Immanent Ascension

Chapter 23: Something Big…. (1)

“What’s the situation?” Aban Saddi asked.

Walking to the table, Shemesh said, “While investigating the incident in Garden Terrace, we followed a lead that took us out toward the city walls. We found a warehouse there, with a tunnel leading to the outside. Probably built by smugglers, but controlled by fucking cultists. Some Abhorrent ambushed us. Now they’re loose in the city.”

Aban Saddi nodded. “Something similar happened to Ninsunu.”

Shemesh exhaled heavily. “Considering how it played out, I… I have no choice but to admit I was wrong.” He looked at Ninsunu. “You’re right, Nina. At least about their goal. It seems obvious that they’re after us.”

“But if that’s the case, why have they been slaughtering the Unsighted?” Aban Saddi asked.

“If they’re after melam, then it makes sense,” Ninsunu said. “The Unsighted have melam within them, just not huge stockpiles like we do. Even flies are meat, right?”

“I never thought I’d see the day,” Shemesh said, “when I agreed completely with Nina. But yes, that analogy makes sense.”

Ninsunu tilted her head up slightly. “The group of Abhorrents we uncovered chased us halfway across the city before disappearing. Somewhere between Harborview and here. Presumably, something similar happened with you?”

He nodded. “We fought our way free from the initial onslaught. Then ran. And yes, at a certain point, they stopped pursuing us. Frankly… I was too concerned with our own safety to confirm where exactly they went.”

Aban Saddi massaged his temples. “At least we know our previous theory about how they got inside was correct. Tunnels.”

“It’s the same in Harborview as well,” Ninsunu said. “The slums have two or three smuggler tunnels to every one that exists elsewhere.”

“What if they’re gathering in preparation for a major assault?” Shemesh said. He looked at Ninsunu.

“It’s not impossible,” she said. “In fact… it seems entirely plausible.”

“We need to confirm one way or another,” Aban Saddi said. “Ataneedusu, go find Colonel Nur-Ayya. Have him quadruple the troops on the battlements and do the same with patrols. I want soldiers on the streets trying to figure out where these things are. Tell them to observe, not engage. I want mages inside the walls for now. Have the colonel assign at least three soldiers to every magic user. I want all of them guarded at all times. Also… bring the families inside the walls. The last thing we need is mages going out to check on loved ones.”

“Yes, Mystic,” Ataneedusu said. Leaning to Xerxes, he said, “See you later, Son.”

“Bye, Dad.”

The higher-ranking mages went on to discuss more details of their plan to deal with Abhorrent, asking occasional bits of advice and input even from Gandash and Xerxes. For the frist time, Xerxes was feeling what it was like to actually be part of the mages of the planet, and not just a student. It felt good.

Eventually, Aban-Saddi dismissed the Seers, telling them to go to sleep and be ready for further assignments in the morning.

Xerxes’ father hadn’t returned, but there were already troops lined up outside the door, ready to escort the mages who left the council room. Six of them were assigned to Xerxes and Gandash, and marched behind them as they made their way to the general sleeping quarters set aside for mages.

With soldiers virtually hovering over their shoulders, it was hard to make conversation. However, Xerxes was able to recount his foray into Harborview, and Gandash explained in detail what happened to him as part of Shemesh’s team.

“I was totally useless,” Gandash said. “Like I have been this entire time.”

“Don’t say that,” Xerxes said. “We’re only Seers, after all. How’s your chamber?”

“I have enough for one spell. That’s it. At least you know how to fight, Xerk.”

“Fighting isn’t everything. Remember what happened at Ligish Castle? Your spellcasting saved my life. Keep your component pouch ready.”


The soldiers took their responsibility seriously, leaving two of their number to guard the entrance door, and stationing the others in key locations both in the room and down the hall.

After laying on the bed, Xerxes was certain he would be woken up within minutes to hear about a massive wave of Abhorrent monsters storming the castle. The thought was so terrifying that he didn’t think he could sleep. However, exhaustion caught up to him quickly, and before he realized it, he was snoring.

A nightmare woke him just before the sun rose, and he couldn’t sleep after that. Everything was quiet; obviously, there hadn’t been any sort of nighttime assault on the keep. He lay in bed, thinking about how strange the world had become, and wondering what the day would bring. Would they flee the city to try to draw out the Abhorrent? Or would Ninsunu finally convince Aban Saddi to have everyone hide in the castle?

Xerxes wasn’t quite sure what his opinion was. If it came to a vote, he’d probably just go along with whatever side seemed likely to win.

There were different soldiers in the room. They’d obviously changed shifts during the night. There were also a few other sleeping forms.

He quietly left, escorted by three soldiers, to get breakfast. He hoped to go find his mother and sister after that, but before he could, word came from Aban Saddi that everyone needed to gather for a meeting. This time, the council chamber was packed, not only with the mages who had been missing the night before, but also with governmental and military figures, including King Nabuhisnu’isin and Colonel Nur-Ayya.

One of the mages to return was Fale of Od, who had been Bel’s mentor and close friend. She had the same fair skin and hair as Bel and Captain Ishki, but her braids were longer and interspersed with bone jewelry. And her mage garments were altered to be much more utilitarian and decidedly less modest.

“Is it true?” she yelled before she was even through the door. “Is Bel’s corpse just sitting out there for the dogs and crows to eat?”

“I’m sorry, Fale,” said Aban Saddi.

Fale then unleashed a scream of rage that left Xerxes’ ears ringing and his chest tight as he suddenly found himself recalling the horror of the bridge.

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