I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 81: Able

Item No: SCP-076 (Able)

Object Class: Keter

Description: SCP-076 consists of two components: a stone cube (SCP-076-1) and a humanoid entity contained within (SCP-076-2).

SCP-076-1 is a 3 m cube made of black speckled metamorphic stone. All surfaces outside and within SCP-076-1 are covered in deeply engraved patterns corresponding to no known civilizations. Radioisotope analysis indicates that the object is approximately ten thousand (10,000) years old. Directly in the center of the room is a 2.13 m tall stone coffin, held in place and sealed shut by several chains of unknown make and substance, which are attached to the inner corners of SCP-076-1.

SCP-076-2 resembles a lean Semitic human male in his late twenties called "Able". Hair is black, and eyes are gray, skin tone olive. Numerous tattoos depicting arcane and occult iconography are present all over the body.

SCP-076-2 is hostile and aggressive toward humans and is generally found in a sarcophagus physically dead.

However, occasionally SCP-076-2 will awaken, effectively "reanimating", complete with all vital processes needed to sustain a living human being. The subject will then attempt to leave SCP-076-1. If successful, the subject will enter a trance state and seek out the nearest human being, ignoring all other living things in the process. Upon coming into contact with living humans, SCP-076-2 will enter a rage state in which it attempts to engage and kill all human beings encountered.

In the event SCP-076-2 breaks through the containment, the Foundation will immediately send the MTF to suppress it with firepower until SCP-076-2 is dead again. After death, SCP-076-2's body will regenerate inside the sarcophagus until the next reanimation.


On the plane, Zhang Jue recalled the information regarding Able. For Able, his information wasn't complicated. Simply put, this is a sociopathic madman who hates all humans and enjoys killing.

Abe is very strong, full of desire to destroy, eager to fight at all times, and only the death of his opponents can calm him down. However, despite his murderous personality, he is respectful of powerful opponents. The death of his recognized opponents will make him fall into a sad mood—a realistic version of Ao Tian Dragon.

If you are stronger than him, everything will be fine.

If you can't beat him and make him think you're just a rookie, he might have to stomp on you twice after slaughtering you and curse you for being a trash opponent, or if he didn't even hold himself back, one AoE skill and you're dead, saving you from his stomping.

The real trouble for Zhang Jue is that Able is still serving in the MTF Omega-7 squad today. The Omega-7, also known as The Pandora's Box, is known as one of the worst things that happened to the Foundation after the Chaos Insurgency.

Some of the higher-ups in the Foundation wanted to use Able's powerful combat capabilities against some of the more difficult enemies but ended up turning his side against us.

As far as Zhang Jue could remember, after serving in Pandora's Box for a while, Able broke the restrictions the Foundation had placed on him and launched a killing spree. The result was that the Foundation detonated a nuclear bomb, "killing" Able, and contained him at the expense of the entire site facility and staff.

But still, this world's timeline and SCP are different from what he knows. When will Able break the restriction is not yet known.

Since he knew about it, he had to go for it. He is not the Lord and Saviour, but the detonation of nuclear bombs should not happen or don't even happen at all for the greater good.

Some people may ask since Zhang Jue knew that Able would break through the containment, why didn't he take early precautions and notify the Foundation? He came to this world for so long. All he does is fucking eat, drink, play and pick up girls to go?

There are more than a few thousand SCP Objects documented. How many of them happened, and how many of them can be accurately known when they happened? Zhang Jue is a man, not a god, he can remember some of the major events, but he can't have all the details in front of him.

Yes, his memory hall is stored in the SCP section, but an event must trigger the corresponding book to open. Very simple, like a computer. The storage can be very large, but the memory is limited.

This time, he remembered the incident with Able because of Dr. Bright's words. Zhang Jue had a high level of authority within the Foundation. People like Dr. Bright, whose entire family worked for the Foundation, naturally understood the importance of Zhang Jue as a person to the Foundation.

Therefore Dr. Bright barely hesitated and made an immediate decision to put Zhang Jue on the plane before sending a request to the Foundation for the nearest MTF to travel to Area-25 for support, not even knowing exactly why Zhang Jue was in such a hurry. Working with such reliable people did make Zhang Jue very comfortable.

One of the famous doctors in the Foundation, regardless of their reputation on the outside. They had absolutely unquestionable abilities. It was only when he got to the plane that Zhang Jue spoke to Dr. Bright about the possibility of Able breaking through the containment.

Dr. Bright's monkey face almost tangled together, "I knew those guys were unreliable. The Chaos Insurgency fiasco hasn't taught them a lesson yet."

The "guys" Dr. Bright was referring to were naturally the senior management of the Foundation, and with his seniority in the Foundation, he could call out their names.

Zhang Jue shrugged his shoulders, and he was too lazy to complain about these things. But then again, it was because of the existence of unique people that made the world was so colorful. There were always some idiots who reminded you that the place you lived in was not heaven.

The plane slowly rose into the air, and Zhang Jue looked out the window. A single white cloud flashed by, and his thoughts opened.

Able's problem had distracted him and managed to free him from his sadness. In the end, Zhang Jue had never been a pretentious person. Although Shirley was still unconscious, he had figured out a few things under Dr. Bright's persuasion. Just as he had said to Shirley at the time, as long as they live, there's a chance for it.

Shirley is only sleeping now, and he believes that she will wake up one day. What in this world is more exciting than reuniting after a long time? He was already looking forward to that day.

Zhang Jue looked through the window and into the sky. Now there was only one last question left.

In this world, would Able betray the Foundation or not?


Thousands of miles away. Area-25. Inside a secret training ground.

"Able, don't go too far. It's just a training session, and you've left two people with broken jaws! They are your teammates, not enemies!"

"Useless people, staying in the team is a burden. Do you guys want to get killed by them when you go on a mission? Oh, I forgot, you guys are used to hiding behind others and being a bunch of cowards anyway." Inside the training ground, all the team members glared at Albe, while the man with tattoos all over his body slung the long black sword in his hand over his shoulder with a sneer on his face.

"You, you, and you. Forget it, all of you together. Come at me." He casually ripped off the explosive collar around his neck and threw it on the ground as if it was nothing.

"I've been bored to death every day in this training ground. Are you scums ready to die?"

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