Last Building on Earth

Chapter 162

Chapter 154: Fear Force

“Li Hao!”

When Xiao Bichen saw it, she couldn’t help but exclaimed, and immediately turned around and rushed towards him.

But seeing the falling shadow lift the steel hook that penetrated Li Hao’s head, lift it up, and smash it towards Xiao Bichen, who is rushing towards him.

With the help of the lighting crystal in Xiao Bichen’s hand, Wang Xuan could see the true appearance of the falling shadow.

This is a half-scorpion, half-human monster, with a human-like body, a scorpion head, a black shell on the front and back, a three-meter-long barb behind the buttocks, and a pair of faint lines on both arms. A gleaming steel hook.

At this moment, it hooked Li Hao with the steel hook on the right and hit Xiao Bichen who was rushing up.

Xiao Bichen couldn’t take it anymore, let out a groan, and rolled over and fell out.

There was a sound of bones breaking all over Li Hao. The monster’s right steel hook tore off most of his head, and there was blood mixed with white matter flowing out.

Even if he is a strong person, if most of his head is torn off, Li Hao will surely die.

Wang Xuan was shocked when he saw this scene, Zhang Taixiong let out a violent roar: “Li Hao!” Holding an explosive crystal in his left hand, he threw it with all his strength.

At the same moment, Wang Xuan opened the eye of the illustrated book and captured the information of this half-human, half-scorpion monster.

“Name: Fear King Scorpion, Race: Scorpion Family, Dangerous Degree: ★★★★★☆ (five and a half stars), Fear King Scorpion is a side branch of Emperor Scorpion, it has a danger degree that is infinitely close to six stars, and they are the fear of King Scorpion Believers, with the help of the power of the King of Fear, they shed their low-level insect bodies and evolved into a high-level human form. Whether it is speed, strength, defense or reaction ability, they are terrifying. The King of Fear scorpions will only be born in the presence of the power of the King of Fear. In this place, whenever you see the fear king scorpion, it means that there is the power of the fear king here.”

Sensing the information about the fearful king scorpion, Wang Xuan’s heart trembled.

Although the Dread King Scorpion has the same five-and-a-half-star danger as the Two-tailed Giant Scorpion, the data says that the Dread King Scorpion’s danger is infinitely close to the real six-star, which means that its strength surpasses that of the Two-tailed Giant Scorpion. If it is replaced by hatching Beast, that is the pinnacle existence among the real powerhouses.

There was a loud bang, and the explosive crystal thrown by Zhang Taixiong fell into the air. The fearful king scorpion disappeared in place. Wang Xuanmeng threw himself forward, and the giant arm of the beast swung out, leaving an afterimage in the air. Circles of blue light.

A steel hook with a faint gleam of cold light was intercepted by the giant arm of the beast. Zhang Taixiong was covered in cold sweat. If Wang Xuan suddenly took action to intercept the steel hook that appeared in front of him, he would have followed Li Hao’s footsteps. His head and face were pierced by the steel hook hole of the fear king scorpion.

With a wave of Wang Xuan’s left arm, the other giant beast of beast smashed out. To deal with this kind of fearful king scorpion, which is comparable to the peak of its state, how dare he hide his secrets, activate the energy of blue crystal scales, and cooperate with his most powerful giant arm of beast. , go all out.

The fearful king scorpion’s reaction was no slower than his. Another steel hook swung out and hooked the left arm of the monster that Wang Xuan had hit. It used double hooks to press down on Wang Xuan’s giant arms of the monster, and behind him was a three-meter-long barb. With a wave, it went around in a circle and hooked to Wang Xuan’s back.

Zhang Taixiong roared, seeing Wang Xuan in danger, the rock shield in his hand seemed to come alive, and flew out of the sky, hitting the barb from the side with a bang.

Xiao Bichen, who fell out on the other side, was attacked by a two-tailed giant scorpion. She took out an explosive crystal and threw it out.

Amid the loud explosion, the giant twin-tailed scorpion was blown apart. Xiao Bichen stood up, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth, and a look of anger and grief appeared on his face. Holding the white spear in his right hand, he moved towards the The fear king scorpion rushed up.

With the appearance of this fear king scorpion, the surrounding twin-tailed giant scorpions showed signs of collapse. They were obviously full of fear for the fear king scorpion and did not dare to approach at will.

Wang Xuan’s demonic beast’s arms were hooked and clamped by the steel hooks of the fearful king scorpion. He only felt like two boulders were holding on his arms, but he couldn’t move.

This was the first time he had been squeezed by the arms of the demon beast, and a low growl came from his throat. The blue light on his arms lit up, releasing a dazzling blue light. It was the first time that he finally had no worries. When he moved the energy of the blue crystal scales, he only felt that his arms swelled and split in an instant. The energy contained in the blue crystal scales was far beyond his imagination.

At this moment, a thought flashed in his mind, what is the origin of these blue crystal scales.

When he was just a sub-body before, he felt that the energy of the blue crystal scales was unfathomable, and even a little careless, the burst of energy in the blue crystal scales could make his body collapse.

Unexpectedly, now that he has been promoted to the perfect state, his body’s endurance has been arrogantly many times, and he still cannot fully withstand the energy of this blue crystal scale.

At least from the current point of view, the energy level in the blue crystal scales is far beyond the fifth state of hatching beasts.

These thoughts flashed through his head in an instant. Wang Xuan waved the giant arm of the beast, and the energy that erupted from it lifted the steel hook of the fearful king scorpion, and pushed it forward with a bang, and pushed it heavily on the fearful king scorpion’s arm. on the chest.

The blue dim light exploded, and the black shell on the chest of the fear king scorpion immediately shattered and exploded, and its body flew into the air like a cannonball that was launched, rolled and smashed hard, hitting the rock wall behind. .

The terrifying sound of shattering sounded again, the fear king scorpion hit the rock wall, and then bounced off the rock wall and rushed forward for a few meters. Stepping forward to meet him, the right arm of the beast clenched into a fist slammed up again.

With a “no” sound, this time the giant arm of the beast pierced through the chest of the fearful king scorpion directly and emerged from the back. Wang Xuan shook the giant arm, and the power exploded. The fearful king scorpion’s body broke from it, and the upper body was planted topple.

A white scale appeared and sank into his right hand. The white light suddenly fluctuated violently, and a strong energy reaction came.

Wang Xuan understands that if he can hunt down a few more fearful king scorpions that are infinitely close to six stars, maybe the energy he needs to break through the perfect state will be enough.

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The fear king scorpion died, and the two-tailed giant scorpion that had been retreating all around also retreated cleanly and disappeared into the darkness.

Zhang Taixiong came back to his senses and was busy looking at Li Hao who was lying on the ground. Sure enough, Li Hao had no heartbeat and had already died.

“Li Hao…” Zhang Taixiong looked at Li Hao’s death and shook his head with a dark look on his face.

He and Li Hao have a very good relationship, and they are both strong and full of confidence in themselves. He thinks that with his current strength, it is difficult to die again, but he did not expect Li Hao to die in front of him now.

Zhang Taixiong began to regret working with Xiao Bichen to complete this rare task. After breaking through to the perfect state, he now feels the long-lost breath of death again.

Xiao Bichen squatted down and silently looked at Li Hao’s corpse in front of him with a complicated look on his face.

She could see that Li Hao liked her, and she could be said to be obedient to herself, and never dared to disobey the slightest. This time to complete this rare task, she was also looking for Li Hao.

Li Hao immediately took Zhang Taixiong with him. Zhang Taixiong was a little hesitant at that time. It was Li Hao who insisted, and Zhang Taixiong finally agreed, and this action took place.

Although she never liked Li Hao, she just regarded Li Hao as a good friend, but seeing Li Hao’s tragic death here, Xiao Bichen still felt very sad, like a big stone had been crushed.

Wang Xuan retracted the giant arms of the beast, and felt the pain of tearing muscles in his arms, and realized that the power of the blue crystal scales just tore the muscles of his arms.

“Bichen, people can’t be resurrected from the dead. We still have to find a way to find an exit.” Zhang Taixiong sighed. Although he and Li Hao are brothers, he has been able to go all the way to the present, and he has met too many companions and friends along the way. Death, although it is sad now, but still understand what they should do and can’t stay here, otherwise, if there is a group of two-tailed giant scorpions or fear king scorpions, it will be troublesome.

Xiao Bichen hummed softly and stood up slowly.

Wang Xuan looked at her with sadness in her eyes, and it seemed that she had a lot of affection for Li Hao.

Zhang Taixiong immediately crouched down and took off Li Hao’s storage belt.

People are dead, but Li Hao’s supplies can’t be left here.

Soon he took off Li Hao’s storage belt and the Tier 3 alloy equipment he was wearing. He stuffed the four pieces of metal equipment that were still in good condition into the storage belt. After a little hesitation, he finally handed them over. Xiao Bichen.

Xiao Bichen took it and didn’t count what was in it. He just took out ten explosive crystals, took five by himself, gave the other five to Zhang Taixiong, and put away the storage belt.

She knew that Wang Xuan’s strength was far stronger than them, and she didn’t need to use this explosive crystal.

Wang Xuan watched quietly from the side. He was not too familiar with Xiao Bichen, Zhang Taixiong, and Li Hao. At this moment, Li Hao was dead. He didn’t have any special feelings, and he didn’t say much. After all, he has come this way. He has seen too many people die.

Xiao Bichen raised his head, put away the sadness on his face, showed a determined look, looked at Wang Xuan, and said, “Let’s go.”

Wang Xuan hummed and nodded towards her.

Entering here, there is no retreat, the three can only continue to move forward. Fortunately, the stone gate at the end of the passage is in front of them, only fifty meters away from them.

The three quickly reached the stone gate at the end of the passage.

“You guys back up a little bit.” Wang Xuan was afraid that there was danger in Shimen, so he asked Xiao Bichen and Zhang Taixiong to step back, stepped forward, released metal tentacles, pressed against Shimen, and slowly pushed them in.

The Shimen trembled slightly, and was quickly pushed open toward the inside.

A tantal white light shone from it. Wang Xuan looked inside, but saw that inside the stone gate was a huge space, more than 20 meters long and wide, with a circular pattern protruding from the ground in the center, suspected of being a seal. , On the left and right sides of this circular figure, there is a statue on each side.

Wang Xuan looked at the two statues, the scorpion head and the human body with steel hooks, it was the withered statue of the fearful king scorpion.

The statues of the two dread king scorpions were slightly larger than the one he had killed before, and they looked lifelike.

Seeing that there was no danger, Wang Xuan walked in slowly, Xiao Bichen and Zhang Taixiong followed behind.

As they entered, the stone gate behind them immediately closed silently.

Zhang Taixiong hit hard with the rock shield, and the stone gate did not even vibrate at all. Obviously, this stone gate is no longer their strength to destroy.

“Sect of True Evil, as long as you enter a place, you can’t go back to the place before.” Zhang Taixiong held an explosive crystal in his left hand, and his face was full of vigilance. Li Hao’s death made his heart heavy, and he was extra cautious.

Xiao Bichen took out the parchment, Wang Xuan watched from the side, saw that the map on the parchment changed again, it was exactly the same as the scene in the huge space in front of him, and there were also two withered images of the fearful king scorpion and The ground floats in the center.

“This Floating Map is the exit. Just according to the records above, smear the two gaps with blood, you can open the Floating Map, enter below, find the secrets about this Scorpion City, and get the treasure.”

Xiao Bichen looked at the content of the quest that had just appeared on the parchment, and was refreshed, which meant that they were about to find the secret hinted on by the quest and get the mysterious treasure.

“Then go, what are you waiting for.” Zhang Taixiong immediately accelerated his pace, carefully protecting the rock shield in front of him, and walked towards the floating picture in the center.

The three of them quickly arrived in front of Futu Tuan on the center ground. Wang Xuan raised his head and looked at the statues of the Fear King Scorpion on both sides, his brows slightly wrinkled, thinking that the information about the Fear King Scorpion he had just read had an introduction, the Fear King Scorpion. The place where the scorpion appears must have the power of the King of Fear. I just don’t know if the secret of this scorpion city is related to the King of Fear.

According to the records on the parchment, Xiao Bichen cut his fingers and smeared the float with blood.

It’s very simple to open this floating wither, just use blood to paint the two gaps in the center of the floating withered.

When Xiao Bichen smeared the two gaps with blood, the two gaps absorbed the blood and immediately began to vibrate slightly. giant eye.

This Fuyu suddenly opened a pair of eyes, Xiao Bichen saw it, and was slightly surprised. Almost at the same moment, they heard a screeching sound coming from around them. shattered from the surface.

“Be careful!” Wang Xuan reacted the most quickly, seeing that Xiao Bichen was in danger, he stretched out his left hand, grabbed her and rushed forward. Almost at the same moment, a steel hook shone with cold light from above. After passing by, it was only a split second before Xiao Bichen was hooked.

Wang Xuan let go of Xiao Bichen, turned around, two metal tentacles wound up along his arms, and two giant arms of monsters appeared.

No one would have thought that after Xiao Bichen smeared the floating withered eucalyptus with blood according to the instructions of the mission, he did not open the downward passage, but resurrected the withered statues of the fear king scorpion on both sides.

The rock on the surface of the two withered statues shattered, and two huge fear king scorpions came to life. These two fear king scorpions were larger than the one they had just met outside.

Zhang Taixiong shouted angrily, but fortunately he had been on guard and threw the rock shield in his right hand into the air.

With a “bang”, the rock shield was hit by the fear king scorpion and shattered immediately. He threw the explosive crystal he was holding in his left hand long ago.

The fear king scorpion in front of him swayed and avoided the exploding crystal.

Zhang Taixiong knew something was wrong, and after throwing the rock shield and exploding crystal, he fled in the direction of Wang Xuan.

He understood that only Wang Xuan could fight against this fearful king scorpion.

Wang Xuan saved Xiao Bichen’s life, turned around and activated the giant arm of the beast, and swung his feet up into the air, colliding with the fearful king scorpion that rushed towards him.

Amidst the thunderous noise, Wang Xuan’s eyes showed a look of surprise.

Although he had borrowed the power of the blue crystal scales, he did not expect that the power of the fear king scorpion in front of him was more terrifying than the fear king scorpion he encountered in the passage before.

Although he knocked the fear king scorpion away, he also couldn’t bear the force, so he groaned and retreated to the back.

The barb behind the Fear King Scorpion that was knocked away swung towards Xiao Bichen, who had retreated to the side.

Xiao Bichen was shocked when she saw that even Wang Xuan was knocked into the air. She saw the barb appear in front of her in an instant. Fortunately, this time she reacted. The barbs come over.

It’s just how her strength can withstand this barb blow, she only felt a shock in her right hand, the tiger’s mouth split open, and the white spear flew out of her hand.

“Monster—” She thought that Li Hao died in the hands of the fearful king scorpion, she shouted angrily, and threw the explosive crystal in her left hand.

Zhang Taixiong, who was on the other side, just rushed up and saw Wang Xuanfei go out.

Seeing that he was about to be hit from behind by another fearful giant Wang Xuan’s left-handed monster arm converged, and a metal tentacle appeared again, separated by a distance of several meters, this long The dazzling blue dim light appeared on the six-meter-long metal tentacles, and slammed into the sky towards the terrifying giant scorpion that collided.

With a “bang”, he drew the steel hook raised by the fearful giant scorpion, and the metal tentacles containing terrifying power immediately twisted and deformed the steel hook raised by the fearful giant scorpion, and the other steel hook of the fearful giant scorpion moved towards Stretching forward, he hooked into Zhang Taixiong’s right shoulder with a snort.

Zhang Taixiong let out a scream, it hooked Zhang Taixiong, swung it up, and smashed it towards Wang Xuan.

“help me–”

Zhang Taixiong’s eyes widened with fear on his face, and he looked at Wang Xuan eagerly, he didn’t want to die.

Wang Xuan did not expect these two fearful king scorpions to be so powerful. Seeing Zhang Taixiong encountering danger, he let out an angry shout, stood up, and took the initiative to face Zhang Taixiong who was smashing over.

Seeing that he was about to hit Zhang Taixiong, his body suddenly swayed and narrowly avoided, and the giant arm of the monster on the right waved, hitting the steel hook arm of the fearful king scorpion.

A blue dim light lit up, and only a crisp sound of ‘squeak” could be heard, and the steel hook arm of Zhang Taixiong was broken by the fearful king scorpion.

Wang Xuan kicked his feet, jumped forward, and hit the fear king scorpion again. The metal tentacle controlled by his left hand turned upside down, showing the giant arm of the beast, and slammed firmly on the steel raised by the fear king scorpion. hook on the arm.

At the same moment, Xiao Bichen let out a scream, Wang Xuan’s heart sank, and the scream was not good. He turned his head in a hurry, but saw that Xiao Bichen was pierced by another steel hook of the fearful king scorpion. It waved the steel hook and hooked Xiao Bichen’s. The belly, with **** hook tips emerging from the back, lifted her up in the air.

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