Last Building on Earth

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Longmao Plaza

A new energy car was parked on the negative second floor of the underground parking lot of Longmao Plaza.

Wang Xuan opened the co-pilot’s door and walked down.

The driver’s name is Zhao Lei, he wears glasses, his skin is fair, he looks gentle, and his squinting eyes always look like he’s smiling.

There are three girls of the same age as them in the back row of the car. The girl sitting in the middle is thinner and smaller. Her name is Zhang Qianwen. She is less than 1.6 meters tall and weighs no more than 80 kilograms. Her skin is slightly dark and her cheeks are long. A few pimples look like a bamboo pole against a head, which looks a little stunted.

On Zhang Qianwen’s left sits a fat girl named Wang Qin, with shoulder-length short hair, holding a bag of potato chips that is almost at the bottom of her mouth, with tiny chips of potato chips sticking to the corners of her mouth. All the way up to now, she has finished two bags of potato chips.

The girl sitting on Zhang Qianwen’s right hand is the most beautiful of the three girls. Her name is Gu Manyao. She is moderately fat and thin, with fair skin and beautiful skin. Under her long eyelashes, her eyes are gleaming and she looks bright.

Wang Xuan and they are both colleagues from the same company and have a good relationship.

Taking advantage of the weekend holiday, the five of them made an appointment for an outdoor barbecue, and they were going to buy barbecue ingredients at Longmao Plaza first.

“It’s getting late, hurry up.” After Zhao Lei got out of the car, seeing that the three girls were still dawdling, he shouted loudly.

Wang Qin rolled his eyes at him and said, “What’s the hurry, it’s not even ten o’clock. When we buy everything, it’s at most ten thirty, and we can go to the barbecue place after eleven o’clock. The time is just right.”

Wang Qin has a relatively strong personality. Zhao Lei saw that she had a headache, and when she said it, he didn’t dare to be more wordy.

Wang Xuan and Zhao Lei walked in the front, and the three girls were behind, holding hands, discussing a very popular TV series that was recently shown, and whether the male lead was good-looking or the second male lead was more handsome.

The five quickly found the elevator going up to the shopping mall. Wang Xuan pressed the button and found that there was no response.

“The elevator is broken?” Zhao Lei also pressed it twice, but there was no response.

“It might be a power outage.” Wang Xuan noticed that there was an emergency light on above, and there was a high probability of a power outage.

Zhang Qianwen complained with a full face: “It’s unfortunate, we went up.”

Can’t take the elevator, the five people can only find the stairs up.

Wang Xuan soon found another elevator, but this elevator also stopped and could not be used.

Ten minutes later, all the five people saw except for the rows of parked cars were huge load-bearing columns, and they didn’t find any stairs going up or an exit to the ground floor.

“It’s weird, why do you seem to be running around in circles all the time? Who is the person who manages the parking lot, who doesn’t know how to get a sign?” Although Zhao Lei looked at Sven, his temper was actually a little impatient, and he couldn’t help shouting.

Wang Xuan looked at the uppercase E on the load-bearing columns facing him, representing the E area of the second-floor underground parking lot.

The three-storey underground parking lot of Longmao Plaza is divided into 12 areas including ABCDEF. Each floor has four areas. The second underground floor is divided into E, F, G, and H. Eight parking spaces, their car was parked in Zone F, and now they are in Zone E.

Wang Xuan frowned slightly.

Just ten minutes ago, they had been going around these districts. It stands to reason that they should find an exit anyway, but they never found an entrance or exit, nor did they see the stairs.

Wang Xuan suddenly found Zhao Lei beside him pale, staring at the ground in front of him, his face as if he had seen a ghost.

“Zhao Lei, what’s wrong?” Wang Xuan was slightly startled, thinking that Zhao Lei was not feeling well, and immediately reached out to support him.

“I’m fine.” Zhao Lei wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, “Wang Xuan, Gu Manyao, everyone, come and see this.”

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger and pointed to the numbers on the ground in front of the four parked cars in the oncoming row.

Wang Xuan, Gu Manyao, Zhang Qianwen, and Wang Qin all squeezed together and looked at the ground.

The numbers on the ground in front of these four cars are E006, E007, E008, and E009, which means that the four cars are parked in the No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, and No. 9 parking spaces in Zone E.

“Is there any problem with this? Zhao Lei, what are you trying to do?” Wang Qin looked at Zhao Lei with a dissatisfied expression as she put potato chips in her mouth.

Wang Xuan was also a little confused. He not only carefully looked at the numbers on the ground, but also looked at the four cars parked in front of him, two black sedans, a white off-road vehicle and a red hatchback sedan. What’s the problem.

Seeing several people looking at him with bewildered expressions, Zhao Lei licked his lips and said, “I drove here once last Sunday, and I parked my car at E007. I drove the car down the **** at the entrance, and there was an vacant parking space on the edge of the slope, which is the No. 7 parking space in Zone E. I parked the car here, and when I got off the car and looked up, I could see the **** at the entrance.”

Zhao Lei raised his head as he spoke, looked at a wall not far away, raised his finger, and said, “If I remember correctly, this direction should be the entrance slope, why… why is it now a wall? ”

Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao’s three daughters listened and looked at each other.

Zhang Qianwen shrank her shoulders and said, “Zhao Lei, you are really immoral. This place is a little dark and gloomy. You have to say this on purpose to be scary.”

She didn’t believe what Zhao Lei said, thinking that Zhao Lei was deliberately trying to scare them.

Zhao Lei shook his head and said, “I didn’t scare you, what I said is true.”

Wang Xuan looked at Zhao Lei and didn’t look like he was lying. He didn’t see the exit just after walking for ten minutes. He already felt something was wrong. Now he heard Zhao Lei say that the place that was supposed to be the entrance **** has now become a wall. , UU reading Although he couldn’t figure out what was going on, his unease became stronger and stronger.

“Zhao Lei, did you remember wrong?” Wang Qin finally stopped eating potato chips.

“I don’t know either.” Zhao Lei showed a frustrated look. He was sure that he remembered correctly, but what he saw now is different from what he remembered. The only explanation is that he remembered it wrong.

Wang Xuandao: “Let’s go back to the car, Zhao Lei, you should always remember the way you drove in. We can drive out as we drove in.”

Because of the power outage, the parking lot on the second floor of the basement looks very dark. Before the five people talked and laughed along the way, it was okay, but after searching for so long, they could not find an exit, and what Zhao Lei just said, although Several people don’t know whether it is true or not, but they feel inexplicable uneasiness in their hearts. As a result, they begin to feel that the place looks gloomy.

Zhang Qianwen was the least timid, and was a little scared in her heart. She hugged Gu Manyao’s arm. Wang Qin looked at Wang Xuan and said, “Just drive out? Don’t you buy a barbecue?”

Wang Xuan shook his head and said, “Let’s go out first. Besides, there are parking spaces on the side of the road, so you don’t have to park here.”

Hearing what Wang Xuan said, everyone stopped talking, and immediately accelerated their pace and hurried to the F area where they had just parked.

The five people quickly passed through Area E, and their car parked in the No. 66 parking space in Area F. According to the numbers on the ground, it was not difficult to find the parking space of F066.

As soon as Zhao Lei entered the F area, he started pressing the remote control key, and immediately saw the front and rear lights of a car not far away flashing twice.

“I found it.” Zhao Lei immediately accelerated and walked towards the direction where the front and rear lights flashed just now.

Just a few steps away, Gu Manyao snorted and stopped suddenly.

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