Iron Blooded Hound

Chapter 42 - 42: Return of Morg Camus

Chapter 42: Chapter 42: Return of Morg Camus

Vikir thought to himself.

"What kind of situation is this?"

Strangely, since his return, something unexpected had happened.

The three shameful, energetic Baskervilles, who could come to be known as Hugo's Spear, had begun professing to be pleasing with Vikir.

The trio had even gone too far of firing a couple of times before Vikir backslid, and crucially, it was their weakness that he was caught and executed almost all out of time.

But what about now?

The High, Center, and Low Kin stayed in a circle around Vikir.

While before they had enclosed him to disturb him, now they were surrounding him to defend him.

"He's the pennant kid for our line, you can't permit him to fight just anyone. He wants to do his fair portion."



Lowbro even turned his head and winked at Vikir.

Vikir was considerably more stupefied.

"I just got my finger cut off, and this would he say he is' going to's claim to fame?"

However, this wasn't the first time Vikir had experienced this approach from the triplets.

"Definitely, they've been noticeably more developed since the last time they pursued a savage before everyone.

Maybe before that. Maybe since he'd killed a Cerberus in his most significant practical assessment at eight years of age?

I understood something was off when I moved toward Vikir while he was scarfing down a haggis and professed to be very much arranged.

Vikir had consumed his entire time on earth avoiding the thought of his family.

They were excessively frail and energetic to merit his thought.

Regardless, this absence of concern most likely caused an adjustment in the threesomes' minds.

All things considered, it was in the Baskervilles' propensity to understand the perspective of the most grounded.

Likewise, they were apparently under a peculiar double dealing.

"Give this spot to us, Vikir. We'll repay you for endorsing us to the Establishment."

"Give it to us, Vikir. We'll repay you."

"Give it to us, Vikir. We'll make it subject to you."

The triplets talk sincerely.

Vikir suddenly recalled his conversation with Hugo as of late.

He had referred to the threesomes without thinking when asked what his personality was close, and it had obviously captivated them.

Vikir decided to keep his mouth shut.

It's reliably enchanting to see a young person who accepts he's achieving something unprecedented.

(Moreover, these threesomes have a messed up character, so that is a beguiling thing about them.)

Vikir thought momentarily.

"They could be useful.

These triplets will unquestionably grow up to be very significant killing machines.

They presumably will not have the intellectual ability to seek after their own decisions, yet they totally knew how to do all that they were said.

They've been used for many unpretentious and chaotic positions, so they've demonstrated to be both skilled and enduring.

Canines, from a genuine perspective. Brutally faithful to their master's structure.

Also, that was something Vikir knew very well, having been eaten by their teeth.

Finally, Vikir gritted his teeth in shame.

"I'll permit you an open door, kin."

The triplets' faces enlightened.

They stayed before Vikir, looking considerably more fulfilled than when they'd acknowledged Hugo's praise toward the month's end review.

"In light of everything, expecting they will go to all that trouble, why shouldn't I?

Vikir decided to stay in the background for the present.


The three sisters of Morg and the three kin of Baskerville planned to clash.

The three sisters of Morg and the three kin of Baskerville had proactively met at a couple of yearly events, and they had acquired reputation for getting along harshly.

The three sisters struck first.

"What a great deal of blockheads, all you know how to do is stay together in threes."

Lausis rushed to convey her hands to the ground.

With her solid Water Area divination, she outlined inestimable water dabs and began to shoot them out.


The force of the water dots flying at high speed areas of strength for was.

It was said that falling water could drink the vast majority of the day to penetrate through rocks, but the mana-stacked globules she was passing could enter on through rocks in a second.

The ground is squashed.

The drops of water that Lowsis delivered pierced vast openings in the ground, drenching the earth with clamminess.

Middlesea went with a similar example.

She has some skill in solid earth wizardry, and with an expansiveness of her hands, she collects the free soil.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

At Middlesea's structure, the waterlogged and deformable soil outlined an earth wall that incorporated the three sisters.

Moreover, sharp shakes enlarged from its surface like front lines, considering both insurance and offense.

Finally, the most seasoned sister, Hyssis, wandered forward


Address extensive expert in solid grass charm, she flicked her hands together and pulled the grass seeds from under the ground.

Thick plant stalks developed and plants created, profiting from the waters of Lowthis and the soil of Middlethis.

Land, water, and vegetation worked in agreeable energy to make Morg's fortifications more grounded and more grounded, while at the same time descending on their enemies.

Undoubtedly, these are the qualities that merit it the name "The Three Blooms of Morg.

Regardless, Baskerville's three kin were no slumps all the same.

"Heh, heh, heh, heh, how are we going to deal with all that grass and no meat?"

"What are you going to do?"

"What are we going to do?"

Hive rushed to skip up.

A pale radiation of vaporous design drew out a single sharp tooth and pulverized it into the dirt wall before him.


...Pow! Pow!

The earthen wall broadcasted out, uncovering inside.

It was only a solitary circle of charm, so its watchman was obviously confined.

The sharp edges of Center Sibling and Low Sibling trailed not very far behind appropriately, cutting down.

The quick turning environments deteriorated the flying water drops and obliterated the plant stalks.

Clang! Clang! Pow!

Edge and wizardry clashed brutally.

The charm was drawing in more mana, imitating the power of the parts even more solidly, and the cutting edge was exploding with fuel from the mana and life force in his body.

Which is more grounded, charm or sword?

It was a reliably present conversation between the bordering spaces of Morg and Baskerville.

Furthermore, at the front of that chat today stood these three sisters and three kin.

All of the six was fighting to show their family's banner.


Watching on, Vikir was depleted.

In light of everything, what strain could there be in a battle between three first class mages who could use first-circle wizardry and three humble Blade Expert youths who had as of late overwhelmed the essential sort of Baskerville?

Similarly, Vikir is a debilitated individual from across the stream, with no certifiable association or cooperation to the Baskervilles.

"I wish they'd all pass on.

It's an extremely basic mindset.

Nonetheless, various knights of Baskerville, with the exception of Vikir, had a substitute mindset.

They by and large had all the earmarks of being extremely invigorated, whether or not they say exactly that.

Staffordshire went to Vikir, who had a dreary disposition everywhere.

"Might it at some point be said that you are living it up?"


"Isn't it a challenge of capacity and potential among energetic visionaries who will one day convey the family name nearby?"

"Expecting you put it that way, I'm a visionary."

"Pro, you're presently... ... and you're not fit to play in that age bundle."

"It's essentially a certain waste of time. I ought to pass quickly, I have a social event with the highest point of the post to look at... ... ."

Anyway, Vikir couldn't finish his sentence.

Quack, quack, quack!

A solid shoot tore through the area.



The three sisters of the Morg family and the three kin of the Baskerville family were evidently incapacitated.

Flares roared, consuming everything around them.

Sticks of steel rose beginning from the earliest stage, the locale into a field of thorns.

Puff, puff, puff!

The skewered mass of earth collapses in a second.

The singing force drank with outrageous intensity the water and vegetation before Baskerville pushed back the threesomes' edges and sent them flying.

A line of fire and iron, red and dull, detaches the Morgans from the Baskervilles in a second.

The charm areas of strength for was the point that even the other Baskervilles, who had been watching the children's fight with amusement, half-sheathed their blades in shock.

Snap, pop, pop, pop!

In no time, the enveloping cotton fields changed into a damnation.

The Baskerville triplets hardly made it past the mass of fire.

In any case, their hair was by then cooked to a new.

"Hi, what in the world, you basically consumed me!"

"What in the world!"


The threesomes yanked their heads up to battle Morg's indecency.

Anyway, Morg's three sisters on the contrary side of the room were managed shockingly more awful.

Notwithstanding the way that they are singed by the flares, but they've been punctured, scratched, and torn all over.

Crawling on the floor, Highsis, Middlesis, and Lowsis had faint repulsiveness in their eyes.

"Hmph, hmph... ... I almost kicked the bucket a couple of moments prior... ... ."

"If you had dodged fairly later, you would have passed on, hmph-"

"Sisters-I'm frightened."

Seeing them flounder, the Baskerville triplets quickly shut their mouths to contradict.

Morg was resolute, even against his own friends and family.

All heads moved toward the bearing the fire wizardry had come from.

Then, from past the impediment of fire, came a peaceful voice.

"... ... What is this?"

An infection voice, but somehow natural.

Additionally, with it, a power of iron sticks and hot bursts.

The distant designation that would later come to be known as Jian Tian Muhu.

Morg's lover, who could come to be known as the Sovereign of Fire and Sticks, or the Sovereign of Red and Dim.

'... ... Yet she is at this point energetic.

Vikir rotated toward the sky.

An eight-year-old young woman abruptly of memories.

Additionally, as of now, a totally become fifteen-year-old young woman.

Morg Camus.

She looked down at him, rejoined following seven years.

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