In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 496: The Entry Point to Solve the Problem

Durmstrang's Headmaster's office went very quiet.

Grindelwald's words left Jon in shock and contemplation.

He seriously considered whether things would go as Grindelwald thought they would after hearing what he had said.

If everyone in the world becomes a wizard, then there will be no more Muggles, and if there are no more Muggles then the so-called blood is even more nonsense.

Even if there are some conflicts at the beginning due to the exchange of knowledge between the two parties, as long as there are no terrorists like Voldemort, such conflicts will be limited to a small part.

Taking a step back, even if the conflict spreads, the muggles might want to use violence to control all the wizards, or there might be another extremist among the wizards who want to seize world hegemony again.

But unless what has been changed can be reversed, no one on either side can change the general trend.

When enough time has passed, the concept of Muggles will disappear altogether, for all people will no longer fundamentally be different, and magic will be found in every family in the world.

Jon looked up at Grindelwald and finally knew what kind of vision and grand ideals this old man had.

No wonder he had never taken Voldemort seriously.

"So, did your plan succeed?" Jon couldn't help but ask.

The prerequisite for achieving all these goals requires Grindelwald to have found a way to turn Muggles into wizards, and then it should not be too difficult to implement this method. Otherwise, if only a small number of people can be changed, the failure to affect the entire world will only aggravate this contradiction.

Grindelwald said lightly.

"It still needs some improvement, but thanks to the former Deputy Headmaster of Hogwarts Castle, the most difficult part of the problem has been solved, and it is now being tested in a Muggle town. If there are no problems in this trial, then the plan can be implemented in a year at the most".

Hearing this, Jon's eyes widened even more; he hadn't expected Grindelwald's progress to have reached this level.

He had originally thought that this might be something that would take ten or twenty years to complete, at least not something that could be done in a year or two.

But if you think about it, if Grindelwald started preparing for this plan as soon as he left the Tower, then he has been preparing for it for more than ten years.

"But now there is a terrorist in the wizarding world."

Jon wasn't just focusing on Grindelwald's imaginary future.

"If you really do it your way, there is a good chance that you will end up making a wedding dress for Voldemort. He has never been content with just ruling the wizarding world. When he really becomes the supreme ruler of all wizards, he will definitely set his sights on Muggles. When Muggles also become wizards with magical powers at that time, he will also judge their "inferiority" and pass on the bloodline system to the whole world." Jon said to him.

Grindelwald did not deny this claim.

"In fact, at first I never doubted that Albus could solve Voldemort's problem, but after he told me his suspicions, I knew that this ambitious man would be more difficult to deal with than I had imagined."

He looked at Jon, and his eyes met Jon's.

"At that time, I agreed to Albus' last request, that if anything happened to him, I would protect you. As for defeating Voldemort, you must find your own way, there is a different division of labour between us."

Jon took a deep breath and said nothing more.

The issue of wizards and Muggles is actually a ticking time bomb buried under the Statute of Secrecy, and the Bloodline Theory, triggered by Voldemort, is now the fuse of this bomb that is already lit.

All the farsighted people throughout history had always known that this bomb would explode sooner or later. Grindelwald wanted to detonate this bomb in advance in the early twentieth century to protect the dominant position of wizards, but Dumbledore opposed him.

And now, at the end of the twentieth century, Voldemort also wants to use this bomb to fulfil his almost infinite greed.

But Grindelwald, who has come out after a period of enlightenment, has a new understanding of how to solve this bomb. This is where he and Voldemort have always differed.

Regardless of whether he has previously followed the credo of 'for the greater good', what he is doing now is for the greater good of all mankind.

That is why Dumbledore never intervened to stop him, knowing what he was thinking and doing from the very beginning.

Perhaps the two old men have already tacitly begun their respective divisions of labour, one preparing for future changes, the other struggling to solve present problems.

Only now the old man who has fought all his life has entered his eternal sleep, and Jon is responsible for continuing the journey that he has not yet completed.

After this conversation with Grindelwald, Jon did not remain there any longer. He returned to Durmstrang, found a room for himself, and spent the night in silence.

When the next day dawned, before Jon went out, McGonagall suddenly found Jon.

She was not alone, and in her hand, she held a golden branch with a red bird perched on it.

"According to the legacy Albus left behind, in the future Fawkes will be taken care of by you, and among the rest of us, he is only willing to follow you."

Of course, Jon did not refuse the job. He took the golden branch from McGonagall. Fawkes seemed very sad. He rubbed Jon's face.

The touch of Fawkes's feathers gave him some comfort and Jon asked McGonagall.

"Has Professor Slughorn come back?"

"Yes. The night you brought Albus back, he came here to find us, and he's staying at a Witching Horizon's makeshift base in Finland. If you want to find him, I'll take you there via Floo Network."

McGonagall also looked very haggard, she and Flitwick have not yet discussed whether to tell the students and faculty about Dumbledore's status. Some of them will make it public.

But Jon knew that there was no point in hiding this matter at all, because unless Dumbledore could appear in public for an extended period of time, the more they concealed this, the more negative the effect would be. Instead, it was better to say it outright from the start.

He believed that both McGonagall and Flitwick could actually see this, but they were just not ready to accept it yet and needed some buffer time.

Under the guidance of McGonagall, Jon quickly made his way through Durmstrang's Floo network to the Witching Horizon station in Finland.

It is a small two-storey building and only three people live there. Apart from Slughorn, who has just arrived, only Sirius and Bill live here temporarily.

Sirius and Bill had gone out when Jon arrived, only Slughorn was sitting in the lounge.

He looked very pale and there was no Crystallised Pineapple or any other dessert on the coffee table. He was just sitting quietly, thinking about something.

And when he saw Jon coming, he suddenly stood up and looked at Jon with a visibly nervous expression on his face.

Jon knew there would be some news Slughorn didn't know yet, and he only knew about the information provided by Voldemort through the newspapers outside.

So Jon took a deep breath and first told Slughorn about Dumbledore's situation.

"Professor, he is not dead, but his condition is not very good. According to Headmaster Grindelwald, he is now like a person whose soul has been taken by a Dementor."

Slughorn was stunned. Then he slumped back onto the sofa.

As if he had already made some mental preparations, but still couldn't accept the fact outright, he stared dazedly at the coffee table in front of him.

Jon didn't disturb him, just joined him on the only armchair next to him.

It was only a long time later that Slughorn took the wooden box from his pocket and placed it on the coffee table.

"So what good does this thing Albus was so desperate for us to find would do now?"

Jon took the wooden box and opened it, and the Time-Turner, which kept spinning, lay quietly in a pile of golden sand inside the box.

This is the root of all trouble.

The source of all chaos.

"The professor killed him once, and I killed him once later."

Jon said to Slughorn very seriously, and the news obviously made Slughorn look surprised.

"That means he is not invincible. Professor Dumbledore's sacrifice this time shows us a direction. If we haven't found this out by now, after killing Voldemort time and time again, we would never know the reason for his successful resurrection each time, and the price paid would be even greater".

His words made Slughorn regain his composure.

"So what should we do? Find a way to destroy Voldemort's Horcrux in another world. It's not the past or the future, it's a completely different timeline. Voldemort can come here because he caused all this. There's no way we can go over there."

"Calm down, teacher, think about it, we don't need to go to all that trouble." Jon took the time-turner out of the wooden box, and the golden quicksand kept sliding out of the turner.

"This Time-Turner is the real key. It ensures that Voldemort can use the Horcrux Resurrection, a Bridge to another timeline. It is so important to Voldemort that enough people must be dispatched to retrieve it. So we can also put the point of entry to solve the problem at hand!"


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