In Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom

Chapter 75: The Diadem Horcrux

Ms Ravenclaw left the three girls and made her way to the ROR room and waited for her single student.

Neville came soon after, gave her a curtsy bow and then both entered their private space.

Neville was very excited today because last night he received a letter from Winny about the potion – Aqua Benedicta finally changed its colour and was now ready to use.

Neville had asked for three large vials of the potion and today he was ready to experiment with the first Horcrux and fulfil the promise he made a year back.

If he is able to purify the dark magic and push out the piece of soul separated from Voldemort, he will use one of the African Voodoo dolls. These dolls have been a part of African Magical system for thousand of years and can be used in multiple ways.

Neville is going to use this as a container to store the broken soul and then torment it until the soul collapses from the repeated torture. For someone like Voldemort, destroying the Horcrux is an easy punishment.

Since volde divided his soul into seven parts, he will torment his horcruxes for seven lifetimes.

"It's a great day, Isn't it Professor Ravenclaw?" Neville asked once they entered the ROR.

"It might be more appropriate to call it a refreshing one Neville, but I don't think you are up to date with the latest events in Hogwarts. You should spend more time with friends you know."

Professor calmly guided Neville but Neville had no idea what Professor was speaking about. If only he was in Gryffindor lounge, he would have heard about the brave bushy head who destroyed the entire group of Ravenclaw girls alone. Sadly, this boy is sometimes more busy with animals than people.

"Well, I will pay attention to that Professor. However, I have a present for you. This might make this day a great one. Please hold your breath for the one and only – Aqua Benedicta."

Neville like a salesman presented his greatest potion creation to the professor and explained the ins and outs of it. After the wait of hundred years, Helena Ravenclaw felt her soul shaking with excitement.

"Are you sure this will work Neville?" Professor asked hopefully.

"We can only know after we try Professor. Let me do the honours!" Neville used wandless and silent magical casting to take out the Horcrux that was safely kept here and then put it on a stand in front of them.

Then the three large vials of potions flew in air.

"Let's back a little Professor. I don't know what kind of reaction it will cause and for a piece of soul infused with black magic, this might prove fatal to you."

Neville and Helena backed a little away from the dull grey Diadem and then Neville continued the experiment.

The corks came out of the vials and clear blue liquid drops fell on the grey crown.


A huge black shadow suddenly came out of the diadem. It was screaming in pain and agony. The shadow was like fluid water, changing shape and making faces that were distorted in pain and cursing.

Neville took out the African doll and threw it directly on top of the crown before dropping all the potion at once.


The shadow shrieked in a sharp loud tone that led Helena Ravenclaw feel intense fear and she flew directly to the corner of the room while Neville felt his head was going to split up in pieces due to the intense noise.

Neville had to block his brain with all his willpower to reduce the pain and then he watched as the shadow flew directly inside the voodoo doll at an incredibly fast speed that made it look like that doll was sucking the shadow inside it.

As soon as the shadow left the crown, the doll started glowing with multiple red runes and it shook multiple times before finally, it fell down to the floor.

Neville was bleeding from his nose and ears, but he was ready for these kinds of emergencies. Taking out small vials of healing potion, he chugged all of them one after another.

After what felt like a lifetime, both Neville and Professor Helena were able to pick themselves up and move near the Diadem. The diadem itself had changed greatly in appearance.

The grey dull-looking diadem was now silver-white, glowing with a faint shine, the large blue sapphire in the middle was even more imposing and impressive. The eagle head which looked almost black previously was shining in brilliance.

Simply, it was breathtakingly beautiful. If this was not a relic belonging to Ravenclaw, Neville would have definitely 'kept' it for his own family.

"Is it done? Is it finally done? Can I touch it? Let me touch it, okay!" Before Neville could even respond, Helena Ravenclaw impatiently tried to hold the diadem, but it was impossible for her to touch it.

Helena's hand passed the diadem at once and her joy and excitement stagnated at that instant.

"Professor…?" Neville had no words to use at this moment.

The room fell silent, but one can hear faint sound of sobbing.

"Can you touch it, Neville?" After a long time, Professor finally spoke.

Neville nodded and picked up the magnificent piece of artwork. It felt a little cold but there was no other reaction.

"Put it on head Nev." Professor instructed, and Neville followed.

Neville excitedly put the diadem on his head and after a second, he felt his thoughts clearing up and many things that once confused him became clear. The runes that felt like an impossible puzzle simply became clear to him. The notes on charms that confused him in past were also easily deciphered in his head.

Neville understood this must be the legendary power of the diadem that is often mentioned in the stories. He hurriedly picked up his quills and papers and started writing multiple things at once. The feeling that this was wasting too much time, he used the auto quills to simply put all his thoughts on paper at a rapid pace.

In this wonderful and magical moment, Neville forgot everything around him. Time, place and Professor Helena became meaningless and only the answers to his problems became the key point.

The quills kept rushing and papers kept piling up. No one disturbed Neville.

Professor Helena simply watched the boy, and she could swear she saw the shadow of her mother in him.


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