Is It Bad That the Main Character's a Roleplayer?

Chapter 4: I Shouldn’t Have Done That (4)

Chapter 4: I Shouldn't Have Done That (4)

As the thought: ‘Dungeons, perfect for making one lose their sense of time,’ crossed my mind while wandering through the place, I skimmed through all the previously revealed parts of the Quest.

「? Clean the Dirty Sewers

? Demons Eliminated: 62 / ??

? Subquest - Keepsakes found: 6 / 13

? Subquest - Traces of deceased adventurers retrieved: 5 / ??」

The Quest was progressing quite well. While I didn’t know my overall progress, it shouldn’t be that little, considering I had already found half of the keepsakes.

I also got a new Subquest.

“Is it blocked again?”


I took out the map to mark the road I’d just taken. I had almost cleared the entire map already, with only one road remaining.

It was quite likely that additional parts would get added to the map, either due to the appearance of a boss room with missing keepsakes or paths opening up.


I returned the pen to the cap held my mouth and folded the map back up.

Should I wait for the ink to dry? That would be a waste of time. The map was already soaked in Goblin blood and somewhat tattered.

Though blood didn’t splash on it directly, my bloodied hands dirtied the map whenever I took it out.

However, it was fine as long as I could still read it. I could find almost everything.

I searched through the dead end after putting the folded map back into my coat. I had learned with time that the needed items and objects were in places like this.

「? Clean the Dirty Sewers

? Demons Eliminated: 62 / ??

? Subquest - Keepsakes found: 7 / 13

? Subquest - Traces of deceased adventurers retrieved: 7 / ??」

As expected, I found a worker’s corpse and some dead adventurers’ traces. I rubbed my strained eyes with the back of my bloodstained hand.

“Why are those things so damn hard to find…?”

It would have been nice if the items I needed were highlighted or sparkled.

If I hadn’t looked down at the first road upon hearing bones crunching beneath my boots, I would have walked around wondering where the corpses were.

Furthermore, if I hadn’t tried putting those items in my inventory just in case, I wouldn’t have taken anything with me because they weren’t marked at all.

With those minor complaints in my mind, I groped around the corpses.

Since I had a limited carrying capacity in both volume and weight, I couldn’t bring the whole body with me. The best I could do was take things that could prove their identity, such as pendants, rings, and adventurer’s cards.

“My character couldn’t get even a single keepsake.”

Now that I thought of it, didn’t this guy go on a rampage right after the Demon settled in his body, obliterating not only his family’s corpses but even his house? He blew away his entire house, leaving him unable to keep even a single thing.

That was how the original setting went. I thought it wouldn’t have carried over to the remake, but… considering the opening cutscene, it seemed it did.

That was a little pitiful.



Well, thanks to that, I could better immerse myself in my setting!

I lifted the pendant gently, as a character unable to keep a memento of his own would never handle others’ roughly. I figured this would be the right action to take.

So long as the character setting wasn’t blatantly ignoring causality, I wanted to add as many of these details as possible because it added depth.

“Come on, you insects…”

By the way, was there any better line I could use here?

As soon as I put away the pendant, I raised my sword to the Goblins that had again appeared behind me.

“I’ll send you right back to the hellhole you crawled out from…!”

Ugh. Even though I had finally compiled these lines after months of hard work, they were still lacking. There had to be something cheesier and cooler that I could say!


I slashed through the Goblins once more. The passages with Demon Nests were covered in strange roots that shone scarlet under the flickering lantern’s light.


The cries of rats and Goblins echoed through the passages like a discordant melody. It wasn’t particularly pleasant to my ears; in fact, it hurt them.

But how could I succumb to unpleasant sounds when I had already overcome this disgusting smell?

Additionally, I didn’t have to put up with these irritating noises. After all, it was my job to get rid of their source! In other words, I could actually vent my full anger on these things without much trouble.

“I won’t leave even a single trace of you bastards!”

Die, you fuckers! Outwardly, because of my unending hatred toward your mere existence; inwardly, for my ears! Wahaha!


I smashed in the heads of Goblins that appeared before me. Before long, I reached a crossroad leading to the only passage I hadn’t yet entered.

I brushed off the blood that had splattered onto my body and stepped forward without hesitation. Shortly after, I reached a spacious area.


The huge, empty space was covered in black and soggy ropes with dozens of Goblins within. One among them stood out the most.

Kak, Kak!

A Goblin, holding a cane, walked between the others as they parted like the Red Sea.

「Hobgoblin │ A mutation that occurs when a Goblin survives after ingesting a great amount of Demonic Energy. They have higher intelligence and special powers that normal Goblins lack.」

Hobgoblins had bright red skin instead of the usual olive coloration and were twice the size of normal Goblins. Usually, they also appeared as random weak mobs, but it wasn’t too strange that they’d decided to use one as this area’s boss in the game’s early stages.


However, I could hear other strange sounds between all the Goblins’ cries and shouts.

I moved my eyes. Behind the Goblins, I could see a tightly bound child.

“It seems like you are the last ones…”

Rather than sympathizing with the child, I felt something else. In the original game, one could choose whether to save the child or leave them to die.

My choice? Of course I would save them.

When playing the original, I didn’t help or save the child because my setting then was that of a ruthless Demon hunter, but this time I had mellowed the settings a bit.

Furthermore, unlike back then, I’d become more invested in protecting minors as I grew older. Even the kid being an NPC didn't make much of a difference. Kids should always be happy and safe, no matter what.


Well, saving the kid was one thing, and being immersed was another. The child seemed about the same age as the character’s younger sister from the opening cutscene, which was absolutely perfect for my acting.

“You detestable Demons.”

The space was large enough, so I decided to use my Zweih?nder, not the Longsword. It should be fine.

I put away the Longsword and reached my hand to the hilt of the sword strapped to my back. The movement seemed almost ingrained in my body. I closed my hand around the firm handle.


I pulled out the 1.6-meter-long sword.

“Be honored.”


I didn’t know if that thing realized what my drawing this sword meant, but the Hobgoblin also raised its held staff.

A few normal Goblins rushed to the walls and slowly crept toward me. They’d probably jump me before I could reach the boss.

“You shall know death.”

However, it was rather troublesome that they looked down on gamers like me who had already cleared dozens of games.

“Victory to my blade, glory to the heavens…!”

I raised my sword high toward the sky, attempting to imitate a knight.

My class was nicknamed ‘Demon Knight’ by those around the character to begin with. Even if I didn’t give myself this nickname, some NPCs would still just call me Demon Knight.

Did they arbitrarily decide to call the class that? I didn’t think so. At least, that was how it seemed to someone like me, who valued the narrative and probability.

So I decided that the character should at least act minimally like a knight for people to have given him that nickname. This was the result of that train of thought.

Ah, I didn’t intend to act too much like a knight either, of course.

Frankly, if I wanted to consider chivalry even while hunting Demons, I would have just played as a Knight. There was no way that this character, who had abandoned the path of a knight to hunt down every last Demon, still cared that much about chivalry.

So that was it for knight-like behavior. I would fight, however, like a Demon.

I immediately rushed at the enemy and swung my sword.


The Zweih?nder I gripped with both hands cut through the air.

Its size made it almost too difficult to handle, but it was still manageable thanks to the game’s combat correction and my experience using similar weapons in other games.


After holding the handle and blade with both hands to prevent the Goblins from attacking me, I gently released the blade, sliding my fingers over it as if scanning its form.

After passing over the Parrying Hooks and reaching the Ricasso, an unsharpened part of the blade right above the crossguard, I grabbed it tightly once more and swung. The hand holding the handle moved to the left, and the one holding the Ricasso moved to the right to swing it properly.


After cutting the falling Goblins in half, I quickly fixed my grip. My hands immediately flipped the sword downwards, lowering the Zweih?nder to the floor.


I pierced through the head of a Goblin that tried to claw at my legs.

I stomped on it, pulling out my sword and swinging once more. With that, the fourth Goblin died. When that cowardly boss called out, all of them temporarily retreated.

In that case, I should hurry up and deal some damage before the Hobgoblin sent the next wave after me.

* * *

* * *

As I saw the Goblins hidden in the burrows of both walls pop out, I moved forward. That idiot trying to attack me with his friends began panicking and slowly retreated to the side.

However, my Zweih?nder was 1.6 meters long.

I swung it before the Goblins could stop me. The blade, ignoring all defense, slashed through the staff of the Hobgoblin, knocking the boss aside.

Wow, it seemed one could actually destroy weapons in this game. I should never even attempt to use a wooden weapon.

As the splinters flew around, I also got bitten. I quickly retrieved my sword as I stepped back and used it as a shield, blocking the Goblins from attacking.

At that moment, a Goblin at my back drove its nails into my exposed neck. Thanks to the reduced pain level, it only felt like a tingling shock.

“You won’t kill me…”

I could see my HP getting depleted pretty quickly, so I deftly grabbed the bugger and flung it off. However, right then, another one of those fuckers clung to my thigh.

Even though I could kill them in one cut, they were so small that hitting them was really annoying.

“With those weak attacks. Die, you worms!”

If I dealt with the one stuck to me first, it was highly likely that those rushing at me from the sides would stick to my shoulders. As such, I just swung my sword as if I’d gone berserk, wearing a deep frown.

The two Goblins preparing to jump at me were instantly split into two.

Then I grabbed the small Demon clinging to my thigh and tossed it to the ground.


I trampled on its head, smashing it to pieces. Close-quarter attacks sure felt rewarding.


Even after that, the Goblins didn’t stop their attack. The boss probably kept ordering them to rush at me.

In that case, killing that guy should be my priority.

After checking how much of my HP remained, I kicked the ground. Then, holding onto the Ricasso and handle, I swung the sword in every possible direction.

I just swung this mighty blade without a direct target to keep the Goblins away from me.

Had I swung it four times now? I finally caught up with the boss, who fled behind the Goblins in his surroundings. The Goblins around me tore my clothes and scratched my skin, but they didn’t cause any major injuries.


Before I was about to attack the boss, I knocked away a Goblin rushing at me.

I ended up penetrating two of them at the same time. Thanks to that, my sword was effectively locked.

However, that was what I was hoping for. After releasing the sword, I grabbed the Longsword from my waist with my left hand.

I didn’t hesitate to abandon my weapon for a moment. I had accidentally dropped my weapon earlier, but it had stayed where it was.

The sword I gently drew from its scabbard immediately cut down a Goblin even as I aimed further beyond it.


Blood splattered on my cheeks, neck, vest, and even the shirt beneath my coat. It was the blood of the Hobgoblin I could only draw by allowing several Goblins to drive their nails into my body.



Was it because I pierced through its head? Or was it because of my weapon? Either way, the Hobgoblin died instantly.

「Fear and Confusion │ If a leader is killed right before their subordinates, some enemies might run away in fear or lose their fighting spirit.」

The Goblins seemed agitated by the death of their leader.


After removing my sword from the Hobgoblin’s body, I kicked away the terrified worms and subsequently cut them down.

I retrieved my Zweih?nder during that. Such a weapon was far superior in killing many enemies in an open space.

“Go to hell.”

After defeating the boss, the remaining guys were very easy to deal with.

I slaughtered them one after the other, speaking in a disgusted voice. I made certain not to miss a single one among those running away, either.

If I failed to kill even one and couldn’t complete the Quest, I might just faint.

“Those insignificant worms.”

After killing them all, I mumbled to myself while wiping the blood from my sword.

Truthfully, I never actually felt they were insignificant while fighting them, but that was what bluffs were. One just had to make up or exaggerate their statements and roll with it.

“I can’t handle these things, so I left them unattended until now…”

However, it wasn’t any fun just showing off, so I added a bit of personality to my statement.

I pretended to be strong to hide my own weakness, but what I said in a slightly bitter voice reflected the character setting that I was actually weak. I was going for a slightly remorseful and sad feeling.


At the end, I clicked my tongue in frustration. Great! Perfect! This year’s Immersion Award would definitely go to me!


At that moment, I could hear a groan from beside me.

Only then did I remember that I had someone to save. I didn’t really forget about that completely. It was just a lower priority at the moment.

“You’re lucky, brat.”

I approached the wall the little kid had been tied up at, wearing a cold expression. The child had been suspended on a rope that was more like the root of some plant.


I ripped it apart with my hands. My grip was stronger than expected, so I immediately removed the kid without embarrassing myself.

“Th-thank you…”

The kid I had just saved seemed a little taller than the little sister I had seen in the opening cutscene. Even then, he was still small enough to only come up to my chest.

The dead sister would have been smaller.

“…You don’t have to thank me.”

While remembering that, I became even more immersed. A child even smaller than this one had been killed, my little sister, and her murderer was in my arm?

It was amazing he didn’t go crazy. In his shoes, I would also brandish my sword to kill every Demon out there.

“Protecting the weak…”

Anyway, I had to do my lines now. He was speaking with a child who reminded him of his dead younger sister, and unlike before when he couldn’t do anything to save her, this time he’d succeeded.

How would he feel in that situation?

“is only natural for a knight.”

My voice shook slightly at the end as I raised my hand. I wanted to pat the child’s head.

However, since I was essentially right-handed, I unconsciously raised my right hand.

That would be a bad move. According to my character setting, he believed his right arm was a terrible and cursed thing, so much so that he even changed his dominant hand. There was no way that he would touch others with it, much less a child.

“Are… are you a knight?”

I pondered for a while.

Should I be rude or kind to this child?

Wouldn’t the latter be better? He didn’t want to be seen as weak and was also anxious about his current state, so he acted prickly. However, in the past, he had wanted to be a knight who protected the weak, like the elderly and children.

So I doubted he would act like that toward a child, but he might push him away again at a later point.


I immediately came to an answer.

I made my voice sound slightly icy, but I softened my tone a bit. If he spoke in a frosty voice, most people would think he was a man with a strong personality, even if what he said was normal.

Of course, the reason I chose to speak like that wasn’t only because of how I interpreted the character. The main reason was that I didn’t want to be so harsh to a child. The NPCs in this game were insanely well-made, after all.

Children have to be protected and grow up in a happy environment…

“…Why were you being held captive here?”

“My… My mom didn’t come back the day she went to clean the sewers… So I came to find my mom. I’m sorry…”

Aah, this poor kid. He got caught while looking for his mother. This uncle is about to cry, cry, I say.

“…That’s not your job, kid. You should have waited and trusted the adults.”

“I’m sorry…”

“Don’t apologize to me. I’m not the one you should apologize to.”

Even if this was a game, things weren’t that easy. Parents would often die because they lived in a far too dangerous world, leaving their children behind.

Urgh, after logging out, I’ll talk to my mom and dad. It had been a long time.

Thanks to this Quest, I decided to be more filial after a long time. What a surprising effect this game had.

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