Just Become A Son of God, This Imperial Clan Is Too Cautious!

Chapter 52

Chapter 52 Terrifying Fang Ming!

Chapter 52 Terrifying Fang Ming!

“This…what’s going on?!

“Magic repair!”

Looking at Fang Ming who suddenly appeared on the top of the tower, and the changes in this giant tower, all the younger generations on the field changed their faces.

And just when everyone was a little stunned, and some did not respond.

Fang Ming’s figure suddenly roared, dragging the incomparably horrified phantom shadow behind him, killing everyone.




With the sound of dozens of consecutive explosions.

Where Fang Ming passed, all the creatures turned into blood mists.


Fang Ming is like an embroidery needle of the god of death, constantly passing through the younger generation of the major forces and even some fierce beasts, completely unstoppable!

Almost in the blink of an eye.

It was already raining blood around the entire giant tower.

The scene is terrifying!

And wait for the people to react.

Everyone started running around involuntarily.

“I didn’t expect that this will was invaded so quickly.”

At this moment, looking at Fang Ming, Feng Hao’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn’t help but let out a whisper in his heart, a little surprised.

For such a result, in fact, he had already expected it.


This speed is a bit too fast!


It seems that this is not just as simple as being infected by demonic energy!

“Not good! This guy seems to be able to absorb these blood energy and strengthen himself!”

At this time, someone shouted, sending out a hint of mystery.

That is, every time Fang Ming kills a living being, his aura will increase accordingly.

And hear this.

Everyone on the field shrank their pupils and their faces changed greatly.

That is to say.

The ferocious beasts they just killed were completely making wedding gowns for this Fang Ming!

Moreover, in this giant tower, I am afraid that there is no chance.

Even if there is, it should have been taken away by this Fang Ming.

Looking at Fang Ming’s battle strength at the moment and the almost lifeless madness on his face, no doubt made everyone’s scalp tingle.

this moment.

Almost everyone has the same idea in their hearts.

That is, get out of here!

“The devil! This is a devil~”!”

“Come on, there is no chance at all in this giant tower!”

“I was taken first by this guy! What kind of magic power is this, it is so terrifying!

“Let’s go, young master, don’t stay here for a long time!

a time.

Everywhere in the ruins, there were bursts of shouts.

Most of the younger generation started frantically stepping towards the exit.

But just when everyone was ready to go out.

A loud drink suddenly sounded from the crowd.

“Not good! The entrance is closed, and the void is also blocked!

Their back road has already been cut off.

For a moment, everyone’s faces changed drastically.

However, someone in the crowd suddenly realized the situation at hand.

“Damn it, just kill this person, why run away?! If you kill this person, you might be able to grab the treasure! 99

As soon as this word comes out.

Many people are heartbroken.


They seemed to be frightened by Fang Ming’s aura.

Actually forgot about it.

They are the party with many people, and this Fang Ming is only alone!

After understanding this situation.

Just a few breaths of silence.

That is, there are many figures attacking Fang Ming.

“Son of God, we…”

At this time, looking at this scene, Zi Xin’s eyes couldn’t help but turn to Feng Hao who was on the side.

But before he could finish his words, Feng Hao interrupted him directly.

“Not urgent.

Of course not in a hurry.

First of all, his purpose is not treasure, just to conquer this Fang Ming.

Secondly, he didn’t think Fang Ming, who had now formed a bond with this giant tower, would be defeated so easily.

There may be some mystery in this!


Just the next second Feng Hao’s voice fell.

His conjecture was fulfilled!

As these young Tianjiao rushed towards Fang Ming.

next moment.

The beasts in this game seemed to have become extremely violent, rushing towards Fang Ming frantically, forming a huge wall of beast tides.

Just a face to face.

These young geniuses turned into blood mist in this terrifying beast tide.

“Not good! This guy can control these beasts!

At this time, someone suddenly opened his mouth and discovered the problem.

And with that said.

Almost everyone in the entire ruins felt a sudden tingling in their scalps.

To know.

The ferocious beasts in this ruin are incomparably vast.

If these beasts were not like headless flies, they would only attack instinctively, and they would not be able to resist so easily.

If Fang Ming can control these beasts, then the terrifying power that this wave of beasts can erupt is definitely not something they can stop!

This is coupled with Ming Ming’s ability to continuously grow.

If they continue to stay here, there will only be a dead end!

“Elder save me!

“No! No! I don’t want to die!

“Elder, quickly open the exit!

a time.

Feelings of panic and fear suddenly sounded from all over the ruins.

And at the same time.

In the outside world at this time, everyone also saw the changes in the ruins from the picture.

“`” What’s going on here?

“How could a demon cultivator suddenly appear!”

“No, this magic cultivator seems to be the first guy who rushed in!”

“Is this how magic cultivators grow up?! It’s really ruthless!


Suddenly, there were bursts of shocking sounds on the field.


The sudden appearance of Fang Ming now completely disrupted everyone’s original expectations.

“It’s Fang Ming!

“How could Fang Ming become like this! 35

“Could he have secretly practiced such magic skills?!”

at this time.

In this slave camp, someone recognized Fang Ming in the picture, and his face was full of disbelief.

In their eyes, Fang Ming is a kind-hearted, gentle and ordinary young man. If there is something special about him, at most he is in better health than some other young people.

And now, it turned out to be like this.

This contrast is really too big!

(to Nuo Zhao) “This guy!”

On the chariot of Tuyue Immortal Hall, an elder figure looked at Fang Ming, who was killing constantly, and couldn’t help frowning slightly, his face a little dignified.

If you carefully recall some of Fang Ming’s previous actions, it is indeed a bit intriguing.

It seems that Fang Ming’s chance is this magic cultivation method!

But now it seems that this magic method seems to be beyond Fang Ming’s control.

Now Fang Ming in this picture is completely a machine that only knows how to kill.

“Not good, the space in this is already blocked, forcibly opening it, I am afraid they will all fall. 99

At this time, the elder Jiang family took back the palm print and spoke sharply, with a solemn expression on his face.

And hear this.

Everyone in the major forces was condensed in their hearts, and there was a touch of anxious slavery in their eyes.


Just when everyone was anxious.

In the picture at this time, there is suddenly a figure, and at this moment, it is heading towards that Fang Ming with the momentum of breaking the bamboo.

This person is certainly not someone else.

It is God Son Tuyue!

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