Last Building on Earth

Chapter 58

Chapter 55: Cooperate

Tie Jun shook his head and said, “We walked all the way here, and the monsters we encountered were stronger each time. This time we came to this negative first floor from the second floor. I’m afraid…”

He didn’t say what he said next, but Wang Xuan also understood that he was afraid that he would encounter more terrifying monsters next, and who would die in the next battle?

Thinking of those monsters that are more terrifying than the next, let alone Tie Jun’s lack of confidence, even if Wang Xuan himself, ask himself, and have absolute confidence that he will definitely live?

For a while, Wang Xuan didn’t know how to comfort Tie Jun.

Zhao Lei suddenly said: “You are right. The monsters we encounter are indeed more powerful the further we go, and the risks for everyone are also great. I have a suggestion. If it is feasible, it feels safer.”

“What advice?” Wang Xuan looked at him.

Zhao Lei said: “Brother Tie is afraid that we will encounter more dangerous monsters in the D area of the negative first floor next, and everyone will encounter great danger. I think this makes sense. In this case, why don’t we return to the negative second floor? Find some monsters that are not too powerful, let everyone get hatching beasts as much as possible, and even evolve hatching beasts to the initial state like Wang Xuan, so that the overall strength of all of us will be enhanced. Is it safer?”

Hearing Zhao Lei’s words, Tie Jun’s eyes lit up slightly. He felt that this method was feasible. Compared with entering this negative first floor, returning to the second negative floor was much safer.

“Not only that, we should also spend some time practicing how to cooperate with each other, such as how to deal with the siege of a group of monsters, and how to join forces when we encounter powerful monsters, so as to achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two. ”

“Now this is the negative first floor area D. According to the previous negative second floor rules, we have to go through four areas to find the exit from this negative first floor. We don’t know how many battles we will have to go through. If we can learn to each other By working together to form a strong team, everyone’s chances of survival will be greatly improved.”

Zhao Lei talked eloquently, and Wang Xuan nodded slightly, feeling that his suggestions were all very good.

“This proposal is very good, Brother Tie, I see that you have fought against those monsters before, and the movements look like you have practiced, which is a little different from those of us who are reckless purely by strength. If you have practiced, you can be responsible for training us. .”

Tie Jun knew that everyone’s safety was at stake, so he nodded and said, “Yes, I have practiced Sanda for many years, and have also dabbled in various martial arts and boxing. Of course, I can’t compare to those national-level professional Sanda athletes. Really want to train with each other, and I should be able to help with that.”

Wang Xuan said: “Then it’s settled, it’s not too late, we’ll start right away.”

As he spoke, he opened the car door and jumped down first.

Zhao Lei said, “Don’t take a break before starting again?” He felt a little tired.

Wang Xuan looked back at him and said, “In such a place, danger may come at any time. Could it be that the monster will wait for us to rest and everything is ready before appearing?”

Seeing Wang Xuan say this, Zhao Lei immediately closed his mouth, opened the door and got out of the car.

“Everyone, come here, I have something to say.”

Wang Xuan raised his voice slightly.

Hearing his voice, Li Haotian hurriedly got up from the car, followed by Gu Manyao and got out of the car. Zhang Haofei on the other side, although a hint of reluctance flashed on his face, still got out of the car diligently.

The last person to get off was Xu Mengyun.

Seeing everyone gathered, Wang Xuan repeated the suggestion that Zhao Lei just made, and said, “I think Zhao Lei’s suggestion is very good. There are four areas on the negative floor. It may not be so simple for us to go out. In addition, we may encounter more and more powerful monsters. In order to improve everyone’s chances of survival, we need to improve our strength as much as possible, and we must learn to cooperate, and we can no longer fight each other as we did before.”

Everyone listened quietly, and when Wang Xuan finished speaking, Li Haotian immediately responded: “Yes, it should have been this way, I support it.”

Gu Manyao said: “It’s easy to go back to the second floor. It’s just about cooperation. How should we cooperate?”

Wang Xuandao: “Brother Tie has practiced Sanda for many years, and is proficient in many martial arts. He is professional in fighting. How to cooperate with our team will be trained by Brother Tie.”

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Tie Jun didn’t show any humility. He said solemnly, “If everyone is willing, I can share my opinion. Teaching doesn’t count, it can only be said that it is to communicate with everyone.”

Zhang Haofei yawned, and said lazily, “What sanda or fighting is useless here. How to find a way to hatch early and let the hatching beast evolve to a higher form is the most important thing.”

Wang Xuan frowned slightly when he saw Zhang Haofei sing the opposite tone: “Zhang Haofei, if you don’t want us, we won’t force it, then let’s practice if we are willing.”

Hearing the displeasure in Wang Xuan’s tone, Zhang Haofei was stunned for a moment, then said with a dry smile, “Wang Xuan, you have misunderstood. I’m not unwilling. If Tie Jun’s teaching is really useful, of course I’m willing to learn it.”

When Wang Xuan heard Zhang Haofei say this, he ignored him, looked at Tie Jun and said, “Let’s all start.”

Tie Jun nodded and said, “I just thought about it. The seven of us can form two small three-talented formations to cooperate.”

Gu Manyao asked curiously, “What is the Three Talents Formation?”

Tie Jundao: “You can understand it as two iron triangles, one outside and one inside, which cooperate with each other. At present, the hatching beasts are Wang Xuan, Gu Manyao and Zhang Haofei. You form an outer triangle, and I, Zhao Lei and Li Haotian form one. The inner triangle formation, the two triangle formations can cooperate with each other. For example, my partner Wang Xuan, Zhao Lei and Gu Manyao, Li Haotian and your partner Zhang Haofei… Of course, this is only a preliminary If we A few people can also hatch successfully, and then further adjustments will be made according to the characteristics of everyone’s hatching beasts.”

“As for Mengyun, as a substitute for our formation, you will help whichever side is in a hurry.”

As Tie Jun spoke, he instructed everyone to practice, and the seven people quickly took their positions in the open space.

“The advantage of this formation is that it can be flexible and changeable. If we are suddenly besieged by a group of monsters and the number of monsters is limited, we can use this formation to break out quickly, and then you will be headed by Wang Xuan, Gu Manyao and Zhang Haofei. Shrinking to both sides, the formation changes from a regular triangle to a pointed triangle.”

“Assuming that there are too many monsters, we can’t break through the encirclement quickly in a short time, and the battle situation is prolonged. At this time, we need to consider maintaining our physical strength, then the two inner and outer triangles can alternately fight with each other to prevent physical exhaustion.”

“If we encounter a powerful monster, such as the giant toad, we can attack with multiple points at this time…”

Tie Jun assumed several situations of encountering monsters, instructing everyone on how to cooperate and deal with them one by one, and also pointed out the characteristics of each person.

At first Zhang Haofei was very dissatisfied with Tiejun. He was originally a street gangster who fought a lot since he was a child. He considered himself to be a half-fighting expert, and he didn’t like fighting and boxing at all. That’s it.

However, with the guidance of Tie Jun, he immediately noticed the difference between professional fighting and his street gangster, and he also punched a punch. The punch he punched according to the method instructed by Tie Jun was stronger than his habitual style of punching. Much fiercer.

Under the guidance of Tie Jun, Wang Xuan practiced very seriously. Among all the people, Tie Jun gave him the most attention.

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