Inexorable Chaos

Chapter fifty Seven: Rumors

“The answer is no, Oregan. I need you here to keep Doreson alive until I return. Dragkenoss too, though I don't think there are many that could even come close to killing him.”

“There are very few,” Dragkenoss chimes in from Doresons side.

I look around, staring at the much smaller procession around me. My minion, all of the Gejan, Jessica, and enough centaurs to pull my carriage and carts to the next location.

“But…,” he begins, his eyes swerving to the carriage that he had been pulling for the whole week.

Really? That's the reason? Ughhh, I am an idiot.

“When I leave the floor, I will make sure to send the carriage back to you for safekeeping. So do not worry.”

Oregan's expression seemingly relaxes before being followed up by a nod.

I shake my head in annoyance before turning to Doreson who is scribbling like crazy.

“Doreson, train up some people as [Quartermasters] or find them if they exist. Maybe even train up some [Secretaries].”

He stops writing and looks up to me confused, “[Secretaries]?”

“A non-combat version of a [Quartermaster]. They will assist you in organization and management. And yes, it is a class, surprisingly.”

Doreson nods momentarily before going back to writing. Which I can't blame him for, the man is going to be hella busy for the next couple of years.

Finally, I turn to the last person I wanted to talk to, especially since it will divert my path a bit.

“Dragkenoss… your granddaughter, are you sure she will be able to help? Do I really need her as a guide?”

Dragkenoss nods, “Yes, traversing the forest can be a bit treacherous without her help. She knows it perfectly and I am sure she can help.”

I scratch the side of my head, feeling annoyed that I can barely even feel hair growing.

“Right, you have said she is capable several times but you refuse to tell me her class or what she looks like. Is this really necessary?”

Dragkenoss pauses… swallows hard, but in the end, nods. “Yes… she is disliked.”

I can't help but roll my eyes. Like sure, maybe she is extremely ugly, which is fine. I don't care. But what kind of class could she possibly have that I can't even be told? He treats it like it is taboo.

Which doesn't make sense considering me. I am a fucking [Necromancer]. I can raise the corpse of his grandmother and have her bone fuck him till he passes out.

“You know what, fine, whatever. Let's treat it as a surpr- what?”

Oregan raises his hand, gaining my attention like a child to a teacher. His expression is contemplative.

“My son… you talked to him and told him that his class… of [Spy] was good.”

I raise an eyebrow, “Ohhhh, so Arrons’ your son. You have a very smart kid there. His class is impressive and he knows how to use it. The kid made an entire army charge into a suicide. A perfect calculative move… actually,” I swerve to Doreson quickly.

“Doreson, take Oregan’s son under your care. Train him up as an information specialist. That's going to be very useful, especially since the kid only needs a level to upgrade his class.”

Doreson looks up at me, slowly nods, and then looks back down and continues writing.

“Anything else Oregan?”

Oregan looks to Dragkenoss who is slowly mouthing No.

Oregan smiles and turns to me, “Her class is [Beastmistress]. She ca-”

Dragkenoss quickly moves and rams into Oregan, barely even pushing him, but that is enough to interrupt. Dragkenoss looks to me, panicking.

“I-I she is not a bad person. She, she just spends time with them!”

Really? REALLYYYYY!!!!

“Dragkenoss, you are an idiot. A fucking idiot.”

He stops, looking at me wide-eyed and confused.

“So she can control beasts and monsters. So what?”

“But it’s… bad.”

“What do you mean bad? I control fucking anything that dies or I kill. She can control monsters. How is that different?”

“The monsters eat you.”

Is this guy for real? Why are some of the centaurs that are listening actually nodding to that?

I shake my head and send a mental command.

My massive minion turns around behind me and I activate some rather interesting muscles. The crystal dome seems to lift upward, disconnecting a portion of the domes connection, revealing a clear face of Berosus.

And then, Berosus' mouth opens to reveal a literal circular hole of sharp grinding teeth.

“So, Dragkenoss, want to find out how many bites of you Berosus can consume?”

Every centaur except the distracted Doreson steps back in what seems like some kind of primal fear. Like prey looking at a predator.

With another mental command, Berosus closes his mouth and lowers his dome back down.

They look at me, wide-eyed, and all I can do is give a nice toothy smile.

“As you can see, I don't care about what the class is, only whether it is useful or not. [Beastmistress] sounds very useful, [Herdmaster] is crap.”

I turn and wave towards the silent Centaurs as I make my way to the carriage being pulled by the [Ranger] Zoteal and [Guard Captain] Damair.

Apparently, Oregan’s strength was enough to pull it alone, but most centaurs require at least two people, possibly even more if their strength and stamina are too low.

I make my way to the carriage and hop up three feet before entering the inside.

“Are we going now?” Jessica asks as I stroll into the sitting area.

Her question is answered a moment after when the carriage begins to move.

I sit across her and stare out the window, watching the carts begin to move and [Runners] accelerating away to send messages. On the carts are my Gejan, all of them are relaxing. This whole floor had pretty much been a vacation for them so far.

If the forest is as dangerous as Dragkenoss makes it out to be, then I think it would be a good place to train and level. I can get Jessica to her next class, Level my own class of [Necromancer] and get my average Gejan level to around eighty. Seventy is good, but If I can get them all to pass one hundred, I think I will have a much easier time.


“Hm?” I look to Jessica, her eyes looking at the table in front of us.

“Di-did you choose your last class yet?”

Why is she being so shy about asking? She should already know that I don't care about telling my classes and levels. I wasn't born in this world, so I don't find it disrespectful.

“Nope, I am actually having trouble choosing a class. Nothing speaks out to me and I can’t necessarily choose a class without more information. The name and description go only so far. Which is why I am going to hold up on my choice until I can talk to the Kitsune. Hopefully, they can give me some insight.”

Not really the choice I want, but a class is a big thing to choose. I can't tell what classes are good, which are shitty, and which would be great later. Like [Noble] felt kind of limitless. It feels like it can be an auxiliary to anything. Which is why it was an easy choice. But everything else doesn't give me that feeling.

“I see…”

As timid and beta as any answer I have heard. Which is all the more surprising when shit hits the fan and she needs to get stuff done. She turns into a drill sergeant and it is her way or… nope, still her way. Kinda scary actually.

“Do I have something on my face?”

Oh… I’m staring… again. Huh, I should stop that, though it is difficult considering her rather growing curves and increasing bust.

Yup, her formerly, barely existent breasts are enlarging. Another one or two inches and I think she will be Gorgeous.

“Ummm,” Jessica looks down, beginning to blush at my piercing gaze.

Fuck Me! Not again. It's coming back!!!!!

I stand quickly, startling her.

“Right, I will go to bed. I need to sleep… and think and stuff. Goodnight.”


Jessica watches as Quasi quickly makes his way to his room, opening and closing the door just as fast.

She blinks and turns her gaze outside, staring at the illuminating crystal in the sky, signifying that it is morning…


A little over a week passes, a rather safe week thanks to the sheer, massive presence of Berosus. No monsters or animals dare come close to the hulking colossus.

But now, the group is nearing their destination, a rather small village bordering a grand forest.

A village, currently armed with bows, is standing behind a very flimsy looking wooden wall. Clearly, the inhabitants are in a state of emergency, though Quasi is finding it impressive that all of the centaurs are choosing to fight instead of run.

More notable to that fact is the rather high level [Hunters] which are waiting with bows drawn. It is abundantly clear that this village survives mostly on the skins and bones of beasts from the forest.

And as much as the [Hero] Quasi would enjoy sending Berosus forward for the fun of it, he does need information. Information, which is easier to obtain from a populace not at the verge of shitting themselves.

Hence, Damair runs ahead and enters the village.

Not even five minutes later, and Damair is already waving to signify that permission was granted.


“Y-you gave us all quite a scare with your,” the [Herdmaster] named Rocco begins as his eyes look out of the town and at the hulking boss monster,” um…”

“Minion. Berosus is an undead minion completely under my control. So do not worry, it has no mind of its own and will only follow my orders.”

Rocco gulps and finally diverts his sight towards me.

“I-I see. Thank you for that explanation.”

I look at the rather scared [Herdmaster]. Even with my explanation, he still looks utterly terrified. Actually.

Gazing around the town and the many nervous looking [Hunters], I notice pretty much every person looking terrified at me.

“Ok, this is annoying. Rocco, why is everyone afraid of me here. They should be curious, or at the very least, respectful. Heck, I would even settle with lustful, even though that would create more problems than I would want to deal with.”

The [Herdmaster] gazes at me, mouth open, fear, and confusion. He looks like a fish having an aneurysm or something.

“It’s the White Curse!”

“Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Someone here actually has balls.”

I quickly look around and find the person who had spoken. And of course, a young little girl centaur with her arms to her side is glaring at me.

“I meant guts. Not balls, guts.”

“Denisha, this is important business and you are too young. Where are your parents?” asks Rocco.

“They are hiding in the stinky cellar, like everyone else,” she exclaims while stamping one hoof.

That explains where the rest of the population is.

“Denisha, go back down to the cellar, the grownups are talking.”

She rolls her eyes and points at me, “You mean staring at him with your mouth hanging open? Because I don't think he finds you attractive enough for that.”

Did she just imply…

“Denisha, that is utte- what?” Rocco stops and turns around as I am laughing. Truly genuinely laughing. Rocco's facial expression was just so… wow, this girl is good.

“Give, hahaha, give me a moment,” say, looking at the now very red Rocco and cheeky smile on Denisha’s face.

“Denisha, thanks for that. I don't suppose I can ask you questions instead?”

Denisha smiles and nods but Rocco immediately moves his body to block my view.

“She is too young.”

“She may be young, but you are way too old, and like she said, I’m not interested in you.”

Rocco’s face turns a very red shade. Even his posture changes to something a bit more threatening.

“I am a [Herdmaster]!” he says angrily.

Why is this class so easy to anger. Sheesh, this is really getting annoying.

[Loud Voice]

“And I am a being who can slaughter an entire fucking town with just a thought,” My words and unexpectedly loud voice cause Rocco and many of the centaurs to step back in fright.

Rocco looks at me, and then at my minion, and then at my cocky smile. His body falls on the ground with a thud.

I look down.

“Your uh… leader, seems to have fainted.”


Short stubs for horns, not actually much hair but decently fluffy dark brown fur. She has that growing feminine look that I see in young girls going through puberty.

Because that is what Denisha reminds me of. A cute thirteen-year-old kid who probably masturbates regularly and sneakily watches couples having immensely active voracious sex.

“You have a really weird look on your face. Also, you are staring.”

Denisha licks her lips, her face red as she gazes at me.

Fuck, am I really getting turned on by a kid? Seriously? The fuck is wrong with my hormones… Loki. Loki’s fault.

...then again, she could be older. I can't properly tell since our species are different…

Right, focus. Question!

“So, who or what is the White Curse?”

Denisha pouts at the change in conversation as she leans on the log that I am sitting on. Thankfully, when the [Herdmaster] fainted, Damair was nice enough to explain the complete situation and vouch for me. Which is why I am now sitting and talking with Denisha and nobody to hear our conversation except for Lilly and Tessa who are hiding on a nearby tree.

They're so bad at it that I have a surveillance drone, which is a small bird undead, just sitting on a branch next to them. It is kinda pathetic.

“Well… the White Curse is my older sister.”

Dragkenoss said that he hadn't seen his granddaughter for the past fifteen years… and he said he only had one granddaughter. Which means he probably doesn't know that his daughter was busy.

“Alba, correct?”

Her eyes widen, “You know her?”

“I know her and your grandfather. Though I don't think Dragkenoss even knows you exist.”

To my surprise, Denisha jumps up and rams into me, her hands on my shoulders, “Dragkenoss is my grandfather? Really? The Dragkenoss?”

Oh my, oh my. I am sensing some drama here.

“I’m going to guess that your mother never told you about her father?”

Denish moves back, utterly shocked and confused.

Which quickly turns to anger.

“That bitch. I am so going to tell daddy about that other guy she is fucking.”

Holy… wow. Oh wow. This…

“Right, you do that, but first, mind telling me about your sister Alba and why they call her the White Curse?”

She turns and looks towards direction of her probably home, before frowning.

“Well, the adults say that Alba is a curse. A purely white centaur never before seen. They say it is some kind of sickness.”

“Sounds like superstition.”

“It is! I met Alba. She saved my life.”

I tap the log next to me. Denisha takes a moment before laying back down as she was before.

“Tell me the story. All of it, from the beginning.”

She nods and I take a moment to listen.

“Well, when I was younger, people would talk about the White Curse all the time. Blaming it on bad crops or bad hunts. I didn't think nothing of it, until last year when [Hunters] were having a harder time killing prey and that even one of the [Hunters] had died.”

Makes sense. Level were apparently increasing for the past years, though much more noticable last year. The dungeon is just getting more dangerous and the [Hunters] aren’t adapting.

“I… I overheard a conversation between a couple…”

After she probably saw them banging each other.

“They were blaming the White Curse for the viciousness of the monsters. They talked about Alba and how lucky I was to not have the curse since I am her younger sister.”

“So what did you do? Ask your parents about it?”

She turns away from me, her face growing a slight red.

“I sneaked into the forest to find her. To make sure.”

I shake my head at that idiocy. Trained [Hunters] are getting killed in the forest and a supposedly young girl is supposed to survive.

“In other words, you walked into the forest, probably during the night, got lost in the forest, some monster chased you like prey and then you stumbled into your sister, which in turn saved you. Right?”

“Ummmm… pretty much, yeah.”

“Ok, so if I ask you to introduce me to your sister you wouldn't be able to because you have no idea where she is. Only that she is somewhere in the forest, correct?”

She smiles, “Exactly.”

I smack my face and roll my eyes. She reminds me of a younger me. Which is annoying, because I am supposed to be the one annoying. Not being annoyed.

“Alright, I got the gist of it. Thanks for the story. You can go to your dad now and rat out your mom.”

She looks at me, still smiling, staring.

I roll my eyes, “What do you want?”

For a moment, I think I saw her eyes gaze between my legs before they turn back to my face.

“Can-can you introduce me to Dragkenoss? I am a fan of his.”

“I can. I’m sure he will be very thrilled to know he has another granddaughter. I will send a message to him after I leave the floor.”

“Oh, right. I heard you are going to save everyone from the dungeon,” she pauses,“ and that when you are done, you will choose the best centaur females as your mates for your harem.”

Wait, what? What Harem?

Her face turns beet red as she bites her lip. She gazes at me, her eyes staring into mine, “Can… can I be your first?”

Really? Really? Why does this happen to me? And from a kid no less. Shit, I need a distraction.


Two Gejan fall from the tree, striking the ground hard, the branches finally giving way.

I turn to the two lying on the floor, breathing hard, their scales a lighter color than normal.

Ask and you shall receive.

“Perfect timing, though I think Lilly may be too heavy to hide on the trees.”

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