Infinity Guardian System

Chapter 21:Understanding More About The Entity

Chapter 21: [Bonus Chapter]Understanding More About The Entity

"The consciousness of Aetheria's magical power..." Hael mused aloud, his eyes widening in realization before suddenly he got into a deep bow, hands on his chest.

"It is the pleasure of I, Hael Winterlock, third prince of the Winterlock dynasty, to have the pleasure of meeting you..." He greeted aloud, with respect.

The consciousness of the magical power of all of Aetheria. It was like the source of ancestral powers, the Moon petals included. Meeting with such an entity was really the greatest pleasure anyone of Aetheria could ever be bestowed with...

[Sheesh, you're too modest for a prince. That said, I have no idea what happened all this time while I am in slumber. So forgive me if I am not aware of your Winterlock dynasty and all the dynasties very well.] The system replied as Hael stood upright from his bow

[My powers were five, and each of them must have crashed separately in Aetheria now. Those things are capable of changing entire worlds, I'm sure they would have caused quite the change in your world.] It said to him as Hael gave a nod.

"It really did, according to the history books, Aetheria used to have no magical powers at all. There was no mana and no magic, just a modest civilization.

Until four fragments appeared in the sky, crashing over four different areas. They are the Winterlock dynasty, embedded in winter forever, and blessed with the magical power of nine petals, then is the Flaming Bruno dynasty. They were forever embedded in clear summer, and blessed with the Flaming Rune Tattoo.

Then is the Falling Rain Dynasty, where it always rains, and blessed with the magical power of Absolute sea control, and lastly is the Autumn Rohia city, not much is known about them as they always act mysteriously..."

"[Hahaha, that must have been my HumuraJumura power. It is a very mysterious power, not necessarily the strongest though. I guess my power even changed your pattern of behavior?]"

"Yes. After Aetheria's change, each region was no longer comfortable for the other region, so we have all remained divided from each other. There had even been wars among us, and stayed away from each other as far as possible.

Only once a year, do the leaders of each dynasty meet together, to talk about the state of the world, and then it will be silence or the sound of swords clashing till the next year..."

[That is truly some adverse changes. Sinister If I can call it that...] the system voiced out in his head as Hael shook his head.

"My father used to say everything has a price, and the price for Aetheria's magical power was its division..." Harl quoted.

From a once primeval world with no boundaries at all, it became a world divided into five clear pieces, it truly was a very adverse change. But it was a change all were willing to take for the evolution of the world.

[Your father sounds like a wise man...] The system voice rang out as Hael stood rigid to where he was, and the memories of the day flashed in his head. The memory of his father's death, by his own son's hands.

"Yes. He is very wise, and strong too. Perhaps the strongest human in Aetheria, as the world used to refer him as the war god of Aetheria. But he had a downside and that was that he was too trusting of his own..." He said put, a fiery expression on his face.

"That doesn't sound like a crime to me..." The system voiced out as Hale shook his head.

"That said, I think I have opened my first gate? Is that true?" Hale asked with a raised eyebrow. It was a question that had bothered his mind a lot... "

[You have truly undergone some massive changes. Will or say the world System Interface to find out...] The system said as Hael whispered...

"System Interface..."

And immediately the golden notification panel appeared once more in front of him, this time its color changing from Astral blue to golden.

[Host Attributes] [Arcana Masteries] [Quests] [Shop][Arcane Bloodlines]

And with his will concentrated on the first one, it immediately opened up for him... -[System Interface]-

-[Name: Hael Winterlock]-

-[Title: None.]-

-[Race: Lesser ArcanaHuman]-

-[Level: 1]-

-[Exp: 0/100]-

-[HP: 100/100] current novels on fɾēewebnσveℓ.com.

-[Energy: 30]-


[Strength: 7]

[Agility: 7]

[Perception: 7]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Charm: 3]

"Hmm, according to the golden plate in front of me, it says I am a Lesser Arcane Human. I thought I'm just a human..." Hael mused out to himself as the system responded.

[The people you have contact with like that girl, are human, and I think all the natives of this world are humans as well. They are better called null humans because they lack the ability of magic.

You are from Aetheria, a world which used to be full of nulls, but were changed by my powers, making them capable of magic, even though only at the basics. Those people are Called Arcane Human. Lesser Arcane Humans to be exact...] The system explained as Hale gave a nod of understanding...

"Are my attributes also normal to this world or my previous world, Aetheria..." Hael asked looking at the attributes. He had no previous base to judge them so he had no idea what it means...

[The Lesser Arcane Human are slightly stronger to the ordinary humans due to their ability of naturally absorbing magical essence.

A basic Human of this world should have five, but you're at seven showing slightly increased attributes compared to them...] It explained well to him. freёwebnoѵ

"Then I'm guessing my intelligence is far beyond average, probably due to my background..." Hale mused out loud to himself. Being a third prince means being a scholar, due to the important roles having been already taken. All those long nights of reading History and Arcane books, must have helped in properly shaping his mind.

"And does the charm mean what I am thinking?" He asked.

"[Yes, it is. Your charm could be as well described as Your princely Charm. The ability to want to make people follow you, or to respect you. And I think it is very, very low. You seem to me like not very fit for a princely role based on your low charm stats...]"

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