In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 81: We Are Wizards

Jon opened the door of his dorm and a girl named Hermione Granger was standing outside the door.

She looked at Jon, made a silent gesture to him, then grabbed his arm and led him out of the dorm.

Jon did not resist as he followed the girl through the cold breezy corridor and then reached the far end of the underground floor, where a slightly larger room that appeared to be an abandoned potions' classroom is situated.

There were already some children waiting there, all first and second-year students.

Most of the first-year students had blank and uncertain expressions on their faces as if they were unsure of why they had to disobey Dolohov's order to gather here at this time.

The second-year students, on the other hand, mostly showed agitated expressions, as if they were fearful and yet trying to cope with that fear.

After leading Jon into the room, Hermione shut the door behind her completely. Tonight would be a pleasant Halloween night for the faculty and students above, and no one would bother to come and see the mudbloods at this time of year, not even Dolohov.

"Is it just the seven of us? Hermione."

The question was raised by a second-year student named Ben Thomas, who was usually a quiet boy.

Hermione tugged her messy hair behind her shoulders and pursed her whitened lips.

"Vis has been getting close to Brown (the Head boy of the Mudbloods) and the group since the school began, and we can't trust him completely anymore."

Her words caused a bit of silence among the second-year students, many of whom subconsciously clenched their fists.

And at this time, a first-year kid finally asked a question.

"I... Why are we gathered here?" The boy stammered, " If, uh, if Brown and the group spot us, they'll definitely report it to Mr Dolohov."

The second years didn't say anything, while Hermione turned her head to look at the first years.

They are only eight of them, their facial features still look quite childlike, if they could not perform magic, then in muggle society they should have just entered middle school and started happy middle school life.

In fact, Hermione and the guys are only a year older than they are, but they have experienced more in the past year, which washed off quite a significant 12-year-old childishness.

The suffering is tormenting them, but it also helped them grow faster.

"Because gathering, communicating, getting along, freedom, these should be our birthright!"

Hermione looked at the freshmen and uttered a statement that was so treacherous according to the mudblood's education.

The first-year students who had been subjected to a period of indoctrination, all looked at Hermione with their mouths wide open.

Perhaps in the first few days here, they will miss their parents every night, be nostalgic for the previous society and life, and cry about what is happening to them.

But the whole two months of busy labour and tough lifestyle in the castle have gradually let them feel numb.

Eleven years old is when children would begin to develop their own world-view and values, but all day long they were taught that they were born inferior to others and that the goal of a slave's life should be to serve the purebloods better, and very few of these children were not affected by these words.

If they were not born inferior, then why should they be subjected to such discrimination?

If they weren't born with dirty blood, then why were they not allowed to hold a wand and learn proper magic like the rest of the children?

If they were not born inferior, then why did they endure such a slave-like life?

The children's minds are still very simple, they will think about all these questions on their own, but no matter what, they have failed to give themselves a plausible answer.

They have done nothing wrong, so why do they have to suffer so much?

Was it really like what these professors and sirs at the castle said, that it was just because they were born lowly due to their dirty blood?

"No one is born inferior!" Hermione looked at them and said firmly, "We are all equal, and the history of the magical world has never been just the history of pureblood wizards as the professors talked about, and all we can do is rely on serving them to leave our names in the history books!"

"Mudbloods, that's a cuss term, it's not a definition of our class! Hogwarts Castle didn't even have a pureblood, half-blood, and mudblood bloodline house seven years ago to begin with - for the last thousand years, all of us have had only one common name - wizards!"

"We are wizards."

Her voice was not loud, and her tone was not rousing, but it allowed everyone present to hear what she was trying to say clearly, and it also allowed everyone to feel the unparalleled firmness and certainty she had for what she was saying.

The first-year students' jaws dropped, and a short silence followed before a boy named Colin whispered.

"But the professor claims that only those with the bloodline deserve to be called wizards."

"What's the difference between someone with pure bloodline and us?" Hermione asked.

The boy couldn't answer her question, because the professor who taught them never talked about how they were different from pureblood and half-bloods either, he just repeatedly emphasized their inferiority.

"Blood is just an excuse, they're just finding a reason to enslave us. There is no such thing as superior and inferior human beings. If we were truly born inferior, then why don't they dare to let us have our wands to learn real magic? Because they know very well that every word they say to us from their own mouths is a lie, a lie used to make us believe that we are inferior, make us not dare to defy and resist the superior from the bottom of our minds even if we one day gain enough means to stand against them."

Hermione's words filled those first years with a mixture of dread and encouragement.

They had experienced nothing but degradation in this castle, and today is the first time someone has said something like this to them.

"But, but even if we know this, what's the point?" One girl choked out, "We have no way to resist, we can only be their slaves."

"Someone is resisting." Hermione looked at her seriously, "I've picked up newspapers that were thrown away and learned about another Hogwarts in the wizarding world, where everyone is equal, where even someone like us can get wands to learn magic, where everyone can drink hot pumpkin juice, have milk, eat grilled sausages, steaks, puddings and cakes, and at the holidays' everyone will celebrate together, everyone will receive Christmas gifts, and everyone will be wished blessings."

Her words brought a look of longing to the faces of every child who heard them, and it seemed like a dream life.

But in fact, what Hermione portrayed was not something she read in the newspaper, how could the Daily Prophet under the control of Voldemort possibly publish such an article?

She may have really found it in the newspaper, or learned from the senior students who were not wiped off their memories before, and became aware of the existence of another Hogwarts under the leadership of Dumbledore.

Those words just now, are all the best possible rosy thing she could imagine now.

Jon, who had not said anything from the beginning to the end, knew clearly she actually did not say anything wrong, she was able to imagine a lot of things present in that exiled wagon.

The children in the castle, without wands, without magic, with limited mobility and communication, had no chance to overthrow the oppression by themselves.

But she must give these children hope, even if they are now a group of children, defenceless, without the ability to make any resistance.

But one must at least make them aware that they are equals, no?


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