In Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom

Chapter 87: Unexpected Victim

Three weeks passed after the last attack on Hermione and many students and Professors calmed down. Professors failed to make any progress in their investigation but at least, thanks to their strict monitoring and control, no other student was harmed during this period.

It was almost peaceful but Neville knew this rare peace was going to be broken soon. Why? Because Halloween is coming next week and something will happen to fit into the Weedlogic.

"Neville, where do you think Harry and Ron have disappeared?" Dean asked looking at their cabin half empty.

"Please, Professors are busy with Halloween preparation and Harry finally got a chance to go on his favourite late-night walks. Knowing Ron, he must have begged Harry to also bring him along."

Neville answered and went back on finishing the homework.

Professors have increased the amount of homework in the last month basically forcing all students to sit in the library or in their dorms.

"I heard he failed in the Quidditch trials." Dean gossiped.

"Well, can't blame him. I heard everyone is truly strong on this year's team. Draco joined the Slytherin Quidditch team right?" Neville asked.

"Oh yeah! His father donated new faster brooms for that I believe. Truly an elite." Dean mocked and both boys laughed.

"I am done. You?" Neville said after some time closing the books.

"Me too. Let's go. Let's catch up with others." Dean also said and they moved to the common room to meet others.

Hermione, who recovered from the attack and was back and helping Seamus with his homework. After she was attacked, others tried to stay away from her because they were worried they will be targeted next.

Hermione lost all her popularity again but she didn't care about it. She knew who was her real friends in Hogwarts.

"Hey, you guys are done?" Dean asked as they saw Hermione and Seamus sitting in one corner near the fireplace.

"Yup. We were discussing the winter break. I truly want to get away from Hogwarts for a while," Seamus said looking around.

He hated these cowards in Gryffindor who behaved like they were some plague or something.

"Well, that is in December and we have a lot of time for that," Neville said.

"What about the Halloween party? Will it happen again this year?" Hermione asked.

"Of course. There will be a party. Professor McGonagall asked Professor Weasley to prepare for it, I believe or Ron's secret information, that is flying all over Hogwarts is incorrect." Dean replied with a chuckle.


Meanwhile, Ron and Harry were secretly walking around the Hogwarts castle to check for someone suspicious. After a long time, Harry finally got a chance to use his father's invisible cloak and Ron begged him for hours, leaving him no other choice to bring him along on the trip.

"Harry, this is really cool!" Ron whispered.

"Shh....No sounds." Harry elbowed Ron and both silently moved around the second floor's corridor. Harry had already checked out the fourth and third and so, this time, second floor is Harry's goal.

Harry would sometimes hear strange sounds. Sounds, that were truly inaudible to others. No one except him could hear them and considering he is the great Harry Potter, if he speaks about it, someone will truly make it a big deal.

Hence, he kept this thing hidden from Professors and other students and decided to check the source of the sound. Somehow, he felt the words he heard like - 'HUNGRY', 'KILLING', and 'BLOOD' were all connected to the Secret Chambers of Hogwarts.

However, he had to yet find anything that made those sounds. Walking with Ron in slow and steady steps they crossed classrooms, paintings and slowly walked towards another area, Washroom.

Thankfully, Harry had no interest in peeking inside the girl's washroom, especially an 'out of order' washroom. So, Ron and him managed to avoid that.

After they walked few steps away, a shadow of a person watched them from one corner. Ron and Harry were invisible under Harry's father's invisible cloak but that shadow could clearly feel the fluctuating magical power hidden inside the cloak.

"Magic leave traces... kids these days..." The shadow whispered and then hid inside the washroom.

It made sure no one else was on the floor before opening the chambers again and giving another command to Basilisk.

"Let Halloween truly be scary for you Headmaster, Dumbledore...." The shadow spoke in creepy voice and then left the floor.


"Prof. Weasley, today is your night on the watch, right?" Prof. McGonagall checked with the young professor and he confirmed.

"Please be safe and be alert at all times." Prof. McGonagall advised from behind and Prof. Weasley said - "Always Professor. Always."

"Let's see where are the lovers hiding these days? I think I spent my time in Library in those days," chuckling Prof. Weasley started his late night checking after the curfew time for students.

He actually caught two couples - one in library, almost ready to make a baby there and second one behind a secret empty painting, sharing a private candle light dinner.

"This is your last warning. If I catch you again Berkley and Susan, I shall send you back home immediately. You are not to be outside after the curfew time. Is this not clear yet?" Prof. Bill Weasley was furious (acting) and reprimanded the young 5th year couple before sending them back away to their lounge.

"Gryffindors are making babies and Hufflepuff having candle light dinner. Now, only If I could find Ravenclaw reciting poetry under moon and Slytherin sacrificing a muggle in middle of a bloody star...." Before Prof. Weasley could finish this sentence he felt danger.

Danger like he never felt before. He had been in bad...very bad...situations inside the famous Pyramids but this was truly another level of danger.

Tightening his wand and taking resolve to fight with all his power, he jumped on his left side behind an iron knight to protect himself and get some cover.


Before he could even stand up and do something, the entire Iron Knight was knocked with a huge force that blasted it and crushed it against the wall.

Seeing all the sharp metal pieces fallen from the knight, professor without even looking back, attacked.

"Wingardium Leviosa..." He used the basic spell to levitate all the metal pieces to attack the 'thing' behind and then used another spell immediately "Engorgio".

The small sharp metal pieces became bigger than any sword and attacked the 'thing', however Prof. Weasley was far from happy.

He finally saw the shadow on the ground near him and the shadow confirmed few things.

This is not a spirit but a magical beast.

It's from snake family as the body size in shadow clearly shows its slender body and big head.

He is fighting a monster from the golden age and he is fucked!

"Morgana Smelly Socks!" He cursed his luck and then using all his power for one last attack, he shot - "Confringo"


A Massive blast shook the entire Hogwarts and alerted all students, Professors and even Headmaster who has been waiting for any kind of signal and the Phoenix that was sleeping on its stand, flew hurriedly over his hat.

In a fiery flame that enveloped the two, Headmaster disappeared and appeared right on the scene.

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