Last Building on Earth

Chapter 34

Chapter 32: Metal Tentacles

The giant lizard roared, and the brutality in its eyes was gone, replaced by fear.

It felt the fear of Wang Xuan in front of him.

The barb behind its tail was the hardest weapon in the body, and it was easily smashed by the metal tentacles.

It turned around and finally thought of running away.

Wang Xuan raised his right hand, and the metal tentacles stretched out in the air, fast as lightning, and wrapped around its neck from behind.

The giant lizard knew something was wrong, and stretched out its claws to grab the metal tentacle, trying to pull it apart, but the metal tentacle suddenly tightened.

Wang Xuan activated the strongest ability of this monster in its embryonic state: entanglement and strangulation.

As soon as this ability was activated, he immediately felt an endless stream of energy from the white light group in his right hand being transported into the metal tentacle, causing a faint layer of white light to appear on its surface.

This kind of white light is too weak to be observed by the naked eye. When this layer of white light appeared, bones shattered and brittle sound came from the neck of the giant lizard, and flesh and blood were smashed and seeped out from between the surrounding metal tentacles.

The giant lizard’s open mouth was full of blood, and it made a cooing sound. When the metal tentacles were released and retracted, the neck of this giant lizard was at least half thin. His head drooped softly, his whole body fell down, and he died of anger.

The two white scales in the middle of his forehead peeled off together with the white crystal scale. The two white scales turned into rays of light and disappeared into his right hand. They were swallowed by the white rays of light in his right hand, and the white crystal scale fell to the ground and remained motionless. , did not fly into his right hand like two white scales.

He was surprised. He didn’t know what the white crystal scales were. Wang Xuan didn’t have time to think about it, but turned around quickly and rushed in the direction of Zhao Lei.

He successfully hatched a magical beast and killed the strongest giant lizard. In just a few seconds, Zhao Lei was hooked on the shoulder by the elite lizard, smashed to the ground, and broke the bone in his left arm.

The elite lizard used the tail hook to lift him up again, this time slamming the vehicle he smashed to the side.

There was a loud “bang”, the door was hit by Zhao Lei, and immediately sank in. Zhao Lei groaned, blood spurting out of his mouth.

He grabbed the hook that pierced his shoulder with his right hand and wanted to pull it out, but the elite lizard didn’t give him a chance at all. He grabbed Zhao Lei and lifted it back, opened his **** mouth and bit his neck.

Between life and death, Zhao Lei couldn’t dodge, his left arm was broken and he couldn’t use it, so he could only stretch out his right arm to block, protecting his neck and vitals.

The elite lizard bit on his right arm.

Zhao Lei screamed again, and the elite lizard bit his right arm, trying to tear it off. At this moment, Wang Xuan rushed over from the other side.

Seeing that Zhao Lei’s right arm was about to be torn off, Wang Xuan was still two or three meters away from him. It was too late to rush in front of him, so he stretched the metal tentacle to the limit of two meters, and waved his right arm and slashed out.

The metal tentacles slashed out with his right hand like a whip, and hit the elite lizard’s head firmly, with a crisp “pop”, the skull shattered, the blood gushed like a spring, the white brains splashed out, and most of the head was covered with water. Made a mess.

Two white scales flew out of it and merged into his right hand.

He picked up two scales again, the white light in his right hand fluctuated slightly, and Wang Xuan felt a kind of excited emotion.

The beast is excited and full of a strong desire, it is eager to absorb more energy.

Zhao Lei escaped from death, watching this elite lizard fall to the ground, he fell down, took a breath, and stared blankly at the metal tentacle extending from Wang Xuan’s right hand, dumbfounded.

What is this?

Wang Xuan’s body kept going, and one blow shattered the head of this elite lizard. After rescuing Zhao Lei, he immediately turned around, kicked his feet like a sharp arrow, and charged towards the car behind him.

Gu Manyao was bitten by a scorpion-tailed lizard in her thigh and attacked by an elite lizard. She ignored the scorpion-tailed lizard and rolled with all her strength, rolling with the scorpion-tailed lizard, using the scorpion-tailed lizard as a shield to resist the attack of the elite lizard.

The elite lizard was blocked by this scorpion-tailed lizard in two consecutive attacks. It opened its mouth and let out a low whistle. It was obviously provoked. With a wave of the barb behind it, it hooked the scorpion-tailed lizard and yanked it hard. go out.

Gu Manyao took this opportunity to get up, although her thigh was bitten, but luckily the white scales in her body were constantly releasing powerful energy, speeding up the healing of the wound, and she could barely hold on, rushing towards the other side at full speed.

She saw that Zhang Haofei’s situation was much more sinister than hers.

Zhang Haofei was attacked again and again, his waist and abdomen were torn off a large piece of flesh and blood, and his chest collapsed due to the impact, and several bones were broken inside, and blood spurted from his mouth.

He tumbled heavily to the ground, and the elite lizard that attacked him pounced, with its **** mouth wide open, trying to bite off his neck.

Although Zhang Haofei was seriously injured, he did not lose consciousness. He knew that he was in danger, but he was injured too badly and moved a little slowly. The upper and lower jaws of the big mouth, trying to tear it apart.

Suddenly, his belly became The barb behind this elite lizard swung it into his belly and cut it open.

At this moment, Gu Manyao rushed up, waved the steel pipe in his hand and smashed it towards the head of this elite lizard.

The elite lizard raised his head to dodge, and Zhang Haofei took the opportunity to lift his leg and kicked out with all his strength.

The elite lizard was caught off guard and was kicked and turned over from him.

After escaping the catastrophe, Zhang Haofei broke out in a cold sweat and suddenly shouted at Gu Manyao, “Be careful!”

Before she finished speaking, Gu Manyao felt that her back had been hit hard, and there was a sound of broken bones in her body. She opened her mouth and spurted blood, and was hit by another elite lizard that was chasing it and flew out.

Falling to the ground, Gu Manyao was about to struggle to get up, but just about to lift up her upper body, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest, her eyes darkened, and she almost fainted.

The elite lizard that knocked her away appeared silently in front of her, with its **** mouth wide open and biting down towards her neck.

Zhang Haofei on the other side saw the danger and desperately wanted to save him. He had just lifted his upper body, and the healing wound on his body had re-opened, and blood was constantly seeping out. His movement speed was slower than that of ordinary people, and it was too late.

Gu Manyao had a look of despair in her eyes, but she still did not give up completely, and barely raised her arms to protect her neck.

The **** mouth of this elite lizard just bit her arm, and a black shadow with a strong wind slammed down and hit its head, making a crisp explosion.

Wang Xuan clenched the metal tentacles in his hand and rushed over, hitting the elite lizard.

The metal tentacle was like a steel whip, and it was pulled down in the air, making a crisp sound that was almost a sonic boom. The head of the elite lizard was as vulnerable as tofu, bursting instantly, and red and white splashed out together.

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