Investment Return System, Start by taking Demon Empress as a Disciple

Chapter 47: The Arrival of Leng Yanran - Anticipating the Spectacle

Chapter 47: The Arrival of Leng Yanran - Anticipating the Spectacle

Although the woman seemed to be walking casually through thin air, she was in fact employing a unique form of body technique. With each step, she covered a hundred meters effortlessly. With mastery, she could even cross thousands of meters in a single stride, making this technique highly practical for both travel and combat.

Even the two small bells on her ankles were no mere ornaments. They were genuine profound-grade treasures, their ringing capable of unsettling one's concentration.

The woman scanned her surroundings, searching for an unoccupied peak to rest upon.

"Holy Maiden, if you don't mind, why not wait for the secret realm to open with us? This peak is closest to the secret realm. As Brother Ren mentioned you will arrive, I have already cleared a clean space for you. If you're tired, you're welcome to rest in my palace, Lady."

Although Li Shenrou didn't spare Wang Yan a glance, he grinned and extended his invitation.

Watching Wang Yan's behavior, Ren Qirui couldn't help but marvel.

What a bootlicker!

But even with such flattery, Li Shenrou, known for her cold demeanor, was unlikely to be appreciative. Everyone in the Eastern Region knew of her icy temperament, particularly her distaste for men.

"Then, thank you for your offer, fellow Daoist."

After a brief moment of contemplation, Li Shenrou ultimately didn't decline Wang Yan's goodwill. After all, in the Northern Region, being able to stay with people from the Eastern Region was something she had grown accustomed to.

Taking a few steps, she arrived at the mountaintop. Although she appeared to stand on the ground, a careful observer would notice that Li Shenrou's bare feet maintained a minute distance from the earth. They hovered in the air, untouched by the dust below.

Upon reaching the peak, Li Shenrou merely nodded slightly to Wang Yan and Ren Qirui, then found a large stone to sit cross-legged, closing her eyes and falling silent.

"Ahem, since that's the case, we won't distrub Holy Maiden's cultivation. Let's wait for the secret realm to open and then venture forth together!"

Wang Yan initially intended to strike up a conversation, but seeing Li Shenrou's attitude, he decided to let it be.

As expected, just as the rumors said, she's truly unlike ordinary people... If I have the chance to capture her and expose her contrary fa?ade, revealing that completely different expression, how marvelous it would be!

Unfortunately, the power behind Li Shenrou in the Eastern Region is not something anyone dares to provoke. Wang Yan's thoughts remain confined to his own late-night fantasies; he wouldn't be foolish enough to use force and seek his own demise!

Although Jin Ding Sect was a bit displeased that their mountain peak was taken by someone from the Eastern Region, Master Yang Chun could only swallow his anger considering the difference in strength. However, suddenly, Master Yang Chun saw a figure that both terrified and excited him!

"Fairy Leng, I had guessed that you would come to the secret realm, so we've prepared a spot for you here!" In the puzzled eyes of Abbot Kong Kai, he stood up and respectfully greeted the figure.

Abbot Kong Kai couldn't help but look in the direction that had caught his attention. However, after a mere glance, he hastily averted his eyes, closed them, and began reciting scriptures.

"This isn't just a fairy; it's clearly a witch…"

After just a glance at Leng Yanran, Abbot Kong Kai felt a subtle surge of heat in his body. He was tempted to break his vows! Moreover, as a practitioner of Buddhism, he could sense that Leng Yanran wasn't human; she was a member of the demon race. Even if she appeared human, she definitely cultivated demonic techniques!

Not a good match…

Upon hearing her name being called, Leng Yanran turned her head to see Master Yang Chun. Momentarily puzzled, she wondered why they didn't occupy the nearest mountain peak to the entrance of the secret realm. However, she ignored Master Yang Chun's intentions and gave him a simple glance before heading toward the mountain peak controlled by the Eastern Region.

"Now, the show is about to begin…"

Seeing that Leng Yanran didn't pay him any mind, Master Yang Chun didn't harbor any resentment. Since the last incident, Leng Yanran had become almost like a demon in his heart. She was truly the most terrifying witch!

And now, this witch was headed for the mountain peak controlled by the Eastern Region. There was bound to be friction, and who knew if she would unleash the same terror as before!

She could easily release thirty Sky Monuments with a mere wave of her hand. Even the power from the Eastern Region would likely struggle to contend with that. Whether it was Leng Yanran or the Eastern Region's power, suffering would benefit them. If both sides were weakened, it would be a golden opportunity for their three major sects.

While passing by a mountain peak, Leng Yanran suddenly sensed something and furrowed her brows, looking over.

A cultivator at the Profound Sky Realm was flying towards her with a rather boorish expression.

"Esteemed Fairy, I must admit that I've fallen in love with you at first sight. I wonder if the Fairy would consider becoming my Dao companion. I am the direct disciple of Feixue Sect's Chief, and I am destined to be the next Sect Master! If the Fairy feels that our acquaintance is too brief, we can take our time to develop…"

Continually praising himself, the man's ability to reach the Profound Sky Realm at the age of thirty did make him one of the top talents in the Northern Region. He was second only to the top disciples of the Four Great Sects. Therefore, he was exceedingly confident in his charm!

"Fairy, how about it? Have you considered my proposal?"

However, as he spoke, suddenly all his words got stuck in his throat, and he could only make muffled sounds.

Leng Yanran furrowed her brows and reached out to grip his neck with one hand.

"Disgusting creature!"


With a slight squeeze, the man ceased struggling, and his neck was already crushed by Leng Yanran's grip. Leng Yanran casually tossed the man down into the forest below.

"Daoist Yang Chun, after this, please take care of the Feixue Sect. Will that be a problem?" After dispatching the man, Leng Yanran's cold voice reached Master Yang Chun, who was watching the spectacle from a distance.

"Rest assured, Fairy Leng. Feixue Sect will not appear in the Northern Region anymore!"

Faced with Leng Yanran's icy gaze, Master Yang Chun shivered, as if he had returned to the day when the Luo Heaven Sect was exterminated. Without any hesitation, he agreed.

Wiping away a bead of sweat in secret, he thought, indeed, she is a witch head. As soon as she takes action, there's sure to be a massacre!

Leng Yanran didn't dwell on the matter and suppressed the nauseating feeling in her heart.

Indeed, apart from my Master, all men are the same! Following my Master's instructions, I mustn't leave anyone alive if I make a move. But now, with the secret realm opening soon, there's no time to personally exterminate the Feixue Sect.

Suddenly, a voice sounded, catching Leng Yanran's attention.

"Oh, who would have thought that I'd encounter such a rare beauty in this desolate Northern Region? Woman come closer. Let this young master take a good look!"

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