In Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom

Chapter 80: Duel Club first meeting

"Welcome...Welcome to the Duel Club. I am glad to see students showing enough interest in this club and your enthusiasm fills my heart with new energy."

An emotional and equally happy Professor Filius Flitwick hit his wand twice (lightly) on the tall podium silencing the entire classroom.

More than 40 second-year students signed up for this club and all were huddled together in the charms classroom.

Professor felt as if he returned to the days when he was young. In those days, Wizards would duel for fun, for solving their disputes and just for showing off. Now, students and even adult wizards don't pay attention to the art of duel anymore.

"Ahem! Now, as a duel master, I would remind you, that no method of a duel is the perfect one and the best way of the duel is the one that suits you. Just like your wand.

You must understand your weakness before you rush to develop your strengths. Only those who truly know where they are weak can fight and survive any battle or duel.

As you know, I am rather short. My art of duelling has always been focused on speed and body movements. I want all of you to practice after me."

Professor Flitwick moved his wand and a table kept in front changed into a shape of a man. This was the perfect display of Transfiguration.

The man stood up and a wand soon came in his hand. He showed his amazing movements of rolling and jumping while pointing his wand at multiple places. Professor Flitwick kept controlling the wooden man like a conductor in ballet and the wooden man kept performing.

With only one spell, the professor showed the vast difference between the teen wizards and adult wizards.

"All right, these are the basic movements. Jumping, rolling down and using the charms. These must be done in perfect sync and without taking any gap. Take off your robes. Stand in a line of 10 and make sure you have a two-hand distance from each other.

Hurry up!"

Professor commanded and students started rushing to form lines and get in their position. However, since this was the first time, it took a little longer than the professor expected.

"Okay, Follow the movements." Professor again controlled the wooden man and this time students tried to mirror its movements.

However, there were many funny accidents.

"Ouch! Are you trying to kill me, Crabbe?" A loud voice came from Slytherin's side and Professor found, that Vincent Crabbe rolled on the ground but could not control his movement and almost crushed the smaller Draco.

Before he could do something, an equally 'healthy' Gregory Goyle rolled like a ball and fell directly on top of Crabbe!

"Merlin! Get off, Crabbe! Get off now!" Shouted Draco. Draco was feeling like he was getting crushed under the weight.

Finding Professor was busy (with controlling the wooden man) and feeling pity for Draco, Hermione moved her wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa" A soft voice came and both Crabbe and Goyle were lifted a little and then pushed away from Draco.

Professor noticed the wonderful display of charm and could not help himself from blurting out "very good use of your charms again, Granger. Five points to Gryffindor."

Hermione smiled and then focused on her movements. For girls, jumping and rolling down was a lot tricker than for boys. They hardly ever did any such physical exercise.

So, many girls also fell face first on the floor or some tripped on the student in front, and some just did it at snail's speed to avoid any injury.

"Shhhpp...I think I have never seen Professor's face like this," A slow whisper came from behind and Neville knew it must be Seamus.

"Well, this class is going downhill. Literally," said Neville and while moving he gave a glance to Dean.

Dean who was standing in front also noticed the same situation and when he looked back at Neville, he noticed his eyes.

[ Do something - Neville ] Neville moved his eyes toward the professor.

[What?] Dean just moved his head up.

[Talk to Professor! Go!] Neville moved his head towards the professor again.

Dean stopped his exercise and walked toward the Professor.

"Professor, I think we should keep this set of exercise as a practice for club members in private. Why don't we first check the charms that are good for the duel?" Dean moved closed to Professor and spoke softly.

"It seems that is the only way." Professor also understood the situation and decided to focus on duel charms first.

"Okay, get back to your position first. Everyone. Hurry up." Professor again commanded and this time, a student with a lot more energy hurriedly took back their position.

"Now, during any duel, the first way to put your enemy in a weaker position is to remove the wand in his hand. Many wizards, even most of the older ones, cannot use their magic without wands.

Thomas, come here."

Professor asked for Dean to come to his front.

"Okay, pick your wand in hand. Try to attack me with any spell you know. Okay." Professor said and Dean nodded.

Professor moved a little further back and the dean also moved back to create some distance between them.

"Read?" Professor asked and when he saw Dean nodding, he shouted "Start!"

"Locomotor Mortis," Dean said loudly and threw a leg locking charm at Professor.

" Finite," Professor said and a shield formed around him, nullifying the attack from Dean. Without giving a moment for Dean to attack again, Professor pointed his want towards Dean and said, "Expelliarmus".

A thin beam of white light flew straight to Dean and knocked his wand out of his hand.

"See, this is the basic way to disarm your opponent. The charm I used is one of the most widely used charms in a duel. It's pronounced as "Ex-PEL-lee-ar-muss" and the one I used for the shield is pronounced as "fi-NEE-tay".

Now, form a group of two and I will come to check your progress and guide you."

Professor said and moved down from the podium.

Meanwhile, students found their partners -like Harry-Ron, Draco-Blaise Zabini, Hermione-Kellah and started practicing.

This was the first duel class and without any big incident, it passed in this way.

However, while all the students were practicing in their classroom, a dark figure moved towards the washroom on the second-floor girls' lavatory, more commonly known as Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom.

"Open up," it said except the sound came like a hissing noise.

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