In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 510: 12 Grimmauld Place

Although Jon's memories about the Horcruxes had already started to get quite fuzzy, he still hadn't forgotten some of the specific information.

The Nagini snake, for example, had been made into a Horcrux after Voldemort had been found by Wormtail, and as things stood now, that Horcrux shouldn't even exist anymore.

The diary had been destroyed in Harry's second year, the diadem hidden in the Room of Requirement had been found, and what still remained was the Hufflepuff's Golden Cup hidden in Gringotts, the Resurrection Stone ring hidden in the old Gunther house, and the Slytherin locket hidden in the Black family's ancestral manor.

These locations and things are not difficult to find and deal with, the only thing that is a bit difficult is the golden cup in the Gringotts.

The vault it is located in belongs exclusively to the Lestrange family, and under normal circumstances, the goblins won't allow anyone else to enter except for the Lestrange family, even now that the Lestrange family has basically all moved to Azkaban for a reunion.

But even Harry and the gang in the original story had a way of sneaking into the Gringotts to steal the golden cup out of there, so naturally this wasn't a difficult task for Jon either.

It was just that he always felt as if he had forgotten something, and it seemed that it was still something very important.

Jon thought hard for a long time and kept recalling, but never remembered what exactly he had forgotten.

It wasn't until just before he was about to set off from Hogwarts and leave when he saw Harry, who was asking eagerly if he could go out with Lily, that a bolt of lightning suddenly passed through his mind and he finally remembered exactly what he had forgotten!

He jolted his head.

Only now did Jon recall that Voldemort had made more than just six Horcruxes in the original story.

The night he killed the Potters, he had unknowingly turned Harry into one of his Horcruxes as well!

That's what's most problematic at this point.

Harry is a living, breathing human being, and the methods of destroying Horcruxes that are now known are all directly destroying the Horcruxes themselves, which means that if he really wanted to destroy all of them, it would be tantamount to killing Harry as well.

As for how it was done in the original, it consisted of a final confrontation between Harry and Voldemort, in which Voldemort personally killed the soul of the Horcrux that belonged to him in Harry's body by using the killing curse with his own hands.

The reason why this could happen was complicated and required a lot of pre-conditions, but obviously, now that none of these pre-conditions existed or could ever arise again, so, Harry's current state would be a big problem.

Jon frowned with a thoughtful look on his face as he watched Lily, who despite being tempted, insisted on turning Harry down.

No one else noticed a thing, but Dumbledore looked as if he could see the change of expression on Jon's face and after Jon noticed his gaze the two exchanged a glance.

There was no desire to keep this from Dumbledore, but even if he told Dumbledore about it now, he surely wouldn't have any good solution, or it wouldn't have ended up like the original story.

No longer bothered to think more about this matter, he planned to think about what to do with Harry after retrieving all the Horcruxes on the outside first.

In the end, if it wasn't possible, he would take Harry with him before thinking of something else.

Jon collected his thoughts as he took the things Dumbledore had prepared for him and left Hogwarts, starting to head to the first Horcrux hiding spot he had to go to.

He first travelled to Diagon Alley in London via the Floo network and then followed the address Dumbledore had given him to a location in the northwest of London that was roughly twenty minutes or so away on foot from King's Cross Station.

It didn't look any different from any other Muggle neighbourhood anywhere else, and there weren't even any overly strange buildings to be seen until Jon waved his wand in his hand, then without anyone noticing, the two houses in front of him suddenly jumped apart, and proceeded to reveal a quaint and very historic house.

12 Grimmauld Place.

This was none other than the ancestral house of Sirius's family, and in today's world, where Wormtail had escaped as he had in the original story, Sirius had still not been absolved of his crimes and was now hiding in his old home.

Jon came to the large black-painted door covered in scratches, the silver doorknob was in the shape of a large, coiled snake, and there was no keyhole or letterbox on the door.

As per the incantation Dumbledore had taught him, Jon waved the wand in his hand and the next second the door opened in the middle.

After he stepped inside, the door slowly re-closed on its own, and only a pair of glowing and cold eyes met Jon's as the sunlight from outside was completely cut off and the whole of 12 Grimmauld Place was plunged back into darkness and silence.

The faint candlelight lit up and Jon saw the large dog with dark shiny fur standing right in the middle of the room.

On the wall next to it was a mural of a woman who looked as if she had awakened from a doze, and she was hurling loud curses, her voice shrill and fierce, her words all over the place.

There was also a vague glimpse of an extremely pale house elf hiding behind a stair rail not far away, peeking out at what looked like the big black dog and Jon who were confronting each other.

Sirius had no intention of launching an immediate attack on Jon; he was a little reckless, but not stupid.

The number of people who knew the way to enter 12 Grimmauld Place could be counted on one hand, and they were all people he could trust enough, Jon's young appearance came into play at this time, making Sirius' guard not as strong as it should have been.

Jon didn't leave time for misunderstandings to arise, he simply pulled out the letter from Dumbledore and handed it towards Sirius.

"Professor Dumbledore arranged for me to come here to get one thing."

The vigilance in Sirius' eyes did not dissipate, but after hearing Jon's words, he still took human form, and the letter flew out of Jon's hand and finally landed in his hand.

After reading the short content of the letter and seeing Dumbledore's unique seal at the end, Sirius refocused his gaze on Jon.

The wariness in his eyes had disappeared, but there wasn't much intimacy in them either, he simply said.

"You need to find something, I'll take you to get it."

Jon didn't care about his attitude, in the original world Sirius had been the same at first.

"That item should be in the glass case next to the fireplace in the ground floor living room, a locket box with a snake relief on its surface."

Hearing him report such an accurate location, Sirius had more than a little doubt in his eyes, but he didn't ask anything more right away and turned to lead the way in front.

"Follow me."

Jon followed him, keenly seeing the panicked and shocked expression on the face of the elderly house elf hiding behind the stair railing.


#chandru selvakumar, #Muhamad Rafiq Bin Jamil and #Magi, Thanks for all your love and support.

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