Inexorable Chaos

Chapter Sixty One: Good Advice

A jungle in every direction with trees towering into the clouds. No roads or anything that could even remotely look like a trail. Even the sounds of birds seem to be muted and distant.

I am alone and I’m facing a giant gaping hole of what is possibly a dungeon that I have to somehow defeat.

I do not feel ready at all…

“Why can't I meet normal people? Why is it every friend I make is abnormal?” I say while walking towards the bag on the ground and thinking of a certain friend.

“I always thought Quasi was partially insane. A rich, crazy, insane genius who goes through school as though it is his pastime,” I frown, ”but apparently he wasn't that crazy considering where I am,” I bend down and grab the shield and sword.

Seems good. Lighter than what I had but elven stuff is supposed to be light.

I equip the buckler shield to my arm while attaching the sword to my waist.

“And of course I get summoned to be a slave [Hero] to a bunch of gods and people who want me dead.”

I stop as I grab the pouch still on the floor.

“Huh, Bernard didn't seem that bad actually. Kind of like an annoying lackey to the gods.”

I frown as my mind wanders to Sarena.

“And now I supposedly befriended an elf that is apparently the granddaughter of a being which can slaughter an army using an entire forest.”

I open the bag and see many supplies. A vial that says [Health Potion], some kind of jerky, water, and a sharp stick with a paper wrapped around it.

I unravel the paper and read its contents.

Hello Franky. By now you have opened up my bag and have found the stick. Please do not lose that stick. It is enchanted with an elven spell of [Tree Whisper] and is connected to our great tree. The great tree has deep roots connecting to most of Orbis and thus this spell can be used to communicate with me from anywhere.

To use it, stab any tree in your vicinity and lay a dungeon crystal on it. After that, send mana while thinking of me and I will be able to hear what you say.

In the meantime, good luck with your hunt.

I groan at the fact that a dungeon crystal is necessary. Clearly, I am going to have to face the dangers in the cave. I was under the impression that I would have some time to train or at the very least prepare.

I sigh as I put the items back into the pack and the pack on my back.

I stand and look at the forebodingly dark cave that is a dungeon. I gulp and steel my nerves before taking a step inside.

And then my shield bursts into light as my [Transcending armor] skill activates, all while giving me a huge fright.

“Right, it upgraded,” I say as I call up my stats shortly after.

Franky Sasco

Level 40 [Warrior]

Level 34 [Hero]

Level 37 [Light Mage]

Level 23 [Scout]

Minor Mana Sense

Flickering Strike

Flash Fire

Defensive Instincts.


A Hero’s Moment

Blinding Block

Transcending Armor

Overbearing Throw

Second Wind

Sharpened Blades

Perceptive dodge



























Heart of a Hero: Willpower increased by Charisma amount.

In essence, my skills are all over the place. It feels like I’m spreading myself too thin in several classes that just don't seem to work well with each other. I need better skills…

Without much to do, I take another step into the cave but stop once more.

“What is wrong with me,” I say as I unsheathe the sword which begins to also light up, especially the edge.

The edge looks seemingly sharper thanks to my [Sharpened Blades] skill.

With a glowing shield and sword in tow, I fully enter the dungeon while pointing my shield outward and using it as a flashlight.

You have entered the [Unnamed] dungeon #34329872631

As the first group to enter this dungeon, you are awarded an increased leveling speed until you choose to leave the dungeon.

You are currently on dungeon floor 1.

I stop and read what had just come up and frown at the name. The dungeon has no name but is given a number.

Why a number? Arent dungeons randomly created by chance? Are the numbers random or do they mean something? Do the numbers dictate how many dungeons are active or is this just counting the number of dungeons ever made?

I shake my head and instead focus on what I need to do now. Thinking about it too deeply won't help me right now if at all.


The cave is actually rather spacious. The wall are a good ten meters apart while the ceiling is a nice hefty ten meters.

Which, If I had a spear or longsword, would have been decently usable. I look around and move to the wall to keep my back hugging it. My mind wanders towards the advice Quasi had given to me.

‘When in a dark environment where vision is limited and enemies are near, find a wall and keep your back to it. This will reduce the avenues of attack that can be thrown against you… unless the enemy is camouflaged with the wall or something, then you're fucked’.

‘If you find yourself in a cave, avoid making any and all sound. Even hard breathing should be avoided. Sound echoes and can reveal your position. On that note, peeing makes a lot of sound… so hold your bladder’.

I move slowly forward, constantly checking the ground to avoid pebbles as well as making sure there aren't indents on the wall.

‘If there is a high ceiling, always fucking look up. You have no idea how many people don't and how many have died for it’.

I keep my eyes mobile, scanning the surfaces including the ceiling. His words at the time were annoying and albeit random, but have now become invaluable.

Fortunately, the advice was not needed so far as I look at what is standing in the center of the hallway.

A crocodile on two legs, sharp teeth, and scales on its body. Just seemingly walking around. Or was walking around until it notices me and my light.

It hisses and jumps back while blinking repeatedly.

I keep my light on it and the monster steps back with what seems to me to be fear.

“Huh, I wonder if I won't even have to fight these things,” I note as it continues to step back.

Unfortunately, my words echo which causes the monster to twitch and look directly at me and the light.

It growls menacingly while blinking quickly.

It steps forward and I curse myself for speaking.

It bends its legs and reveals its sharp teeth.

*Whaaaaaaa* it squeals and begins to charge me.

My heartbeat increases as adrenaline enters my blood. I can see the monster better now.

A prehistoric raptor with a crocodile-like mouth.

I bend my knees and ready my sword while my buckler shield is still pointed at the now advancing beast.

A plan quickly comes together as I wait for the monster to come a bit closer.

At three meters, I mentally order the strength of my [Transcending Armor] skill to suction even more of my mana. The light of my shield expands brightly, illuminating the cavern and blinding the monster.

I then retract that mana and jump to the side. My jump takes me a decent distance to the side. The monster continues in its mad dash before the sound of an impact is heard.

I regain my footing and turn to the monster. It was on the floor, shaking its head with its face seemingly damaged.

Still under adrenaline, I react quickly and stab towards its face. My glowing sharp blade rends through the scales with ease and penetrates its head.

But I don't stop there and instead retract my blade as quickly as I had stabbed. I jump back, creating some distance while swinging my sword to light my surroundings. My shield is still pointed at the now unmoving monster.

‘Allways fucking double-tap. Never expect something dead unless you are absolutely sure it is dead. You've seen zombie movies. There is always a character that gets killed for this specific reason’.

I frown as Quasi’s words reverberate in my skull as I look at the monster and the pool of blood forming on the floor. My instincts tell me that it is dead, but I am not completely sure.

So, swallowing my nerves, I head towards the corpse slowly. Once in range, I slash at its exposed stomach which causes the contents of the belly to spill out.

Nausea hits me but it doesn't affect me much thanks to the adrenaline still coursing through my veins.

Considering the blood, this smell will travel and attract monsters. I should… keep going.

Following the wall again, my adrenaline recedes and I feel nauseous. Memories of my first kill resurface. When I had decapitated those rats.

Never had I killed anything before. Food was always dead. I have only watched movies and documentaries… but the real thing is so very different. The splatters of blood, the smell, the aching screams. All of it is difficult to take in.

‘The second time is always easier but also harder.’

I swallow down my feelings of retching as I finally understand those words. ‘Killing it had been easier, but it is the second time that you most realize you had taken a life. That it had been taken by your hand’.

I fight the tears back as my mind wanders to what I had taken. I had taken a life, maybe even a mother who was only hunting for her children.

‘Being a true Hero is difficult. Every life you take matters to you, but it is that mindset that will keep you from becoming a monster. You will remember every kill, and you will kill. Because every world is flawed and true monsters will always exist for that reason’.

I stop moving and lean against the hard rock. Tears trickle down my cheek as I take slow steady breaths.

‘You will at times feel compelled to stop. To never take a life. But a time will come where someone needs saving. And you, by your nature, will try to save. And you will kill again… or fail.’

The words send a shiver down my spine as I focus on that last sentence.

If… if I am not ready… then I would fail.

The words echo into my mind, giving me a morbid strength. A fear… a memory.

“Sister…” I whisper as I force myself to stand.

The tears stopping slowly as I regain my posture.

“Not again,” I say as I head deeper into the cave system.


My shield redirects the mouth of one of the monsters while my blade severs the tail of another. I jump to the side and avoid tripping on the corpse of a third I had killed.

The one which has had its tail severed is squealing in pain on the ground while the other is shaking its head from the impact of my shield.

It only takes a moment for it to regain its wits before its directs it’s eyes at me.

With a cool calm, I bend my knees and place my hand on the body of the first I had killed. The body is cool to the touch even though it was killed recently.

It screeches before rushing me as I had learned from the dozen or so that I had so far killed. These monsters lack intelligence. They do not plan or react to different situations.

[Overbearing Throw]

With an automated response, my muscles seem to bulge as I lift the several hundred-pound corpse with surprising ease and throw it at the rushing monster.

To my surprise, the charging monster doesn't slow down but instead opens its mouth to bite.

The corpse strikes with intense force. A force strong enough to dislocate the charging monsters head.

I watch the monster fall dead and unmoving next to its thrown brethren. It seems to be dead.

Still, I take no chances as my sword slices off its head. I then turn to the last living monster. It is on the floor, twitching, a pool of blood located where the tail was severed.

Another weakness

I move to it, slowly, shield at the ready, my skill [Perceptive Dodge] at the ready and off cooldown.

But my slow and safe pace was unwarranted as I end the creature's life with a single stroke.

Afterwords, I move to a wall and gaze around, checking to make sure nothing was left alive like earlier today.

One of them had surprised me and I only survived thanks to its scream and my [Defensive Instincts] skill activating.

Now that I am safe, I allow the messages to come through.

Level up x 2

You are now a level 46 Warrior.

Level up x 1

You are now a level 28 scout

Level up x 1

You are now a level 40 [Light Mage]

New skill awarded: [Light Mimicry]

Finally, I gained a skill. I have been leveling for the past hours and only now I gained a skill.

[Light Mimicry] Common

Spend mana to create a non-enchanted copy of an item on you. Mana cost for creation is based on item type and size. Item requires a constant supply of mana or it will shortly disperse.


I look to my sword and check my mana which is full.

“[Light Mimicry],” I say with my open hand while thinking of my sword in the other.

Mana leaves my body, about a third of my max as a glowing white sword appears in my hand. Other than being made of pure light, it looks exactly like the one I copied. I smile as I even notice the sharp sheen that my [Sharpened Blades] skill provides.

“It seems like I gained myself a ranged attack.”

With a new skill in tow, I get up from my rest and head deeper into the dungeon, my new blade glowing and my mana regenerating faster than the cost to keep it up.

Unfortunately, after half an hour of walking, I find no enemies, instead I find myself stopping next to a small passageway that has a bit of light shining from it. A sort of entrance to a cavern.

I am struck with a feeling of danger, as though something is waiting on the other side. Practically expecting me.

My thoughts quickly swerve to the idea of a boss room.

Frowning, I open my bag and grab a potion. I take a sip. The scrapes and bruises I gained from the several hours of fighting slowly disappear.

One fully healed, I take a breath and slowly enter the cavernous area.

The cave expands massively. Stalactites jut from the ceiling in great numbers. Hundreds of them are pointing down towards a central mound. A large mound with a central crystal on the top. It glitters a fervent light as I point my shield at it.

Is this the end of the dungeon?

The question to my thoughts is answered by a large figure as it walks around the mound and gazes at me with clear intelligence.

Similar to the former monsters, the monster looks like a combination of an alligator and a raptor. But of a much larger and thicker size. Where the others I had fought were about six feet in height, this one is an easy eight by comparison. Its scales are thicker, tail is covered in spikes, claws are several inches longer, but what I fear most is what's on its head.

I raise my shield towards the monster which causes the crystal on its head to glisten from the light.

Right, boss monsters defend the dungeon cores.

I look at the terrain and find it to be lacking in places to hide or move around. The only place is the central mound that could be used.

I step inside and begin walking to the left while hugging the wall, my shield still pointed at the monster.

The monster reacts by placing its body between the dungeon crystal and myself.

It's defending it.

With that realization, I begin to plan a strategy while going over every skill I currently possess.

I don't know how fast it is nor if I can cut through those thick scales. It doesn't look stupid so I probably can’t trick it into a location.

“I'm an idiot. I can't believe I forgot. [Analyse]”

Awakened Crescentos level 68

This monster is the first of its kind. No knowledge can be currently ascertained.

I frown as I read the message.

First of its kind? What the heck does that mean?

My mental questions are left unanswered as I watch the monster finally begin taking steps towards me.

I don't think I can use the wall. I don't believe it will be useful, not against something like that. I’m going to need mobility.

I begin taking steps towards the approaching monster which slows down its own pace as I begin moving to it.

It's gauging me, thinking about what to do next. How to react.

I move closer and closer, only stopping as the monster begins to growl.

Let's try this.

I pour mana into my skill which causes my shield to flash remarkably.

“[Overbearing Throw]” I yell as my hand moves quickly and automatically.

I raise my sword of light into the air and throw it with an intense force before lowering the mana I am funneling into my skill.

I watch astounded as the glowing sword flies through the air and stabs into the monsters chest. Half the blades length had entered with that throw.

The monster, to my surprise, does not scream or react. Instead, it looks down towards my glowing blade, slowly watching it disappear into light.

Blood shortly begins to flow from the now open wound.

Perfect. I can bleed it out.

The monster stares down at the wound, gazing at it strangely. It is no longer growling or making noise, just staring.

Confused, I shine my light brighter to better see the wound.

The scales are… moving. Dam.

I watch with mounting dread as the scales on the side seem to shift over the open wound, closing it and stopping the bleeding in its tracks.

The monster, seemingly satisfied, gazes back at me. It no longer looks curious as it shows its teeth and steps forward.

My eyes move to the right, towards the entrance to the cavern.

Too far. If I run I risk putting my back to it. Damn, damn, damn. This would be a great time for [A Hero’s Moment] to activate.

My thoughts are interrupted as the monster stops, its growling stops as well. It wiggles and its chest expands.

“Oh come on!” I yell as I jump to the side.

The monster opens its mouth and sprays a substance at my former position. Taking a quick look back, I gaze at the now smoking and smoldering stone ground.

Acid. It spits acid?

Looking away from the acid, I turn to find the monster looking at me. Its chest is still expanded.

It opens its mouth and I raise my shield in a panic. I cover my face.

The smell hits first, followed by the smell of burning leather as I unstrap and throw the buckler.

Most of it had been blocked by the shield, but not all. I feel some of the acid burn through my leather and even my skin. But I ignore the pain as I stare at my discarded shield melted before my eyes.

[Defensive Instincts]

The skill activates and my body jumps and twirls in the air, another acid spit passes by, but this time under me.


Regaining my posture, I look at the monster as it stares at me, chest still expanded like a frog. The monster is ready to fire a baseball-sized sludge of acid that I can barely react to. It has been increasing the speed after every shot.

My eyes focus on its inflated chest. An idea forms, but it will be a gamble if it fails.

“[Light Mimicry]” I say quickly. My mana leaves my body and a glowing sword appears in my hand.

“Alright, lets go. Try to hit me!” I taunt.

The monster waits, gazing at me and the words coming out of my mouth. Wither it understands or not I do not know. All I know is that I only have one chance.

It opens its mouth and fires the acid sludge at me with an even faster speed than I normally would not be able to dodge. But it is still visible.


“[Perceptive Dodge]”

Franky’s legs bend and his head leans to the left.

The sludge passes an inch away from Franky’s body, barely missing him.

“[Overbearing Throw]” a skill activates.

Franky’s hand moves a moment after and the sword of light accelerates. It striked and penetrates the monsters bloated sack right under its head.

The sword quickly disappears and the monster begins to scream.

Acid flows out of its wound like a torrent of blood. Scales attempt to move to stymie it but fail miserably as it burns through them as well.

The monster screams in panic. It falls on one knee and leans forward, allowing the acid to squirt onto the ground and not on its body.

Unfortunately, that was a big mistake.

“[Flickering Strike]”

A glowing blade descends as it creates a shimmer of light. It moves imperceptibly fast, slicing through the monster's skull and spewing brain matter onto the floor.

Franky steps back as the body of the monster strikes the floor dead. Franky’s hand is shaking but a smile does form on his lips.

“It worked. It actually worked,”

He falls on one knee, breathing hard. Using several physical-based skills cost a great deal of stamina, especially so if used one after the other.

“[Second Wind]” he says a moment after. His stamina returns in a surge as exhaustion leaves him. But now, he will need to wait at least a day before he can use the skill again.

He stands back up and looks around, sending a larger portion of mana into his [Transcending Armor] skill. His sword lights up exponentially, allowing him to see the cavern better.

He turns away from the corpse and walks towards the central mound. A moment passes before he reaches the mound. He leans up and extends his hand. He grabs the Dungeon crystal and forcibly removes it from the stone.

Congratulations. You have conquered [Unnamed] dungeon #34329872631.

A fountain of messages begins to pile up in front of Franky’s eyes but it all is quickly forgotten as everything begins to shake.

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