Into the World of Medicine

Chapter 144 - A Fierce Battle (5)

Chapter 144: A Fierce Battle (5)
Translator: Sissy That Walk
“Earth Ore?” asked Murong Xiong, his voice shaking and his face crooked.

Murong Xiong hated to admit that he felt fear at the moment.

Earth Ore had existed since the day there was Earth. To tame Earth Ore is every alchemist’s dream for Earth Ore had its own mind, and it was the most daunting job one could only imagine. Because chances were you might end up being devoured by the Earth Ore! But how could Murong Qingyan tame this legendary Earth Ore?

Any cultivator would coveted this treasure, not just the alchemists.

“Murong Qingyan, I’m impressed that you’ve got the treasure Earth Ore, but don’t count on the treasure to save your life today!” said Murong Xiong with a cold smile, “Low creature like you doesn’t deserve such a great treasure, only a family like Murong is good enough for a treasure like this.”

Murong Xiong was serious about snatching the Earth Ore, he could feel the might of the fire from where he stood so he was more sure that Murong Qingyan made progress by leaps and bounds owing to the Earth Ore. He was so desperate to redeem his family’s reputation that was on the hazard that he had even forgot to hide his jealousy.

Murong Qingxue who was taking refuge behind the pillar now had turned green with envy, she pounded the pillar and cursed in her heart, ‘why is it not her but Murong Qingyan who is blessed with serendipity!’

With that being said, Murong Qingyan was doomed this day anyway, who was blessed with great serendipity didn’t matter any more. No way could she survive this fight, it was true that Murong Qingyan had got the serendipity, but look at the hall, all the great cultivators in the Murong Family were eager for joining this fight and impressing Murong Xiong.

“Murong Xiong, it’s such a shame a scoundrel like you is ruling the most prestigious family in the Jianghu underground, what you are doing today defines who you truly are!” Murong Qingyan struggled to pick herself up from the ground, she wiped the blood stains on her face and continued, “I wish other people could witness what you are doing to me today, you are no difference to a bandit! Let’s see whether they will continue to respect you after they know who you truly are!”

“Murong Qingyan, don’t goad me by sarcasm, I won’t fall for it.” Murong Xiong’s face turned more crooked, obviously he was bothered by what Murong Qingyan just said, but he was still trying to justify what he was doing, “As the family master, it’s my duty to discipline any rebel in the family, you, heaven-daring you, went to the great length to steal Recovery Elixir, I’m merely performing my duty by punishing you!”

With that, Murong Xiong launched another attack.

Murong Qingyan took a deep breath and wield her Spiritual Power to control the Earth Ore, she decided to face Murong Xiong head-on.

However, her cultivation couldn’t be mentioned in the same breath with Murong Xiong’s plus she was heavily injured already, therefore, she was falling behind as the battle went on.

But this was not an easy battle for Murong Xiong either, he gained several injuries as well. Earth Ore’s might was pretty self-evident, it ranked the first on all the Mighty Fires after all. Murong Xiong had several burns all over.

All the spectators broke into a sweat with fright, they all expected this to be a rather simple battle with Murong Xiong dominating it, but now Murong Xiong looked like he was in a tight corner even though he had already applied all the skills under his belt.

Meanwhile they couldn’t help but look at Murong Qingyan in awe, she was no way Murong Xiong’s rival, but she managed to keep this fight so so long, she was a genius in actual combat!

They wished Murong Xiong could be tamed and be loyal to Murong Family, she made a perfect weapon!

But they were well aware it was impossible, Murong Qingyan and Murong Xiong hated each other’s guts.

Therefore they knew they should focus on the fight that was taking place right now, for they knew if Murong Qingyan managed to survive the fight, that was no difference than a recipe for disaster for their entire family.

Murong Xiong, out of everyone, knew it the best. He assumed his position and instilled all his Dark Power on his right palm, he was ready to launch another attack.

Murong Qingyan now was panting, she meant to dodge this attack using Lightness Skills but she didn’t make it, she was too tired.

She was hit, heavily. Like a little bird, she knocked on the wall in the yard and fell down. With that she had been spitting blood on the ground, she looked so pale and feeble. Poor Murong Qingyan, she was completely burned out.

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