Last Building on Earth

Chapter 70

Chapter 67: Blue Scales

This beard was like a giant python, as thick as a bucket, and it was more than ten meters long.

Whether it is speed or strength, this beard is far beyond imagination. It is as strong as Wang Xuan, who is also stunned, feeling suffocated, and rushing to avoid it.

With a ‘snack”, the whisker stuck close to him and failed. He wanted to sweep towards him sideways. The metal tentacle on Wang Xuan’s right hand stretched out and immediately wrapped the whisker around it.

Because the beards around her shrank back, Gu Manyao, who fell to the ground, quickly got up. She didn’t know how many blood grooves there were all over her body. , Knowing that the opportunity is coming, immediately jumped forward.

Holding the Yaochi Saber with both hands, he used all his strength to slash at the giant heart facing him.

Even Wang Xuan’s metal tentacles could only draw a shallow mark on the surface of the heart. Gu Manyao knew that the surface of this giant heart was too tough, and among the crowd, only her demon chi sword was most likely to damage the heart.

Seemingly feeling the crisis, this giant beard immediately twisted violently, trying to stop Gu Manyao.

Wang Xuan launched the “twisting and strangling” of the beast, and the metal tentacles kept shrinking, entangling the giant whiskers that were twisting violently, and suddenly snapped and twisted the whiskers.

Gu Manyao’s Yaochi knife slashed into the giant heart at the same moment.

The hard muscles of this giant heart can’t resist the razor-sharp demon chi knife.

The Yaochi knife completely slashed in. Gu Manyao used both hands to drag it all the way down, opening a huge wound, with blue liquid flowing out.

The blood of this foreign body is different from ordinary creatures, its blood is blue.

The giant heart was hit by this knife, and it seemed to feel great pain, and immediately contracted violently. On its surface, there were fleshy whiskers extending from the surrounding flesh walls. Come out and push around, the giant heart slammed into it.

Gu Manyao was about to make a second cut, but she never expected that the giant heart would move and slam into it. It happened suddenly, and before she could dodge the reaction, she was hit by the heart.

The force of this collision was terrifying, Gu Manyao groaned, her body was like a kite with a broken string, and she tumbled and flew out, with the sound of bones breaking and brittle in her body.

Zhang Haofei, who was behind, was just about to rush up to pick up the leak, but he didn’t expect that the giant heart could move and slam into it like a mountain of flesh. Gu Manyao was knocked away in an instant. He was shocked and hurriedly turned to dodge back.

Wang Xuan twisted the giant beard out of it, and was about to cooperate with Gu Manyao to destroy the giant heart as much as possible. The heart suddenly moved and hit him head-on. The space for dodging and moving on both sides was too narrow, and he, like Gu Manyao, couldn’t dodge in time.

However, his reaction was faster than Gu Manyao, he immediately used his arms to protect his head and face, and the metal tentacles immediately wrapped around his right arm, activating the most powerful “arm of beast”.

With the help of the “arm of demon beast”, he not only did not dodge, but took the initiative to dash against the giant heart.

A low roar resounded in his throat, and the “arm of beast” struck the huge wound just opened by Gu Manyao’s demon chi knife.

There was a loud “bang”, and the flesh and blood flew all around, and he punched into the wound with his arms and body. His eyes darkened, turning into a dark blue.

Zhao Lei and Zhang Haofei, who were retreating, were stunned. No one would have imagined that Wang Xuan’s attack would be so violent that his entire body rushed into the giant heart and disappeared.

Wang Xuan fell into the inside of his heart. He didn’t smell the fishy smell of blood. Instead, he faintly felt a kind of sweetness. This strange blue blood actually had a faint sweetness.

The power of the “arm of beast” exploded completely inside, and a large amount of flesh and blood was smashed into meat sauce, spurting out along the huge wound cut open by Gu Manyao.

The giant heart was violently contracting and rioting, slamming wildly on the spot, and the power of each blow was incredible, like a madman.

Everyone didn’t dare to resist at all, and desperately fled around to dodge.

And Wang Xuan, who was trapped in this heart, felt that he had little energy left after the “arm of beast” hit. He could feel that the giant heart was still ramming around in a frenzy, like a hundred-footed worm, dying without dying. stiff.

Wang Xuan was afraid that the monster would not die, so he tried his best to smash the “arm of beast” again and smashed it deeper into the heart.

Inside this giant heart, a faint blue light glows faintly. The farther it goes to the center, the brighter the light. It seems that in the center of the heart, there is a blue light source that is emitting light.

Perhaps this monster has blue blood, and it is precisely because of this blue light source.

With the help of this blue light, Wang Xuan smashed his huge arm into the depths of his heart, and he heard the loud sound of flesh and blood exploding in his ears. Beat the heart of this giant heart to a jelly.

At this moment, a blue light lit up.

Wang Xuan finally saw clearly that in the most central area of the giant heart, a scale was wrapped in the blue flesh.

This is a scale made of blue crystal. It is teardrop-shaped, crystal clear, and emits blue light from the inside When you are in this blue light, you are in a trance. It was as if he was in the depths of the sky and the ocean, and Wang Xuan felt a strange feeling in his heart. The beast in his right hand suddenly became restless. This restlessness seemed to be uneasy and excited.

Wang Xuan didn’t know what this blue crystal scale was, but he instinctively felt that it should be a rare treasure. Without thinking, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed it in his hand.

Almost at the same moment, there was a slight pain in the palm of his right hand, and this blue crystal scale took the initiative to cut his flesh and enter into his right hand.

As soon as the blue crystal scale entered his right hand, it was immediately swallowed by the demon beast. The white light expanded and sucked it in, but then the blue crystal scale broke free and broke free from the white light.

Although Wang Xuan could not see the situation in his right hand, in his sea of consciousness, he sensed a strange scene. This blue crystal scale actually fought with the white light representing the monster.

The white light kept swallowing it, but the blue crystal scales were not absorbed by it like the white scales before, but they broke free in an instant and were swallowed by it again and again.

After repeating this, no matter how hard the white light tried, it was still unable to swallow and digest the blue crystal scales. On the contrary, the fluctuation of the white light changed from violent to quiet. Obviously, it did not take advantage of this competition.

The beast finally gave up absorbing the blue scales and went silent.

The blue crystal scales revolved slowly around the white light, as if they had a plan.

Just when the beast gave up devouring and went silent, the blue crystal scales suddenly took the initiative to invade the white light, and in turn devoured the beast.

At the same moment, Wang Xuan sensed a faint consciousness from the blue crystal scales.

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