Inexorable Chaos

Chapter sixty Nine: Change

Rathos walks down the street with very perplexed feelings. His gaze, though strong and weary as usual, does not match the thoughts flowing through his head.

This morning, he had awoken naked and confused in someone else's bed. Granted, such a thing had happened often during his younger years as a [Mercenary] and then once as a [Mercenary captain], though that one had almost gotten him killed.


He grunts slightly as his feet strike a stone on the street. His mind unable to fully process his surroundings due to his straying thoughts.


The question escapes his lips as he ruminates over the memories of his late wife. Memories of her splendid smile, her flowing hair, her passionate kisses, the way she snuggled next to him…

All of those memories came after he had slept with Scarlet.


The name brings forth emotions of confusion, guilt… and even wanting.

He had not slept with a woman since his wife's death until last night.

He drank too much last night, that is a fact. Far more than his class should allow. The reasoning and thought process at the time alludes him as to why. He should know his limits, though maybe it was the presence of Scarlet which had broken down his inhibitions.


His thoughts trail back towards the messy room he had woken up in which he then cleaned to the best of his ability. He organized the armor on the floor, as well as changed the sheets and made the bed. After that, he waited for her, but after some time passed, he decided to finally head home.


It takes longer than usual to go from the castle to the mansion, but Rathos does get there and is quickly met with one of his Bear-kin [Guards] at the entrance. The tall [Guard] nods before stepping to the side and allowing him to enter.

Walking past the trimmed garden, Rathos makes it to the front door of his mansion. The door opens upon his approach. Alfred, a demi-human [Butler] under his employ, bows.

“Welcome home, master Rathos,” the [Butler] exclaims with a hint of tension and worry.

Rathos gazes towards the [butler] for a moment before walking inside his mansion.

”I take that precautions have been taken regarding my absence, Alfred?”

“Yes master. Henrieta has armed all those capable of combat and is currently in mistress Izabelle’s room.”

Rathos digests the information. “Good, I will visit them first. Please inform the others that I have returned unharmed and that there is no impending threat.”

Alfred bows, closes the door, and leaves to do as ordered.

Rathos begins walking up the stairs, heading directly towards his daughter’s room, but slows upon noticing Henrietta waiting right outside.

“Henrietta, how is my daughter?” he asks as he walks down the hall.

“She is sleeping.”

Rathos raises an eyebrow regarding the time, ”It is already almost midday.”

“Mistress Izabelle refused to sleep last night. She was worried about your absence. It has only been a couple of hours since she finally fell asleep.”

Rathos grunts in acknowledgment. Izabelle is a loving daughter that shares her mother’s worry for others. His absence, though short, must have created a great deal of stress for her.

“Let her sleep then,” he says after a moment.

Henrietta gazes at her master, her eyes squinting, nose twitching. “You smell of alcohol and sex, master. Would you like me to ready a bath?”

Rathos opens his mouth to ask how she knew before remembering that most Demi-humans have a great sense of smell.

“I… would like that.”


Henrietta moves a sharp razor across Rathos skin while his lower body is submerged in a tub. Her movements are fast and precise as she shaves his beard. Her skill [Deft fingers] allowing such a task to be as easy as turning her hand.

“You have been silent since I started, Master. Is something bothering you?”

Rathos, unmoving, sits in the tub as he waits for his shave to be completed, ”I… I have been thinking about last night.”

“Is it about that woman named Scarlet?”

Rathos frowns. Henrietta can read him as easily as a book. It is disconcerting, though that is the price that is paid for a [Head Maid], a servant class that also excels in leadership. Reading the emotions of others is a rather common aspect of the class.

“Yes… it is. I am trying to evaluate my feelings about her.”

Though Rathos doesn't know it, a surprised expression forms on Henrietta’s face. Sex is one thing, but feelings are another. She was under the impression that Rathos could not love another woman since the death of his wife.

“Late mistress Nafisa would want you to find someone to love. She would never want you to stay alone forever.”

Rathos moves his head finally, his gaze landing on Henrietta who stares back at him. Henrietta is someone who had known his wife since she was a child. She had served the family for a very long time; still, she looks very good. Yes, a bit of age can be seen on her face, but it matters little considering she will more than likely outlive him.

“I doubt a relationship between me and Scarlet would work out. She is… young, and left me alone in her bed,” he shakes his head bitterly before looking forward again. “In my younger days I had done the same thing: Sleep and leave before my partner for the night awakens.”

Silent moments pass as Henrietta continues to cut and trim Rathos beard.

“Hmmm, her personality does not seem the type. I think there was a mistake,” Henrietta finishes trimming the beard and wipes Rathos face, “I activated my skill [Empathic Gaze] on her while she was gazing at the enchanted weapons. Her conscience would not allow her to do such a thing without good reason.”

Rathos continues to stay silent as the process of cleaning him continues.


Hours later, Rathos’s hand moves as he begins taking notes on the daily profits as well as reading a list of possible buildings he could buy to produce income. Though he is rich, a way to actually create income would make it so that his coffers stay full. Currently, minor enchanted items are the only things being sold at the stores in the city. His stock of sellable potions is already gone. The [Viceroy], David, had spent a rather large sum of coin on buying them for the [Guards].

“Farming,” he says as his eyes fall upon a crude map that lists several locations of buyable land. Of course, the problem lies to the available locations. It is far from the city and thus would not produce that much profit. It could work though…


The door to his study opens as Izabelle runs in. She had woken up earlier and now looks rather refreshed.

“Daddy!” she yells while breathing hard, probably from running up the stairs.

She runs up to his desk and leans over before excitedly saying, ”There’s a very pretty women asking for you. She just came in!”

Rathos gazes at his daughter and her excited face.

Looking up and towards the entrance, he finds the [Maid] in training, Kasandra. Kasandra’s fluffy fox tail swishes back and forth as her gaze is on his daughter. Clearly, Kasandra was the one who was supposed to inform him about a possible guest.

Rathos rubs the side of his head in annoyance. He had been visited by wealthy [merchants], minor [Nobles], and even some unsavory types, all of which had come with their own agendas. He hated dealing with them before and his opinion on them has not changed since.

Though, he is thankful that none were as annoying as [Lady] Rose.

He stands up, “Well, let us not keep this woman waiting.”

Rathos walks down the stairs right behind Izabelle, his gaze moving to the entrance and the figure standing next to Alfred.

Rathos blinks in consternation.

Scarlet stands tall, her bright red hair flowing down her back. Glossy and knotted, it reaches down to her hips.

Her dress, a darker red, descends down from her open shoulders and splits at the bottom, allowing Rathos a full view of her long, slim, and fit legs. On her feet are heels, just as bright and glittering as her hair.

She meets his gaze. Her cheeks instantly redden to the color of her lips.

They stare for a good moment at each other before Rathos realizes he is still on the stairs.

“Scarlet… it is… good to see you,” he forces out while continuing his descent.

Rathos walks down and nears Scarlet, their eyes focused on each other. Her emotions are on full display, his are significantly subdued. Most would not notice a change in his expression.

Izabelle, however, does, which is why she is currently hiding behind one of the chairs and is interestedly peeking to see what is happening. Her hands are are covering her mouth to keep herself from giggling.

It takes a bit more silent staring between the two before one of them begins to speak.

“So, u-um,” Scarlet begins, her red manicured hand grabbing onto the other as she stutters with her words, “I-I came to ask if you would like me to show you around the city,” she says.

Rathos is utterly unprepared regarding the request. He has a lot of work to get done and preparations to make. His gaze turns towards Izabelle, still peeking from behind the chair. She waves her hand and mouths to him, “Go.”

Frowning over his predicament, he looks back towards Scarlet whose posture has gotten much less confident. He has much to do, taxes to pay, armor to organize, work to set up, supplies to buy. A monumental number of tasks await him in his study.

Finally, he responds, “Alfred, get me my coat. It seems I will be gone for a bit.”

The bunny [Butler] nods before moving and grabbing Rathos coat, including the enchanted sword Rathos usually carries.


Moments after, Rathos finds himself outside the front gates with a feeling of foreboding. A similar feeling he had felt right before an army under his control was about to meet a hostile one.

A hand finds its way under his arm. The surprise of being grasped like this almost causes him to twist and break the arm in defense before unsheathing his sword and slicing the person apart.

“Come,” the women holding him and now avoiding his gaze exclaims.

He allows her to lead while he attempts to deal with his own emotions, ones he had not felt for almost a decade.

They walk arm in arm down the street. Passersby take many a look at the duo, especially Scarlet. Rathos is, unfortunately, not the greatest looking guy. But he does see the faces of jealousy from many men directed towards him.

“So… about last night,” she begins, her face taking a sheen of red, “I want to apologize for leaving you like that. I… I just didn't want to wake you up.”

Rathos grunts in acknowledgement towards the apology. He doesn't know what to say regarding what happened. Instead, he changes the conversation.

“So, what will you be showing me first?”

Scarlet smiles and pulls him harder, quickly leading him to a church.

“I wasn't sure where to go first, so I figured it would be best to take you to a project of mine.”

Rathos gazes at the building, a large edifice made of stone and glass. A white crow can be seen above the entrance.

“So, you serve the goddess Eir?” he asks and Scarlet can only smile politely.

“Mmmm, I started several years ago.”

Rathos raises an eyebrow. Most people don't serve a god unless they are part of the order. Though Eir is a bit of an exception considering she may very well be the most kind of all gods… as well as the poorest and largest in following.

“What made you start?”

Scarlet touches the side of her body, ”You've seen it, right?”

Rathos nods. He remembers seeing the large scar extending down her armpit yesterday. A rather dangerous wound, considering it likely would have damaged a main artery.

“Well, I used to be a [Captain] for an army. I fought on the front lines. The commander at the time issued an order for a flank. Several hundred [Soldiers] went for the flank, many of which I had fought alongside, but the enemy commander expected this and countered it with a larger and faster force. I… disobeyed orders and went towards the retreating soldiers.”

Rathos frowns, “A dangerous decision.”

“Yeah, it was. I went to the fleeing soldiers and used as many of my mobility skills I could to help them to safety.”

As a [General], mobility skills are very important in a war, especially if they come from [Captains]. Wasting so many skills for a couple hundred lower level [Soldiers] could condemn the entire army to a slaughter. Despite that, he stays silent and allows her to continue.

“Somehow, while fleeing from the enemy, an arrow had found its way into the opening of my armor. I was bleeding heavily and I was beginning to feel woozy. I needed [Healing] immediately but if I left the [Soldiers], then they would not benefit from movement skills and all would have been killed.”

“But you survived,” Rathos says.

“I drank an entire vial of Bloodgrass extract.”

Rathos felt unsettled. Bloodgrass Extract allows the quick regeneration of blood, but it is taken in very small doses since too much blood from a large dose could actually burst the veins.

“That would have killed you if you weren't bleeding so much.”

“Probably, but I saved the [Soldiers] before I fell off my horse.”

“Healing potion?”

Scarlet frowns with a hint of anger. Her nostrils flaring, “Since I disobeyed orders, the commander refused to use a potion on me. Said that I was better off dead.”

“I would have castrated your commander,” Rathos says in a deadpanned voice.

Scarlet laughs at his words, her smile radiant as ever.

Little did she know, [General] Rathos would and has actually castrated many many leaders under him, publicly. [Lieutenants] and [Captains] who mistreated [Soldiers] would find themselves punished rather severely and in full view of the same [Soldiers] they mistreated.

“Anyways, some of the [Soldiers] I saved carried me while I was practically dead to the camp of the [Priestesses] of Eir.”

Rathos frowns over the mention of the camp.

On rare occasions, kingdoms at war that lack [Healers] for the regular [Soldiers] will sometimes hire a church to heal those injured. Eir is probably the best choice considering most of the [Priests] and [Priestesses] have a stronger [Heal] ability than any of the other clergies.

Still, this is an opening for spies.

“A wound like yours must have required many of them.”

Scarlet giggles, “Nope, only one. One [Priestess] barely saved me. She apparently passed out from spending too much mana on me.”

“Then you are very lucky.”

Scarlet giggles, “yup. I am. It’s the main reason why I follow the Goddess Eir. The [Priestesses] would go so far to save lives, even at the expense of their own health.”

Rathos points at the church, “I’m guessing that you are the reason that the building is being cared for?”

“Of course. Sanavil doesn't actually have any [Priests] or [Priestesses], but I’m hoping that if a home for them is available, then some will come and live in our city.”

Rathos scratches the underside of his chin, “It is a possibility. I understand that the lands down south lack the resources and power for any gods to find an interest in, though Eir would probably be the only one who would send her people so far south.”

Scarlet jumps with a laugh, “Really? You actually think there's a possibility?”

Rathos nods.

“Thank you. So many have said I am wasting my coin. You have no idea how much it means to me th-”

*Ding Ding Ding*

The sounds of loud bells interrupt Scarlet. Her body swerves towards an entrance to the city, the source of the sound.

“What is that? What's happening?” Rathos ask.

Scarlet frowns. “I’m not sure, but the bells are rung when there is a significant threat outside the walls.”

Looking around, Rathos notices [Guards] running towards the gates, all of them converging across the city like a flood. Their expressions are grave.

Scarlet looks at Rathos, she bites her lip.

“Go. If there is a threat, then a [Guard Captain] will be immensely important in dealing with it.”

“I… I’m sorry,” she says before unlatching her arm from his, removing her heels, and then running full speed towards the distant gate.

Rathos watches her run. He frowns, shakes his head, and then bends down to grab her discarded shoes. He begins to run, but not towards the gate...

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