two in Xingyao, and including the school senior, the rest were in diamond division.

The spectating Liang Chulin: “......” What the fuck.

This sequence of moves was slightly beyond his imaginings.

Coughing, the school senior explained: “... All of them are from the basketball team, you can get to know them in future.”

Liang Chulin: “...... Oh, oh.”

He said he wanted a PK but he brought four helpers instead. Although the school senior was aware that he was being dishonest, he still said: “Schoolmate Kang, I did say that I want to PK with you, but I never said that I wanted to go against you alone. King’s Glory has always been a game where many people battled against each other. If you want to pull someone, you can pull them in too.”

While his words ought to be held in contempt, it had a very common reasoning: If you could have a gang fight, why solo? Of course, to explain it in a different way, it could also be understood as such: — Yes, we want to have a gang fight with you!

With regards to the shamelessness that the basketball team was displaying, Kang Shengzhe honestly admired them a little.

There was no doubt that the school senior had said it blatantly, but like two sides of the same coin, he was aware that Kang Shengzhe probably had no one he could pull in.

Even the basketball team struggled to gather five people after much tussling, which meant that Kang Shengzhe would be hard-pressed to call up enough people. Furthermore, it did not matter if Kang Shengzhe managed to call up one or two people because the school senior was secure in the knowledge that his victory was certain considering their steady and firm line-up, to say nothing of the fact that Kang Shengzhe was only Xingyao in ranking.

And just as the school senior assumed, when Liang Chulin bowed his head down to check Kang Shengzhe’s interface, he only saw that the number of friends Kang Shengzhe had was exceedingly miserable. Scrolling up and down, there were ten people at most, and coincidentally enough, not even one of the ten players were online.

There was not even one...

Friendless and wretched; anyone who saw the scene would pity him.

Liang Chulin sobbed for him in his heart. Clicking his tongue, he asked: “Kang Shengzhe, do you want me to jump online?”

Liang Chulin and Kang Shengzhe had added each other as friends and he could be pulled immediately the moment he got online. Kang Shengzhe looked towards him and stared for two good seconds before he slowly said: “Forget it, you’re too lacking.”

The presently Xingyao Liang Chulin: “......”

I’ll strangle you to death, do you believe it!!! I’ll strangle you to death ah!!!

After rejecting Liang Chulin, Kang Shengzhe wore a smile as he returned to the game interface again. He did not invite anyone else and tapped on the ‘add’ option at the side and filled the remaining slots with four bots instead.

Liang Chulin: “......”

School senior: “......”

Bringing bots, this was basically going one against five.

The school senior asked: “... Schoolmate, are you certain?”

Kang Shengzhe raised his head and grinned, and that smile of his had an indescribable and unfathomable taste to it. “I’m certain.”

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