Inexorable Chaos

Chapter Fifty Three: The city of the council

“So that hammer, it's a [Rare] rank item that I enchanted that you can use to restart the heart of someone who isn't technically dead from wounds.”

Jessica grips the hammer I gave her, looking at it curiously. Her hands touch the reddish wood and slowly gliding down from the mallet portion before gripping the shaft.

“How does it work? Is it light magic?” she asks while grabbing the shaft and swinging it over the table with ease.

It was a good idea to use wood for the hammer. It's not a weapon but a tool to help people. Though it could be used as one if she were to smack someone across the head with it.

“Well, it uses a very specific electrical enchant- what?”

Jessica’s mouth is wide open, “You can cast electricity enchants? That is amazing! I heard that working with lightning is almost impossible for any [Enchanter], even [Mages] struggle to learn any spells from that school.”

I give her a confused look before rubbing my cleanly shaven chin.

I guess it makes sense. Studying electricity is dangerous, especially if the electricity stops a heart. From what I know, most forms of healing magic cannot restart a stopped heart, which is the equivalent of death. Makes it very difficult to study an element that could easily kill you.

“My understanding of Electricity is far beyond probably anyone currently alive. I understand how to create it, move it, and manipulate it. Which is why it is relatively easy to create enchants with,” I point towards the hammer in her hand, “for example, your hammer there sends a charge of electricity specifically designed to restart a heart. You strike someone's chest and the electrical signal travels through flesh and orders the heart to beat. If they aren't suffering from some massive wound or internal damage to the heart, then they can be revived as long as not too much time has passed.”

Jessica blinks, “So hit them on the chest and the heart starts beating, right?”

I frown and slowly nod.

Probably should just simplify my explanations next time.

She nods, smiles, and places the hammer next to a strap on her hip.

“Well, I have a present for you too,” she says, bending to the side and opening a bag and places the contents on the table.

Boots, the same boot that had been stuck on Peter. She had cleaned them quite thoroughly. It even looks like she fixed some of the damaged patches which were becoming more noticeable every week.

She pushes them towards me, “I had to cut them off Peters fur and then I had to boil the webbing off. It actually took awhile since peters webs were very sticky. After that, I sewed on some of the harder leather that the centaurs had available.”

Right, centaurs. I can’t fucking understand them. I look to my right, staring out the window of my carriage, looking at the various centaurs moving alongside my army. The centaurs with carts attached to them are literally smiling, enjoying the fact that a weight is attached to them. All while those centaurs without carts are glaring jealousy at those that do.

It just doesn't make sense. They can make glass, leather, fantastic woodworking, but the concept of a fucking wheel on wood is absolutely foreign to them. On top of that, they treat these carts as the most precious thing in the world. Even Dragkenoss used his title of a leader to commandeer a cart for his own use.

But none of that compares to Oregan who I think had a boner several times while pulling my carriage. The guy is infatuated with the thing, so much so that I think I saw him start talking to it.

I grab the boots and move them down. With careful ease, I unstrap the laces, opening the boots and putting my cloth covered leg inside.

Mmmm, good. I miss wearing boots.

I lean back, smiling at the fact that my feet feel secure. I look around our rather spacious carriage, my eyes roaming around, stopping on Mule who just stands there unmoving.

I point, “You sure you don't want me to summon something better?, maybe stronger?”

“No, “Jessica says quickly, “I like Mule.”

Right, Mule, my first ever summoned minion. Still alive, still ugly, and Jessica seems to have some weird attachment to it. Not really a problem, especially now considering my skills. He doesn't take that much soul anymore though his mana cost is still decently high.

I place my hands behind my head, allowing my thoughts to turn towards the next part of my plan. In a few days we will have arrived for the meeting and I will be able to set my case. Most of the mellow [Herdmasters] will listen and see reason, but I hope not too many. I need them to accept Dragkenoss’s ownership of the herd but avoid actually joining it. I already outlined my plan to Doreson who reluctantly agreed to go with it.


“Hm?” I look up, coming back from my thoughts as Jessica starts to blush, her index finger moving in circles around the table.

“What uhh, happened to those three.”

I groan as my hand comes to my face, pinching the bridge of my nose.

Right, that day after the battle. I don't know what came over me, but I was horny, so much so that I was extremely aggressive. I don't ever remember being so horny in my life, not even when I was younger. But that day, I wasn't even able to control my aura. Every single female centaur and gejan were looking at me with barely contained lust. They wanted to mount me, I wanted to mount them, but I refused to force myself on any women unwilling.

“Well, I started to bang Tessa as I usually do, but I was too aggressive and she passed out before I could finish. So I went and asked Thorous, who I believe was interested in me, and she passed out too. Thankfully, Lilly did not pass out before I finished.”

Jessica’s face goes quite red, “Is-is that why your hips were broken and why they are acting like that?”

Oh dear god. She found out.

“Well, yes. Lilly has a lot of strength and has very violent orgasms,” I scratch the side of my face, “as for their actions. Well, Lilly is now obsessed with me, possibly as much as Tessa, and Thorous seems to be avoiding me. I think I may have been her first.”

“I… I see,” she says, blushing harder.

She probably wants to fuck me too, but her stupid loyalty to her class and goddess doesn’t allow it. Well, it's her choice. I’m not going to ever force myself on her, especially considering how useful her healing capability is.

Hmm, she healed quite a bit recently, right? I wonder what her level is.

[Advanced Analyze]


Level 96 [Priestess]]

Jessica is an orphan who had been adopted by the church of Eir where she grew up in. She has sworn to her Goddess Eir and devoutly follows her teachings which include healing those who need it. Eventually, the church had sold her off to a [Slaver] where she eventually found herself owned by a [Hero]. Jessica is currently the leader of the centaur ‘Red Cross’ faction which focused on healing the injured.

























Blessing of Eir: Increased healing Potency

Oh… she is four levels from her second tier class. This is… I am jealous. Holy crap she is leveling so freaking fast. Though her levels do seem to give very small gains to her stats. A bit of intelligence, decent mana, some dexterity, stamina, perception. Oh and a little bit of mana regen.

Nothing too crazy, though her willpower is absurdly high. She literally has more than anyone but myself. I doubt that is from her class though.

“So Jessica.”

At the sound of my voice, she jumps and looks to me.

“You know you are a level 96 [Priestess], right?”

Her eyes widen, all dirty thoughts thrown to the side, “What! Already?”

I nod,” Yup, you haven't been to a dungeon stone yet but I’m sure you probably gained a skill. Maybe even two.”

Hmm, neither have I for awhile. Last I checked, nothing really changed. I am still the highest level [Hero] in the entire world, but that was when I was in my forties. I wonder if that has changed. I guess I will be able to check at the meeting. Apparently there is a dungeon stone at that city.

I crack my neck, touch my smooth bald head before I stand up. “Well, as much as I would like to keep talking, I want to enchant more. I reached level 39 [Enchanter] yesterday and I have a good feeling that I will gain a good skill on my next level.”

Jessica nods as I turn from her and walk towards a door. I open it up and enter a room filled with bones, crystal powder, oil, and various other tools I can use for enchanting.

“Three days. I have three days for one level. How hard can it be, right?”


Level Up X 1

You are now a level 40 [Enchanter]

You have gained a new Skill: [Enchanters Recovery]

[Enchanters Recovery] [Common]

After performing a successful enchant, increase mana regeneration by .5 until mana is recovered to full.

“Really? It took three days and over two hundred enchants to gain one freaking level? And all I get is a skill to let me enchant slightly more often?”

I shake my head.

Bullshit. Stupid skill that only increases my mana regeneration by barely over ten percent.

I mean sure, I can understand how useful it is on people with barely any regeneration whatsoever, but why on me. I already have a really good regen.

With a frown on my face, I stand up from my chair and stretch. I turn away from my messy workplace and exit the room, immediately finding Jessica who is staring out of the window.

I move close and quickly find out what she is looking at.

We had arrived at our destination and all I can see is hundreds and hundreds of centaurs milling around, looking towards our slowed procession with great interest.

I sit down on my usual seat across from Jessica and look out of the window. We haven’t entered the city yet, but it is clear that we are very near and that several times our army of centaurs are stationed around the city. Most likely they are here to make sure that violence is avoided.

Regardless, I still chuckle as many centaurs unsheath their weapons in fear upon seeing Berosus walk carefully behind my carriage.

Moments pass, possibly an hour or so before my carriage stops in front of the city gates.

I stand up,” It’s time Jessica.”

Jessica stands up too. She takes a deep breath and nods towards me, “Let’s.”

I step off the carriage, landing hard on the worn dirt before turning to help Jessica out. I move to the front of the carriage while taking note of the very nervous [Guard].

“What's taking so long? Why are the gates closed? We are here for the meeting,” I say loud and clearly, turning the heads of the nervous [Guard] towards me.”

The [Guard] looks at me curiously before turning to Oregan who seems to be staring them down rather well.

“You are-”

“The Patriarch of the Kitsune, Quasi Eludo. I believe my presence is expected.”

“I-I was ordered to only allow a select few to enter,” the [Guard] says with a gulp.

“The Patriarch will no-,” I wave my hand, silencing Oregan whose mere presence looks as though it will make the low level [Guard] shit on the dirt.

“I understand that the presence of an army inside a city would be rather unwelcome. In that sense, I will have my army camp outside while I will enter with a few select people. Is that acceptable?”

The [Guard] stares at me and then looks up at the menacing monstrosity that is Berosus.

“Due to the size of my city destroying minion, I will have it stay outside the city as well,” I add smoothly.

The [Guard] looks at me, practically paralyzed now. His eyes focused on me, staring, body unmoving.

Ohhhh, did I break him? He looks like a deer about to be struck by a car.

“Those terms are acceptable. Allow them to enter.”

I look up and my gaze stops on an older looking centaur who is a level 131 [Watch Captain] by the name Arther. He gazes at me, possibly attempting to [analyze] me, unfortunately for him I seem to be immune to it for some odd reason.

“Y-yes sir,” the [Guard] yells with a tremble before turning and smacking the door, informing those on the other side to open the gates.


Moments pass, my army makes camp and I enter the city with a rather powerful posse.

“So, Arther, I don't suppose we could take a detour to the dungeon stone?”

Arther, the [Watch Captain] turns his head around while walking forward, his eyes still trying to figure me out, but seem to fail every time.

“That is, acceptable, as long as it is quick,” he says after a moment.

“It will be. Please lead us there first.”

He nods and our direction changes slightly. Jessica, Mule, Dragkenoss, Oregan, Doreson, the three [Herdmasters] and Thorous follow me, matching my pace. Though I do note that Thorous has taken the absolute rear.

As we make our way towards the cities dungeon stone, I take the time to look at the scenery; buildings, architecture, clothing, various differences in centaur looks. You can learn a lot if you are perceptive. For example, [Enchanters], even low level ones are greeted kindly while [Healers] constantly receive thanks from normal passerby. Certain classes like [Woodworkers], [Hunters], [Farmers] are practically ignored. Even the [Traders] seem to be treated the same, though with a slight bit more familiarity. One young [Mage] even had three females gushing over him.

It was clear that certain classes, primarily the newer classes are respected quite a bit more. Though that could be because of the rarity of the classes and how little is known about them.

Buildings are mostly made of wood, some of stone, while the clothing they wear varies quite a bit. Granted, their differing clothing is more towards the upper torso while a cloth sheet moves over their lower back. The sheet is rather simple, usually of one color with an image of the herd they belong to. On the other hand, the humanoid part of the body differs greatly. From something of a tank top to a full on coat.

It is also here that I finally get my first look towards children who seem to be running around, smiling, talking, and mostly pointing at me.

Yea, who would guess Gejans and Humans in a centaur city would attract so much attention?

“We are here.”

Coming back from my distraction, I turn and look towards Arther and notice his finger pointing at a rather well decorated… rock.

A very shiny, tall, pointy rock.

“Perfect,” I say, giving Arther a thankful look. I wave to Jessica.

“Come, let's go see If I got anything new,” I say as I head towards the stone and firmly planting my hand upon its surface.

Huh, its warm.

[Hero] Level 50 has been achieved. Max number of classes for quick leveling has been increased from 3 to 4. Currently ¾ classes chosen.

And as usual, here comes the other message a moment later.

[Hero] Level 50 has been achieved. Max number of classes for quick leveling has been increased from 3 to 4. Currently ¾ classes chosen.

I Really don't understand why I have this weird fantom voice seemingly reading out, word for word of what is literally showing in a box in front of me. It just makes no sense. At Least I can ignore the voice.

You are currently the Highest level [Hero] out of all other [Heroes].

Mmmm, nothing new there. I do wish that it would tell me who the other [Heroes] are and what level they have. Or even how many. That would be some rather useful information.

But enough about that. I am now left with a very annoying conundrum. I can now get another class and I am not sure which one to get. There are a freaking lot, though all of them are basic classes.

[Rogue], [Mage], [Warrior] are the absolute basic classes with an enormous amount of differing specialties. Elemental [Mages], weapon specific [Warriors], and an even larger amount of classes with the [Rogue] class.

But I would want something far more unique, something along the lines of a [Cavalier] or [Vancian Mage]. Though neither of those two would benefit me much considering [Cavalier’s] are all about mounted combat while a [Vancian Mage] is all about pre planning spells and releasing them instantly, which is rather moot considering I have [Silent Casting] and [Motionless Casting], two passive skills which allow me to cast almost instantaneously anyways.

Now, most people in my situation would focus on something that would fix my weaknesses, which is physical combat. So they would choose something along the lines of a melee class. Unfortunately for them, that is a huge trap. Unless there is some physical class that will boost my current [Necromancer] class somehow, then it is best to go for something that works with it.

[Necromancers] use undead minions and create armies. An [Enchanter] can create enchants on items or minions to increase their effective capability. As for [Noble], well, I took that on instinct. I’m not sure if it was worth it yet.

Wow, tens of thousands of classes to choose from and I can only take one…

“Jessica! I need to get another class. Any recommendations?” I say, turning to my side, only to notice the [Priestess] with her mouth open, eyes glazed.


I snap my fingers in front of her face. She shakes her head and removes her hand from the stone.

“You ok?”

She swallows and slowly nods. She looks borderline in shock. Like her entire world was turned upside down…

Right, that is probably my fault somehow.

“Well then, if you are actually ok, even though you don't look ok, mind telling me what new skills you have gained?”

She takes a moment, blinks and opens her mouth.

“S-s-skill change. My [Healers Authority] skill has changed to,” she pauses, frowning with hints of annoyance, “[Tyrants Authority].”


Yeaaaaaa, she is soooo keeping that nickname now.

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