Last Building on Earth

Chapter 165

Chapter 157: Resurrection

Although there was no reason, Wang Xuan thought of the King of Fear for the first time in his mind.

When Xiao Bichen saw the 100-meter-long giant scorpion statue, he thought of something, and a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.

“No wonder it’s called the Temple of Fear, this should be the statue of the Great King of Fear.” Wang Xuan said while picking up the parchment again, and found that the content of the quest on it had changed again.

“In the depths of Scorpion City, the sealed Dread King and his family are slumbering, unlock the seal and release the Dread King, you will gain the power of fear, become a believer of the fear king, rule the resurrected scorpion army, and destroy human beings. Be the king who rules the world.”

Seeing the content of this task, Wang Xuan’s heart was shocked, and he looked up at the countless scorpion statues in front of him.

He understood that these are not statues, but the sealed Dread King and his scorpion army.

The last step of the secret mission of this Scorpion City is to break the seal of the Dread King, resurrect the Scorpion Legion, destroy mankind, and rule the world?

Wang Xuan only felt his scalp numb when he saw this, and understood that the so-called gaining the power of fear and becoming a believer of the King of Fear was actually turning into a scorpion monster similar to the King of Fear, which he was unwilling no matter what, so he could only continue. Look down.

“The way to unlock the seal is to pull out the stone sword inserted into the seal.”

Seeing this, Wang Xuan looked up, and immediately saw a circular relief not far in front of them. It was similar to the relief they had seen before, but it was ten times larger and more delicately carved. , The previous relief couldn’t see what was engraved on it, but this relief can be seen clearly, this one is engraved with a scorpion head, with a chain engraved on it, which seems to represent that the scorpion was imprisoned and sealed, with a scorpion inserted in the center. A stone sword, deep into the relief, only the hilt is outside.

According to what is written on this parchment, just by pulling out this stone sword, the seal of the Terror King can be unlocked.

“Didn’t you say that you can get a mysterious treasure after completing the task? How could it be like this…”

Wang Xuan’s face became more and more ugly, and he could only continue to look behind the parchment records.

“If you choose to give up and unlock the seal of the Dread King, you can get the mysterious treasure and leave here.”

Then there’s the way out of here and the mysterious treasure.

After reading it, Wang Xuan let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there are two options for this mission. Unlocking the seal and awakening the King of Fear is not the only option.

Xiao Bichen stood beside him, looking at the record on it, with a surprised expression on his face.

This is the first time she has seen a task with two choices of answers.

“Finally you can leave.” Wang Xuan put away the parchment and walked towards the front, Xiao Bichen followed closely, and the two soon came to the giant statue of the fearful king, standing in front of the 100-meter-long statue , the two feel more and more small.

Wang Xuan raised his head and glanced at the statue of the King of Fear again, then stretched out his left hand, cut the palm of his hand, and blood flowed out.

On the ground in front of this statue, there is a giant scorpion relief, and the stone sword that seals the Dread King and the Scorpion Legion is inserted in the center of this giant relief.

Pulling out the stone sword can unlock the seal. On the contrary, the second option is to smear the closed mouthparts of the scorpion relief with blood, which can activate the scorpion relief. The opened mouthparts are the entrance to the mysterious treasure. And get the mysterious treasure, you can leave here.

According to the parchment hint, Wang Xuan started to smear the scorpion’s embossed mouthparts with the blood gushing out from the wound on his left hand.

When Wang Xuan was about to smear the mouthpiece completely with blood, he suddenly felt the relief vibrate slightly, raised his head, and found that Xiao Bichen was holding the stone sword inserted in the relief with both hands, with a labored look on his face, looking towards the outside. unplug.

The stone sword was drawn, and the relief immediately began to vibrate.

“Xiao Bichen, are you crazy?”

Seeing this scene suddenly, Wang Xuan was shocked. He didn’t care to smear the mouthparts on the scorpion relief. He immediately jumped up and rushed towards Xiao Bichen at the center of the relief, trying to stop her from pulling out the stone sword.

Once she pulled out the stone sword, it was all over.

Xiao Bichen had a struggling look on her face, her eyes were sometimes fearful, sometimes angry, and sometimes panicked and desperate. Obviously, all kinds of thoughts were intertwining and struggling in her mind.

Wang Xuan burst out with all his strength, and he rushed towards him like a flash of lightning, trying to stop her from pulling out the stone sword.

With a “bang”, he felt as if he had hit an iron plate. The stone sword held by Xiao Bichen in both hands and the scorpion relief below erupted with terrifying power, forming a barrier to protect her. Blood spurted from Wang Xuan’s mouth. , in this huge impact force, vacated upside down and flew out, and fell solidly more than ten meters away.

When he hit the ground, Wang Xuan’s eyes were full of astonishment. At this moment, he understood everything. Before, he seemed to have awakened Xiao Bichen, but the fear force that invaded her body did not disappear, but converged in her body. Wait for the moment.

Now entering the Temple of Fear, the restraining power of fear erupted, and immediately took over the control of Xiao Bichen’s mind, causing her to draw out the stone sword.

The ground of the entire Temple of Fear began to shake violently. In all directions, countless statues began to make a crunching sound. This terrifying scorpion army was resurrecting.

Xiao Bichen’s face is fierce, fear and her original consciousness are in fierce confrontation, her eyes are full of despair, this is her original consciousness, but the power of fear makes the skin on her face continue to harden, and it begins to mutate into the blackness of a scorpion. Shell, the change this time is very amazing, not only her face, but also her hands, feet, and body are changing drastically.

Once her mind is completely dominated by the power of fear, she will completely become a believer of the King of Fear, become a real scorpion monster, dominate the scorpion army that will be resurrected, and destroy the world.

Wang Xuan spat out the blood in his mouth, immediately activated the energy of the blue crystal scales in his body, let out a violent roar, and pushed his hands to the ground, the whole person almost rose into the air, his arms instantly turned into giant arms of monsters, and he rushed up again. .

“Xiao Bichen—”

He let out an angry roar, rushed to the relief, waved the giant beast arm in his right hand, and the blue dim lights on it lit up. He was about to hit Xiao Bichen, trying to blast her away.

With a sudden “bang”, a more terrifying force surged out, Xiao Bichen clenched the stone sword in both hands, and suddenly pulled it out completely.

The Temple of Fear suddenly vibrated violently, and cracks began to appear on the surface of countless scorpion statues, and the crackling sound became louder and louder. The surface of the 100-meter-long giant scorpion statue also began to appear like spider webs .

The Dread King began to wake up.

Wang Xuan saw all this in his eyes, and his body was cold, but he still rushed forward without hesitation, and with five fingers, he wanted to **** the stone sword that Xiao Bichen had pulled out.

As long as you grab the stone sword and reinsert it into the center of the relief, there may be salvation.

Xiao Bichen was holding a stone sword in both hands, and her body was retreating. Her entire face turned into a terrifying and ugly scorpion appearance. Her legs had been transformed into scorpion legs, but her eyes showed fear and despair.

“kill me…”

Suddenly, Xiao Bichen turned into a scorpion mouthpart, and his mouth opened and closed, and Xiao Bichen’s voice came faintly.

Wang Xuan was shocked, and almost at the same moment, he grabbed the stone sword in Xiao Bichen’s hands, looked up, and saw tears flowing out of her eyes.

She has one last bit of sanity.

Wang Xuan used all his strength to seize the stone sword in her hand.

“Xiao Bichen, don’t give up, we will definitely leave alive—”

Wang Xuan was roaring, desperately grabbing the sword, and suddenly found that Xiao Bichen’s hands had fused with the stone sword.

Her body seemed to be rooted in this relief. Her body was not only fused with the stone sword, but also with the relief under her feet. He felt that within Xiao Bichen’s body, two terrifying forces were fighting against her.

And she is the battlefield where these two forces confront each other. ???.

At this moment, he understood everything.

This scorpion relief is the magic circle that seals the king of fear. This stone sword is equivalent to the eye of the circle, and it is the core of the sealing power.

Only by inserting the stone sword into the scorpion relief, can the King of Terror be completely sealed.

Now that the stone sword has been pulled out, the seal has been broken, and the power of the fearful king is awakening, surging into Xiao Bichen’s body through the scorpion relief, and the reason why the stone sword and Xiao Bichen are fused together is to use her body. , wanting to suppress the surging force of fear in the scorpion relief.

Without the suppression of the stone sword, Xiao Bichen would have been reduced to a monster in an instant, and the King of Fear and the Scorpion Legion would have been resurrected in an instant.

Now the success or failure of the two sides suddenly became entirely dependent on Xiao Bichen.

If Xiao Bichen can wake up and insert the stone sword into the scorpion relief, she will be able to re-seal the King of Fear. On the contrary, if her consciousness is swallowed up by the power of fear and turned into a monster, the power of fear can use her body to devour the stone sword and completely destroy it. Seal, liberate the Dread King.

In the confrontation between these two forces, Wang Xuan’s power became extremely weak. The stone sword and the power of fear were glued together in Xiao Bichen’s body. He couldn’t shake it, let alone pull the stone sword out of Xiao Bichen’s body. Reinsert into the scorpion relief on the ground.

“The only… way…kill…me…”

From Xiao Bichen’s mouthparts written by Zhang He, there was a faint voice again, because the stone sword was suppressing the power of fear, and she still retained the last bit of human consciousness.

“Wang Xuan… I’m… in pain… please… help me…”

Tears were constantly flowing out of her eyes.

Wang Xuan grabbed the stone sword that was fused with her body, trembling all over, watching her keep turning into a monster, he understood that Xiao Bichen was about to lose the last bit of sanity.

Without the help of the sealing power of the scorpion relief, the stone sword could no longer suppress the increasingly terrifying power of fear.

Countless tiny cracks appeared on the surface of the statue of King Fear. Rock fragments were collapsing one by one, and a dark light faintly appeared inside, and a faint consciousness was awakening.

This consciousness is full of endless ferocity and brutality, only killing, without the slightest emotion that a living being should have, its existence is to bring fear to all living beings.

It is the embodiment of fear.

This is the king of fear.

Wang Xuan felt this terrifying consciousness, and his whole body was like falling into an ice cave. He only felt that a force of fear was rising from his back, and soon invaded his brain.

The power of fear is prosperous, not only Xiao Bichen, but also he is being invaded by the power of fear, and the king of fear will devour him as well.

Xiao Bichen, who was unable to support her originally, was shocked by the sudden increase in the power of fear, and her eyes showed the last trace of despair.

“Please… help me… get rid of… get rid of…”

This was the last human voice she made. A pair of eyes full of despair and extreme pain suddenly shrank inwards, followed by dilated pupils, becoming ferocious and terrifying, turning into a pair of scorpion eyes.

Shijian was finally unable to suppress the power of fear, and even the last bit of her sanity was swallowed up by the power of the King of Fear, and she was completely reduced to a monster.

Wang Xuan’s eyes widened and his whole body trembled. Seeing all this in his eyes, his heart ached, and he only felt the blue crystal scales in his body vibrate. A heavy explosion exploded from his body, and his giant arms of the demon beasts were almost completely dyed blue. This terrifying force seemed to burst his arms and explode.

“Bi Chen—”

He let out a hoarse roar, his eyes turned red, and he stepped forward abruptly, with five fingers on his right hand, and with a snort, he broke open Xiao Bichen’s hard-shelled chest in front of him, and grabbed into her heart, five secluded fingers. The blue fingers were inserted into her heart together.

These five fingers pierced through her heart, which was a fatal blow.

Following this blow, Xiao Bichen’s whole body shook violently and suddenly raised his head, a pair of scorpion eyes shrank violently, regaining the original human eyes.

Because of this fatal blow, her life potential was stimulated, and she suddenly regained consciousness.

As she woke up, the power of fear in her body was immediately suppressed, and the stone sword that was originally fused with her hands began to peel off.

Wang Xuan didn’t care about being sad, knowing that this was the last chance, with the help of Xiao Bichen to suppress the power of fear in his body, he grabbed the stone sword that was peeled off from her hands, and slammed it into the hole in the center of the relief under his feet.

As the stone sword was inserted, the Temple of Fear, which had been vibrating violently, suddenly returned to normal, the swaying scorpion statues quieted down, and the terrifying and evil consciousness filled the air receded like a tide.

The power of fear was suppressed by the seal, and was exiting Xiao Bichen’s body. Her body began to become human again.

She quickly returned to her original appearance, with a slight flush of red on her face. Looking at Wang Xuan, she barely wanted to show a smile, but her eyes were collapsing, and the breath of life was leaving her.

The heart was pierced, which was the real fatal blow.

“Xiao Bichen! Hold on, you won’t die!”

Wang Xuan almost growled out of his throat. The moment he inserted the stone sword into the center of the scorpion relief, his left hand hurriedly opened Xumi’s belt and took out a handful of primary healing water.

He now has a total of twelve primary bottles of healing water, which he took out together, and was busy pouring bottle after bottle into Xiao Bichen’s mouth.

The healing effect of this healing water is very powerful, as long as there is no death on the spot, no matter how serious the injury can be rescued.

But at this moment, what was poured into Xiao Bichen’s mouth didn’t have any effect. Her eyes were still dimmed. She saw Wang Xuan’s anxiety and wanted to reach out and stroke his face gently. comfort him.

Who can survive without dying? Everyone starts from birth and the ultimate return is death.

Now she just went to that world ahead of time.

She remembered the words that Wang Xuan once comforted her when Li Hao and Brother Zhang died and she was sad.

A smile slowly appeared on the corner of her mouth, but the strength in her body dissipated little by little, and she was unable to raise her hand.

She didn’t expect that death is such a feeling, even if you want to touch his face, it becomes the ultimate luxury.

Consciousness gradually blurred, the circles of blackness in front of him, and countless white halos swayed in the darkness.

Suddenly, she heard another roar, which seemed to be Wang Xuan’s voice. Then, she felt her lips move slightly, as if some sweet liquid was flowing in, and after that, she didn’t know anything.

Wang Xuan hugged her, holding a bottle of pale golden reagent in his hand, and poured the pale golden liquid into Xiao Bichen’s mouth.

This pale golden reagent is the “non-corrupt medicine”, a treasure he once obtained by opening the treasure chest. This medicine is very special. Although it can’t save people, it can keep the dying person in a state of non-life and non-death. , so it is called “the medicine that does not rot”.

In his opinion, this medicine is very tasteless and has almost no use, so it has been stored in Xumi’s belt and never paid much attention.

To this day, all the methods were ineffective, not even the healing water. Wang Xuan, in despair, finally thought of this incorruptible medicine.

She took out the incorruptible medicine and finally poured it into Xiao Bichen’s mouth at the last moment when she was about to die.

Xiao Bichen has lost consciousness, but the breathing that she was about to cut off completely, she kept on.

The medicine of incorruptibility really took effect, continuing the little bit of vitality that Xiao Bichen was about to cut off in the end.

However, she will not wake up again, she will always maintain this state of immortality, not aging, not rotten, like falling into eternal sleep until the end of this world.

Wang Xuan hugged her and fell down, feeling that all his strength was drained.

Xiao Bichen lay quietly on his chest, as if she was asleep, motionless.

“Xiao Bichen… I promised you, I must take you away alive…”

“What I promise you, I will definitely do…”

Wang Xuan gasped heavily, sat up from the ground, hugged Xiao Bichen carefully, put her in a comfortable position, and put her on the ground.

“The medicine of incorruption will keep your last bit of vitality, you will not die, trust me, I will definitely think of a way to save you… There will definitely be a way…”

Wang Xuan murmured, reaching out and gently stroking her cheek, a trace of sadness on his face.

“Brother Shen!”


When Shen Changqing was walking on the road, when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone has no superfluous expressions on their faces, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression of Demons, an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters, and of course there are other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, UU reading Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The Town Demon Division is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Suppressing Demon Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and eventually he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing’s predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest level among slayers.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn’t take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Suppression Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

The environment has changed in vain.

A scent of ink mixed with a faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but they quickly relaxed.

There is almost no way to clean up the **** smell on everyone in Zhen Mosi.

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