In Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom

Chapter 73: 3 strange girls

Hermione woke up today feeling her head was a little heavy. It's been a few days since she ever had a good rest. In the morning she is busy with the classes and at the night, she often reads books from the library and notes taken from seniors.

In her desperate attempt to claim the maximum points for her house, Hermione has chased, stalked, and begged all the seniors she could find in her house and take their notes. This got her a new nickname – The Crazy Reader.

Surprisingly this was not the first or second crazy girl in Hogwarts. The first one was - The Loony Luna, who is often dazed and walking the halls barefoot. She is completely ignored by her classmates and dorm mates and is often bullied.

The second one is - The Poor Pansy. This Slytherin Girl had the guts to become friends with a Gryffindor and was the main cause of the last year's incident. This year everyone in Slytherin's house knows that the Parkinson family has fled to the US and this girl is really poor.

Somehow, all three girls were an anomaly in their houses.

A crazy reader in Gryffindor, A lunatic in Ravenclaw and a Poor noble house girl in Slytherin who supports Blood Traitors.

If this was just enough to confuse many in Hogwarts, then the next news was even more confusing. All three girls were friends and would often share lunch or notes or sometimes even books. Too confusing for kids who hate students from other houses.

"Luna, why are you not wearing your shoes again?" Pansy caught Luna who was walking barefoot in the halls in the morning.

"Well, somehow, I keep losing them. I suspect the Nargles are behind it." Luna replied with her head down trying to avoid the topic. But Pansy Parkinson is not the one to accept such a thing.

"Let's go and catch these Nargles, shall we?" Pansy said and before Luna could argue, she was dragged by her senior friend.

Hermione also saw this when she was finishing her breakfast and the oddity interested her. So, she followed the two.

Pansy and Luna came to the famous eagle doors of the Ravenclaw common entrance.

The eagle knockers asked them the riddle – "What is that has a beginning but no end?"

Pansy didn't even have to think this hard – "Death! It begins with life but has no end. All things that are born must die."

The eagle knockers took a second before it replied – "You passed" and then opened the doors to their room.

Pansy dragged Luna and then Luna took the lead and the duo walked towards Luna's dormitory. There were many Raven girls and boys who saw this strange scene.

'How dare a Slytherin Girl invaded their territory?'

Hence, the duo got a small crowd, a curious crowd, following them.

"This is my room. You know, I think we should have come here in better times." Luna replied with a smile, but Pansy was having none of it. She has first-hand experience of the torture and bullying in Hogwarts, and she is not going to let her friend get bullied like that.

Pansy pushed the doors open and when she walked in, she found that three dormmates of Luna were going through her stuff. Her trunk was open and all things were spread out on the floor.

Even a fool could tell who the 'Nargles' were in Luna dorm.

"Take your hands off from that, you little rotten thieves!" Pansy lost her cool when she saw the scene. For her, who just realised the value of money in the wizarding world, seeing the situation of someone robbing and destroying someone's private good, especially in this case when the trunk belongs to her friend, is an unforgivable crime.

With a simple pushing charm, all three girls were slammed into the wall. Pansy showed her growth and effectiveness in using elemental spells. She used multiple wind charms and controlled them like an adult witch and within minutes, all the things that were placed on the floor flew inside Luna's trunk.

If Pansy had shown this kind of spell work in the previous year, Professor Flitwick would have given her 20 points on the spot.

However, the kind act of Pansy went horribly wrong in the eyes of other Raven girls who followed the duo.

"How dare you hurt the raven girls inside their dorms?" A senior girl used strong spells to knock Pansy to one side after she saw three Raven girls were pushed into the walls of their dorms helplessly.

Pansy unwilling to admit defeat, used the knockback charm and shot the senior girl ruthlessly.

The argument turned into a full-scale brawl and more and more Raven girls joined to attack Pansy.

Facing so many wands and so many attacks at the same time, Pansy turned into a complete punching bag.

"Get down!" A strong familiar voice came into Pansy's ear at this moment, and she jumped on the floor instinctively.

Luna who was also helping Pansy simply followed her and both the girl just escaped a disaster.

"Ahhh! What kind of smell is this?"

"Who threw a dung bomb here?"

"Who let this Gryffindor come here?"

Many voices could be heard in the Ravenclaw girl's dormitory and Pansy knew their last friend, Gryffindor bookworm came to rescue them.

Pansy dragged Luna and shot multiple spells to clear a way out for both of them and then ran towards the voice.

She found Hermione, standing tall on a chair and soon the trio escaped the Ravenclaw's common room and rushed towards an empty corridor.

Behind the trio, one can hear someone vomiting, someone cursing and someone crying. After all, how could the girls in Ravenclaw escape the fearsome Dung Bomb without paying a greater price?

"You know that was crazy?" Hermione said to Pansy.

"Well, they were bullying Luna," Pansy replied and Luna just nodded like a chicken.

"We should talk to Professor Flitwick. He will understand." Hermione said but even she was not that confident. After all, the tree created a mess inside the Ravenclaw's girls' dorms and attacked many girls without a good reason.

"I don't think that will be a problem. It was the most exciting thing that happened inside Ravenclaw dormitory in the last 50 years If I can remember correctly."

A pleasant soft voice suddenly interrupted the girls' conversation and they found, the ghost of Ravenclaw, The Grey Lady floating behind them.

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