In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 79: Who can tell the future?

The Marauder's Map, a magical map created by the Marauders, marked with almost all the locations in Hogwarts Castle along with the secret passages, and it was also enhanced with an extremely powerful homunculus charm that can reveal the names of all the people and ghosts in the castle on the map.

Even if Jon is now wearing the cloak of invisibility, and has drank the polyjuice potion, in the marauder's map on the ground floor of the castle where he stood, the name revealed is not "Randy Smith", but "Jon Green".

This map is very important to Jon, who is now infiltrating Hogwarts Castle, you could even say that there is no place he can't go in the whole castle when he has it along with the invisibility cloak.

The key is that it also marked the entrance to all the secret passages in the castle, which means that Jon has the opportunity to go out of the castle, and contact Dumbledore directly outside!

This map is, the same as giving Jon a full map to play in the early game, removing all the fog from the castle, and allowing him to know the movements of everyone in Hogwarts.

Jon carefully glanced at the names of every individual now marked on the Marauder's Map.

He had actually been wondering one thing after entering Hogwarts Castle, where all the ghosts in the castle had gone?

Now even when he got the marauder's map, there was still no gain, the Peeves, Bloody Baron, Lady Grey, Nearly Headless Nick, all the ghosts who had given names in the original story, he could not find even a single name on the map.

All the ghosts have already died once, so they can't be killed again after that, no matter if it is an unforgivable killing curse or the instant death of the Basilisk.

The only explanation for the current situation is that they have all been brought out of the castle, but Jon did not see any ghosts in the wagon, so did Voldemort drive them out of the castle?

Jon couldn't figure this out for the time being. Just when he planned to extend his wand to cancel the magic on the marauder's map and put it away, he suddenly spotted a person's name at the bottom of the map, which seemed to have suddenly moved.

Jon stopped the movement of his hands, he frowned slightly, looking down towards the location right down where the castle basement, and carefully looked over, but found every name stayed properly in their rooms, and no one was walking around or going out.

He did not immediately decide that it was his own illusion and chose to stare at that location on the map for a good five or six minutes before finally continuing the action he had just stopped and tapping lightly on the marauder's map.

"Mischief managed."

The lines on the map retracted, eventually coalescing into ink dots at the tip of his wand and then disappeared.

Jon put away the map that had turned back into plain parchment, then tugged the cloak of invisibility tighter on his body and walked out of the Filch's office.

Even if someone had really moved just now, it didn't make him get all frightened. Even for mudblood students, there was no rule that they couldn't get up in the middle of the night to go to the lavatory, and it was not possible for him to go out of the underground floor.

Walking down to the basement, he closed the "cell door" with his backhand, and a "creak" of rusty hinges was heard in the silent underground dormitory corridor.

After locking the door again, he returned to his bedroom.

However, what Jon did not notice was that one of the dormitory doors he had just passed was not properly closed, and a hidden eye in the darkness was staring at the empty corridor where a subtle footstep sounded, and then the door of the student's dorm room named "Randy Smith" was opened and then closed again. ...


It is now October.

The weather has gradually started to get cooler, pureblood and half-blood students have changed into thicker school robes, and even the mudblood students each received a worn thick robe to protect themselves from the cold.

It was just, even in this weather they still needed to stick their hands in the cold water to soak their rags to clean the castle as well as various parts of the Quidditch pitch.

Even though most of the students had basically learned the cleaning spell using hand gestures, this spell was not universal enough to be used in most scenarios, and some parts still required the mudbloods to work with their own hands.

The atmosphere in Hogwarts Castle had recently become more lively, since, October meant that it would be time for the commencement of the semesterly Quidditch tournament.

This is something that can easily excite students who are studying inside the castle since entertainment activities are scarce in the wizarding community.

However, the two houses, half-blood and pureblood, which are separated, will not compete against each other, instead, the half-bloods will compete against the half-bloods, and the purebloods will compete against the purebloods within their own houses.

Students who wish to compete can go to the Flying Instructor who manages this event and apply to create a team. Each team will then compete against each other, and the team that eventually wins at the end of the semester will receive an actual material prize like the latest flying broom, as well as having their team name featured in the centre of the Trophy Room.

Voldemort intended to create a division between half-blood and pureblood students, both in education and in sports. He wanted to engrave the mentality that purebloods should have privileges in the hearts of half-blood wizards since they were very young so that they would accept this matter from the bottom of their hearts no matter now or in the future, and then the future hierarchy in the wizarding community would become completely solidified.

But even if the castle is bustling now, it has nothing to do with mudblood students, instead, this half-blood and pureblood carnival has flat-out added a lot of workloads on them.

They had to clean up the unused pitch before the tournament, and the job of cleaning up after the tournament also fell on their shoulders.

The first Quidditch match ended on Saturday, and Jon and the group started cleaning the pitch for the second time that week after the match.

With the experience gained last time, the second years were able to work much faster this time than the previous time.

"Please do it, Randy, you're better at using the spell than I am, you should be able to clean this stuff off easily."

The boy who had previously told Jon the exact location of Filch's office, named Hanton, looked at the ground splashed with pumpkin juice or butterbeer type of drink, approached Jon and asked him.

Jon nodded and handed him the broom in his hand to sweep up the ribbons that were fluttering all over the spectator stand.

"In fact, you are just a little off on the pronunciation, a little change of habit will make the cleaning spell work quite well."

"Hermione said the same thing to me." Hanton took the broom with an envious expression on his face, "You guys are truly gifted, Professor Sinistra just taught it once, and you were both able to learn it."

"Learning magic not only requires diligence and hard work, but it also requires you to be able to accept the very process yourself." Jon didn't immediately proceed to use the cleansing spell, he felt like teaching this boy something, "When casting a spell, we are supposed to rely on our mind and our 'will' to make the spell work, you need to be open-minded and interested to learn the spell, then it won't actually be hard to learn."

Hanton lowered his voice.

"I've secretly watched those wizard students compete, and they can actually fly in the sky on a broomstick! That must be FUN!"

"Be careful, it would be a disaster if Dolohov caught you peeking."

Hanton looked up at the blue sky overhead and placed the ordinary broom that Jon had handed him on his crotch, as if he too, like those half-blood and pureblood students, could already fly up into the sky on a broomstick at the moment.

"How nice it would be if I could fly like them." He said yearningly.

Jon didn't look at Hanton, his eyes never moved away from the drink stain in front of him, but he still didn't make a move to cast the spell, he broke the brief silence and murmured in a quiet whisper that Hanton might not be able to hear.

"Maybe in the future. Who can tell for sure."


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