Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 74

Chapter 74


Law of Restraint was moving at high speed at this time, and it was too late to defend and dodge, and the power of the wind after being compressed to the extreme was enough to hit her hard!

Gu Ze’s move was really ruthless, and the bat just now was naturally deliberately performed to her to trick her into taking the bait.

“How insidious! It seems that even if you are weak like this, I will not be careless! The

Law of Restraint said viciously, flicking her arm, the chain suddenly plunged into the ground, and then a dragging force erupted, pulling her back.

The wind sword slashed through, and in the end it only caused a shallow wound on her body.

Gu Ze took advantage of this time to constantly regulate his breathing and restore his energy.

The previous two battles were too intense, causing his energy to be greatly depleted, and he had to adjust quickly.

“Huh, finally some can’t support it?”

The Law of Restraint sneered, stomped the ground hard, and a dozen golden spears broke through the ground, and she flashed her hands, throwing those spears out one by one, aiming as far as Gu Ze.

Gu Ze also changed several rock spears, throwing them one by one, and the rock spears hit the body of the spear, adjusting their flight angle.

When the spears flew in, although the momentum was huge, none of them hit Gu Ze.

“With clever power? Something interesting! The

Law of Restraint sneered, just about to continue the attack, suddenly her heart jumped, she raised her head to look at the sky, a meteorite cut through the sky, flying towards her.

The girl raised her hand and pointed a finger, countless chains rose up, weaving a large net outside the enchantment, the meteorite smashed fiercely on the large net, the large net did not stop its power, the meteorite broke the chain, and continued to fall towards the inside of the enchantment.

As soon as the Restraining Law wanted to dodge, Gu Ze set off a whirlwind again, disrupting her steps and making her unavoidable.


The meteorite fell, crushing her down without accident.


Gu Ze looked at the direction of the Law of Restraint and thought to himself.

Without waiting for him to step forward to check, he saw that the huge meteorite suddenly moved.

Then it slowly rose, and a slim figure appeared in front of Gu Ze.

That girl actually lifted the meteorite up!

“I’ll go, it’s all right!”

Gu Ze raised his eyebrows and hurriedly threw several rock guns forward.

Although the lawyer carried the meteorite, she was also injured by the impact, and it was a good time to pursue.

The Law of Restraint directly threw the meteorite aside, then closed his hands, and when he opened it again, a cross-heaven and earth-spanning cross-lightsaber had appeared in his hand.

The girl shouted loudly and slashed at Gu Ze with a lightsaber.

Gu Ze picked up the baseball bat and swung it, the two weapons immediately collided together, and the huge force came through the sword body, making Gu Ze feel hard, his state has not yet recovered, and it is still a little difficult to eat this move.

Can’t fight with her!

Gu Ze made up his mind, his footsteps moved, and the whole person fell into the ground, and the lightsaber fell, but in the end he didn’t cut anything.

“Where did you go?”

The Law of Restraint turned his gaze left and right, trying to find Gu Ze’s figure.


There was a loud noise behind her, and a figure broke through the ground, and the scythe in his hand was already swinging, aiming at the head of the Restraining Lawyer.


More than a dozen golden chains instantly crossed each other, weaving into a thick golden shield.

The sharp scythe blade slashed, those chains were easily cut off, they were completely vulnerable in front of this scythe, and the scythe blade severely slashed the Law of Restraint.

The power of destruction extended into her body, constantly destroying her body.

The Law of Restraint gritted his teeth and continued to take advantage of this vacancy, grabbed the scythe and punched out hard, hitting Gu Ze’s chest firmly.

In that second, she delivered at least a hundred punches, and even Gu Ze’s shield did not block it.

Lean, so strong punch power.

Gu Ze only felt that his sternum was sunken, and the huge force made him vomit blood, so he almost didn’t fall unconscious.

The Law of Restraint is also not comfortable here, because she actively grasps the scythe, and the destructive power on it has already filled her arm.

The arm hung down weakly, unable to grasp the scythe anymore.

The Law of Restraint originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity just now to kill Gu Ze, but she still failed.

Gu Ze kicked out and kicked the girl away.

He coughed up two more mouthfuls of blood and raised his scythe to attach the power of destruction and the energy given by the system to it.


Gu Ze imitated Asgana’s movements, swung the scythe hard, and the meniscus-shaped energy flew out in an instant, killing the Law of Restraint at an extremely fast speed.

The girl’s eyes showed a fierce color, and she picked up the huge lightsaber and slashed it out hard at Gu Ze.

Fight like Kilkenny cats!

She knew that she would definitely not be able to dodge this attack, and she would definitely die because of it, so she would also give Gu Ze a blow at the end of her life!

Countless chains also drilled out from the ground and locked Gu Ze to prevent him from escaping.


A loud noise burst out above the battlefield, and huge smoke and dust filled the air.

The enchantment began to slowly dissipate, which meant that the lawyer had fallen.

After the enchantment dissipated, Gu Ze’s team members and the team of the Fire Moth finally fought hard to open a way and rushed in.

However, there was no Gu Ze in front of them.

“Captain! No!

Mingzhe shouted heartbreakingly, and the whole person fell into grief in an instant.

Apparently something bad came to mind.

“Oh, captain…”

Hazel and Ye Ye suddenly shed tears, everyone at the scene was sad, Gu Ze’s departure was an extremely regretful and sad thing for them.

“I feel… I can also salvage it. A

weak voice came from underground, interrupting the silence of the crowd.


Mingzhe was the first to react and began to frantically dig up where the sound came from.

Others noticed this and began to dig for him.

But in a moment, Gu Ze appeared in the pit, his left arm had been cut off, there was a huge hole on the left side of his body, through the wound he could even faintly see that his heart was beating, and the blood stained the land red, anyone who saw it at first glance knew that Gu Ze was about to hang.

But this is not the case, the streamer of the immortal striker is still repairing his body, it can be said that he can live until now, all relying on the immortal three striker hanging a breath.

At that time, after the lightsaber of the Law of Restraint fell, Gu Ze manipulated the land movement with all his strength and fell downward, intending to dodge the crossed lightsaber’s slash with this way.

However, the power of this lightsaber was still beyond his expectations, and the madness of the Restraining Law on the verge of death was still quite powerful.

“Doctor! Call the doctor!

Ye hurriedly said, Gu Ze must be treated now, otherwise he may really die.

A bunch of people began to get busy again.

However, compared with just now, everyone’s expressions were obviously much more relaxed, and the sadness and pain completely disappeared.

Looking at the intact appearance of his teammates, for some reason, some inexplicable emotions welled up in Gu Ze’s heart.

“Hahaha…” Gu

Ze suddenly laughed, coughing up blood while laughing.

“Captain, it’s better that you don’t move.”

Hazel hurried to care.

“No harm, no harm.”

Gu Ze waved his hand and slowly stood up from the ground.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly: “We won.”

“We won!”

He repeated it out loud again.


“We won!”

“Won another lawyer!”

The people around couldn’t help but cheer with joy.

The joy of victory fills everyone’s heart.

Win! Won again!

We have crossed the crisis again!

“Mankind will definitely be able to defeat Honkai!”

Everyone shouted with confidence.

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