Inexorable Chaos

Chapter 250: 122 Gaw: Distracting Symphony





Aegir finally hears his name and pulls his eyes away from the floating ship. He looks at Nickolas.

The [Abbot] frowns when he sees Aegir’s expression devoid of color. “Are you alright? You look as though you’ve seen a ghost?”

Aegir swallows the spit in his mouth. He forces his mind to calm and then points at the ShadeHaven hovering in the middle of the battlefield. “That ship was called the Haven, and is supposed to have been lost five decades ago. It disappeared off the southern coast of the continent. The ship and all its passengers were presumed dead… until now.”

The [Abbot] stares at the floating super dreadnought, unsure how to feel about the monstrosity hovering in the air. Heck, he doesn't even know how to feel about the aura attack coming from above. It’s impressive how powerful and potent a musical aura could be, or how wide-ranging it is. Just from a casual glance, he notes nearly every [Sailor] is in a trance. Only the [Captains] are able to break free; not that it matters. A ship can't sail with only a [Captain], which is why all the ships are still, neither fighting nor retreating.

“The ship emanates a significant amount of dark mana. I presume this is something new?” Nickolace asks.

“It is. The Haven is… was a vessel built with the ingenuity of the three major races. Dwarven metalwork, elven enchanting, and human engineering. The Haven was a ship that was so heavily defended and durable that even several armadas couldn't stop it. It was a truly magnificent ship.”

The [Abbot] shakes his head, “And now it looks as though the ship has been corrupted by dark magic and necromancy. Considering such magic is the purview of Davy Jones, I presume that Bone is a subordinate of the undead.”

Aegir scowls at the [Abbots] words. The thought that such a magnificent ship has been brought so low gets his blood boiling. Anger and want for retribution against Bone rises, but only slightly. The Haven was known to be able to repel several of the ten, so he doubts he could do anything about the situation right now, or even in the near future. Best to call a retreat when the music ends.

Which doesn’t last much longer. With a thrum of keys, the masked man finishes with an aggressive note that sends shivers down everyone's spine.


After the music ends, a silence reigns. A stillness and tranquility. A moment of peace and quiet. None make a sound for half a minute, basking in the situation for the moment.

And then it all shatters as [Sailors] come out of their trance and start pointing at the floating ship. Conversations benign where the word Haven is thrown about alongside high-pitched screams between ship enthusiasts. Which just adds to the confusion and makes it difficult for the [Captains] to retake control of their ships.

Unfortunately, or fortunately if you are fond of music, the symphony was only the beginning.

The masked man stands up from his seat and bows to the audience of ships, “I hope you enjoyed the overture and found it pleasing to the ears.” his voice booms.

Screams, yells, orders, and various sounds are heard from the residence of the ships. Some good, some curious, but most confused. Bone takes their voices as positive and bows again.

“Now, once again, give me a moment to prepare the next movement.”

All at once, the yelling of [Captains] rises as an aura encompasses everything and everyone. This time, the [Captains] are prepared and resist the temptation, but not the [Sailors]. They stare at the man as he steps away and the piano melts into the ship. Several other instruments like violins and trombones fall into a violet abyss.

After the instruments disappear, Bone kneels down and reaches into the violet shadow and retrieves a glowing violet drum.


I retrieve my drum from my shadow and smile at one of my favorite creations. I gaze at the thing, enjoying its luster.

ShadeHaven Dominance System (Very Rare)

Created by Quasi Eludo, this drum is intrinsically attuned to the [Undead Deathship], ShadeHaven. This item allows the controller to enhance the ship's main weapon system with related skills.

“ShadeHaven, Progress report.”

Command: ‘Progress Report’, accepted.


Mana channels are all activated.

Mana batteries are fully charged.

Crystalline Mana Horn is 872% above minimum power.

Gravitational flux is stable.

All systems are nominal for weapon activation.

“Perfect. Connect the drum to the ship and release the cannons.”

Command Acknowledged. Activating Sonus Gravitas combat system.


Those unaffected by the Aura watch with trepidation as Bone raises his hand up in the air. From the deck of the ship, a cord of bony sinew travels like a snake and embeds itself into a small opening on the back of the drum.

At the same time, the ship's hundreds of broadside gunports slide open. From the ports, the cannons peek out of the ship. Or, at least that's what should be happening. Instead, what exits the ship doesn't look at all like a cannon. It doesn't even look like a weapon either.

New instruments rise up from the ship and are taken up by the undead. They take their positions and wait for their leader to begin.

“Alright, my preparations are ready. Hope you’re all ready for quite a ride. [Royal Concert], [Resonance of Mana], [Worldshape Melody]” Bone exclaims to his audience. He reaches at his chest, grabs the suit, and then rips off the top in one fell motion to reveal glistening, well-developed, oiled and tattooed muscles. He then reaches to the side of the drum and picks up two femurs and flexes his muscles and twists his neck left and right. Finally, he raises one of the femurs and slams down on the drum.

The hundreds of broadside subwoofers tremble as deep bass and potent mana vibrates the air…

…and then the ocean trembles as the vibrations reach the water. Quasi continues to drum, his muscles flexing in a constant rhythm that grows louder and deeper with every impact. After several strikes, the undead start to play their own instruments. The ocean seems to resonate with the growing music, trembling as the drumming starts to ever-slowly, speed up. Eventually, the music resonates with the ambient mana. Mana and sound fuse, becoming one, all connected to the floating ship hovering overhead.

ShadeHaven pulses and sends its mana through the connection. The ship's core rumbles and speeds up as the horn begins to glow.

ShadeHavens mouth opens, releasing a gaseous violet mist alongside the activation of a skill.

“[Gravitational Vortex]”

The skill activates all at once and every ship except for the Iron Rain rises up into the air. [Sailors] tremble and grab hold as the ocean and ships defy gravity, rising up and up until every ship now twirls and orbits defenselessly around ShadeHaven.

Bone smiles under his mask as his plan comes into fruition. He glances below, at the two ships too far to be affected. Two ships right next to each other.


Chaos. That's the word to best describe what Davy Jones is staring at. A single ship, a planetary body floats above the ocean, surrounding itself with orbiting water and helpless ships. Few, if any ships would have such a counter. Nearly all vessels require gravity to properly function, and most crews of said ships don't have the levels and experience to work without solid footing.

In all honesty, ShadeHaven’s ability to control such vast quantities of gravitational energy is impressive, but what is most extraordinary isn’t so much the magic, but the potency of aura meshed with music. The ship is enhancing Quasi Eludo’s aura to such a point that he’s got every [Sailor] mesmerized and, impressively, every [Captain] distracted.

Davy turns his skull away from the floating mass of ships and then looks at the Iron Rain parked right next to the Flying Dutchman. Two Dreadnought class ships just casually parked right next to each other with only one cognizant of the other. As of this moment, he watches Quasi’s [Maids] and allies unloading off his ship and boarding the Iron Rain without anyone realizing what's happening. The [Sailors] are all hypnotized by the music and the two highest leveled individuals are just standing at the prow, ignorant of the boarding currently happening behind their backs.

“Quite a distraction,” he murmurs as the last boarder, Jessica, waves goodbye in his direction. He nods towards her and then will’s his ship to submerge. As his vessel descends, he can hear the sound of staves beginning to break bone.


The music is grand, powerful, potent, but also annoying to Jessica. Every strike, every thum made from Quasi hitting the drums is not just heard, but felt. She can feel the vibrations traveling through her body, demanding her to take a leak. Annoying and distracting is what it is, and she so wishes Quasi had told her to take a piss before they boarded.

Shaking her head and willing the distraction away, she focuses back onto the mission at hand. The [Maids] are moving quickly and knocking out the [Sailors] aboard the ship. At the same time, Fiona is searching for the child.

As for her… Her job is to defeat the [Grand Admiral], or at the very least, keep him occupied until they find Teutas’ kid.

Considering the circumstances, it may very well be best to leave the man ignorant and distracted.

But, for some odd reason, as she stares at Aegir’s back, she feels it from the pit of her stomach. A confusing feeling, abnormal even. She feels a strong urge for pain… specifically, to inflict pain. As the feeling grows, she extends her outstretched hand and feels as though her goddess is with her, urging her.

With her hand out, a light descends from the heavens onto her palm. She grabs hold of the light, feeling the reassurance of her goddess and the divines’ guiding hand.

Class upgrade available…

Initiating Class upgrade…

Upgrading class [Abess]...

Congratulations. You are now a level 226 [Scourge Abbess]

You have gained the Legendary passive skill: [Sovereign of Scourge]

[Sovereign of Scourge]

Scourge spells cost 50% less to cast and maintain.

All unnamed angels summoned by [Summon Angel] are turned into [Scourge Angels] and have their levels boosted by 20%.

Scourge spells cast by you ignore requirements.

You have gained the Uncommon passive skill: [Healing Agony]

[Healing Agony]

All healing effects on others are strengthened based on the pain they are feeling.

You have gained the Rare passive skill: [Vicious Circle of Healing]

[Vicious Circle of Healing]

As you cause more and more pain, the strength of your healing skills are temporarily boosted.

You have gained the Legendary skill [Greater Creation: Elder Scourge Elemental]

[Greater Creation: Elder Scourge Elemental]

Using your environment, create an Elder elemental of whips.


“You shouldn't waste so much of your power.”

Eir rolls her eyes at Loki. She points at her tablet screen hovering over Jessica, “This woman saved me from imprisonment. She put everything in motion so that I can obtain the strength to free myself from my bonds. Giving her a portion of my power is the least I can do.”

Loki shifts his eyes from the woman lying naked on his couch. Well, mostly naked, except for the choker.

“I don’t believe your favorite follower will appreciate your skills.”

Eir chuckles and bites her lips. Her legs move erotically and her breathing intesifies. “She will,” the goddess exclaims as her heartbeat quickens, “after all,” her face flushes sadistically, “We are the same.”

Loki shakes his head. Not because Eir is wrong. Quite the opposite, actually.

The only problem is that one has accepted their nature, and the other has yet to even realize it.

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